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the 2023 speaker of the house voting thread of implosion


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5 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

There is no Republican party anymore.  They have no collection of ideas, no platform, no tangible beliefs.

It's the Democratic party and a group of people hellbent on stopping them.  That's it.

Democratic Party is made up of mainstream Dems (the Biden/Hillary types), conservaDems (Manchin and the few Dems left in the Deep South/Appalachia), and the progressives (Bernie, Warren, The Squad).

The Republican Party is 99% MAGAtards and like, a few dozen mainstream GOP that haven't fully converted yet or been tossed out on their ass (basically just Phil Scott, Susan Collins and like 3 House reps)

And then you have the Delusional Party, which are the people who think the new Republican Party can be returned to normalcy.  

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Politico is reporting Scalise only got the majority vote in caucus because of the support of 3 delegates who don’t even get a vote on the floor. Congrats on getting 50.7% of the caucus, but 3 of them don’t have a vote on the floor 😂

Scalise owes some kickbacks to American Samoa, Guam and PR

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13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

The Republican Party is 99% MAGAtards and like, a few dozen mainstream GOP that haven't fully converted yet or been tossed out on their ass (basically just Phil Scott, Susan Collins and like 3 House reps)

There is a substantial minority who are single-issue voters, mostly abortion or guns.  They hold their nose and pull the lever.  I'm not absolving them of their actions, but I'm also not calling all of them MAGAts.

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1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I’ve noticed that my friends who have been long term republicans, think 80s college republicans type, have given up talking politics

No they still do talk politics, they just don't want to own or defend the opinions and policy they've found themselves backing. See: DT and 6stJ

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3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

There is a substantial minority who are single-issue voters, mostly abortion or guns.  They hold their nose and pull the lever.  I'm not absolving them of their actions, but I'm also not calling all of them MAGAts.

They vote R, they are MAGAts. 

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10 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

There is a substantial minority who are single-issue voters, mostly abortion or guns.  They hold their nose and pull the lever.  I'm not absolving them of their actions, but I'm also not calling all of them MAGAts.

Those are Vichy Republicans.  

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13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Politico is reporting Scalise only got the majority vote in caucus because of the support of 3 delegates who don’t even get a vote on the floor. Congrats on getting 50.7% of the caucus, but 3 of them don’t have a vote on the floor 😂

Scalise owes some kickbacks to American Samoa, Guam and PR

Seriously, if George Soros was spending money to make the Republicans look incompetent in the face of another major crisis (that affects Israel of all things) as we head into an election year, he is getting so much value for the money spent.

compete bon appetit GIF

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I don't see anything useful accomplished in a big room with a hundred people. Deals are simply not done that way.  They are all done in 1:1 backrooms and the only reason to assemble as a group is to reach a foregone conclusion. These republicans may be even dumber than I thought.

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20 minutes ago, locodos said:

Nope, Can't vote GOP and not be Trumpkin/Magat

They aren't holding their nose.  They like it, they just know better than to admit it.  Which kinda makes them worse.

Well, that's just wrong, but whatever.

Notice I didn't say ALL single issue voters are characterized that way.  Some are.

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1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I don’t know if anyone is actually a Republican these days because there is no party or definition.

Oh there’s a definition. Craven greed, no adherence to anything within the Constitution and last but not least make everyone hurt economically that cannot fight back. That’s the definition of the party and anyone choosing to vote for that is a pretty sad human being because you are willingly hurting fellow Americans. 

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33 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

There is a substantial minority who are single-issue voters, mostly abortion or guns.  They hold their nose and pull the lever.  I'm not absolving them of their actions, but I'm also not calling all of them MAGAts.

Every R I know who is "pro-life" and/or a 2A fan are almost all pretty loony and pro-Trump.   I doubt there are very many single issue Rs.

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3 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

Every R I know who is "pro-life" and/or a 2A fan are almost all pretty loony and pro-Trump.   I doubt there are very many single issue Rs.

I know a couple personally.  They won't vote Trump in primary, and will talk shit about him, but probably still vote for him if push came to shove because he will stack the court accordingly.  S.C. nominations are all they care about.   Because, that's literally the definition of a single issue voter. Maybe they abstain this time, who knows, but those people exist.

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4 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I doubt there are very many single issue Rs.

I agree.  I'm just saying non-MAGAts are more than 1% of the party, which was the claim.

For instance, I know several Catholics who are staunchly anti-abortion but who truly hate Trump.  They're not liars.  They get it.  They just think their compromise is better than the alternative.  I think it's lunacy, and not just because I'm pro-choice, but there you have it.

I knew I shouldn't have made the comment, but I stand by it.  Let's move on.

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5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


For instance, I know several Catholics who are staunchly anti-abortion but who truly hate Trump.  They're not liars.  They get it.  They just think their compromise is better than the alternative.  I think it's lunacy, and not just because I'm pro-choice, but there you have it.

Yep.  This.  And same.

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12 minutes ago, Js1 said:


Potentially an incredible move, with perfect timing. Many were against this previously, for good reasons. I was advocating for it, but now realize I was too early. It was a very good idea to let them fail first, then offer an olive branch. It increases the leverage. 

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1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:

There is no Republican party anymore.  They have no collection of ideas, no platform, no tangible beliefs.

It's the Democratic party and a group of people hellbent on stopping them.  That's it.

Yup it's completely social now for people like my parents who are college educated and would formerly be known as country club Republicans.

