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$1/$2 private game in San Antonio, NLH. 9-handed.

You open to $10, which is the standard open, from UTG+1 with Queen of Hearts - Jack of Hearts. The cutoff, who is a good winning player, calls. Everyone else folds.

Flop is A of Hearts, K of Spades, 5 of Spades.

Are you c-betting this flop? If so, what size?



Mandatory c-bet. We have a range advantage overall since we are the opener in EP and he's a caller in LP.  We also have a huge nuts advantage, b/c he almost certainly can't have AK, AA, KK but we can. The board is draw-heavy, which will generally lead to bigger c-bets (so we can price out draws and also build fold equity for our own). I would bet $15-20. 

An argument can also be made for betting small, as he may fold out his small pairs to any bet and we lose less when he has a hand. 

How deep are stacks?

  • Hook 'Em 1
  On 2/16/2023 at 3:46 PM, TXSooner518 said:

How deep are stacks?


That's a good question. We both had over $350.

I'm a TAG but I've been trying to widen my opening ranges. This has let to me being out of position with weaker hands than I'm accustomed to. I was thinking that I should bet 1/3 of pot, but in reality I would bet larger if I had a good hand given the flush draw. So I bet half pot, he called, and then it checked through. He had AQ with Q of Spades.

I think it would've taken three barrels to get him to fold.

  On 2/16/2023 at 6:35 PM, Bookman said:

That's a good question. We both had over $350.

I'm a TAG but I've been trying to widen my opening ranges. This has let to me being out of position with weaker hands than I'm accustomed to. I was thinking that I should bet 1/3 of pot, but in reality I would bet larger if I had a good hand given the flush draw. So I bet half pot, he called, and then it checked through. He had AQ with Q of Spades.

I think it would've taken three barrels to get him to fold.


Best to always think about what you would do with a range of hands, rather than your specific exact holding. It's also fine to build a range that bets small and a range that bets big, but both need to be balanced to avoid the "I bet big when I have it, small when I don't" plan that will get you murked by good players. 

I think you played it just fine. I think trying to get 1/2 players to fold AQ on an AK5 board is not generally worth pursuing other than against the most timid players. You got a free river draw at your straight and lost just a bit. On to the next. 

  • Like 1

This this this. You’re flop game will improve so much if you can FIRST divorce yourself from your actual hand considering your perceived range, THEN consider your actual hand, before making your play. Just get in that habit even when the play you want to make is obvious.

  • Hook 'Em 3

Brutal runout at Aria $5/10 last night.

I’m UTG straddle to $20. CO opens to $60. SB calls and I defend w J9o. $190 pot

A T 7 rainbow. Check to CO who makes it $120. Only I call. $430 pot.

8. I check. He makes it $400, I decide to just call leaving $800 behind to let him jam me on river. $1230 pot

A. I check. He bets $700. I just called and he flips 88. Pure nasty

  • Like 1
  • Rage+1 1

Ouch, that’s a rough river.

Return of The Lodge livestream tonight. Andrew Neeme was up like $70ish K when I was peeping it, good for him! Should be pretty bumping there this weekend with them doing the streams and leading up to the tourney series next week.

My wife is out of town, so lots of poker happening this weekend. Hell, may even throw a few bullets at the Art of Poker tourney tomorrow.

No bad beats, unless we’re heads up!

Posted (edited)

played 3.5 hours last night.  bought in for 300,  won a few small hands to get me to  335.  about 30 mins in, on a $5 straddle hand, I am Cutoff with 89cc.

folds to me  I make it $15,  very wanna-see-a-flop,  slightly impaired dealer bumps it to $35, straddler calls, and I say fuck it and call the $20

flop comes 8d9d4c  FTA checks. 

Normally I check here, with the intention to check raise the dealer... but I figured with coordinated board, I needed to get some money in now. 

