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Joe Biden 2023: The Dark Brandon Rises


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That’s good politicking 


Officials in President Joe Biden's administration have privately told lawmakers that the White House is preparing a supplemental funding request to submit to Congress that includes money for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and U.S. border security, according to two congressional officials, an administration official and a defense official. 

Administration officials also said the request would aim to address the strain that providing additional military support for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan would put on the Pentagon’s stockpiles, the sources said, by asking for money to build more weapons.

Tie Ukraine to Israel, placate their border security lust and pass that shit 

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I mean somebody just come up with a slick acronym for the bill and get that shit done.  "If you think the U.S. Southern Border is vulnerable, wait until you hear about the Ukrainian/Russia Border or the Gaza Strip.  

So take U, R, C for Crimea, I for Israel, G, and then either A(merican) S(outhern) B(order) or U(nited) S(tates) S(southern) B(order). 

I can make "CIGARS" or "ICARUS" (kinda fitting).  

Is that anything?  

Simply fucking amazing we're going to attempt all this with our primary branch of Government trying to eat its own toes & taint.

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Biden on 60 Minutes right now. 


ETA omg anybody insisting he's senile or has dementia or doesn't have his wits about him or doesn't know what's happening in the world is literally a gotdamn liar. 

meanwhile tangerine Jake Lamotta rambles for an hour about aliens or cats or whatever the fuck SQUIRREL! thought flits into his addled brain. 🙄

Edited by mchookem
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Going back a page, people don’t really seem to understand incremental tax rates on income…wish Biden’s tweet woulda mentioned that they’d only be taxed 25% on INCOME over a certain threshold.  

Drives me nuts when dumbass mouth breathers talk about ‘punishing extraordinary people’ by ‘taking’ their money.  No bitch, they need to get taxed at higher income above certain levels you will never see in your lifetime…getting you one dollar over the bracket doesn’t suddenly mean all your money is taxed at the higher rate. 

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1 hour ago, Homercles said:

Going back a page, people don’t really seem to understand incremental tax rates on income…wish Biden’s tweet woulda mentioned that they’d only be taxed 25% on INCOME over a certain threshold.  

Drives me nuts when dumbass mouth breathers talk about ‘punishing extraordinary people’ by ‘taking’ their money.  No bitch, they need to get taxed at higher income above certain levels you will never see in your lifetime…getting you one dollar over the bracket doesn’t suddenly mean all your money is taxed at the higher rate. 

The day I learned this is the day I closed the door on republicans forever.

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1 hour ago, Homercles said:

Going back a page, people don’t really seem to understand incremental tax rates on income…wish Biden’s tweet woulda mentioned that they’d only be taxed 25% on INCOME over a certain threshold.  

Drives me nuts when dumbass mouth breathers talk about ‘punishing extraordinary people’ by ‘taking’ their money.  No bitch, they need to get taxed at higher income above certain levels you will never see in your lifetime…getting you one dollar over the bracket doesn’t suddenly mean all your money is taxed at the higher rate. 

It never ceases to amaze me how the Right has been able to convince a bunch of poor people to defend the 1% from having to pay higher taxes.  

I wonder how many of these idiots realize that the 1% used to pay a 90+% marginal tax rate...and yet the rich people still managed to stay rich.

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2 hours ago, Homercles said:

Going back a page, people don’t really seem to understand incremental tax rates on income…wish Biden’s tweet woulda mentioned that they’d only be taxed 25% on INCOME over a certain threshold.  

Drives me nuts when dumbass mouth breathers talk about ‘punishing extraordinary people’ by ‘taking’ their money.  No bitch, they need to get taxed at higher income above certain levels you will never see in your lifetime…getting you one dollar over the bracket doesn’t suddenly mean all your money is taxed at the higher rate. 

And the dumbass mouth breathers have no clue that the 'extraordinary people' who make a shitload of money look down upon them/gives no shits about them.

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1 hour ago, DixonHur said:

It never ceases to amaze me how the Right has been able to convince a bunch of poor people to defend the 1% from having to pay higher taxes.  

I wonder how many of these idiots realize that the 1% used to pay a 90+% marginal tax rate...and yet the rich people still managed to stay rich.

Hint: Racism 

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2 hours ago, DixonHur said:

It never ceases to amaze me how the Right has been able to convince a bunch of poor people to defend the 1% from having to pay higher taxes.  

I wonder how many of these idiots realize that the 1% used to pay a 90+% marginal tax rate...and yet the rich people still managed to stay rich.

