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That's not really too bad, You did not know and went through with it. It would have been more awkward had you done some kind of correction. 


About a decade ago, I just closed a pretty big account for our small firm (or so I thought) - there was a cocktail mixer thing going on so, I brought my boss over to meet the guy and his wife. Told my boss some info about their company - and some personal info about their family.

He walks up and shakes their hands "Jameslaw tell me y'all had a child that just turned about one! Congratulations!  - And it looks like y'all are about to have another soon!"

[morgan freeman] They were not about to have another [/mogan freeman]


did not get account.....

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I once introduced two guys at a job site, completely forgetting one guy had 3 fingers missing on his right hand and the other had a really deformed alien right paw hook thing. 

They shook "hands" and laughed their asses off over it. I sat amazed and was glad I forgot about their hands and totally free from any sort of anxiety. The certainly weren't too worried about it. 

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This wasn't mine, but about 10 years ago there was a lady that worked in our company for quite awhile.  She decided to move on and there was a big e-mail that everyone was included on, wishing her well, and all that.  Someone in the group replied to the chain and asked "So, where are we having the (Going away) party?"  It was understood that the two knew each other very well, and she replied to him "Party in my pants!"  Unfortunately she had replied all, and the e-mail went to everyone in the company.  


Guy I worked with and wasn’t a big fan of resigned.  He emailed the department to invite us all to his going away happy hour.  I meant to send to my friend, but mistakenly replied to him with “what loser plans his own going away party?”   Needless to say I didn’t attend.

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Man you gotta watch those presentations where you drop to video or YouTube or whatever. 

We had a guy give a presentation, he dropped to YouTube, and when the video was done all the recommended videos were all "girls twerking in yoga pants" softcore kink. 

Mighty embarrassing since he also didn't notice it and left the screen up as he was giving some closing remarks. A murmur was floating about the room. 

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Thankfully not mine, but couldn't let this go without mentioning...

One of our VP's was logged into someone else's (Mr. A) laptop giving a presentation.  Another guy in the room (Mr. B) is not impressed with the presentation but doesn't realize the VP is using Mr. A's laptop.  Mr. B. sends an IM to Mr. A to the effect of "What the fuck is this dipshit rambling on about?"  His IM pops up on the projector screen for the entire room to see.

Mr. B. is no longer employed with our organization.

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Several years ago, I had a colleague (lawyer), that really was gifted at causing clients to like him and think he was great despite the fact that he was massively inexperienced and therefore borderline competent.  He was/is a genuinely nice guy, but had survived on his "people skills" without having to learn how to lawyer or gain experience/wisdom.


On the flip side, though, he found himself "tangling" with opposing counsel on a regular basis, declaring them assholes, jerks, etc.  But you had to take this with a grain of salt.  There was something going on with his psychology (massive ego, really) that with clients and potential clients everything was a lovefest, but if the person was positioned to challenge his competence (opposing or competing counsel), things rapidly turned for the worse.  Never really seen anything quite like it.  Usually guys like him aren't actually very nice, they fake it with clients, and rub everyone else the wrong way.


Anyway, he starts forwarding me emails from this opposing counsel that he had declared a complete shithead.  First few weren't that bad.  Then I start replying to my colleague with suggested replies and strategeries, etc.  All this time, I am careful not to hit "reply all."  Finally, the guy did write something a bit over the top, so to humor my colleague, I write "This guy really is an ass."  Then edit it and add "hole" to it as a separate word, e.g. ass hole.  Evidently, I fat fingered reply all or something else happened that it got forwarded to the "ass hole" in question.


So, the "ass hole" replies to us, etc. and I have an ear-burning moment,  Issue an email apology, etc.  Not really a big deal, but mildly embarrassing.  After a while, he and our senior partner (we're all about the same age, senior partner is just the firm "owner") come into my office and shut the door, very seriously.  They start in on this lecture  . . . . about the proper spelling of asshole.


The irony of the thing is that the ass hole in question really wasn't that big an asshole, I only said that to humor my colleague.  My colleague also wound up basically getting his clock cleaned by the ass hole.



