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Cairn Horn88

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Please remember.  Donald Trump will never be convicted in any of these four cases.  Lawyers want to prosecute, litigate, or defend. The idea behind the four parallel cases alongside fundraising and campaigning is to drive an obese 78 year old into a fucking grave.  His path to death has just taken a major move ahead.  We get to watch people piss into the casket of a former president laying in state.  You realize how fucking cool and that is?  

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11 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Yep, sounds like Graham probably flipped.  May explain why he went so hard in the paint for Trump over the past few days - as soon as this leaks out, Trump will probably start thinking about releasing whatever blackmale material he has on Lindsey.


Lin Wood probably.

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10 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Ain't nobody got the patience to deal with surly's shitty search function.

See page 144 of this thread.

It was the top result for googling 'RICO Gatorubet site:surlyhorns.com'. That site: part is very useful for searching message board that have bad built-in search.

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1 hour ago, TexEx15 said:

I’m curious to hear from those of you with experience in criminal law including prosecutions. What are the chances Trump never sees the inside of a prison with all these indictments on the table. To a layperson like myself it just seems unreal that he will ever be sent to prison. Rich and powerful people usually find a way out. Yet at the same time I can’t imagine he skates on ALL of this. Just unreal when you sit back and think about the totality of the situation.

edit: there is at least one person who thinks he will get locked up…


Well, what you say is true, but not entirely true.  Plenty of rich white criminals behind bars even as we speak.  Not enough, and possibly not for long enough.  But there are plenty of convicted and incarcerated powerful whiteys.

The number of cases and the number of charges and that 40 someodd of them are federal, which has a 90% plus conviction rate, means the odds are really good that he's convicted on at least some of this.  Indications are that Smith's cases are legally pretty airtight.

The federal system has almost no availability of non-incarceral sentences for felony convictions.  This is the main reason the Hunter Biden plea fell apart. The only real out there is home confinement due to age and the hazards of imprisoning a former POTUS.  Even a sympathetic federal judge can't avoid a prison sentence on a felony conviction  Don't know about Georgia.

The idea that the Supreme Court, even as corrupt as it is, will automatically overturn Trump convictions is just complete and utter bullshit.  I'm not aware that any of Smith's legal theories are precarious like "honest services fraud," which has gotten a number of white-collar types off in the past, including those convicted by Smith.  There is some possibility of that with the obstruction of an official proceeding, but if that precedent comes out unfavorably, it will be on a J6 riot defendant rather than Trump, in all likelihood.

The only real way he skates is by winning the election.

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19 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Yep, sounds like Graham probably flipped.  May explain why he went so hard in the paint for Trump over the past few days - as soon as this leaks out, Trump will probably start thinking about releasing whatever blackmale material he has on Lindsey.


Damn, she charged everybody but Barron.

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10 minutes ago, pantone159 said:

See page 144 of this thread.

It was the top result for googling 'RICO Gatorubet site:surlyhorns.com'. That site: part is very useful for searching message board that have bad built-in search.

Apparently, you are being offered a bakery product. 

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1 minute ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Unindicted co-conspirators 1-30.  Are those people that could still be indicted later?  Or are they people that cut deals (like Ladybug) and are now sucking up to the Orange One?

Could be a mix of the two.  Some may have received immunity, some may just not have been as closely connected.

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Also, she's not trying all 19 of these people together. 

Former US Attorney on CNN that there’s no way that happens and also that there’s no chance this takes place in the next six months. Luckily, Trump can’t be pardoned on this GA shit.
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42 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Googled the name Kutti and found out she was Kanye's publicist who went and harassed Ruby Freeman.


There has to be a massive civil lawsuit coming after her and Kanye!

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1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

hmm, now I'm thinking about this - most qualified Presidential candidates of the last 31 years:
1) Gore - 2000
2) Biden - 2020
3) GHWB - 1992 (inc.)
4) B Clinton - 1992
5) Bob Dole! - 1996
6) Hillary Clinton - 2016
7) GWB - 2000
8 ) Obama - 2008
9) Trump - 2016

You can’t overlook the fact that Hillary played a significant role in politics throughout Bill’s career. She wasn’t a Melania. She was a partner. She was involved. An Arkansas politician once remarked, “We elected the wrong Clinton.” Don’t sell her short.

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10 minutes ago, C-Man said:

Former US Attorney on CNN that there’s no way that happens and also that there’s no chance this takes place in the next six months. Luckily, Trump can’t be pardoned on this GA shit.

Theoretically, the GA Board of Pardons could do it.  But I'm not going to worry with that at the moment.  I'm going to enjoy the ride.

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10 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Trump is going to be even more batshit insane when he finds out their identities, and he's probably trying to figure it out as we speak, just based on who wasn't indicted.

He's going to sic MAGA on them.

All these Republicans that he's been raging against, and will really rage against when more identities come out, he's going to make sure they will be destroyed in the eyes of MAGA GQP, no matter how many decades of party loyalty they have.

Hungry Watching Tv GIF by Gogglebox Australia

We're going to get that civil war the Republicans have been promising, only it will be Republican-on-Republican fighting.

I'm going to sleep so much better than he is tonight.

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