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Quinn "La Joya" Ewers - The Man The Myth The Mullet

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2 hours ago, immamac said:

Derka wasn't right about shit. Quinn is just a pussy, he could have carved Georgia up but instead opted to be a fucking pussy and have a bunch of mental issues instead of physical issues or restricted ability based on coverage or real collapse of pocket. 

His problem was 100% @ mental one and it made for an embarrassing loss in front of the largest crowd at DKR ever and in front of everyone watching the prime time top 5 matchup on TV. He shit down his leg on the biggest stage. 

The problem isn't that he can't throw or can't X Y Z the problem is he couldn't do shit because he was playing like a scared little bitch. 

I agree with all of this outside of one point. Quinn has not, at any point in his career, shown a consistent (note the word consistent) ability to make well timed deep ball passes. He has flashes here and there, a game or two, but never consistently. 

Now he's defaulting to check down, lost all pocket presence/awareness, isn't reading well and isn't even trying to run.

I look at this as more than just this year, but I'll start with playing for the SEC championship.

I don't have a high level of confidence he will get us to the SEC championship. I acknowledge it's possible but based on his current struggles and the rest of the Texas schedule, not highly probable, imo.

Next winning the SEC? My confidence drops even lower. Likely it will be Georgia, who preseason I picked to win the SEC with Texas getting an opt in. I really dislike Texas in a re-Match against Georgia with this version of Quinn.

Now... looking at the National Championship, if there is anyone that has a high level of confidence that we can win it with Quinn... well, you've gone full FUMB coolaid drinking, orange slice boogaloo dumb.

Do I think we have a better chance of making the SEC playoff with Arch... if he gets reps starting soon vs this Quinn, absolutely.

Could we beat Georgia with Arch... possibly. If Arch gets all the playing time between now and then, I think with our defense I'd move that to a likely depending on his growth. I sure as shit like our chances of beating Georgia more if Arch has started and played the rest of the season better than Ewers. 

Now... National Championship.. I think with Arch it's LONG shot at best, but.. and here's the rub, I don't think it's any worse than with today's version of Quinn. 

And... that... leads.. me.. to...


Whats better for Texas in the big picture. Hoping and praying Quinn pulls his head out of his ass, and maybe make the SEC, perhaps win it and likely be eliminated in the playoffs or.....

Getting Arch up to speed THIS year.

I know what I think. Before you knee jerk answer really think about your answer. Think about the Washington game last year, Ou this year, and Georgia last week. Hell, think about most OU games and big games for Quinn.

Then think about the future.

If you're honest, really examine it, think about the future and truly look at what Quinn is doing on the field.....

You're going to come to only one conclusion.

It's a hard pill to swallow, but it should be done and it should be done soon. 

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Your argument is that quinn doesn't get the full playbook fucktard. I'm sure the full playbook is there, now whether he is able to take advantage and utilize it to it's fullest is up for discussion. Quinn has struggles, but to say that a young qb gets more of the playbook than the older more experienced qb is fucking stupid. Arch will learn how to read defenses, make audibles, and then the whole playbook will be opened up to him. The checkdown is an absolute necessity for a QB looking towards the NFL. You may not like it but Sark doesn't give a fuck what you like. We are 6-1, thanks to Sark and his ability(recruiting/play calling). Quinn is 20-6 as the starter. He gets the nod until he shits the bed so bad Sark has to make a permanent change. 

I don’t know that Quinn doesn’t get the full playbook is what is meant. He knows the playbook but is unable to utilize some of it, because of the deep ball issues. I feel like people are saying Arch gives Sark access to the full playbook with his deep passing. I understand he doesn’t know all of it.
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6 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

Does it matter? The are ton of post on this subject (I am big part), but the shit is simple. There is no reason to debate the merits of Quinn's games prior to the injury. He does not look like that QB. Quinn needs to pull his head out of ass in a hurry or Arch needs to play.