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I was in a consulting gig about 9 years ago and had recently joined a project team that had been client side for awhile. My role was supporting the senior partners on the project and at the time was still fairly junior. I had worked for one partner (A)  prior but the other partner (B) I had no prior experience. 

It is my first week, and everyone is chatting about summer plans, etc. Partner B is going on and on about his summer plans to go to Hawaii and hadn't mentioned significant other, wife, or kids, etc. I am wanting to build rapport with Partner B given no prior relationship so I ask about his plans while on vacation, and we go back and forth for 5 to 10 minutes so I think the conversation is going great. But still no indication who he is going on vacation even though I tried multiple times to allude but not directly ask.

Finally, I end the conversation not thinking but state that his wife must be excited. The whole rooms falls silent. Partner B sharply tells me that he is gay, and he will be going with his boyfriend.  I sheepishly apologize and go back to work while the room stays silent.

I only later found out that week that Partner B recently left his wife of 10+ years and started dating men and that it was a huge scandal in the local office.

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Between calls on a customer(female) her last name changed.  I assumed she had gotten married and started off meeting with a congratulations.

Narrator:  She had gotten divorced.

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My daughter' summer job is as a kids' camp counselor.  One day a girl (not from her cabin) has to go to the bathroom, so prior to my daughter escorting her back to the bathrooms she asks the larger group that is assembled if anyone else needs to go.   A couple of other girls say yes, so off they all go to the bathroom.  As they are finishing she asks everyone to make sure they washed their hands.  One girl doesn't answer and kind of ignores her.  My daughter makes sure she gets her attention and, by this point everyone's attention, to insure she washed her hands at which point the little girl holds up two nubs where hands should have been.

  • Haha 1
31 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

Between calls on a customer(female) her last name changed.  I assumed she had gotten married and started off meeting with a congratulations.

Narrator:  She had gotten divorced.

A lot of times congratulations are in order after a divorce.

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I worked as a sys admin at an online brokerage for several years.  Our team was spread out all over the country, so every morning we'd have a 30 minute pre-market conference call to talk anything that could affect trading like internal issues or outside stuff like earnings reports or fed news that could lead to high market activity.

Our director was a Dwight Shrute type turd who felt like he wasn't doing his job if he wasn't regularly raking his people over the coals, so every single morning it was guaranteed that one or more of us was going to get singled out in this meeting for a trip through the shredder in front of all his/her coworkers.  It was fucking brutal and was easily the worst part of the day.  My routine for joining this call was ingrained:  Dial in, enter passcode, and mute my mic.

The other sys admin and I shared an office.  He sat on the opposite side of the room facing the wall.  A good 10 feet away.  One particularly stressful morning as everyone is joining the call, I say to my office mate something along the lines of, "I wonder who fuckhead is gonna put on the rack today."  I immediately hear Dwight reply, "This morning I think we'll start with you, TS."  Turns out my office mate wasn't a stickler for mute discipline like I was.  That was the beginning of the end of my tenure at that company.  

Tl;dr  A hot mic picked me up talking honest and unfiltered shit about my boss during a conference call.

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My Dr. checkup last Summer. My PA is "North Dakota 7" (no pics) and she had her intern l, a North Dakota 8 (no pics) with her. She comes in and says, "Good morning, Parliament. This us Sarah. She's a nursing student at UND and we'll be double-teaming you.

In a rare display of maturity, I bit my cheek and stared at the floor. After an awkward moment of silence, we commenced with my appointment.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Parliament said:

My Dr. checkup last Summer. My PA is "North Dakota 7" (no pics) and she had her intern l, a North Dakota 8 (no pics) with her. She comes in and says, "Good morning, Parliament. This us Sarah. She's a nursing student at UND and we'll be double-teaming you.

"Dear Penthouse...."

Edited by Art Vandelay
5 hours ago, orange dream said:

My daughter' summer job is as a kids' camp counselor.  One day a girl (not from her cabin) has to go to the bathroom, so prior to my daughter escorting her back to the bathrooms she asks the larger group that is assembled if anyone else needs to go.   A couple of other girls say yes, so off they all go to the bathroom.  As they are finishing she asks everyone to make sure they washed their hands.  One girl doesn't answer and kind of ignores her.  My daughter makes sure she gets her attention and, by this point everyone's attention, to insure she washed her hands at which point the little girl holds up two nubs where hands should have been.

