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Doubled down on the social issues... I don’t exist, NAIU can’t get married, conversion therapy good, they can discriminate against me bc God hates fags and trannies and they codify their religious beliefs about gender and sexuality. Under no circumstances can I vote republican until this shit ends. When are y’all gonna knock it off?





We believe in …


6) Self-sufficient families, founded on the traditional marriage of a natural man and a natural woman.


Business, Commerce and Transportation


14) Counseling and Therapy: No laws or executive orders shall be imposed to limit or restrict access to sexual orientation counseling for self-motivated youth and adults. [state]


26) Municipal Preemption: We encourage the Legislature to preempt local government efforts to interfere with the State’s sovereignty over business, employees, and property rights. This includes but is not limited to burdensome regulations on short-term rentals, bags, sick leave, trees, and employee criminal screening. We support preemption of city ordinances that dictate sick leave policies to private businesses. [Local]


Criminal and Civil Justice


102) Hate Crimes: We urge the complete repeal of the Hate Crimes Law since ample laws are currently in effect to punish criminal behavior towards other persons.


Education Subcommittee


116) Campus Speech: We urge the Texas Legislature to recognize the rights of those on college campuses to practice their faith and their right to free speech. We further urge that the Texas Legislature write legislation to protect the right of anyone who steps onto college campuses, to prohibit college campuses from stripping away their First Amendment rights of free speech and practicing their religion. We support withdrawal of public funding from any college or university within this state that actively or passively discriminates or permits discrimination against the free speech of either students or guest speakers. Student groups shall have the unfettered right to elect their leaders, choose their members, and set their organization’s mission, purpose, and standard of conduct. [Federal, State]


121) Sexual Education: We demand the state legislature pass a law prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice, or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever, or disseminating or permitting the dissemination by any party of any material regarding the same. All school districts, individual schools, or charter schools are prohibited from contracting with or making any payment to any third party for material concerning any of the above topics. Until this prohibition goes into effect, sexual education shall only utilize sexual risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. [state, Local]


122) Extracurricular Opportunities: We encourage nonpublic school parents to create extracurricular opportunities for their children where they are not readily available and in a manner that they can be free from discriminatory testing, intrusive government oversight, or harmful school policies regarding mixed-gender students in bathrooms and locker rooms. We encourage the legislature to find ways to allow nonpublic school students’ participation. Any home school student that does not participate will be unaffected. [state, Local]


140) Gender Identity: The official position of the Texas schools with respect to transgenderism is that there are only two genders: male and female. [state, Local]


Health and Human Services


240) Gender Identity: We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity. We call upon our legislature to enact laws prohibiting the use of hormones before the age of 18 in an attempt to change gender. We believe it should be illegal to remove healthy body parts in minors in an effort to try to transition to the opposite sex.


241) No Taxpayer Funding for Sex Change: We oppose the use of taxpayer funds for any type of gender dysphoria treatments or sex change operations and/or treatments.


256) Homosexuality: We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.


259) Conscience Clause: All persons and legal entities have the right of conscience, and should be protected under Texas law if they conscientiously object to participate in practices that conflict with their moral or religious beliefs. This includes, but is not limited to, abortion, the prescription for and dispensing of drugs with abortifacient potential, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, eugenic screenings, euthanasia, assisted suicide, harmful futile procedures, and the withdrawal of nutrition and hydration.


National Defense and Border Security


275) No Gender Norming in Military: We oppose gender norming in the military. Transgendered persons should not serve in the military as a special class; no special considerations or medical treatment shall be required or offered.


State Affairs


303) Religious Freedom for Business Owners: We support the removal of laws and regulations that are used to force business owners and employees to violate their sincerely held beliefs.


304) Public Accommodations: We support legislation at the state and federal level that concretely defines public accommodations as originally defined and understood in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that it prohibit any expansion of that legal definition by any federal, state, or local law to expand government control to restrict any First Amendment rights; and to proscribe any law that requires any private business or individual to create or provide a custom product or service, or any kind of expressive work, or enter into a contract, or be coerced into any speech that is not their own.


