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devin is fucking tripping. devin did everything he could do provoke johnny, and when you poke and prod and agitate, and literally follow somebody around an entire giant complex like that, begging them to lose their cool, then get what you paid for. the righteous indignation and sanctimony doesn't fly with me. when you go out of your way to push someone to and beyond their breaking point, you don't get to cry about the results, or act like something egregious has been done to you. it's no different than watching a bully shove a kid shove a kid shove a kid, call him names, shove him again, and then wham- bully gets dropped on his head and nobody feels bad for him. Devin begged for this, and he got it. 

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I wish TJ had told him he had ruined any chance to be back on this show, he was strictly relegated to whatever that baby momma show he’s on now. 

I know that’s not TJ’s call, but it would have been awesome. 


there's too much feminine energy on this season. we really need to get back to alpha male and female competition, and away from this young buck/lavender losers drama crap. 


  On 10/24/2018 at 11:40 AM, spystud13 said:

I wish TJ had told him he had ruined any chance to be back on this show, he was strictly relegated to whatever that baby momma show he’s on now. 

I know that’s not TJ’s call, but it would have been awesome. 


but if this show had done that 15 years ago..... we would have gone 10+ years without CT, and we would have lost the most iconic moment of the whole show when CT went beast mode on bananas and carried him like a backpack.


Cory is the typical lovestuck idiot, but he has some ability, he just needs to get his head straight.  Kinda reminds me a lot of Tony from seasons ago before Tony stopped drinking.

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I have to admit, I've always kind of like Corey.  Even worse, I like Devin on these shows quite a bit.  I think he brings something different than the rest of the new guys.  Mainly brains.   And he's funny when he's not fixated on Bananas.  I don't even mind Nelson too much.  Hunter can go eat a bag of dicks and take Ashley with him.  With that said, this season is really testing my ability to like these guys.  I think it's their proximity to the possibly the worst person to even appear on these shows in Shane.  The look of sadness on his face when Corey/Devin got the boot was delicious.  All of his scheming down the drain and back to square one with Bananas having all the momentum.  How bad of a human being do you have to be to make everyone root for Bananas?  I want him and Tony to win just to shove it in Shane's face.  

I also really enjoyed Kam giving Kyle shit for losing to Natalie.  "I lost to a legend.  You lost to...Natalie."  



  • Like 1

Fun episodes.  Everyone has said exactly what I've thought.


BTW, I don't think Bananas should have pulled the Dad card, but honestly, what did he say that was wrong or crossing the line?

He said that Devin should be home mourning his farther, not in South Africa causing problems.  He said he hoped the Devin "apple" fell far from the tree of his father(and even said Devin's dad was probably a great dude.


People acting like it was so low brow for him to go there, after being poked and prodded the entire time while Bananas was trying to get away are ridiculous.  Especially after hearing what Bananas actually said...which wasn't a damned thing derogatory about a man that had just passed away.


It’s pretty funny that Devin followed him around the compound trying get Bananas to engage him (verbally he said, but we know what he actually was hoping for) and once Bananas spoke, he crushed him. Be careful what you ask for.

It’s amazing the power the Shane effect has. I like Devin but I didn’t even feel a twinge of pity for him when they got sent home. Kind of surprised by my reaction. And I didn’t have a problem with the dad comment based on his behavior. Bananas apology was probably merited but I’d have had no problem with it if he hadn’t. It was nice of Johnny to see the two of them off. With an awesome smart ass comment.


the mental torture of that building blocks elimination was awesome. i also looooved watching shane talk all this shit about this huge power move that he made (when in reality he did nothing), followed by his team getting last place and him crying about it. he is *the worst*, and of all the terrible things you can say about amanda, ashley, marie, and sylvia, the fact that they are all super close friends with this guy is the biggest proof that they are shitty people with terrible judgment.