So i decided to bet heavy, and put out $100.  dealer  calls,  straddler takes a while and folds.

turn is the Ac.    With me getting the flush draw as well... hoping he had something like Axdd, I shove for $199 

He snap calls with 2 red kings.   we run the river twice and he doesnt improve. 

I play for the next 3 hours where I catch almost nothing, no hands to even try to call to see the flop, my hands arent coordinated, gappers, or anything worth playing, esp since almost every hand was needing to call $25-40 to see the flop


I win 1 pot of about $60  with JJ and thats it.   and i lost that all back when i made a small double barrell bluff attempt that lit $70 on fire.


Saw maybe 15 flops, but +310 when it was all over. 

Edited by AUS-97HORN

I believe the prevailing theory is that an excellent pro maxes out at about 20 big blinds per hour as an average over 1000+ hours.

So, if you were willing to put in 40 hrs a week playing $2/5 (and had access to games that paid you that well throughout, Ie not nit games at 2pm on Tuesdays), you could expect to pull $200k year.

To play $2/5, you want max buyin on the table, which can be anywhere from $500 to $1500. It’s $800 here in Jax.

Your bankroll always needs to be more than 20 max buyins due to variance, so you’d want a starting bankroll of $15-30k at least. Probably double that to account for the inevitable swing of you playing bad (not just variance)

$500k target would probably require you to very carefully select your games when picking your 40 hours (Ie 2am at a casino w a club) to try to pull it off at $2/5

Of course $5/10 or $10/25 will certainly pay a pro better, but obviously your competitors will be significantly better too. I’d guess these guys play a very whale-dependent schedule and your ability to get into those games is probably slim.

  • Hook 'Em 1
  On 3/4/2023 at 5:11 PM, blacklab said:
Anyone heading out to the WSOP?
Thinking about going June 17-25th for the big O and PLO Mix.

I’ll have to miss this year. If you’re an MLife guy, Cosmo may be on it soon. That would be an ideal place to stay with easy access to Paris

$2/5. Sit with $800 and wait two hands for button to pass. I would usually just jump right in, but I’m going to play super solid tonight and run this $800 up proper.

UTG opens to $25. He appears to be tonight’s target as I know all the other players. Middle aged white dude, sitting on ~$1200. MP calls and I join in CO w 8d8s. No other callers. $75 pot.

Qc8c4h. UTG bets $35. MP calls. Let’s juice this up a hair. I raise to $100. UTG calls quickly but sadly MP folds. $305 pot.

Kh. UTG checks. I didn’t get the feeling he liked that card. Figure I’ll make it a price he can’t resist and bet out $125. He bites and we go to the river. $555 pot.

2h. Would have liked to boat up, but this looks like a good river for me. He checks and I see how he feels about $175. He jams. Tha fuck?

The only thing that gets there is a back door flush. KK, QQ or KQ wouldn’t be so passive on that turn.

It either has to be a flush or a bluff. Nothing about this guy suggests he’s able to make a bluff here. That said …. FUCK! I can’t really lay this down, right?!? Right!?!

I call. He shows AhQh and I’m fucked on the first hand of the night.

Off to play super solid on $2/2, I guess…


roller coaster week. played tues night up +180, play Fri night -600, play sat night +380, and then today. 

just came back from a stupid quick session.  played maybe 70 mins. 

bought in for 300

one of the DGAF gamblers is in seat 1, hes calling and raising all in all the time, dropping heaps all over the table, winning occasionally, but its $50 to go every hand. and the flop is almost always an all in. 

I play one $50 hand with KQss, nothing on the flop, lose a few blinds, and add back on for $50 more just before the bomb pot. 

4th to act.   I get dealt Ah 8h Jd 7c   

Top board is Ad Jc 3s

Bottom board is 6h 3h, 5x        so top 2 up top and nut heart draw plus open end on bottom.

3nd to act bets out $30. I call...  along with most others, 7 players left.

turn throws a 6c up top and BINK Qh on bottom. 

