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Cairn Horn88

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2 minutes ago, Born to Run said:
16 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:
On weekends, I play down at the Sand Bar in our Doors cover band side project, Crystal Shit.

How does the show go?

Like this:

Love me two times, baby
Love me twice today
Love me two times, girl
'Cause I got AIDS
Love me two times, baby
Once for tomorrow
Once cause I got AIDS

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8 minutes ago, The Dog said:

regarding Cannon and the possibility of the case staying with her:


Also, she sits at the Fort Pierce courthouse, which is 129 miles from Miami.  It's still in the Southern District, so technically ok, but it being filed in the Fort Pierce division in the first place was a forum-shop by Trump, so it seems fairly likely she would "recuse" in favor of a judge in the Miami Division.

That will be the first sign as to how willing she is to Kaczmaryk/O'Connor/Hanen herself for Trump.

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47 minutes ago, Hammerin Hank said:

I’m curious who recorded the tape, and wonder if we’ll ever find out.

IIRC, it was a Trump aide who recorded it.  He wanted everything recorded because he "was tired of being misquoted."

Pretty sure that I'm not making that up, because it sounds too stupid to make up.

Edited by Beau Vine
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32 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

10 bucks says Eileen ignores the rule of law again and the appellate has to tell her how stupid she is

Jee if only there was a system to remove corrupt or incompetent assholes...  Oh i forgot, we promote them to the supreme court.

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The one place Trump may have a little bit of ammo against the indictment is leaks of the grand jury proceedings. On a very rare occasion, grand jury leaks can result in dismissal of an indictment.  Thankfully, that seems to be an "uphill battle. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/stacked-deck-getting-justice-grand-jury-leaks

The 11th Circuit seems decidedly defendant-unfriendly, as evidenced by their earlier ruling on the special master thing, and certainly unwilling to create pro-defendant precedent for Trump.

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14 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Well, Garland was never ever going to investigate/prosecute the cases himself.

He was stuck with the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, augmented by whatever other jurisdictions or Main Justice players wanted to get involved.

Garland appointed Jack Smith.  He didn't appoint any of the other DOJ employees.

To the extent any Attorney General can take credit for any federal prosecution, Garland can take credit for this.

That's fair, and that "extent" doesn't rise to the level of having to fill out a boilerplate apology form.

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12 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Also, she sits at the Fort Pierce courthouse, which is 129 miles from Miami.  It's still in the Southern District, so technically ok, but it being filed in the Fort Pierce division in the first place was a forum-shop by Trump, so it seems fairly likely she would "recuse" in favor of a judge in the Miami Division.

That will be the first sign as to how willing she is to Kaczmaryk/O'Connor/Hanen herself for Trump.

Mr. TwiceHorn it is I, the wallet inspector, here to inspect your wallet. Please hand it over.

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13 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Also, she sits at the Fort Pierce courthouse, which is 129 miles from Miami.  It's still in the Southern District, so technically ok, but it being filed in the Fort Pierce division in the first place was a forum-shop by Trump, so it seems fairly likely she would "recuse" in favor of a judge in the Miami Division.

That will be the first sign as to how willing she is to Kaczmaryk/O'Connor/Hanen herself for Trump.

How did Trump forum shop in this case? I thought it was brought by Jack Smith?

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3 minutes ago, The Dog said:


Keep in mind ALLL of these turds are lying their asses off to the Fox News and Newsmax types then telling the truth under oath. None of them want to go to prison. 

As I recall, Patel was granted immunity but his criminal exposure was sufficiently slight that there was some question whether he could validly invoke the 5th.  I think his involvement in this mostly was limited to being Trump's NARA rep for a while and knowing how some of the presidential records, if not classified information, got to MAL, and Trump's efforts not to deliver things up to NARA upon request.

Nauta, on the other hand, started out cooperative, then when it became clear he was a very material witness and co-conspirator in the obstruction, he clammed up and lawyered up.  Not surprising at all.  This is some combination of punishment for lack of candor and an attempt to get him to flip.