also, i have to say that i'm really excited about paulie being on the show going forward. he's constant (unintentional) comedic relief. he's got such a bad case of little man syndrome, and combining the fact that he's a challenge super fan and a giant cheese ball, lines like, "they'll have to kill me before they send me to gbat redemption house" keep me laughing every week. he is a movie character in his own head. like i'm pretty sure he sees himself as Swayze in Roadhouse.


well, the only way tony & bananas can get back is if they pull the double cross.  because other than an outside chance of Kyle & Brad picking them, there is no one else in that house that will pick them as an opponent.  and even if they do pull the double cross, who the hell do they pick as their opponent? 

kyle/brad is the only choice that makes sense in terms of alliances,  but still a dangerous opponent.  they would never pick shane/nelson, and the Kam/kaleigh girl/girl thing means production would penalize the shit out the guys on that.

  On 10/24/2018 at 6:46 PM, Drew said:

Fun episodes.  Everyone has said exactly what I've thought.


BTW, I don't think Bananas should have pulled the Dad card, but honestly, what did he say that was wrong or crossing the line?

He said that Devin should be home mourning his farther, not in South Africa causing problems.  He said he hoped the Devin "apple" fell far from the tree of his father(and even said Devin's dad was probably a great dude.


People acting like it was so low brow for him to go there, after being poked and prodded the entire time while Bananas was trying to get away are ridiculous.  Especially after hearing what Bananas actually said...which wasn't a damned thing derogatory about a man that had just passed away.



I have a different take.

All of them that go on the show know what they are signing up for and know that arguments and lame fights get air time. Some are legit and some are for show, some fueled by alcohol and others by lame twitter beefs that carry over onto the show. In most cases they know it's just to keep their brand going and provide good content so they get called back for the next payday so they don't have to get real jobs. 

HOWEVER, saying what Banana did crossed a line that I think everyone that has been on the show and is part of that "family" would agree (hell, even he apologized and said it crossed the line).

The problem is those that dislike him will just add more fuel to the fire and he will continue to be the polarizing figure that he has always been. That said he gets it and is amazing on the show. I can't imagine what a season without him or some of the other old school vets would be as many of the others can't hold a candle to him, CT and a few others.   


Once again, what exactly did he say that was derogatory about his father?  That was my whole point.


I'm sorry, I'm not giving Devin a pass on this and I'm not going to kill Bananas for what he said either...not after what he had to put up with for probably an hour or so.


Yeah, he said something like "I hope you were nothing like your father since you are an asshole" and though it's still mean and insensitive, it's non like it was unprovoked. Johnny did what he could to diffuse the situation and producers/security didnt. That's where the blame lies for me.

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I didn't have a problem with it either.  If Devin was being such a persistently unbearable prick, I don't think Bananas goes there.   Otherwise, Bananas would have already gone there.  He pushed him to get a response.  He got one.  Take the loss, Pussy.   


  On 10/31/2018 at 5:25 PM, Go Pokes said:

I didn't have a problem with it either.  If Devin was being such a persistently unbearable prick, I don't think Bananas goes there.   Otherwise, Bananas would have already gone there.  He pushed him to get a response.  He got one.  Take the loss, Pussy.   




Fair enough but then own it. Don't give an apology if you don't feel bad for saying it and saying that you crossed the line. 

  On 10/31/2018 at 6:00 PM, JimmyHoffa said:


Fair enough but then own it. Don't give an apology if you don't feel bad for saying it and saying that you crossed the line. 


I disagree with that 100%.  Owning means you meant it.  I'm not saying he should be proud of it, but he was pushed to the point where he said something he probably shouldn't have, though what he said was if anything complimentary to Devin's dad.  Other than saying he raised a shitty son of course.  I don't think any of us are saying, "Nice burn Bananas!'   I think what we are saying is, don't be such a fucking dick Devin and then cry like a little bitch looking for sympathy when someone snaps and comes back at you as an even bigger dick.   I hope that makes sense.  