FTA leads out for $100, fold, call....  so Ive only got like $260 left behind and I shove because this table is gonna call anyway.  3 people go all in after (including DGAF dude)  mine is the lowest stack left, everyone else has anywhere from 3-700. 

while the dealer is counting out the multiple side pots, i table my hand, and IMMEDIATELY 2 of the guys curse in spanish, and muck their hands  saying they had hearts  only and nothing up top.       

River  comes a 6 up top... and Qd on bottom... 

DGAF dude has AQ39 so he gets the 2 outer to boat up on the bottom

and the other guy had Kh7h6x3x.   to catch his 1 outer. 

I just wanna puke.  the main pot was worth almost $1600. 

disgusting part is even if those last 2 cards were reversed I still lose both boards to the same guys. 

rebuy for $300,  win $70 or so in the next 20 mins.


DGAF dude meanwhile  in the next 20 mins loses his stack three times, but just stacked another player before this hand. 


Ive got T9ss. MP,  folds to me, make it $10, dude to my left makes it $20, DGAF (button) and I both call. 

Flop is 9-8-3 rainbow.   I bet $30,  call... DGAF shoves for ~$700.  with the way that dude is playing, the 9 is the best hand here like 90%+   so I call.   INSTA call to my left,  hes sitting with more than 700.    shows AA....    FUCK. 

turn J river Q.  lol yay poker. 

I got the main pot for $1050ish.  AA broke even with the side pot.   then  a few hands later DGAF and 2 others started bitching at each other, minor kerfuffle turned into a shouting match and 3 guys took their ball and went home, including DGAF. 

table breaks after.  

in for $650 walk with a miracle $995 and just count myself lucky. 

  On 3/5/2023 at 12:00 AM, Lurch said:

$2/5. Sit with $800 and wait two hands for button to pass. I would usually just jump right in, but I’m going to play super solid tonight and run this $800 up proper.

UTG opens to $25. He appears to be tonight’s target as I know all the other players. Middle aged white dude, sitting on ~$1200. MP calls and I join in CO w 8d8s. No other callers. $75 pot.

Qc8c4h. UTG bets $35. MP calls. Let’s juice this up a hair. I raise to $100. UTG calls quickly but sadly MP folds. $305 pot.

Kh. UTG checks. I didn’t get the feeling he liked that card. Figure I’ll make it a price he can’t resist and bet out $125. He bites and we go to the river. $555 pot.

2h. Would have liked to boat up, but this looks like a good river for me. He checks and I see how he feels about $175. He jams. Tha fuck?

The only thing that gets there is a back door flush. KK, QQ or KQ wouldn’t be so passive on that turn.

It either has to be a flush or a bluff. Nothing about this guy suggests he’s able to make a bluff here. That said …. FUCK! I can’t really lay this down, right?!? Right!?!

I call. He shows AhQh and I’m fucked on the first hand of the night.

Off to play super solid on $2/2, I guess…


The check raise all in on the river smells all kind of bad. You didn’t make it cheap for him to chase with a pair and a flush draw, so I don’t think you did anything wrong. Sucks - I don’t think I would have folded there either 

  On 2/27/2023 at 5:15 PM, TonyTexas said:

It seems to me that blind size means little, especially in Texas. $1/3 games play like $2/5 and $2/5 play like $5/10 and so on. Average buy-in seems to be more relevant. 


Yes, and that makes them exploitable.


I am new to 7-card stud. I raised first to act after the bring-in with AK suited, K showing. Four callers, showing an A, 8, T, and the bring-in called.

Fourth street paired both the 8 and the T, and the T leads out with a big bet.

I folded, thinking he didn't seem too concerned with me or the A, and honestly I assumed the 8 has two-pair there quite a bit. But is that a good assumption? He could have a flush or straight draw. And can I really fold a pair of Kings to one bet in this situation?

Spoiler: The 8 folded on seventh street. The T bet every street.