They refuse to talk politics with their kids and in-laws and just break out with the "both sides are crazy" talk whenever we bring something up. They could never support the Democratic Party as lifelong WASP Texans in their 60s even if they sympathize with things like Gay rights and hate book banning. It's just not even in the realm of possibility for them no matter how shitty Trump and the rest are or what horribleness they bring to the country because it's not what they do. 

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6 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Yup it's completely social now for people like my parents who are college educated and would formerly be known as country club Republicans.

They refuse to talk politics with their kids and in-laws and just break out with the "both sides are crazy" talk whenever we bring something up. They could never support the Democratic Party as lifelong WASP Texans in their 60s even if they sympathize with things like Gay rights and hate book banning. It's just not even in the realm of possibility for them no matter how shitty Trump and the rest are or what horribleness they bring to the country because it's not what they do. 


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2 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Yet the obliviousness of "oh I would retire now but you know how expensive it is to buy health insurance"


working until you die to own the libs.

Or living in a state with massive property taxes. I've enjoyed various conversations with people my age where they insist retiring to a Red State has to be cheaper than a Blue State. Sure, no amount of logic of facts will avail them. Have fun in Texas heat motherfuckers, I'll be in Cali or Oregon. 

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1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

I believe your past the traditional age for a mid-life crisis, but don't let that stop you, sir. Maybe get an earring while you're at it. 

Don't think I haven't considered it.  (The restomod Camaro, not the earring.  I had that when I was 20 and I looked like a bigger idiot than I actually was.)

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1 hour ago, Skipper said:

I know a couple personally.  They won't vote Trump in primary, and will talk shit about him, but probably still vote for him if push came to shove because he will stack the court accordingly.  S.C. nominations are all they care about.   Because, that's literally the definition of a single issue voter. Maybe they abstain this time, who knows, but those people exist.


But if your "single issue" friend votes for Trump because of their religious extremism, they are part of Trump's coalition.  They don't get to have it both ways.  Also if they are so heavily anti abortion, I wonder what their thoughts are on other social issues?   I bet they dove tail nicely with the GOP's thoughts and ideas.  If they are voting for MAGA nominated court appointees, then they are voting for a WHOLE RAFT of Maga policies.

They are like the "undecided" voters, they don't need more info, they just don't want to admit it.

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2 minutes ago, locodos said:


But if your "single issue" friend votes for Trump because of their religious extremism, they are part of Trump's coalition.  They don't get to have it both ways.  Also if they are so heavily anti abortion, I wonder what their thoughts are on other social issues?   I bet they dove tail nicely with the GOP's thoughts and ideas.  If they are voting for MAGA nominated court appointees, then they are voting for a WHOLE RAFT of Maga policies.

They are like the "undecided" voters, they don't need more info, they just don't want to admit it.

Ah.  So you know everything about everybody.  Got it.  I should have asked you first.

Groups of people aren't monolithic.  Maybe wake the fuck up.  Consider this a virtual neg rep, because you're being stupid.

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28 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

They refuse to talk politics with their kids and in-laws and just break out with the "both sides are crazy" talk whenever we bring something up. They could never support the Democratic Party as lifelong WASP Texans in their 60s even if they sympathize with things like Gay rights and hate book banning. It's just not even in the realm of possibility for them no matter how shitty Trump and the rest are or what horribleness they bring to the country because it's not what they do. 

Same/same, except it's usually "I'm just so sick and tired of ALL of them." Both of my parents have a gay sibling but that hasn't stopped them from continuing to support the loons. It's damn hard to de-program 30 years of Rush Limbaugh's bullshit being injected into the brain.

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3 minutes ago, locodos said:


But if your "single issue" friend votes for Trump because of their religious extremism, they are part of Trump's coalition.  They don't get to have it both ways.  Also if they are so heavily anti abortion, I wonder what their thoughts are on other social issues?   I bet they dove tail nicely with the GOP's thoughts and ideas.  If they are voting for MAGA nominated court appointees, then they are voting for a WHOLE RAFT of Maga policies.

They are like the "undecided" voters, they don't need more info, they just don't want to admit it.

This.  There are no real "single issue" voters.  They'll tell you that they are but when you get past that single issue, they seem to fall in line with everyone else.  Find me a single issue pro life voter who favors rational gun control.

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1 hour ago, Skipper said:

I know a couple personally.  They won't vote Trump in primary, and will talk shit about him, but probably still vote for him if push came to shove because he will stack the court accordingly.  S.C. nominations are all they care about.   Because, that's literally the definition of a single issue voter. Maybe they abstain this time, who knows, but those people exist.

Stack the court to rule on the various issues they care about? 

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8 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

  Find me a single issue pro life voter who favors rational gun control.

I know one!    I know it's not fathomable to those on this forum (where almost 90% of the posters are largely aligned) but we live in a big old country with lots of different opinions.

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15 minutes ago, locodos said:


But if your "single issue" friend votes for Trump because of their religious extremism, they are part of Trump's coalition.  They don't get to have it both ways.  Also if they are so heavily anti abortion, I wonder what their thoughts are on other social issues?   I bet they dove tail nicely with the GOP's thoughts and ideas.  If they are voting for MAGA nominated court appointees, then they are voting for a WHOLE RAFT of Maga policies.

They are like the "undecided" voters, they don't need more info, they just don't want to admit it.

This is just as ignorant as my wife's MAGA family that thinks we are Ultra Libs because we vote for Biden.  Unfortunately we live in a 2 party system.  It is what it is.

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16 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Ah.  So you know everything about everybody.  Got it.  I should have asked you first.

Groups of people aren't monolithic.  Maybe wake the fuck up.  Consider this a virtual neg rep, because you're being stupid.


One of us needs to wake up.  I hope it is me, this dream sucks.

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