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A family member had a pretty severe stroke almost four weeks ago. They were just recently transferred from in-patient rehab to a sub acute rehab a few days ago. At this point they need way more specialized medical care than what they are currently getting.


I wanted to see if anyone has experience or recommendations for an excellent long term acute health care in either DFW or Austin that deals with stroke care?


Thanks in advance.


I can’t help you with a stroke facility but hopefully someone here can help. Did the hospital social worker recommend the current place? Have you spoken to the neuro doc?

Once you get a list do the research and visit them both in day on your tour and if you can get in at night. Lots of these places have a different look between the day shift and nighttime. My wife was sent to a Kindred rehab in Mansfied a few years back after a total knee and it was a disaster. Looked good in day. At night an asylum. I had to go in and self discharge her. Feces in shower, no-real PT, orderlies stealing drugs, shit food. Kindred had just bought them. I turned them into the state and my insurance company. Never heard back from anyone.

My mother had emergency surgery during Covid and I couldn’t visit her as she was shuffled from one to the next. The one on top of Arlington Memorial basically killed her. I should have sued them for the neglect.

Don’t settle for a shitty place. Get them the best you can provide.

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Bringing this back up to the top.  We met with the care team earlier today and they are advising us to get moved to a more intensive specialized care facility.  Any and all recommendations are welcome.  I'm burning up the phone lines with contacts to try and get some recommendations.

3 hours ago, milkman said:

Bringing this back up to the top.  We met with the care team earlier today and they are advising us to get moved to a more intensive specialized care facility.  Any and all recommendations are welcome.  I'm burning up the phone lines with contacts to try and get some recommendations.

Is the care team the hospital Patient Advocacy Branch ?      No recommendations from the staff  ?

Best to you and your Family in search for proper care.

Is the care team the hospital Patient Advocacy Branch ?      No recommendations from the staff  ?
Best to you and your Family in search for proper care.

They are in Waco so not really any facilities there that staff would know. I have gotten quite a few recommendations for Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation in Dallas.
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