My dad was a substitute teacher for a while- filled in at a high school out in the country.

He looked back across the class and saw two bare feet on a desk, and told the kid to put his feet down and put his shoes on.

What he didn't know is that this kid had lost his arms in a tractor accident when he was 8, and could write better with his feet than most people can with their hands.

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21 hours ago, Sandman said:

I work in state government and our "big boss" is appointed by the governor. This gig has some turnover and we get a new person every year or so. They don't even work in the same building, so no chance we'll ever shoot the shit. We just got a new guy and he came over to introduce himself and it's usually a case of "Hi, nice to meet you; I'll never see you again.".  No big deal.

He came by today and was being led around. When he got to my area, I was standing there, talking to a co-worker. He gets introduced and I immediately go for the handshake. I'm a man in my mid 40s, that's just what we do.  I'm about 90% into handshake position, my arm outstretched, when I realize this guy doesn't have a right hand. It was too late to let him take the lead and offer up his left hand. I was stuck. He produced his nub (which I had to shake) and clasped his left hand around our 1.25 hands. It was so awkward. I felt bad, like maybe I embarrassed him but another male co-worker said he's probably used to it, as he's dealt with it his whole life. Still, not my finest moment.


Yikes!  The first talk with the new boss, and you were stumped.  

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Not a faux pas by me, but directed toward me.....

I was working as a consulting sales rep for a relatively new company and had helped them get kick-started in a new market as a start-up.  I'd been a big help to them and was a significant contributor to their early success.  It wasn't a big deal for me but it was a decent sideline gig.

They wanted to have a National Sales Meeting for the 1st time and bring their reps in for a couple of days of meetings and then a "fun day" as a thank you or a reward.

The founder's wife was an officer in the company and planned the whole deal.  I'd already talked to the founder about my plans to be there for the meeting but that I would leave the second night before the extra day of golf and bullshitting.  There weren't any clients to entertain...just an internal play day.  I told him honestly that I'd rather be working or home.

So, the wife/partner sends out an email to the group asking for a reply-all with travel itineraries for all the reps so we could coordinate shuttles, etc.  Meetings 21st-22nd with "fun day" on the 23rd . 

I was busy and replied by phone - "I'll arrive 8am on the 23rd and will just handle my departure when appropriate"  I had obviously intended to say I'd arrive on the 21st and I didn't want to broadcast that I wasn't sticking around an extra day to play grab-ass with these other guys.

The wife gets my email and goes ballistic with a reply-all. (assuming I was really skipping the meeting and just flying in to party for one day) Who did I think I was....didn't want someone of my low character representing the company....Knew she didn't like me from the moment we met and her suspicions were justified by this...on and on and on, getting very personal with the attack and stating that my contract was terminated.

Founder calls me in a panic to apologize about the time I finish reading the email ....pleading with me not to quit and calling his wife a dumbass and a bitch.

I bailed on them and never looked back.  Their marital issues (her mental instability really) ran the into the ground within 24 months.


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17 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

The wife gets my email and goes ballistic with a reply-all. (assuming I was really skipping the meeting and just flying in to party for one day) Who did I think I was....didn't want someone of my low character representing the company....Knew she didn't like me from the moment we met and her suspicions were justified by this...on and on and on, getting very personal with the attack and stating that my contract was terminated.

Founder calls me in a panic to apologize about the time I finish reading the email ....pleading with me not to quit and calling his wife a dumbass and a bitch.

I bailed on them and never looked back.  Their marital issues (her mental instability really) ran the into the ground within 24 months.


so for clarification, did you accept being "terminated" by the looney wife right then and there? or did you accept her husband's groveling call to ask you to stay, and you quit at a later time?

24 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

Not a faux pas by me, but directed toward me.....