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51 minutes ago, The Dog said:

How did Trump forum shop in this case? I thought it was brought by Jack Smith?

I am virtually certain that she was assigned to this because on filing the indictment, Smithco had to check a box on a criminal cover sheet concerning "related cases."  The related case is the Special Master proceeding over which she presided.  Trump filed that in the Fort Pierce division intentionally because she is the only judge sitting there.

Bruce Reinhart was the Magistrate Judge who issued the Mar A Lago warrant and he sits in the West Palm Beach division.  So, they probably should have gone there to file and it was a forum shop to do it in Fort Pierce.

Looking around the SD Fla website, Cannon is mostly confined to Fort Pierce.  She doesn't sit elsewhere in the District very often and is never the "duty judge" in any other Division.

To be completely fair, though. it was a little bit of a forum shop by Smith to file in the Miami Division.  Divisions don't legally count for much in terms of venue, but technically speaking, I think Mar A Lago is in the West Palm Beach Division. WPB is closer to Fort Pierce than Miami, though.

Divisions do count for judge assignments, though.  Example, Amarillo is in the ND Tex along with Dallas.  An Amarillo judge is not going to try a case in Dallas and vice-versa.   Same with Dallas and Fort Worth and the courthouses are 32 miles apart, but FW judges never sit in Dallas and vice-versa.

One of the FedSoc's neat tricks for political district judges is to put them in one- or two-judge divisions, like Kaczmaryk in Amarillo, so that they can file their political cases in that division and get their desired judge.  Of course, then the judge has to live in a backwater like Amarillo and their ability to fuck up cases "at-large" is somewhat reduced.

I think you can be damn sure Smith thought this through, and if he is actually worried about Cannon, he has a strategy to get away from her.

ETA:  Venue is proper in all of these cases as long as it is in the Southern District of Florida.  So, any case with Trump as a party is likely properly venued if it is filed anywhere in the Southern District of Florida.  However, it's a big district, with courthouses in five different cities all over the district.  Each courthouse serves a "division," which are mostly legally meaningless, but administratively pretty important.  Judges "sit" or are assigned to a courthouse/division and pretty rarely sit elsewhere in the district.  The term "forum shop" tends to apply to the venue, that is, filing in the wrong or a deliberately inconvenient venue.  When you shop among divisions for the judge that sits there, that's maybe more accurately called a "judge shop."  There's no legal remedy for a judge shop, but it looks like in this case it should be administratively transferred to a judge that sits in the Miami division, or WPB division.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

I think to a large degree she has probably been chastened by her spanking from the 11th Circuit, and, from what I can tell, she's not exactly pro-defendant by temperament.

You might even say,



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5 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

Disagree. The time for providing evidence as a cooperative state’s witness and flipping is over. 

Oh, the feds will gladly accept cooperation in return for a favorable sentencing recommendation.  It is somewhat unseemly, but a good way to get the big fish.

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4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I still think he tried to sell classified info to someone (probably the Saudis) because I'm pretty sure he's incapable of going five minutes without trying to sell something to someone, but it would be the absolute funniest thing possible if he stole top secret intelligence just so he could flash it around at Mar a Lago to feel like a big shot. My man, they're already members of your club and there to lick your boots and tell you how delicious and fancy the shoeleather is, you don't need to do even more to impress them. 

That's about the most perfect encapsulation of Donald John Trump in the history of evar. Followed closely, of course, by his need to sell anything and everything.

The whole "rigged election" thing I think stems less from his desire to retain power and more from the simple fact that he lost, and lost to a guy he thinks his inferior in Joe Biden.

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4 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

I still think he tried to sell classified info to someone (probably the Saudis) because I'm pretty sure he's incapable of going five minutes without trying to sell something to someone, but it would be the absolute funniest thing possible if he stole top secret intelligence just so he could flash it around at Mar a Lago to feel like a big shot. My man, they're already members of your club and there to lick your boots and tell you how delicious and fancy the shoeleather is, you don't need to do even more to impress them. 

