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Huge Piece of Shit and alleged Woman Abuser Chris Beard has been hired at Mississippi

The Ace of Aces

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18 hours ago, Anastasis said:

That's some soft ass shit, jimmy. He's post divorce, ain't married, and has no kids with this broad. It is 100% on him if he stayed engaged in an abusive relationship. He had all the options in the world...options that many men and women in similar situations don't have. The only thing that was personally at risk for him to stay involved was, well, his entire career that gave him all the options in the world. And here we are. So no fucking sympathy here in that regard. 

Okay, here me out here. What if... and I mean this with all my heart...with all my soul: What if she gives really good head. I'm not finished yet - like really, really good head.

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6 minutes ago, Deej said:

Because you have already made up your mind. He could be completely exonerated, and you'd still think he's guilty.

She was angry for a reason. 

I have zero idea if he's guilty of a criminal offense. The only evidence I've seen is an arrest affidavit. I'll admit I think he's guilty of putting himself in a bad situation, but who hasn't done that in their lifetime?

Yes, she was angry for a reason. Beard apparently reacted and I don't see you calling him "fiancée beater." Dude, you're smart enough to know calling her a "woman scorned" is prejudicial language. Don't be dense.

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8 minutes ago, elguapo said:

It's hilarious that there are posters on here that think the University of Texas is going to keep a head coach that was charged with a felony for beating up and choking his woman.

so now he beat her up?

Edited by po elvis
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1 minute ago, elguapo said:

Do you think Texas is keeping Beard?

My hope is that he will be cleared and that they will.  If he's guilty then so be it.  I would think they will wait until all the facts come out so that they don't repeat what happened to Kendall Sanders and Montrell Meander or even the Duke La Crosse case.

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Lots of justifications for domestic abuse in here. Dude is 1000% gone and absolutely should be. 

Domestic abuse goes both directions.  It is POSSIBLE he was protecting himself - and if so, it might have been 100% appropriate.  It is also possible that in protecting himself, he escalated things and abused her in return.  

Either way, I'm willing to wait to see all the facts presented before making a judgement.

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1 minute ago, elguapo said:

Do you think Texas is keeping Beard?

If it comes out that he was restraining a violent woman, then yes. If we find out that he was roughing her up because he was angry, then no. I haven't even heard his side, just what she said. And she is the one that admitted to being mad enough that he was ignoring her to break his glasses. That shows she might be capable of becoming violent.


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43 minutes ago, orangebird said:

As I've said before, if Beard is guilty as charged, then his ass needs to be gone.

But I'm fine with the process the administration is using.  Suspend him until we have all the facts and a clear understanding of what happened.  Then if the facts do indeed bear out that Beard had culpability in the situation, then yes, fire him under the conduct clause of the contract.

You don't want to fire him prematurely, though, and then have it come out later that his firing happened to be unjust.  If that were to happen, we would never be able to land another coach worth a shit here.  So yes, caution and due process is an absolute must, even if it means that things are proceeding slower than we would like.

Yes. The University did the right thing and took immediate action, which is what I wanted. We are a public institution with thousands of women as students, professors, staff, alumni, and most importantly political allies and wealthy donors. We have to show that as an institution we take women's safety very seriously. I think we are doing that.

On the other hand we don't want to be reactionary or unjust or frivolous. A late but correct decision is only late until it is made. A bad decision is bad forever. 

We have Coach Terry in there, we should be just fine until the situation is resolved. Speaking of which has any official announcement been made naming Coach Terry interim head coach? I know he was acting head coach on Monday night but that is something different.

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33 minutes ago, elguapo said:

It's hilarious that there are posters on here that think the University of Texas is going to keep a head coach that was charged with a felony for beating up and choking his woman.

Yeah if there is any substance at all to these accusations his ass is fired. Seems clear to me that there is, but no need to rush things. 