305) Religious Freedom of Speech and Practice: We call on the Texas Legislature to repeal the Johnson Amendment that assaults the free speech of pastors and religious organizations. We further resolve to protect the First Amendment rights of any citizen to practice their religion and exercise their right to free speech in the public square, as well as in religious organization affiliations.


310) Gender Identity Facilities in Businesses: We support enacting legislation in the State of Texas ensuring no government entity in the state be allowed to take it upon itself to define for any private business or private entity how it must segregate its restrooms, changing facilities, or showers; nor may any government agency be allowed to require businesses to profess, espouse, or adopt specific views on sex, sexuality, gender, or gender identity, other than to guarantee that views and positions on these matters are not used as a basis to deny access to public accommodations, as defined by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, nor to deny employment, or discriminate in employment decisions, solely on the basis of a person’s views on these matters.


311) Child Rights: We call on the Texas Legislature to pass legislation to protect privacy in public schools and government buildings as allowed by Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, by ensuring multi-use facilities, including showers, changing rooms, and bathrooms, are designated for and used only by persons based on the person’s biological sex.


312) No Sexuality Indoctrination: We call on the state legislature to pass legislation so that no public school or other educational institution may force, require, or pressure any child or student to profess, espouse, or adopt, or otherwise be indoctrinated without explicit parental consent, specific views on sex, sexuality, gender, or gender identity.


313) Gender Identity Pronouns: We oppose any attempt to criminalize and/or penalize anyone for the wrong use of pronouns.


316) Homosexual Behavior: We affirm God’s biblical design for marriage and sexual behavior between one biological man and one biological woman, which has proven to be the foundation for all great nations in Western Civilization. We oppose homosexual marriage, regardless of state of origin. We urge the Texas Legislature to pass religious liberty protections for individuals, businesses, and government officials who believe marriage is between one man and one woman. We oppose the granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.


317) Definition of Marriage: We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between one natural man and one natural woman


318) State Authority over Marriage: We support withholding jurisdiction from the federal courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage.


319) Overturn Unconstitutional Ruling: We believe this decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be reversed, returning jurisdiction over the definition of marriage to the states. The Governor and other elected officials of the State of Texas should assert our Tenth Amendment right and reject the Supreme Court ruling.


Source of quoted excerpts: http://www.outsmartmagazine.com/2018/06/texas-gop-approves-24-anti-lgbtq-platform-planks-including-support-for-ex-gay-therapy/


Full platform here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4517378-2018-RPT-Platform-for-Voting.html


the number of people attending in rascal scooters outnumbered attractive young women and blacks 3:1

The party is over.  It just doesn't know it yet.  Dan Patrick is going to make sure it goes down in flames.  You know, because he's a flaming closeted homosexual (NTTAWWT)

6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

the number of people attending in rascal scooters outnumbered attractive young women and blacks 3:1

The party is over.  It just doesn't know it yet.  Dan Patrick is going to make sure it goes down in flames.  You know, because he's a flaming closeted homosexual (NTTAWWT)



Cue Tahoe and Bern telling us “platforms are just words, they mean nothing” blah blah blah blah pffth 


it was also awkward as shit as to how few fucks were given about the separated children at the border amongst the myriad closed committee meetings.  There was more chatter about Leonard possibly leaving the Spurs.  That was the coldest vibe I've ever gotten at those things.  Then again, my credentials said, "Registered Libertarian" where my business or government entity name was supposed to be.  Gotta lot weird vibes last week.

it was also awkward as shit as to how few fucks were given about the separated children at the border amongst the myriad closed committee meetings.  There was more chatter about Leonard possibly leaving the Spurs.  That was the coldest vibe I've ever gotten at those things.  Then again, my credentials said, "Registered Libertarian" where my business or government entity name was supposed to be.  Gotta lot weird vibes last week.


I voted in the R primary and got the invite to the convention that comes with the vote and thought about going for 15 mins. Would have been shocking to me and frankly probably to them. Wait a normal looking lady who has made a productive life for herself and her kids who could be one of us but for ... holy shit... whaaat? No wai. In the name of Jesus gtfo!! On second thought it would have made for great twitter outrage.


