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the 2023 speaker of the house voting thread of implosion


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8 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

I mean maybe. If he's a true believer, and he wants to destroy the government we have, and he's working towards that end, how can he "know better." 

The only plausible response to that is that he's a pure nihilist and wants to watch the world burn, which I guess is a possibility. 

Nihilist and/or amoral opportunist willing to do whatever it takes to force his disgusting world view on others? 

My whole argument is around his statement that "coalition government is unforgivable", when a guy with his education 100% knows this is how government is supposed to work. The fact that he's fighting tooth and nail against it is one of the things I find so despicable about him.  I also should have added the qualifier "Chip Roy is rocketing up my list of most hated TEXAS republicans"


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9 minutes ago, 'stache said:

At some point they need to realize they aren't going to win and back someone who can do the job. There is no strategy here that makes any sense, but I know the answer is they don't care.

Believe it or not, they think they are winning.  These are people that can't see the forest for the trees.  

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40 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

He 100% knows better. He's got a BS and MS from UVA and a JD from Texas. He's not a moron. He knows how our government is supposed to work. He's also 100% a true-believer Republican shitbag who has altered his appearance and vocal delivery to appeal to voters in his gerrymandered R+20 district. 

He's gone from this guy:


To this guy:


in 6 years. 

He was probably always a giant POS and every year he gets empowered more, he knows no matter what he does, his job will be safe, the ppl who vote for him don’t care, uninformed or as vile as him (probably all 3). He has no reason to change, so let lose…

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1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

This is going to be real tight. MTG, Gaetz, Banks will almost certainly oppose. Roy is probably shaky regardless of what he says but the real wildcard is somebody like Collins and 2-3 others who thinks thi is an embarrassing shitshow and bad procedure besides, and whether or not Team Jordan pulls the knives out against Team McCarthy by voting against McHenry, and whether Team Scalise goes knives out for Team Jordan by voting against McHenry. 

Unless they had a guarantee from the Dems. If the full conference falls in line a deal was cut. and obviously if Dems make up the difference, a deal was cut. 

Most interesting would be if a few Dems vote for McHenry up front - you might see Republicans pull away. 


Why just January?  What happens then?  Do this all over again?

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There will be no vote for House speaker on Thursday, two sources confirmed to CBS News, with Rep. Jim Jordan instead temporarily backing empowering Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry.

Jordan intends to keep running for speaker and try to shore up votes until January, according to a source familiar with Jordan's thinking. He remains the Republican nominee for speaker, and he is not dropping his bid. In the meantime, he will back empowering McHenry through Jan. 3.



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HA!  Hadn't thought about that game in years.  csb/ Steve Dahl, the DJ organizer of that along with MLB, was a regular a few years later at my mom's Mexican restaurant.  He was part of the reason I wanted to get into radio (which I did briefly for a couple years in the early 90's).  We also had some friends of the family who got arrested at Comiskey that night.  Good times.  Gonna make the night that Trump dies look like an evening at EPCOT.  

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This whole fiasco is typical for the GOP. They can't make a group decision, so the decision is to kick the can down the road 2-3 months. Our govt doesn't exist so Jordan can achieve his life goals. In last few weeks, he's at best the 3rd choice of the GOP and most likely McHenry would get more votes as Speaker. Instead the House is having to bend over backwards because Jordan wants longer to campaign. That's not how this works.

Has any expert weighed in on whether a Speaker pro tempore in terms of presidential succession? I would assume that role does not equate to the Speaker's role as 2nd in line. Of course, if McHenry was in the temp role, and something occurred to Biden and Harris, the GOP would be screaming McHenry should be named president over the Senate president pro tempore (Patty Murray.)

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4 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

This whole fiasco is typical for the GOP. They can't make a group decision, so the decision is to kick the can down the road 2-3 months. Our govt doesn't exist so Jordan can achieve his life goals. In last few weeks, he's at best the 3rd choice of the GOP and most likely McHenry would get more votes as Speaker. Instead the House is having to bend over backwards because Jordan wants longer to campaign. That's not how this works.

Has any expert weighed in on whether a Speaker pro tempore in terms of presidential succession? I would assume that role does not equate to the Speaker's role as 2nd in line. Of course, if McHenry was in the temp role, and something occurred to Biden and Harris, the GOP would be screaming McHenry should be named president over the Senate president pro tempore (Patty Murray.)

Let's be honest, Speaker Jim Jordan would mean that Biden and Harris protection details would have to double in size. They'd probably need to hire food tasters, too. 