I was working as a consulting sales rep for a relatively new company and had helped them get kick-started in a new market as a start-up.  I'd been a big help to them and was a significant contributor to their early success.  It wasn't a big deal for me but it was a decent sideline gig.

They wanted to have a National Sales Meeting for the 1st time and bring their reps in for a couple of days of meetings and then a "fun day" as a thank you or a reward.

The founder's wife was an officer in the company and planned the whole deal.  I'd already talked to the founder about my plans to be there for the meeting but that I would leave the second night before the extra day of golf and bullshitting.  There weren't any clients to entertain...just an internal play day.  I told him honestly that I'd rather be working or home.

So, the wife/partner sends out an email to the group asking for a reply-all with travel itineraries for all the reps so we could coordinate shuttles, etc.  Meetings 21st-22nd with "fun day" on the 23rd . 

I was busy and replied by phone - "I'll arrive 8am on the 23rd and will just handle my departure when appropriate"  I had obviously intended to say I'd arrive on the 21st and I didn't want to broadcast that I wasn't sticking around an extra day to play grab-ass with these other guys.

The wife gets my email and goes ballistic with a reply-all. (assuming I was really skipping the meeting and just flying in to party for one day) Who did I think I was....didn't want someone of my low character representing the company....Knew she didn't like me from the moment we met and her suspicions were justified by this...on and on and on, getting very personal with the attack and stating that my contract was terminated.

Founder calls me in a panic to apologize about the time I finish reading the email ....pleading with me not to quit and calling his wife a dumbass and a bitch.

I bailed on them and never looked back.  Their marital issues (her mental instability really) ran the into the ground within 24 months.


Was she hot?  Because rules.

Posted (edited)

I stayed on for a few months out of deference to him who I liked, but ran at the 1st opportunity where I could claim conflict of interest with a larger account.

It was the smallest gig I had as an independent rep.  I was working for 4 other industry-related firms at the time and it wasn't a big deal to walk away from this.

In hindsight it was the right call because any investment of time was eventually a waste since they folded in short order.

****Negative on the hot - same measurements vertical and horizontal 

Edited by Reagan1k
1 minute ago, Reagan1k said:

I stayed on for a few months out of deference to him who I liked, but ran at the 1st opportunity where I could claim conflict of interest with a larger account.

It was the smallest gig I had as an independent rep.  I was working for 4 other industry-related firms at the time and it wasn't a big deal to walk away from this.

In hindsight it was the right call because any investment of time was eventually a waste since they folded in short order.

Did she apologize after learning it was just a mix up? (I think I know the answer)

2 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

Did she apologize after learning it was just a mix up? (I think I know the answer)

Your hunch is correct - Her apology was basically telling me I should be more careful in replying to email on my phone and start "double checking my work" because I caused her to lose her mind.

I could get that kind of apology at home - no need to work for it.


  • Like 4
23 hours ago, Sandman said:

I work in state government and our "big boss" is appointed by the governor. This gig has some turnover and we get a new person every year or so. They don't even work in the same building, so no chance we'll ever shoot the shit. We just got a new guy and he came over to introduce himself and it's usually a case of "Hi, nice to meet you; I'll never see you again.".  No big deal.

He came by today and was being led around. When he got to my area, I was standing there, talking to a co-worker. He gets introduced and I immediately go for the handshake. I'm a man in my mid 40s, that's just what we do.  I'm about 90% into handshake position, my arm outstretched, when I realize this guy doesn't have a right hand. It was too late to let him take the lead and offer up his left hand. I was stuck. He produced his nub (which I had to shake) and clasped his left hand around our 1.25 hands. It was so awkward. I felt bad, like maybe I embarrassed him but another male co-worker said he's probably used to it, as he's dealt with it his whole life. Still, not my finest moment.


The next time you see him and greet him, just pat him on the head like a puppy.

9 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

Your hunch is correct - Her apology was basically telling me I should be more careful in replying to email on my phone and start "double checking my work" because I caused her to lose her mind.

I could get that kind of apology at home - no need to work for it.


You bastard! Causing her to lose her mind like that!......She sounds like a peach.