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All your aggy righteous indignation aside, sometimes shit happens.  
Leaving Lake Travis years ago with BSC, driving her car back to west campus, 19 at the time.  She gets violent, hitting and scratching while I’m trying to drive, and now she wants to drive, it’s her car.  Pull over into a parking lot somewhere on 620, I get out and walk around, she slides over and locks the doors and drives off.   So what do I do?  What any sane guy would do.  I throw my shoe at her car.
3 guys sitting around a truck bed drinking beer watch this go down and start heckling me so I walked over and hit the first guy.   The fight ended when their legs got tired of kicking me up under their truck.   I laid there for a while after they left, finally got up and walk/jogged down 620, down 71, then up bee cave to Barton springs.  It took hours.   Some girls took pity on me and gave me a ride from there back to west campus.
when I get there my door is locked (never did, didn’t even have a key) and BSC was inside and wouldn’t open the door.   At that point I’m exhausted and just want a cold beer and a bong hit.   Well she dumped the weed down the storm drain and set the beer out in the parking lot for whoever grabbed it.   Keep in mind I was 19 and that beer had been very tedious to acquire.  Plus it’s late/early so the getting more ship had sailed.
I finally convinced her to open the door, I walked past her and grabbed an arm full of her clothes from the closet and threw them out the front door.   When I went back for a second load she started hitting, scratching, spitting, whatever….  Didn’t even feel it, just grabbed another load and tossed it outside with the rest.   She threw a wine bottle at me and missed, smashed the mirror when it hit, oops that one would have hurt.
On the next load was when she went to the kitchen and got a big ass butcher knife and she blocked the bedroom door which was my only way out.   I still had a load of her clothes in my hands and I told her I would leave and she could get the rest of her shit and get out before I came back.   She told me to put her clothes down and that I wasn’t going anywhere.  So I dropped her clothes and punched her right in her forehead, she still managed to cut my arm pretty good in the process.   She sat down in a chair still holding the knife with 1,000 mile stare. 
I took one of her shirts and wrapped my arm, left and walked down to taco cabana.  It’s surprising that even at like 4 in the morning people at cabana will get up and move tables giving you a wide berth when you go in looking like you were just in a plane crash.  I didn’t go home that night or the next day stayed with friends and when I finally went back, BSC and her shit were gone.   Don’t know how the police didn’t get called, probably neighbors all passed out from drinking all my booze.   Low point in my life, not proud of any of it, but saying never hit a woman under any circumstance is wrong.  
You should have got the fuck out when she was still pissed when you got home, instead you escalated things, and she escalated back.

Throw her shit out later when she's in class and change your locks. Your lucky she didn't cut off your Johnson.
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5 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

You should have got the fuck out when she was still pissed when you got home, instead you escalated things, and she escalated back.

Throw her shit out later when she's in class and change your locks. Your lucky she didn't cut off your Johnson.

Maybe I am reading the original story incorrectly but me impression is that this is his apartment, not hers.  She goes to his apartment, locks him out, and he is supposed to walk away?   I guess, personally I am calling the cops.  And if someone, anyone pulls a knife on me in my apartment in a aggressive faashion, I don't give a shit if its a woman, 6yr old child, or a fucking bunny rabbit, they are getting their ass kicked at the very minimum.  

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Just now, elguapo said:

Her injuries are documented on the arrest report

A bit thumb? Redness? If she started the violence and Beard was restraining her and fighting back, so what? It may be a bunch of bullshit and he kicked her ass and should go to jail, but a bunch of mouth-breathing internet cops aren't going to determine things.

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2 minutes ago, mwaadeeb said:

A bit thumb? Redness? If she started the violence and Beard was restraining her and fighting back, so what? It may be a bunch of bullshit and he kicked her ass and should go to jail, but a bunch of mouth-breathing internet cops aren't going to determine things.


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10 minutes ago, elguapo said:

Doesn't the fact that he was charged with a felony mean there was substance to the accusations?

I would think so.

Beard and his team deserve a chance to say their piece and the DA and the police and the accuser deserve a chance to say theirs. I am fine with a deliberate process at this point.


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1 minute ago, Texas Wahoo said:

I certainly do not know what he did or did not do, but that looks like a list of things that she said he did, not a list of things that were witnessed by the cops (other than the "visible teeth marks and redness).

I don't think that really matters as it pertains to his employment at Texas.

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1 hour ago, Deej said:

Quite the reach, dipshit. I just fucking said we don't know what the truth is. I just find it odd that everyone here is just jumping on him being an abuser being the truth. You don't know, I don't know. 



I don't think anyone is saying he's definitely an abuser

Most of us are saying that merely being charged with such a serious crime is likely enough to lose him his job. And that he's an idiot for putting himself in such a situation.

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7 minutes ago, Sandman said:

Why does he just happen to have recordings of the events? And if you're in the kind of relationship that behooves you to randomly record your conversations for your own protection, why the fuck are you still in that relationship???? 

Maybe he has home security devices that record based on motion/sound?

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14 minutes ago, elguapo said:

I don't think that really matters as it pertains to his employment at Texas.

Correct. It's the school's brand and reputation first and foremost. 

Any individual / coach / employee is a distant, way distant, second.  Once "choking" and "strangulation" got into the equation, Beard was done. 


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