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Correct, unlike the President Pro Tem of the Senate, which has been enshrined in the succession order for a very long time...the Speaker Pro Tem of the House has zero constitutional (original, amended, or otherwise) standing to rise to the Oval Office.  The position was established and maintained in the event of a terrorist attack taking out multiple leaders of our government.  It's an emergency tool only codified to keep the House of Reps up and running to authorize funds for military retaliatory strikes, emergency spending, federalization of resources like fuel, food, etc.  

As most MAGA people do not know, the Speaker position for day-to-day business of the House is often passed around like Melania Trump at a Balkan contractors convention.  The elected Speaker rarely does daily duty up there, instead working behind the scenes and not wasting time on "recognizing" this gentleman and that gentlelady and keeping track of clocks 'n shit.  But the emergency step was put into place after 9/11 to basically say, "Okay, of all the tenured Reps. on the floor, we need one to step up officially and helm the immediate-aftermath House duties in case of death to the elected speaker.  They will kept outside the chain of succession and won't even bother with committee appointments and fundraising 'n shit, they're there to keep federal funding and federal operations flowing smoothly if/when we go to war.  A secondary duty would be making sure we can repair damaged infrastructure, production capabilities, etc."  If they're all back home in district, they can't vote on a new Speaker.  We may need an immediate placeholder to call everybody back and get checks and laws out the door at drive-thru speed.    

It's a triage tool.  It's not meant to hold a dysfunctional party together for 15 months while multiple global conflicts arise almost monthly now.  For a party of strict originalists, they sure are Munson'ing this one...


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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Dems should hold out for more. 

Agree.  The Dems need to stop selling themselves short by supporting McHenry.  They need to keep high expectations.  This is no time to shrink away from the pressure of the circumstance.  Stand tall and be seen Dems!  The moment requires giants amongst men!

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1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

Because the Biden impeachment nonsense actually works to the benefit of the Democrats.

The vast majority of voters in this country are complete morons. If they see it being discussed on the House floor they assume it's legitimate. If you have to explain to them why its not legitimate they'll tune you out and turn on the Bachelor or some shit.

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3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Part of me would love a primetime address by Biden reminding everyone that he and Schumer are ready to pass aid packages for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan because of our commitments to our allies and fund the government to prevent another shutdown and fund border security priorities, but the House is crippled by unserious egomaniac Republicans.  The Democrats are ready to continue working for the American people. 

I'd be kinda surprised if it wasn't at least alluded to.

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This turn of events with Jim Jordan should be worrisome to all of us. This is a radical, immoral loon who, with a small group of other morons, has successfully turned over a hundred moderate republicans into voters for their brand of idiocy. 

It is only a matter of time until the pressure on the remaining 22 republicans with any sense of decency will be too much and they will cave, thus turning over the Republican Party completely to morons. That is not good for this country. 

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4 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

This turn of events with Jim Jordan should be worrisome to all of us. This is a radical, immoral loon who, with a small group of other morons, has successfully turned over a hundred moderate republicans into voters for their brand of idiocy. 

It is only a matter of time until the pressure on the remaining 22 republicans with any sense of decency will be too much and they will cave, thus turning over the Republican Party completely to morons. That is not good for this country. 

I see what you're saying, but that ship has sailed when the party wouldn't impeach Trump after January 6th. This is much less of a line crossed than not impeaching the guy that led a coup on an election.

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12 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Part of me would love a primetime address by Biden reminding everyone that he and Schumer are ready to pass aid packages for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan because of our commitments to our allies and fund the government to prevent another shutdown and fund border security priorities, but the House is crippled by unserious egomaniac Republicans.  The Democrats are ready to continue working for the American people. 

Fox news won't report it, so the Americans who need to see it, won't see shit. 

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26 minutes ago, 'stache said:

The vast majority of voters in this country are complete morons. If they see it being discussed on the House floor they assume it's legitimate. If you have to explain to them why its not legitimate they'll tune you out and turn on the Bachelor or some shit.


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4 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Fox news won't report it, so the Americans who need to see it, won't see shit. 

Unless it interrupts their Dancing with the Stars or Golden Bachelor. Then they'll see it.  The alphabet networks air it. 

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13 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

It is only a matter of time until the pressure on the remaining 22 republicans with any sense of decency will be too much and they will cave, thus turning over the Republican Party completely to morons. That is not good for this country. 

Those 22 don't have a sense of decency.  Some of them are just as bad as the ones they oppose.  

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