But more seriously, it’s shit like this that requires LGBTQ advocacy. People say but it’s just a cake and it’s artistic expression. That’s not what these assholes want. They believe we will burn in hell and they want to bring that fire to us in this lifetime. It’s pretty much an existential threat to those of us who are in their cross hairs.


Today they are vocally against LGBTQ folk, but it’s silently (not always so silent) people of color and absolutely most certainly immigrants. The positions against the poors and disabled are disgusting too.

I voted in the R primary and got the invite to the convention that comes with the vote and thought about going for 15 mins. Would have been shocking to me and frankly probably to them. Wait a normal looking lady who has made a productive life for herself and her kids who could be one of us but for ... holy shit... whaaat? No wai. In the name of Jesus gtfo!! On second thought it would have made for great twitter outrage.
But more seriously, it’s shit like this that requires LGBTQ advocacy. People say but it’s just a cake and it’s artistic expression. That’s not what these assholes want. They believe we will burn in hell and they want to bring that fire to us in this lifetime. It’s pretty much an existential threat to those of us who are in their cross hairs.
Today they are vocally against LGBTQ folk, but it’s silently (not always so silent) people of color and absolutely most certainly immigrants. The positions against the poors and disabled are disgusting too.
Never heard your political views but see your R primary statement. Will you vote for Dems in general? Sit it out?

Sorry that you have to deal with this shit.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fozzz said:

Chris Hooks wrote a good article the other day about the radicalization of the Texas GOP. 


The Republican Party in Texas acts like a group that realizes its days in power are numbered.

Blue Texas is coming and there's nothing they can do about it.

Edited by David Dennison
1 hour ago, Js1 said:

Cue Tahoe and Bern telling us “platforms are just words, they mean nothing” blah blah blah blah pffth 

Tahoe and Bern? Huh. One of those things is not like the other.

Never heard your political views but see your R primary statement. Will you vote for Dems in general? Sit it out?


Sorry that you have to deal with this shit.


I’ve voted Dem in local and judicial elections my entire life. Beyond that, I used to vote Republican then went libertarian until I realized it’s a utopian ideal. I now vote Dem across the board for the social issues and hope one day to see a party that is both economically pragmatic (focused on limited and lean but properly focused government) and attuned to the plight of the poor, downtrodden and forsaken. That may also be a utopian ideal but it’s where I am right now. So I won’t sit out, I’ll fight with time, money and my voice for those democrats that stand for equality and against this Republican insanity.

  • Like 5
I’ve voted Dem in local and judicial elections my entire life. Beyond that, I used to vote Republican then went libertarian until I realized it’s a utopian ideal. I now vote Dem across the board for the social issues and hope one day to see a party that is both economically pragmatic (focused on limited and lean but properly focused government) and attuned to the plight of the poor, downtrodden and forsaken. That may also be a utopian ideal but it’s where I am right now. So I won’t sit out, I’ll fight with time, money and my voice for those democrats that stand for equality and against this Republican insanity.
I'm with you. I come from more idealistic liberal background... dropped everything to work for Obama campaign in college. Hope and Change and all. Bit disillusioned like so many today but still hopeful. Since becoming a tax
payer with a young family, I wouldn't call myself conservative but definitely expect more of the government at all levels and want to hold them accountable. want to see the Money out of politics more than anything.

Hopefully after all this shit we end up with at least one party that's worth a damn.

If Dems had more organization and resources, they could make republicans in purple districts defend this stuff. Your average Wilco or north Dallas burbs moderate Republican doesn’t support the stuff in there.

  • Like 1
I’ve voted Dem in local and judicial elections my entire life. Beyond that, I used to vote Republican then went libertarian until I realized it’s a utopian ideal. I now vote Dem across the board for the social issues and hope one day to see a party that is both economically pragmatic (focused on limited and lean but properly focused government) and attuned to the plight of the poor, downtrodden and forsaken. That may also be a utopian ideal but it’s where I am right now. So I won’t sit out, I’ll fight with time, money and my voice for those democrats that stand for equality and against this Republican insanity.