What was your fourth street card? Assume it wasn’t the suit of your AK? I don’t hate folding with two people pairing middling door cards with an ace also dead for your two pair draw. Reasonable chance at least one of them made trips, especially if they aren’t complete morons.

  • Hook 'Em 1

Rando thought.  Most games I play in have players with varied cadences.  Like players take their time, will snap call, etc.  you just don’t know. 

I used to play at Blackhawk and their 2/5 table, it felt like everyone made their decision within five seconds.  I know it was intentional but couldn’t really figure out why. And some of the players would get pissed if their was a slow player


The only time I see fast play is when there is a room bonus at stake (high hands, bad beat jackpots, etc) and the more hands you see the better your odds of winning. If not that, perhaps they’re hoping weaker players will get sucked into playing fast, too, and be more inclined to make mistakes as a result. I could see that working if a table full of regs were on the same page.

  • Hook 'Em 2
  On 3/11/2023 at 7:14 PM, TXSooner518 said:

What was your fourth street card? Assume it wasn’t the suit of your AK? I don’t hate folding with two people pairing middling door cards with an ace also dead for your two pair draw. Reasonable chance at least one of them made trips, especially if they aren’t complete morons.


It was some brick, like 5 of hearts or something.

Yeah, I feel pretty good about my fold right now. I probably call heads up but multiway I was probably in bad shape.

  On 3/12/2023 at 8:01 PM, Lurch said:

The only time I see fast play is when there is a room bonus at stake (high hands, bad beat jackpots, etc) and the more hands you see the better your odds of winning. If not that, perhaps they’re hoping weaker players will get sucked into playing fast, too, and be more inclined to make mistakes as a result. I could see that working if a table full of regs were on the same page.


Matter of fact, Blackhawk always has some sort of bad beat bonus and some olds would show up just for that.

Posted (edited)

Either Rampage has become a true poker savant, or this kid is going to crash hard, hard hard.

4 years ago I was watching him play in the 1/3 games buying in for $300-500 at his local casino where he was winning an OK amount of the time.  He blew up during the pandemic because he was still posting new poker content from online games through the whole summer of 2020, and then won a bracelet that summer, and from there, started jumping into larger and larger games,  we saw him get schooled at The Lodge a year ago, where he lost like $20k on 1 hand.... but he kept playing in higher and higher games. He won the Wynn $25k high roller in December (with 2 bullets, the 2nd one was 100% his money)  and in the last few days:

he just won $500k on the hustler Casino Live stream.

including making a $110k call on the river with just AK


Edited by AUS-97HORN
  • Hook 'Em 2
  On 3/20/2023 at 6:50 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

Either Rampage has become a true poker savant, or this kid is going to crash hard, hard hard.


Isn’t that kinda the life of a poker pro? The best might have tournament winnings of say $2 million in a year but overall netted like 300k. Maybe I’m off the mark but it’s not all gravy for people who do it full time 


@Lurch where in the Dong are ya again? I think Jacksonville…. I’m in Tampa for work and have an afternoon flight back tomorrow, so going to get in some hands. Assume the Hard Rock is the staple in town?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/20/2023 at 6:50 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

Either Rampage has become a true poker savant, or this kid is going to crash hard, hard hard.

4 years ago I was watching him play in the 1/3 games buying in for $300-500 at his local casino where he was winning an OK amount of the time.  He blew up during the pandemic because he was still posting new poker content from online games through the whole summer of 2020, and then won a bracelet that summer, and from there, started jumping into larger and larger games,  we saw him get schooled at The Lodge a year ago, where he lost like $20k on 1 hand.... but he kept playing in higher and higher games. He won the Wynn $25k high roller in December (with 2 bullets, the 2nd one was 100% his money)  and in the last few days:

he just won $500k on the hustler Casino Live stream.

including making a $110k call on the river with just AK





Idk anything about these players but Airball seems like a dick and a putz.  Rampage knew you didn't have shit.  