You just lit the incredulity bat signal. 

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It also seems to escape them that it's a tax on income, which does not include wealth.  Unrealized gains aren't taxed.  At some point, the vanishing need to actually liquidate most holdings renders the concept of an actual tax moot -- it's not gonna happen.  And Joe Blow will never enjoy that privilege.

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11 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

It also seems to escape them that it's a tax on income, which does not include wealth.  Unrealized gains aren't taxed.  At some point, the vanishing need to actually liquidate most holdings renders the concept of an actual tax moot -- it's not gonna happen.  And Joe Blow will never enjoy that privilege.

Property taxes increasing annually, tied to property value, regardless of whether a transaction or other event occurs, are effectively taxes on unrealized gains.

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On 10/9/2023 at 9:27 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Hunger Games except only billionaires are eligible for compulsory competition.  We can call it the Horder Games. Winner gets to keep half their wealth. 

This would be interesting.

Elon would probably hide in a cave somewhere whimpering in the fetal position. Charles Koch would stumble into him and use an 18th century Derringer he smuggled in to the games to shoot Elon in the face.

Zuck would probably feast on all the olds. Thinking he is the Lord of the Flies.

Ballmer would paint himself in the blood of Bezos after butchering Jeff with a flint axe. Ballmer and Larry Ellison would get into a good grudge match but Steve emerges wounded but victorious.

Ultimately, it would end with Ballmer biting open Zuck's throat and howling up at the sky.


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That account just needs to quote Haley, Christie, and DeSantis everyday

“Donald Trump is missing in action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have”

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13 hours ago, Goofyboy said:

The freeze on social security tax should be removed. I think it stops at $168,600. There is no need to stop it.


12 hours ago, BeardIP said:

I think it should be bracketed to help the middle class. Stop it at $130k like it used to be, and then start it again at say, $330k and keep it going forever, taxing the rich.

Then you let everyone deduct it AND you stop taxing social security distributions.

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Heck, why not help the poor and middle class out and just say no social security tax until $350k. and from $350k to $350 million (and beyond) you are taxed.

Terrible idea. There’s not as much “income” in that range as you think. To raise then right amount of revenue, we need a high volume of contributors.

But I’m all for raising the cap, or some “band” approach like above. I’ll end up paying more…I’m ok with that.
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3 hours ago, BeardIP said:

Ostensibly you are middle class, so you paying more defeats the purpose. Make the rich pay more, is the point. You pay less. The poor pay nothing. The rich pay more. 

Yeah, no. The idea is to make it work, so that the olds and the poor don’t live in abject misery. As long as it works, I won’t begrudge paying more. 

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Ostensibly you are middle class, so you paying more defeats the purpose. Make the rich pay more, is the point. You pay less. The poor pay nothing. The rich pay more. 

The middle class is between $43,350 and $130,000 - based on the median household income. Anyone in the top 10% of earners is not middle class.
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58 minutes ago, Goofyboy said:

The middle class is between $43,350 and $130,000 - based on the median household income. Anyone in the top 10% of earners is not middle class.

It would be helpful if we changed terminology because the way we use class in these situations is completely divorced from what it actually means. Middle income or middle earners would be more applicable.

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14 minutes ago, elfenix said:

Upper earners having no idea they're upper earners is always one of my favorites things on surly

Middle class? You mean those of us making between 250k-500k as a family? --- surly third basers

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4 hours ago, elfenix said:

Upper earners having no idea they're upper earners is always one of my favorites things on surly

But this also points to just how ridiculous the ‘wealthy’ or ‘rich’ have become.

Im considered an upper earner. But between the need to save for retirement, housing prices, medical insurance costs, saving for college, etc. I still feel squeezed.

You don’t get off the hamster wheel until you die it seems.

Just looking at my parents, it’s crazy how it’s only now in their late 60’s when they have eyesight of their mortgage being paid off, now on Medicare, finally paying off the loans they took out for my brother education, and not buying a new care for the last 10 years (two paid off cars) that they are ‘feeling’ somewhat ‘ahead’.

They don’t go on vacations though outside of visiting grandkids.

That’s amazing for a large amount of the population…. But for two college educated people with two kids who went to college on scholarships and some GI bill relief, I can’t see it as anything but kind of disappointing in a way.

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WASHINGTON, Oct 17 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden may consider a supplemental request of about $100 billion that would include defense aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, multiple sources familiar with the request told Reuters on Tuesday.



There's always money in the banana stand for war.  

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