Yup I’m looking for the same thing as in a party. It doesn’t exist today, but it should, because it’s the only approach that is realistic, pragmatic, and aligned with our core values as a nation.

im not surprised that some on the Right are still looking to fight back againstthe lgbt issues.   While they appeared to accept them over the last decade, I don’t think they really did accept them.  They quietly let it go because they were afraid of backlash.  Make a comment at work, and you are accused of bigotry at the same level as being a racist.  

I can recall one middle manager I worked with.  very religious guy and seemingly caring and generous guy, made comments under his breath that he couldn’t have a employee Christian group but it was celebrated that there was a employee lgbt group.   He was angry and confused how he was marginalized at work.   I’m sure he privately agrees with the gop platform 100%.   It’s the silent majority that vote.  they seriously may have nothing against the gay man in the next office and don’t care about their life but they also view it as an attack  their own life  

I’m surprised that the GOP is still so openly against sex ed in schools.  Is it still because that scared parents fear learning about condoms leads to sex?  Or is it another lgbt attack in that they fear sex ed willl legitimize lgbt sex and turn their straight son gay?  


2018 Texas House general election candidates
District Democratic Party


Republican Party


1 No candidate Gary VanDeaver (I)  
2 Bill Brannon Dan Flynn (I)  
3 Lisa Seger Cecil Bell Jr. (I)  
4 Eston Williams Keith Bell D. Allen Miller (L)
5 Bill Liebbe Cole Hefner (I)  
6 No candidate Matt Schaefer (I) Neal Katz (Ind.)
7 No candidate Jay Dean (I)  
8 Wesley Ratcliff Cody Harris  
9 No candidate Chris Paddie (I)  
10 Kimberly Emery John Wray (I) Matt Savino (L)
11 Alec Johnson Travis Clardy (I)  
12 Marianne Arnold Kyle Kacal (I)  
13 Cecil R. Webster Sr. Ben Leman  
14 Josh Wilkinson John Raney (I)  
15 Lorena Perez McGill Steve Toth  
16 Mike Midler Will Metcalf (I)  
17 Michelle Ryan John Cyrier (I)  
18 Fred Lemond Ernest Bailes (I)  
19 Sherry Williams James White (I)  
20 Stephen Wyman Terry Wilson (I)  
21 No candidate Dade Phelan (I)  
22 Joe Deshotel (I) No candidate  
23 Amanda Jamrok Mayes Middleton Lawrence Johnson (L)
24 John Phelps Greg Bonnen (I) Dick Illyes (L)
25 No candidate Dennis Bonnen (I)  
26 L. Sarah DeMerchant Rick Miller (I)  
27 Ron Reynolds (I) No candidate  
28 Meghan Scoggins John Zerwas (I)  
29 James Presley Ed Thompson (I)  
30 Robin Hayter Geanie Morrison (I)  
31 Ryan Guillen (I) No candidate  
32 No candidate Todd Hunter (I)  
33 Laura Gunn Justin Holland (I)  
34 Abel Herrero (I) Chris Hale  
35 Oscar Longoria (I) No candidate  
36 Sergio Munoz Jr. (I) No candidate  
37 Alex Dominguez No candidate  
38 Eddie Lucio III (I) No candidate  
39 Armando Martinez (I) No candidate  
40 Terry Canales (I) No candidate  
41 Robert Guerra (I) Hilda Garza-DeShazo  
42 Richard Raymond (I) Luis De La Garza  
43 Dee Ann Torres Miller J.M. Lozano (I)  
44 John Rodgers John Kuempel (I)  
45 Erin Zwiener Ken Strange  
46 Sheryl Cole Gabriel Nila Kevin Ludlow (L)
47 Vikki Goodwin Paul Workman (I)  
48 Donna Howard (I) No candidate  
49 Gina Hinojosa (I) Kyle Austin  
50 Celia Israel (I) No candidate  
51 Eddie Rodriguez (I) No candidate  
52 James Talarico Cynthia Flores  
53 Stephanie Lochte Ertel Andrew Murr (I)  
54 Kathy Richerson Brad Buckley Robert Walden (L)
55 No candidate Hugh Shine (I)  
56 Katherine Turner-Pearson Charles Anderson (I)  
57 Jason Rogers Trent Ashby (I)  
58 No candidate DeWayne Burns (I)  
59 No candidate J.D. Sheffield (I)  
60 No candidate Mike Lang (I)  
61 No candidate Phil King (I)  