Rampage doesn't look like a Rampage.  I think of big Hulk Hogan looking dudes when I hear that name.


Not really sure why Rampage showed first.  Isn't Air ball supposed to?


Probably meaningless, but Airball looked off to the side after he bet the turn.  

Edited by closetohumping
  On 3/21/2023 at 12:55 PM, dirtonia said:

@Lurch where in the Dong are ya again? I think Jacksonville…. I’m in Tampa for work and have an afternoon flight back tomorrow, so going to get in some hands. Assume the Hard Rock is the staple in town?


Yep, I’m in Jax.

Hard Rock is the place in Tampa.  Just be mindful that it’s probably 80% regulars.  I’ve had a number of good sessions there, regardless, but you’ll want to stick to a solid strategy vs anyone other than obvious tourists.

  On 3/21/2023 at 1:37 PM, closetohumping said:
Idk anything about these players but Airball seems like a dick and a putz.  Rampage knew you didn't have shit.  
Rampage doesn't look like a Rampage.  I think of big Hulk Hogan looking dudes when I hear that name.
Not really sure why Rampage showed first.  Isn't Air ball supposed to?
Probably meaningless, but Airball looked off to the side after he bet the turn.  

Airball is a reg and very good for the game, obviously. He frequently takes aggressive lines like this. To be fair, it usually works.

Rampage was a good moniker early on in his streaming career when he was quite stupidly wild. Pretty sure he was making more from YouTube as a result than he was dumping on the tables, so it was arguably a valid strategy. He’s tightened up and proven to be capable of winning big both in cash and tournaments.

Rampage could have forced Nik to show or fold. I’d guess Nik said “Ace high” and Rampage just decided to show the winner. He was going to find out in 30 mins anyway. No need to make Nik steam even more.
  • Hook 'Em 1
Posted (edited)
  On 3/21/2023 at 6:40 PM, Lurch said:

Airball is a reg and very good for the game, obviously. He frequently takes aggressive lines like this. To be fair, it usually works.

Rampage was a good moniker early on in his streaming career when he was quite stupidly wild. Pretty sure he was making more from YouTube as a result than he was dumping on the tables, so it was arguably a valid strategy. He’s tightened up and proven to be capable of winning big both in cash and tournaments.

Rampage could have forced Nik to show or fold. I’d guess Nik said “Ace high” and Rampage just decided to show the winner. He was going to find out in 30 mins anyway. No need to make Nik steam even more.


I think most of this forum is don’t show when you don’t have to.  I didn’t know if Nik said ace high.  If he did ok



Did Nik bet heavy enough on river to force a fold



Edited by closetohumping
  On 3/21/2023 at 7:02 PM, closetohumping said:

Did Nik bet heavy enough on river to force a fold




He bet $110k into a pot of $82k.  If Rampage is calling a 140% overbet here, there is no size that would force a fold, I presume.

I love Niks comment that he wished he was bluffing with a 2 there.  Lol

  On 3/21/2023 at 6:29 PM, Lurch said:
Yep, I’m in Jax.
Hard Rock is the place in Tampa.  Just be mindful that it’s probably 80% regulars.  I’ve had a number of good sessions there, regardless, but you’ll want to stick to a solid strategy vs anyone other than obvious tourists.

10-4, good feedback. I’ll let y’all know how it goes.

ok, I guess I can see where hold 'em can be fun. 

Played at harvey's Sunday night. $2/$3 NLHE. Bought in for $300 and cashed out for $500. Was up to $800 at one point, should have left.


99 on the button, one guy raises to $15, BB calls. Flop 776. BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110. Fold/call/raise?

KJ in middle position, raise to $15, 3 callers. Flop KJ3. Bet $30, two callers. Turn 3, bet $50 one instacall. River 2, I check other guy bets $75. Call/fold/raise?