Does it matter?  Not really.  However, those games have repeatedly been brought up as justification for Ewers prowess.

Pressure and adversity change people/QBs.  Sark can be a great play caller.  Is that accentuated in game 7 of the season or game 2, with game 1 not really requiring heightened game planning.  And certainly Ewers hasn’t been hit or dinged up at that point in the season.

I figure Ewers will play well versus Vandy.  Sark likely dialed in better.  The Oline ready.  And overwhelm a mediocre Vandy defense with their talent advantage.

Ewers played well against Michigan but that was largely scheme on the short stuff, and he was great breaking the pocket and hitting it downfield.  But all season there hasn’t been an urgency to get it downfield.  I’m not even talking deep passes I’m talking 10-19 yards.  That’s where he was and can be excellent.  In the limited opportunities, he has not been particularly good this year.

We should win out the rest of the regular season.  I don’t care which QB it is.  They’re both capable.  Neither have to be perfect.

And maybe I just wanted a bonding moment with BO&W.

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2 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Whats better for Texas in the big picture.

Winning as many games as possible this year. That's what's best for Texas. If this version of Quinn Ewers gives us a better chance of winning out, then he's the guy.

Stop trying to play 8D chess.

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Just for the record, I'd love to be absolutely wrong about my assessment of QE to this point in his career and his current state of mind. I'd LOVE to be back in here after winning a National Championship with Quinn gobbling up some crow. Crow normally makes me really sick, but in that case I'd eat it as a part of a shit sammich for being wrong. 

But I'm not.

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Just now, Jkwellborn said:

Everyone on this board was sucking each others dicks over being vanilla and winning. Fuck that, the offense should have been practicing against those teams.

Everyone who was bitching Quinn sucked during OU got hit with “stop complaining about a 30 point victory” when we knew he looked like dogshit from the first series. The team felt different with Arch and we derailed it so Quinn could get the RRS start. That game could have been a practice game for Arch to get ready for Georgia. I’m tired of the whole “myth” and “legacy” surrounding Ewers when he is just the QB version of Turtle Tom who shrivels up when shit gets real. 

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18 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

That man has made himself some money this season.
You know he couldn’t tell something like that to this board.

Why not? Should it be some kind of secret?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I really want to know why he couldn't.

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Just now, Gandalfish said:

Why not? Should it be some kind of secret?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I really want to know why he couldn't.

It might have to do with leaking information could get back to theocker room since these dudes read this site and OTF promotes this site. It's better to just keep you lips sealed. 

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Why not? Should it be some kind of secret?
I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I really want to know why he couldn't.

If he tells who it is on a public forum, it could betray a trust the person has. It may have been told in confidence. It would put the person in a bad light with his teammates. It could cause massive issues in the locker room.

Just my thinking on it.
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I have it on direct source good information that the one doing the majority of the locker room player led speaking is not a QB and not a skill player. 
If that doesn't tell you what you need to know regarding the locker room you should probably figure out something else to plug into because championship caliber or best tier caliber performance isn't what you are interested in. 
You know who doesn't take the reins and double or triple down after not performing up to their standard? A fucking pussy. 

Have the QBs on this team ever been vocal like that?
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6 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

Looked like it to me too. I mean, if the qb just runs a little, you can really put pressure on the defense with those things.

This stuff cracks me up how people react to it.  It is pretty clear from the screenshot that if the QB could beat the spy, it’s a big play.  If.  You can’t tell from the screenshot but I’d guess going right or left has little impact unless the defender gets himself out of position.

Now, an NFL guy could hit Moore.  So could a college guy.  Many of them could some of the time but none of them could all the time.  That’s a hard throw though.  I’m confident that many NFL starters are not hitting that consistently.

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7 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

Looked like it to me too. I mean, if the qb just runs a little, you can really put pressure on the defense with those things.

When the QB absolutely is zero threat to run under any circumstance at all, the D has an extra man, in effect. That's not a Good Thing. 

