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Joe Biden 2023: The Dark Brandon Rises


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5 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

What about childcare and evenings out? You chose to be outnumbered. You have dual income with your wife unless she chose to be a housewife, which would then get rid of your childcare issue. 

I refuse to care about the 45 dollars you spend every 7-10 days on gas.

“Hey honey, I’m going out to dinner, can you watch the kids?” I guess you’re not married either. 

3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

We understand. It's funny that you think we don't.

Bless your lonely heart. 

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Poe is my wife's uncle who repeats the same story to everyone he meets about his one black friend (who no one has ever met) that started making 6 digits for the first time in his life under Trump and was so thankful, with tears in his eyes, to be able to provide a better life for his family. Then, just like that, in 2021 it was all taken away from him for reasons unknown. Very believable stuff.

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8 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

Poe is my wife's uncle who repeats the same story to everyone he meets about his one black friend (who no one has ever met) that started making 6 digits for the first time in his life under Trump and was so thankful, with tears in his eyes, to be able to provide a better life for his family. Then, just like that, in 2021 it was all taken away from him for reasons unknown. Very believable stuff.

I don’t have any black friends. But I’m trying. 

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6 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

I’m sorry you can’t understand man. Truly. 


Not struggling, but do I miss my bills from the Trump years?  Hell yes I do, what a great time it was. 

If you are poor and can't afford food why don't you try to pull yourself up by the bootstraps? 

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7 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

I wouldn’t presume I do. But people with zero children pretending they understand just makes me chuckle. No offense. 

You chose to have kids. Maybe you should have made better life choices.  God knows we don't need more idiots like you, wishing for 3 years ago when we were in the middle of a global fucking pandemic.  Idiot.

Congrats to Joe Biden for a great economy!!!

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10 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

Food is one thing. What about childcare and evenings out? Soccer? Gas from after school activities? You have no earthly idea what it means to provide for a family my man. 

Hey Poe look down, find your bootstraps, and pull yourself the fuck up.

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39 minutes ago, BeardIP said:


Though, I will confess that while I can attest my wages have gone up a pretty good amount, I feel poorer. Most of that is my own fault though with personal/lifestyle creep, I think, but the last 12-18 months I have felt poorer despite being having a (not insignificantly) higher income.

You need to come down from that sugar high. 

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11 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

I wouldn’t presume I do. But people with zero children pretending they understand just makes me chuckle. No offense. 

Hot take: Poe is actually right about this one. If you don't have kids, you can think you "understand" what it's like, but you don't understand it. 

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Is it just the holiday party banter that's overtaking our site lately?  

Because t seems like we're all prefacing shit online with, "As a parent...", "As a student of the Constitution", "As a pro-freedom taxpayer", etc.  I mean, I'd like to start every conversation with, "As someone who wishes to Baby Jesus that Trump and every one of his followers will perish, so we can all have the blessed Christmas that Jesus intended", but I can't.  And then you got your royivs on the other side, "As someone who has never voted Republican, I am holier than thou so lemme learn ya' something..."  

This Holiday Season, folks.  Remember this...Biden is President.  he got handed a wet bag of shit and is doing the best he can.  If it's him versus Trump in 11 months time, I'm all in for Joe.  If it's somebody else versus Trump, I'm all in for that other guy/gal/wild animal/drywall piece.  And if it's Joe versus somebody else because Trump died, then I can't vote.  Because I'm dead.  Because you can't just put bourbon and heroin in a gatorade bottle and drink it out some stripper's ass.  I mean, you can.  But with health conditions, you can't expect to walk away from it.  I mean, I'll make it a few yards but in dying in the Expose' parking lot holding 2 grams of blow and a burner phone is not the way I wanna go out.  But fuck it, I'll take one for 'Murica...

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1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

If it's him versus Trump in 11 months time, I'm all in for Joe.  If it's somebody else versus Trump, I'm all in for that other guy/gal/wild animal/drywall piece.  

More interesting question... who could run against Trump to where you would pull the lever for Trump instead. 

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Just now, FirstTimeCaller said:

More interesting question... who could run against Trump to where you would pull the lever for Trump instead. 

I cannot, and I mean this with no hyperbole, think of anyone I'd pick Trump over at the voting booth.  I mean, yeah...admittedly...there are some people that I would just skip that part of the ballot and say, "Nope, not voting for POTUS this cycle or going third party/indie again."  But I cannot conceive of a universe in which there's any way I could ever vote for Trump.  I laughed at him and went Johnson in 2016.  I looked upon him in abject horror and bundled for Biden in 2020.  This cycle?  I'm probably on some kinda watch list for suggesting that you can get to the food supplier to his resort's kitchen much easier than most people realize.  So yeah, no...I can't think of anyone.  I mean, if your party wantsto run a serial killer, child molester with a massive heroin problem...I'm probably not gonna swing that way, but I'll just leave it blank.  Not going for Trump.  

It shocks me still that we have mainstream news on the regular debating, "Well, could a convicted felon still remain on the ballot in the following states?"  Meantime, I'm honestly inquiring with some degree of seriousness and connectivity, into how I can hurry up and raise a million dollars for his fake Presidential Library before one of his kids murders him.

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Poe came in here wanting to talk inflation, and then conflated the costs of raising kids with the physical and mental toll of having kids. I’d love to have kids, I just haven’t gone to Thailand and shopped around for a wife.

Anyways, Atlanta Fed runs the real time prediction of quarterly GDP. In the last week it has gone from 1.2% to now at 2.6%.



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25 minutes ago, 'stache said:

The economy is so bad that Amazon can't pay its drivers year-end bonuses, customers have to cover it for them, hard times.

I went to try and give $5 (of their money) and couldn't figure out how to even say thanks you. And I like how they only earmarked 2 million originally, they have 100k drivers according themselves 

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was talking to the gf today and she said something casually about "this economy" and I pressed her for more and her evidence was what she was hearing on podcasts. that frustration aside, maybe Biden needs to go sit on Rogan's show and just do nothing but read accomplishments from his admin and economic projections. have a an egghead on there beside him to refute any bullshit that comes from JR. might change some minds

Edited by Longhorn_Fan68
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