62 Valerie Hefner Reggie Smith David Schaab (L)
63 Laura Haines Tan Parker (I)  
64 Andrew Morris Lynn Stucky (I) Nick Dietrich (L)
65 Michelle Beckley Ron Simmons (I)  
66 Sharon Hirsch Matt Shaheen (I)  
67 Sarah Depew Jeff Leach (I)  
68 No candidate Drew Springer (I)  
69 No candidate James Frank (I)  
70 Julie Luton Scott Sanford (I)  
71 Sam Hatton Stan Lambert (I)  
72 No candidate Drew Darby (I)  
73 Stephanie Phillips Kyle Biedermann (I)  
74 Poncho Nevarez (I) No candidate  
75 Mary Gonzalez (I) No candidate  
76 Cesar Blanco (I) No candidate  
77 Evelina Ortega (I) No candidate  
78 Joe Moody (I) Jeffrey Lane  
79 Joe Pickett (I) No candidate  
80 Tracy King (I) No candidate  
81 Armando Gamboa Brooks Landgraf (I)  
82 Spencer Bounds Tom Craddick (I)  
83 Drew Landry Dustin Burrows (I)  
84 Samantha Carrillo Fields John Frullo (I)  
85 Jennifer Cantu Phil Stephenson (I)  
86 Mike Purcell John Smithee (I)  
87 No candidate Four Price (I)  
88 Ezekiel Barron Ken King (I)  
89 Ray Ash Candy Noble  
90 Ramon Romero Jr. (I) No candidate  
91 Jeromey Sims Stephanie Klick (I)  
92 Steve Riddell Jonathan Stickland (I) Eric Espinoza (L)
93 Nancy Bean Matt Krause (I)  
94 Finnigan Jones Tony Tinderholt (I)  
95 Nicole Collier (I) Stephen West Joshua Burns (L)
96 Ryan Ray Bill Zedler (I) Stephen Parmer (L)
97 Beth Llewellyn McLaughlin Craig Goldman (I) Rod Wingo (L)
98 Mica Ringo Giovanni Capriglione (I) H. Todd Moore (L)
99 Michael Stackhouse Charlie Geren (I)  
100 Eric Johnson (I) No candidate  
101 Chris Turner (I) No candidate James Allen (L)
102 Ana-Maria Ramos Linda Koop (I)  
103 Rafael Anchia (I) Jerry Fortenberry  
104 Jessica Gonzalez No candidate  
105 Thresa Meza Rodney Anderson (I)  
106 Ramona Thompson Jared Patterson  
107 Victoria Neave (I) Deanna Maria Metzger  
108 Joanna Cattanach Morgan Meyer (I)  
109 Carl Sherman Sr. No candidate  
110 Toni Rose (I) No candidate  
111 Yvonne Davis (I) No candidate  
112 Brandy Chambers Angie Chen Button (I)  
113 Rhetta Andrews Bowers Jonathan Boos  
114 John Turner Lisa Luby Ryan  
115 Julie Johnson Matt Rinaldi (I)  
116 Trey Martinez Fischer Fernando Padron  
117 Philip Cortez (I) Michael Berlanga  
118 Leo Pacheco John Lujan  
119 Roland Gutierrez (I) No candidate  
120 Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (I) Ronald Payne  
121 Celina Montoya Steve Allison Mallory Olfers (L)
122 Claire Barnett Lyle Larson (I)  
123 Diego Bernal (I) No candidate  
124 Ina Minjarez (I) Johnny Arredondo  
125 Justin Rodriguez (I) No candidate Eric Pina (L)
126 Natali Hurtado E. Sam Harless  
127 No candidate Dan Huberty (I) Ryan Woods (L)
128 No candidate Briscoe Cain (I)  
129 Alexander Jonathan Karjeker Dennis Paul (I) Joseph Majsterski (L)
130 Fred Infortunio Tom Oliverson (I) Roy Eriksen (L)
131 Alma Allen (I) Syed Ali  
132 Gina Calanni Mike Schofield (I) Daniel Arevalo (L)
133 Martin Schexnayder Jim Murphy (I)  
134 Allison Sawyer Sarah Davis (I)  
135 Jon Rosenthal Gary Elkins (I) Paul Bilyeu (L)
136 John Bucy III Tony Dale (I) Zach Parks (L)
137 Gene Wu (I) No candidate Lee Sharp (L)
138 Adam Milasincic Dwayne Bohac (I)  
139 Jarvis Johnson (I) No candidate Shohn Trojacek (L)
140 Armando Walle (I) No candidate  
141 Senfronia Thompson (I) No candidate  
142 Harold Dutton Jr. (I) No candidate  
143 Ana Hernandez (I) No candidate  
144 Mary Ann Perez (I) Ruben Villarreal  
145 Carol Alvarado (I) No candidate Clayton Hunt (L)
146 Shawn Thierry (I) No candidate J.J. Campbell (L)
147 Garnet Coleman (I) Thomas Wang  
148 Jessica Farrar (I) Ryan McConnico  
149 Hubert Vo (I) No candidate Aaron Close (L)
150 Michael Shawn Kelly Valoree Swanson (I)  
  • Like 1
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