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15 minutes ago, Funk Doctor Spock said:

It might have to do with leaking information could get back to theocker room since these dudes read this site and OTF promotes this site. It's better to just keep you lips sealed. 


13 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

If he tells who it is on a public forum, it could betray a trust the person has. It may have been told in confidence. It would put the person in a bad light with his teammates. It could cause massive issues in the locker room.

Just my thinking on it.


9 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

Double. Secret. Probation.



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17 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

Thought this was worse


This is the CB blitz that led to Georgia's first TD. Quinn is looking at an open Bolden.

That play was never getting made, the defense was teed up for that. The second they saw the trips they knew exactly where Texas wanted to go with the ball the delayed blitz up the middle get the RB blown up taking the QB eyes away from down field just in time for the CB blitz to get home. 

Edited by Not a Sock
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8 minutes ago, Not a Sock said:

That play was never getting made, the defense was teed up for that. The second they saw the trips they new exactly where Texas wanted to go with the ball the delayed blitz up the middle get the RB blown up taking the QB eyes away from down field just in time for the CB blitz to get home. 

WHat? Bolden is wide open. Ewers did not throw it. Ewers would have gotten lit up, but it would have been Bolden vs a LB one on one instead of a fumble. Blocking and free CB have nothing to do with Quinn not hitting a wide open quick slant. Maybe he waiting on Gunnar's break and going deep with it, but that didnt really happen all game.

Edited by Codaxx
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28 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

Thought this was worse


This is the CB blitz that led to Georgia's first TD. Quinn is looking at an open Bolden. Throw the damn ball

FYI my post you quoted is a twitter thread that covers multiple plays from that game. My overall opinion is Quinn wasn’t getting the ball out when he should have and was missing reads all over the field. Game seemed to fast for him and it shouldn’t be as this point.

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17 minutes ago, perfectchaos007 said:

Was it ever confirmed as to why Quinn didn’t speak to the media Monday? I mean I think we all know the reason, but I’m just wondering if there’s an official reason 

His agent was on an Austin radio station yesterday and said Ewers was meeting with a coach during the availability.

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When the QB absolutely is zero threat to run under any circumstance at all, the D has an extra man, in effect. That's not a Good Thing. 

Yeah I get that. However, in that still, it looks like he’s spying Ewers, which is strange to me. But that does make it a little more difficult for the defender to cover someone.
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3 hours ago, Fondren & Main said:

What great defenses has he played against besides Notre Dame?  If he lights it up versus South Carolina and us then I’ll buy what you’re selling.

Just mention the 4 dropped interceptions by Mississippi State.

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In watching the Film Guy on YT, opened my mind on a few things:

  • Yes QE could have played better specifically in faster processing and willingness to go to the 2nd and 3rd reads before checking down and stepping up, and,
  • Yes the O-line saw a level of athlete they hadn't encountered before

BUT, the receivers were blanketed.  And not just because of superior athletes - it was because they were extremely well coached and knew our tendencies and routes really well.  It's not like there were regularly multiple open receivers running free.  Usually the first and second option were covered, and the 3rd had either a small window requiring a quick trigger or QE would have had to feather the ball between a LB and a safety - doable but a NFL-level type throw.

If we see UGA or that skill level again, Sark needs to get deeper into the bag and/or introduce some new concepts they haven't seen on film.

See this play:


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44 minutes ago, utexas8 said:

I was just wondering if Quinn has ever been vocal.

I know qbs are supposed to. Anyways that’s a bad sign, he went from vocal to non vocal. Due to 1 game.

Nobody said it was due to 1 game. Could be, but it could be since he got hurt. We don't know how long it's been going on.

Edit - it's bad no matter the time frame but it clearly points to 1 issue.

Mentally broken. Not physically, mentally. Which is what I've been saying all along.

