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Texas vs oklahoma state - 2:30pm on ABC


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4 minutes ago, coachherman'sgrill said:
6 minutes ago, THUJONE said:
Disagree. He was going in for a form tackle at the waist. He can't predict when Sanders is going to slide. 

Exactly!! At full speed, the defender has to make a ton of assumptions of what the QB is going to do? Bull shit.

It’s really fucking stupid

Cook began his tackling motion before sanders slid. It’s not Cooks fault that sanders waited too late to slide 

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Just now, MonkeyDoughnut said:

Anything past line of scrimmage isn't a QB anymore period... Ridiculous in today's game. You want to protect you QB, don't run them 

Yea if the NFL wants to do it because there are really about 20 high caliber NFL QBs ok whatever but college football....nah, you run you're an RB and should be treated accordingly

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