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1 hour ago, BigOrange1 said:

so i may miss the draft tomorrow night.  is there not a way to prerank the players that i'd like the computer to autodraft for me?

Yes, you can set up your own pre-rankings in your team page.


is this the dork convention?


also I forgot which thread Butthole Drumsticks came from back at the other shitpile


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19 hours ago, BigOrange1 said:

so i may miss the draft tomorrow night.  is there not a way to prerank the players that i'd like the computer to autodraft for me?

i'll be there.  you guys are so boned.

3 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

so we're just not doing a 4th outfielder?

Yeah I tried to change it before the draft last night but it was locked. Now it say we have to reset the draft to add positions. 

7 hours ago, Fawesome said:

I will be working on the schedule today and tomorrow. Going on vacation on Thursday so I might need some help updating the future weeks schedules. 

i can help if needed, but you should be able to just update the schedule through your vacation and then do the rest of it when you get back.


Someone peep this. 



Week #1

Clown Question Bros  at         Reigning Champ

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Bring me my baseball pants   at         Chest Rockwell

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Pickle Rick       at         The Mortiest Morty

Raging Kluber  at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #2

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Reigning Champ

Bring me my baseball pants   at         Clown Question Bros

Chest Rockwell           at         This Team Sucks !!!

Raging Kluber  at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

FAKE NEWS!!! at         The Mortiest Morty

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Pickle Rick


Week #3

Chest Rockwell           at         Clown Question Bros

Reigning Champ          at         This Team Sucks !!!

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Bring me my baseball pants

Pickle Rick       at         FAKE NEWS!!!

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Butthole Drumsticks

The Mortiest Morty    at         Raging Kluber


Week #4

Clown Question Bros  at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Reigning Champ          at         Chest Rockwell

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Bring me my baseball pants

The Mortiest Morty    at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

Raging Kluber  at         Pickle Rick

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #5

Bring me my baseball pants   at         Reigning Champ

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Clown Question Bros

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Chest Rockwell

Pickle Rick       at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

Butthole Drumsticks   at         The Mortiest Morty

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Raging Kluber


Week #6

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Clown Question Bros

The Mortiest Morty    at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Pickle Rick       at         This Team Sucks !!!

Raging Kluber  at         Bring me my baseball pants

Reigning Champ          at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Chest Rockwell           at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #7

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Reigning Champ

Raging Kluber  at         Chest Rockwell

Bring me my baseball pants   at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Clown Question Bros  at         The Mortiest Morty

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Pickle Rick

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #8

The Mortiest Morty    at         Reigning Champ

Pickle Rick       at         Clown Question Bros

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Juicy Juicemaster J

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Chest Rockwell

Bring me my baseball pants   at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Raging Kluber


Week #9

FAKE NEWS!!! at         This Team Sucks !!!

The Mortiest Morty    at         Bring me my baseball pants

Chest Rockwell           at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

Reigning Champ          at         Pickle Rick

Clown Question Bros  at         Butthole Drumsticks

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Raging Kluber


Week #10

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Reigning Champ

Raging Kluber  at         Clown Question Bros

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Juicy Juicemaster J

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         This Team Sucks !!!

Chest Rockwell           at         The Mortiest Morty

Bring me my baseball pants   at         Pickle Rick


Week #11

Pickle Rick       at         Chest Rockwell

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Bring me my baseball pants

Clown Question Bros  at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

This Team Sucks !!!     at         The Mortiest Morty

Reigning Champ          at         Raging Kluber


Week #12

Reigning Champ          at         Clown Question Bros

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         This Team Sucks !!!

Chest Rockwell           at         Bring me my baseball pants

FAKE NEWS!!! at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

The Mortiest Morty    at         Pickle Rick

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Raging Kluber


Week #13

Reigning Champ          at         Juicy Juicemaster J

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Chest Rockwell

Clown Question Bros  at         Bring me my baseball pants

The Mortiest Morty    at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Pickle Rick       at         Butthole Drumsticks

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Raging Kluber


Week #14

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Reigning Champ

Bring me my baseball pants   at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Clown Question Bros  at         Chest Rockwell

Butthole Drumsticks   at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

Raging Kluber  at         The Mortiest Morty

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Pickle Rick


Week #15

Chest Rockwell           at         Reigning Champ

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Clown Question Bros

Bring me my baseball pants   at         This Team Sucks !!!

Butthole Drumsticks   at         FAKE NEWS!!!

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         The Mortiest Morty

Pickle Rick       at         Raging Kluber


Week #16

Chest Rockwell           at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Clown Question Bros  at         This Team Sucks !!!

Reigning Champ          at         Bring me my baseball pants

Raging Kluber  at         FAKE NEWS!!!

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Pickle Rick

The Mortiest Morty    at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #17

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Clown Question Bros

The Mortiest Morty    at         Juicy Juicemaster J

Pickle Rick       at         This Team Sucks !!!

Raging Kluber  at         Bring me my baseball pants

Reigning Champ          at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Chest Rockwell           at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #18

The Mad Fat Chick Killer         at         Reigning Champ

Raging Kluber  at         Chest Rockwell

Bring me my baseball pants   at         FAKE NEWS!!!

Clown Question Bros  at         The Mortiest Morty

Juicy Juicemaster J      at         Pickle Rick

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Butthole Drumsticks


Week #19

The Mortiest Morty    at         Reigning Champ

Pickle Rick       at         Clown Question Bros

Butthole Drumsticks   at         Juicy Juicemaster J

FAKE NEWS!!! at         Chest Rockwell

Bring me my baseball pants   at         The Mad Fat Chick Killer

This Team Sucks !!!     at         Raging Kluber


22 hours ago, Fawesome said:

Yeah I tried to change it before the draft last night but it was locked. Now it say we have to reset the draft to add positions. 

Our fearless leader

2 hours ago, BigOrange1 said:

well here we are gentlemen, at the beginning of another season.  i wish you all the best of luck this fine year.

I hope you get super gonorrhea



If Rocko is Derka, then who is Rocko?

And in reality wouldn't Derka go back to his real name of Derka Derka? So then who is Goo Punch claiming to be Derka?

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