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8 minutes ago, Horn of Gabriel said:

In watching the Film Guy on YT, opened my mind on a few things:

  • Yes QE could have played better specifically in faster processing and willingness to go to the 2nd and 3rd reads before checking down and stepping up, and,
  • Yes the O-line saw a level of athlete they hadn't encountered before

BUT, the receivers were blanketed.  And not just because of superior athletes - it was because they were extremely well coached and knew our tendencies and routes really well.  It's not like there were regularly multiple open receivers running free.  Usually the first and second option were covered, and the 3rd had either a small window requiring a quick trigger or QE would have had to feather the ball between a LB and a safety - doable but a NFL-level type throw.

If we see UGA or that skill level again, Sark needs to get deeper into the bag and/or introduce some new concepts they haven't seen on film.

See this play:


Citing one play as "blanketed" all game?

1. Spoiler. They're not blanketed all game. See the thread above with screenshots. Every one of those (15+) has a guy open or about to be before QE throws or self sacks, checks down. Even Arch as we all know missed a wide open read. But at least he's a freshman.

2. Georgia has a quality defense, with top athletes, coached by excellent coaches. So regardless, the windows are going to be tighter. The margin of error smaller. QE or whoever is QBing has to make those throws. He wouldn't even pull the trigger.

3. Especially with the run game not performing. Gotta actually pass it. Hopefully accurately.

4. QE surely considers himself, and is or was considered by others, as a top NFL prospect. By now he should be getting some of these throws off, even dare I say completing them. He froze up completely this game.

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46 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

Yeah I get that. However, in that still, it looks like he’s spying Ewers, which is strange to me. But that does make it a little more difficult for the defender to cover someone.

He is effectively spying him.  And it may not just be the intent of keeping him from running.  You don’t want Ewers to escape the pocket and hit it down the field either like he did at Michigan.  And whether Ewers is a dynamic runner or not, he’s quite capable of running for 10 and converting a 3rd.

And it could certainly be an element to keep Ewers guessing.

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1 hour ago, SarkAfterDark said:

FYI my post you quoted is a twitter thread that covers multiple plays from that game. My overall opinion is Quinn wasn’t getting the ball out when he should have and was missing reads all over the field. Game seemed to fast for him and it shouldn’t be as this point.

I put it in there, because it was such a pivotal play in the game. That is 3rd and 6. Hit Bolden and it is a first down at a minimum and it could have been a big play if Bolden makes the LB miss, instead it is 1st and goal for Georgia.  If you go through it, you will see Ewers come off Bolden and look at the shallow crosser that is covered right before getting hit. It is 3rd and 6, not sure why he would turn down and easy throw for the 1st down.

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42 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

Also, hilarious to comment on Quinn's appearance when he posted a recipe for cheeto hotdogs...LOL.

He asked for people to not judge his character or his appearance anymore then proceeded to shit on a 19 year old kids appearance and character haha. That’s bat shit crazy. 

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50 minutes ago, gofuckyourself said:

Especially with the run game not performing. Gotta actually pass it. Hopefully accurately.

? hard to do something you rarely try. The game plan and execution were both bad IMHO. There was nothing in there that they hadn't shown before. It looked to me that Sark said I can beat you with the same old thing I beat everyone else with, speed on the perimeter. You can't beat Georgia sideline to sideline when they can match your speed. The Georgia defense matched our speed and bullied us. You combine that with a QB who won't step up and throw the ball down field, you are fucked.

You got a big bad offensive line, fucking use it by making them the attacker/bully. Our offense is pussified  and the QB reflects it.

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6 hours ago, WinningIsHard said:

The wr’s still run deep and the opportunity to take big shots is there…Quinn just doesn’t take many chances. You can fault him for not taking big shots all you want but that doesn’t change that he reads defenses faster than Arch can just based purely off experience. It’s embarrassing for surly that you have the pos rep here that you do lol. You think sark calls plays where receivers just run 6-8-10 yards because Quinn can’t throw deep? You’re dumber than your posting history says. 

Still going with this after Saturday night? I mean holy shit, he looked more lost than manning. 

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