Posted (edited)

Wasn't really that bad and actually I have a great relationship with this customer now largely out of cleaning up well after the fact, but the classic scenario of... doing a bunch of work on a thing to make it function correctly for a customer's specific setup over a period of weeks.  The guy who is handling the correspondence with the customer comes back a few days after I finish and says "hey so they changed the setup, can we make it work with this?".  I get pissed and immediately send back a response saying that we can't do a bunch of custom engineering work every time they change their mind and if they don't choose something and stick with it they're shit out of luck (which was actually accurate and not that wrong for what needed to be communicated but not couched diplomatically and there was some further disconnect that later explained why they didn't understand the implications of the changes they were making).  Coworker replied to the customer with my response to him below in the replies on the e-mail thread, I get a pissed off e-mail and have to go into damage control.

Not all that unusual of a scenario but it did teach me the lesson to do my bitching about customers in person.

Edited by Celery Man

Luckily, that’s the worst I’ve ever gotten, people forwarding my emails that should stay internal. I still maintain their laziness/lack of sense is the issue. 

I should be able to internally plead my case over invoices etc without them fucking forwarding it straight to the vendor.  I now keep a list of the auto fwd offenders. 


Two good ones:

Many years ago, the head of design at my company came in to show me and a (female) colleague a new mock-up of a website. Opens his laptop up to a browser that immediately starts playing a hardcore porn video of a guy fucking an enormously fat chick. He slams his laptop and says, "Yes, that was porn. Yes, I like bigger women. Let's move on." He left to close out that window, came back in and proceeded as if nothing happened.

Second, I was interviewing a candidate for a role and asked why he was relocating. He said, "My significant other switched jobs." Without thinking, I said, "What does she do?" He was, of course, gay and said, "Well he does...." Worked out in the end as I hired him, but very embarrassing in the moment. Kudos to him for brushing it off.

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On 6/6/2018 at 4:39 PM, Sandman said:

I work in state government and our "big boss" is appointed by the governor. This gig has some turnover and we get a new person every year or so. They don't even work in the same building, so no chance we'll ever shoot the shit. We just got a new guy and he came over to introduce himself and it's usually a case of "Hi, nice to meet you; I'll never see you again.".  No big deal.

He came by today and was being led around. When he got to my area, I was standing there, talking to a co-worker. He gets introduced and I immediately go for the handshake. I'm a man in my mid 40s, that's just what we do.  I'm about 90% into handshake position, my arm outstretched, when I realize this guy doesn't have a right hand. It was too late to let him take the lead and offer up his left hand. I was stuck. He produced his nub (which I had to shake) and clasped his left hand around our 1.25 hands. It was so awkward. I felt bad, like maybe I embarrassed him but another male co-worker said he's probably used to it, as he's dealt with it his whole life. Still, not my finest moment.



Posted (edited)

About 12 years ago I was just getting started at Dell in their consumer sales department (inbound phone queue). I kept getting these emails with all of these reports that had nothing to do with my job or department. Being a few weeks old and not grasping the situation, I replied to all and asked if I could be removed from the mailing list. As soon as I hit send, my manager goes “Oh God.. I cant believe you just did that. That was the corporate distro list.”

What happened next was a cascading chain reaction of every idiot inside of a 60,000 employee organization replying all to the email also asking to be taken off the list from all over the globe. It took weeks to cycle out of the system with hundreds of requests. It was pretty epic.

Edited by Vertigo
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Posted (edited)

I just wiped like 4 months of research the day before this guys NIH grant submission just so the laptop would properly display Japanese when you change the language.  To be fair to me, I did straight up ask him if he had everything backed up before I took it, and he nodded and held up an external drive.  


Turns out that "backup" was from February, and it was just a language thing.  He must have thought I was asking where I could back it up to, while I thought he understood that I was asking if it was backed up somewhere.


The poor guy is really nice and I felt really fuckin bad about how he got that panicked look on his face and was just clicking around on his other computer desperately hoping the dates on the data would change.  So...you know....sorry about cancer maybe not being cured for another few months or something.  My bad.