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  On 10/31/2018 at 6:06 PM, Go Pokes said:

I disagree with that 100%.  Owning means you meant it.  I'm not saying he should be proud of it, but he was pushed to the point where he said something he probably shouldn't have, though what he said was if anything complimentary to Devin's dad.  Other than saying he raised a shitty son of course.  I don't think any of us are saying, "Nice burn Bananas!'   I think what we are saying is, don't be such a fucking dick Devin and then cry like a little bitch looking for sympathy when someone snaps and comes back at you as an even bigger dick.   I hope that makes sense.  


It does and we are probably discussing semantics at this point but Devin AND Bananas can both be wrong, as I am not arguing that Devin wasn't acting like an asshole. I (again my personal opinion) is that talking shit about his Dad's death is far worse than Devin being an annoying little bitch. Again, some might not feel that way which is fine we can agree to disagree. 

And whether or not this makes a damn bit of difference I am not sure but my wife and I watched the episode last night which happened to be the 3rd anniversary of her Dad dying from Brain Cancer which might have something to do with me having a bigger issue with it then others. 


  On 10/31/2018 at 8:56 PM, JimmyHoffa said:

It does and we are probably discussing semantics at this point but Devin AND Bananas can both be wrong, as I am not arguing that Devin wasn't acting like an asshole. I (again my personal opinion) is that talking shit about his Dad's death is far worse than Devin being an annoying little bitch. Again, some might not feel that way which is fine we can agree to disagree. 

And whether or not this makes a damn bit of difference I am not sure but my wife and I watched the episode last night which happened to be the 3rd anniversary of her Dad dying from Brain Cancer which might have something to do with me having a bigger issue with it then others. 



I'm listening to Devin on the Challengemania podcast right now and he readily admits they were both wrong.  We probably are talking semantics.   He also said that whole following him around incident only lasted about 15 minutes, so maybe I should back off my stance a bit.  Love him or hate him, unlike most of these newbies, Devin is not hypocritical and dishonest.  Him looking at the video and realizing he wrong wrong about the "trip" and admitting it seems like a no-brainer.  But I doubt Hunter, Shane, Ashely, or Amanda would ever admit they are wrong about anything like that.  And I listened to another Challenge podcast this week and the female host's dad had died at some point in the past and she was completely anti-Bananas on this subject.  STRONGLY anti-Bananas.  So I bet your last comment has some truth to it as well.  


Devin on Challengemania here:  https://www.spreaker.com/user/challengemania/cm-81-devin

Pretty interesting listen, as was the Bananas one from a few weeks ago.  


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are cara and paulie together? if so, wow and good for paulie. the guy is a super fan of the show which means that he's been watching cara for, what, like a decade or more? dude has been fantasizing about this chick for years and now he's with her. good for him. and good for us. paulie as a challenge mainstay is going to be great. 

  On 11/2/2018 at 9:22 AM, spystud13 said:

It was bad. As with all reality shows, who knows how true it all is, but this one was not good. 


I've been watching it since it started.  It's amazing people allow other people to choose a tattoo of whatever the hell they want to put on them.  

  On 11/2/2018 at 5:06 AM, Goo Punch said:

are cara and paulie together? if so, wow and good for paulie. the guy is a super fan of the show which means that he's been watching cara for, what, like a decade or more? dude has been fantasizing about this chick for years and now he's with her. good for him. and good for us. paulie as a challenge mainstay is going to be great. 


Yeah he is.  But consider who he cheated on to get with Cara, then you might think otherwise of "good for Paulie"



so yeah,  Paulie and CaraMarie are fucking but not exclusive....




"We're seeing each other," the Fresh Meat II alum tells hosts Nico Tortorella and Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi in the sneak peek, above. "It's not exclusive; it's not commitment. We're just enjoying each other while we have each other." And, according to Cara, that also includes "the best" sex of her life.


Kam has grown on me, i actually like her now. She's proven time and again that you don't want to face her in an elimination. 

Shane's comeuppance was so awesome. He's been at his worst this year, and he has been flying high, talking all of this big shit about Bananas, and then *poof* he gone. 

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