  On 3/21/2023 at 9:53 PM, blacklab said:
ok, I guess I can see where hold 'em can be fun. 
Played at harvey's Sunday night. $2/$3 NLHE. Bought in for $300 and cashed out for $500. Was up to $800 at one point, should have left.
99 on the button, one guy raises to $15, BB calls. Flop 776. BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110. Fold/call/raise?
KJ in middle position, raise to $15, 3 callers. Flop KJ3. Bet $30, two callers. Turn 3, bet $50 one instacall. River 2, I check other guy bets $75. Call/fold/raise?

On 99 hand, what position was original raiser in? And then you just called on button w 99, then BB joined for $47 pot before flop? If so, original raiser has a big pair and presumes BB is on a draw. You should snap fold

KJ hand, call. I can’t think of a hand we beat that will call your raise other than AK or another KJ and you block those. I’d guess he has KQ or a missed broadway draw. Slightly possible he has K3s, JJ or 33 and was hoping you’d hang yourself on the river.

99 hand: original raiser in mid position raises to $15 pre flop, me on button and BB call
post flop BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110, I fold, BB calls. I assume mid position has big pocket pair.
turn and river are low cards, BB shows A7, mid position shows AT

KJ hand I call and he shows A3 

Those were the only two plays where results oriented thinking made me think I did the wrong thing but the voice in the back of my head said I probably did the right thing.

Table was mostly friendly tourists having a good time. Seat 1 looked and acted like a pro. He was trying to get the table to all straddle. He makes some comment like "it will be fun" and I said "says the local pro to the tourists playing for fun". He shot me a glare like he wanted to kill me. No one straddled after that.

He dumped off a stack with KK on a KJT board to an old dealer and hurriedly got up and left. 


  • Hook 'Em 2
  • Like 2

I didn’t really expect to be able to play this trip, so didn’t bring much cash so was in the 1-2 streets at the Hard Rock. They had a $500 every 30 minutes high hand promo, so the average age when I sit down is about 112. I still manage to donk off a full buyin and an additional $50 top off, in for $650.

Have about $325 and get 88 in the CO, button had the $5 straddle on. Early position and I call, button makes it $20, EP folds, I call, button has me covered. After midnight the high hand promo went down to $250, table vibe has changed, average age down to 50ish.

Flop is 2 6 9, I check, button check. Turn is 8 (bink), I check, button $40, I x raise to $125, he calls. River, double bink, 8. I shove, button tank calls, rolls over KK. I get the full double up and my quad 8s hold high hand!

Dicked around another hour, cashed out up $250, high hand, you the real MVP.

  • Like 2
  On 3/22/2023 at 1:06 AM, blacklab said:
99 hand: original raiser in mid position raises to $15 pre flop, me on button and BB call
post flop BB bets $50, original raiser goes all in for $110, I fold, BB calls. I assume mid position has big pocket pair.
turn and river are low cards, BB shows A7, mid position shows AT
KJ hand I call and he shows A3 
Those were the only two plays where results oriented thinking made me think I did the wrong thing but the voice in the back of my head said I probably did the right thing.
Table was mostly friendly tourists having a good time. Seat 1 looked and acted like a pro. He was trying to get the table to all straddle. He makes some comment like "it will be fun" and I said "says the local pro to the tourists playing for fun". He shot me a glare like he wanted to kill me. No one straddled after that.
He dumped off a stack with KK on a KJT board to an old dealer and hurriedly got up and left. 

Why did you think results orientedly you should have done anything different on 99? BB had trips yes? Def note that MP is a stone moron jamming no pair no draw with no fold equity into two players, one of whom bet pot and the other hasn’t acted yet.

Shit, flop was 766 not 776.

Yeah, guy was a moron. Bought back in for $300 and lost it quickly.

He is from Austin. Lives a few blocks from my old house, I live a few blocks from where he grew up. 


Even though they are both poor players, you still made the right lay down. Most of the time you’re proper fucked with that action on that flop.

  • Hook 'Em 1
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