Edited by MadBurgerMaker
  • Like 4
On 6/6/2018 at 8:31 PM, FigurelliPwC said:

Guy I worked with and wasn’t a big fan of resigned.  He emailed the department to invite us all to his going away happy hour.  I meant to send to my friend, but mistakenly replied to him with “what loser plans his own going away party?”   Needless to say I didn’t attend.

You really missed a chance to be a straight up badass.

You should've gone and acted like it was on purpose/joke or on purpose/fuck you, and let him decide.

On 6/9/2018 at 7:49 PM, Vertigo said:

About 12 years ago I was just getting started at Dell in their consumer sales department (inbound phone queue). I kept getting these emails with all of these reports that had nothing to do with my job or department. Being a few weeks old and not grasping the situation, I replied to all and asked if I ould be removed from the mailing list. As soon as I hit send, my manager goes “Oh God.. I cant believe you just did that. That was the corporate distro list.”

What happened next was a cascading chain reaction of every idiot inside of a 60,000 employee organization replying all to the email also asking to be taken of the list from all over the globe. It took weeks to cycle out of the system with hundreds of requests. It was pretty epic.

I love it when this happens!  The funniest part is all the people who will reply all to yell at everyone else to quit hitting reply all.  High entertainment.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, TriStone said:

I love it when this happens!  The funniest part is all the people who will reply all to yell at everyone else to quit hitting reply all.  High entertainment.

The importance of the outlook 2013 (and now 16) feature of "ignore/delete this conversation" cannot be understated.  It has saved me numerous rage-inducing-thoughts to respond with snark and unprofessional-ism's.

Edited by AUS-97HORN

Was at a big presentation for private financing deal for about $40mm and a buddy of mine was on the other side of the deal and was up giving the rundown.   There are about 20 people sitting around this huge, black granite table and my buddy’s front tooth falls out and bounces down the table.  It was hilarious and embarrassing 


I got an email from a direct report that was damn near impossible to read and comprehend. I forwarded it to my boss and asked him to “interpolate” it for me. He gets the genius idea to forward the email to the HR rep telling her that this is the type of shit we have to deal with from him. Instead of just forwarding his email, he forwards mine as well. She responds that the appropriate thing to have done would have been to ask him to clarify. She then tells him that he should come by and see her sometime so they could talk about how to appropriately handle these situations in the future.

On 6/6/2018 at 3:23 PM, deadshank said:

I once introduced two guys at a job site, completely forgetting one guy had 3 fingers missing on his right hand and the other had a really deformed alien right paw hook thing. 

They shook "hands" and laughed their asses off over it. I sat amazed and was glad I forgot about their hands and totally free from any sort of anxiety. The certainly weren't too worried about it. 

Where the fuck do you work? 

29 minutes ago, EE2B said:

I got an email from a direct report that was damn near impossible to read and comprehend. I forwarded it to my boss and asked him to “interpolate” it for me. He gets the genius idea to forward the email to the HR rep telling her that this is the type of shit we have to deal with from him. Instead of just forwarding his email, he forwards mine as well. She responds that the appropriate thing to have done would have been to ask him to clarify. She then tells him that he should come by and see her sometime so they could talk about how to appropriately handle these situations in the future.

This is why I am firmly in the fuck HR crowd.  Execpt for that one thick ass redhead that every HR group has. I celebrate that one. Fuck the rest tho. 

Luckily, that’s the worst I’ve ever gotten, people forwarding my emails that should stay internal. I still maintain their laziness/lack of sense is the issue. 
I should be able to internally plead my case over invoices etc without them fucking forwarding it straight to the vendor.  I now keep a list of the auto fwd offenders. 


I got lucky and didn’t have to learn this from my own experience. My boss did something similar when I was first starting out and warned me about it.

So now, I go over to the person and tell them that the rep/customer/whoever not internal is a fucking idiot and then tell that person I’ll reply to their email diplomatically because I know they’ll just forward my email with the bullshit answer of “see below”.

I work on the engineering side and I know the dumbass sales people don’t know what the fuck I’m saying they’re just trying to make the sale or get the issue off their plate.

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