duh, bazinga!

Seriously, not many families I respect more than the Phelans.  His brother and I graduated both HS and Baylor together, and his Uncle Pat is one of my closest friends and mentors.

They are sane, which is nice.

Let's see how long the niceness lasts.

Edited by BearSchlong

Plus, it's a nice "Fuck You" to Allen West because Dade reached across the aisle.


Today the American Republic is the victim of a grand scheme and anyone dismissing this is a mindless lemming. The Texas Democrat Party attempted this scheme here in the Lone Star State in Texas’ largest County, Harris County. It was there that an appointed partisan County Clerk, Chris Hollins — who is also an official of the Texas Democrat Party — sought to disseminate nearly 2.5 million mail-in ballot applications to the “registered voter list” in Harris County. His planned scheme was in violation of Texas election law which clearly specifies the intent and scope of absentee ballots. Hollins was issued a stand down order by the Texas Supreme Court. However, Hollins then went onto unilaterally expand “curbside” voting during the early voting period, another violation of Texas election law. Of course, his expanded locations were all in heavily Democrat precincts. When challenged, the media tried to make it appear that Republicans were enacting voter suppression. Since when did supporting election law become equated with voter suppression? Imagine if those 2.5 million mail in ballots had found their way into our Texas electoral system?

In all truth, voter suppression comes where there is voter fraud, as we are witnessing. This is what serves to undermine the American Republic, and we will not be brow-beaten into silence, or acceptance.

The top legislative priority for the Republican Party of Texas, of our eight priorities, is election integrity. You can view the entire list of priorities at our Texas GOP website.

Texas will not allow the undermining of our “Texas Republic.” This is why the Republican Party of Texas is perplexed, and will not support, a potential Texas Speaker of the House who would seek  affirmation from progressive socialist Democrats to attain that position. It is utterly absurd and demonstrably idiotic that any Republican would join with Democrats to lead our Republican majority (83-67) Texas State House. Does anyone believe that Texas Democrats will support the Republican Party of Texas legislative priority of election integrity?

Therefore, let me clearly state this: the Republican Party of Texas will not support, nor accept, State Rep. Dade Phelan as Speaker of the Texas House. Texas does not need a Republican political traitor, not at a time when the two diverging philosophies of governance are this lucid.

The Republican Party of Texas will not sit back idly and watch leftist Democrats be placed as Committee Chairmen who will undermine, kill, our legislative priorities, as happened in the 86th Texas legislative session.

Texas will be led by Constitutional Conservatives, not middle of the road “road kill” individuals seeking alliance with Marxist, socialist, leftists. We fought hard in the 2020 election cycle — against massive odds and leftist resources — to retain a strong legislative majority.

America needs Texas. Texas needs committed, principled, resolute, and courageous Conservatives who will be the vanguard in saving, protecting, and restoring the American Republic.

The fight has been enjoined . . . Y’all all in?

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