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Cairn Horn88

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3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Interdasting.  I don't twitter so what would that show?  Private messages I assume, but I would also assume turned off except as to certain people maybe?  Draft tweets?

Also the fine is fairly shocking.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's pretty clear that caught him sliding into a dm and witness tampering.  To add extra sauce to the goose they a got a warrant to prove he sent it.  This again shows that he's just as horrible being a criminal as he is at everything else.  

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34 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Of course Elon refused to comply with a search warrant.

And then appealed the sanction for noncompliance which is now public. I’m sure there’s going to be absolutely no business or PR consequences for siding with Trump over the J6 investigation. [sarcasm font]

I wonder if he regrets firing all the attorneys who could have told him that was dumb. 

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29 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

i wonder how long he workshopped "Unselect" and why he decided on it. Does he think this is a TiVo and he can just bark at a housekeeper to "unselect" a channel? 

Honestly, I think he creates a vernacular/lexicon for his cult-like followers with terms like this.  Same with things like "Fake News", "Woke", "Witchhunt" and so on.  When someone speaks about Trump or politics in general, it is instantly known based on the verbiage they use whether or not they are a cult member.  If the listener is likewise a MAGA member, they instantly know they have found a kindred spirit.  If the listener is not, they have been generally conditioned to reject the speaker as a loon.  This further segregates the MAGA cult members from their non-cult family, friends and mainstream society.  That isolation helps the cult members maintain their belief in the unbelievable and makes them easier to manipulate.

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I do believe classified documents at Mar-a-Lago is what got him into this mess in the first place.  Best to just deny this one out of hand.  Plus, I'm pretty sure the dude has a helicopter. 


Also, haven't we established that his idea of a SCIF is the shitter off the spare bedroom?

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The trial is about him keeping (after stealing) classified documents in his home (and refusing to return them). Isn't it kind of iffy for the judge to say it's now ok for him to keep said documents in his home? That would be the first thing he'd start yelling about. "See!! Even the judge says I can have them!". 

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56 minutes ago, Goredho said:

Honestly, I think he creates a vernacular/lexicon for his cult-like followers with terms like this.  Same with things like "Fake News", "Woke", "Witchhunt" and so on.  When someone speaks about Trump or politics in general, it is instantly known based on the verbiage they use whether or not they are a cult member.  If the listener is likewise a MAGA member, they instantly know they have found a kindred spirit.  If the listener is not, they have been generally conditioned to reject the speaker as a loon.  This further segregates the MAGA cult members from their non-cult family, friends and mainstream society.  That isolation helps the cult members maintain their belief in the unbelievable and makes them easier to manipulate.

But in electoral politics, the objective is to persuade a plurality of the voters to support you.  And that's real difficult when a lot of the voters have no idea what the fuck you're saying.

You saw that in the GQP response to Biden's SOTU last year.  The Iowa governor would talk about things using these code phrases that, if you didn't watch Fox News or intently follow Trump's social media, you had no idea what she was saying.  I was watching with Mrs.LL, who watches a lot of news, and even she turned to me at one point and asked, "what the fuck is she talking about."

There's a GQP cult.  Of that there's no doubt.  But the cult's ability to expand its appeal is really limited by its cult-like behavior.

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Trump did a lot of crime on twitter while he was President.  Everything from obstruction, witness tampering, and ultimately mobilizing a violent coup attempt which got him banned from the platform IIRC.  So far, the Twitter ban has been the most meaningful consequence. 

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1 hour ago, chainsaw said:

i wonder how long he workshopped "Unselect" and why he decided on it. Does he think this is a TiVo and he can just bark at a housekeeper to "unselect" a channel? 

i mean, subselects is clearly superior. it combines sub and select and MAKES THEM CUCKS

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1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Having Twitter hand over the data from his account, while not removing a single thing posted, is a free speech infringement how?

and if they did in fact DELETE AND DESTROY the copies they received, how is that getting rid of anything?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - if you want it to make sense, disconnect your brain stem, go watch Fox News for 20 hours straight and drink some bleach. 

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7 hours ago, YGIFS said:

Julie Green speaks for God?  And God apparently used the word "Boomerang" in that prophetic message? Boomerang. That's what we're going with.  That's just accepted by tens of millions of MAGA idiots.  Boomerang?  You know...that word that totally existed in Nazareth 2000 years ago?



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According to the MAGAts I've overheard, "they" are the people who say the outlandish shit they parrot.  


Them: "Well, they say the Hunter Biden's laptop had the sekrit formula for Coke Zero on it in the shape of his giant dong and he was planning to make tons of Coke Zero and use it to do human trafficking."    


Me: Who is "they"?


Them as I walk away: "Er der uh, you know . . . ."

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6 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

I don't necessarily disagree.  The "data points" could well mount that she's being unduly harsh on the prosecution/favorable to Trump and maybe form the basis for recusal.

It can also form the basis of an airtight, un-appealable conviction.

I don't think Cannon is experienced or smart enough to do that, though.

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2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

wait, the Unselects?

edit: ohhh, that's what he calls the jan 6 select subcommittee. the unselects.

jesus fucking christos

You have to think like aggy in order to understand what he’s saying. It’s essentially a foreign language

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