Absolutely think it was the saudis. They are some of the only people brazen enough to probably ask for it. 

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

The one place Trump may have a little bit of ammo against the indictment is leaks of the grand jury proceedings. On a very rare occasion, grand jury leaks can result in dismissal of an indictment.  Thankfully, that seems to be an "uphill battle. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/stacked-deck-getting-justice-grand-jury-leaks

The 11th Circuit seems decidedly defendant-unfriendly, as evidenced by their earlier ruling on the special master thing, and certainly unwilling to create pro-defendant precedent for Trump.

have the defendants tried being avowed white nationalists though?

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6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

My man, they're already members of your club and there to lick your boots and tell you how delicious and fancy the shoeleather is, you don't need to do even more to impress them. 

Gotta keep the story rolling . . .

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

That's very interesting.  Trusty has been a dipshit throughout, but loyal af to the Trump line.  And working in Florida has not been a hindrance thus far.  I'd be interested to know what's going on there.  Probably some outstanding billing in addition to not preventing him from being indicted.

It does maybe signify that someone is listening to the criticism of his fractured legal team and the need to coordinate his defenses.  Wouldn't think that person would be Trump, or Epshtyn.

One legal expert last night called the Trusty bunch nor ready for prime time, said they were “D leaguers” and would need to be replaced by A list trial lawyers. Seems he was right.

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2 minutes ago, Satchel said:

One legal expert last night called the Trusty bunch nor ready for prime time, said they were “D leaguers” and would need to be replaced by A list trial lawyers. Seems he was right.

Too bad we are fresh out of A listers. 

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5 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Absolutely think it was the saudis. They are some of the only people brazen enough to probably ask for it. 

The only way he will attend the Thanksgiving dinners if he’s able to brag about getting 3 billion for selling secrets to Jared’s 2 billion.

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1 hour ago, The Dog said:


Keep in mind ALLL of these turds are lying their asses off to the Fox News and Newsmax types then telling the truth under oath. None of them want to go to prison. 

i laughed at this on my first read, but the more i think about it, the more it actually pisses me off.

How many personal relationships have become permanently ruined by the disinformation machines where there are no repercussions for being untruthful (in fact, it is often rewarded). My Dad consumes Fox News.

Our justice system is the last remaining bastion.

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Trump's new lawyer has some serious MAGA bonafides:


After serving as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York for nine years, Todd's experience as a defense attorney includes getting the criminal indictment against Paul Manafort dismissed prior to trial and achieving an unexpectedly positive result in the politically charged prosecution by the SDNY against Igor Fruman, an associate of Rudy Guliani.

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7 minutes ago, Satchel said:

One legal expert last night called the Trusty bunch nor ready for prime time, said they were “D leaguers” and would need to be replaced by A list trial lawyers. Seems he was right.

Well, the funny this is that James Trusty served with Jack Smith at DOJ and I believe succeeded him as head of the Public Integrity Section.  That's no guarantee that he's not a dumbass, of course, but it's a skin on Smith's wall so should be for him, as well.

For whatever reason, though, he's not with a big criminal/white collar investigation firm, and that alone may be telling.

His willingness to beclown himself for Trump, as by analogizing it to a dispute over an overdue library book, was something else, as was his willingness to go on TV and spout Trumpisms, was pretty telling.

So, it seems fairly clear that he was willing to say what Trump wanted to hear, and, along with Epshtyn, probably not very straight with him as to what he was up against.

By all indications, Chris Kise is the best lawyer he's had in quite some time, and he's been relegated to Letitia James civil defense because he was too candid with Trump on the documents case.

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1 hour ago, The Dog said:


Keep in mind ALLL of these turds are lying their asses off to the Fox News and Newsmax types then telling the truth under oath. None of them want to go to prison. 

Trump’s lawyers on FoxNews=WWE CM Punk

Trump’s lawyers in court=UFC CM Punk

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