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Cairn Horn88

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3 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

If your point is that we need what MLK called “a true revolution of values” to redirect the enabling hand of well meaning people towards the service of a just and verdant world, I agree 100%. 
If your solution is to break the enabling hand of well meaning people so we can become a kleptocracy and each get in on the grift to the best of our ability, that is where we part. 

Dr. King didn't handwave the toxic role of the American political power structure and its foreign policy by saying silly things like "as long as decency matters, the Deep State lives." In fact the Riverside speech you quote from was a direct confrontation of the militaristic corruption of the American political complex; what some people who are so inclined might refer to a core component of the "Deep State". And he was called a communist sympathizer and a traitor for it. Which sounds a bit familiar. If you want to talk about a true revolution of values, I am all for it. But what you are doing isn't that, it's holding concepts and elements of our political system that rightfully deserve consistent criticism in front of a circus mirror and barking out "decency is the Deep State" for rhetorical purposes to undermine those criticisms. But again, thanks for tagging me in on the experience.    

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sorry to interrupt your smearing shit on the walls annie - there's some actual news on the trump trials:




ATLANTA — An attorney for one of Donald Trump's co-defendants in the Georgia election-racketeering case said at an emergency hearing Wednesday that he provided confidential video evidence to the media.

"In being transparent with the court, and to make sure that nobody else gets blamed for what happened, and so I can go to sleep well tonight, judge, I did release those videos to one outlet. And in all candor to the court, I need the court to know that," said Jonathan Miller, an attorney for former Coffee County election supervisor Misty Hampton.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee scheduled Wednesday's hearing following a motion by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' office in the wake of reporting from ABC News and the Washington Post on Monday that included videos from the four people who recorded interviews as part of their guilty plea deals.

In his comments, Miller did not specify which media outlet he'd shared the videos with.

Most of the 45-minute hearing — conducted live in Georgia and via Zoom for all of the attorneys — was devoted to a discussion of proposals for a protective order governing evidence exchanged between the parties in the case going forward.

Willis’ prosecutors wanted a blanket order on all the evidence. Co-defendant David Shafer’s legal team proposed an alternative in which the state would specifically designate certain evidence as sensitive. Prosecutors agreed with Shafer’s counter-proposal, as did most of the defense attorneys for the other indicted co-conspirators, including Trump attorney Steve Sadow. 



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2 minutes ago, Captainant said:

sorry to interrupt your smearing shit on the walls annie - there's some actual news on the trump trials:



Well imagine that, country bumpkin idiot hires an attorney who is also an idiot.  I guess he gets credit for owning it?  

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Just now, SydneyCarton said:

Someone explaint to my puny, non-lawyer brain the consequences of this? Is this the defense saying the jury pool will be tainted, becuase they tainted it?

It's the same shit as trump and cruz whipping people into a frenzy about non-existent voter fraud, and then pointing to that public concern as a justification for doing whatever the fuck they want. In the NY trial, trumpco is going for a mistrial because of all the fuckery that trumpco has done in the proceedings.

It's not terribly creative, but since there's a scarily large contingent of lawyers that are overly credulous of trump's truthiness, they'll continue to get away with it

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22 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

There is a deep state, but it’s not a secret cabal of the powerful. It is what Robert Heinlein called “Our Noble, Essential Decency” in his Famous essay for “This I believe,” as follows:

This basic but noble, essential decency is the matter and substance and prime directive of the “deep state”, for all of its bumbling. Decency is precisely the thing that Donald Trump and his partners in diminishment seek to eliminate from government and more broadly, from the culture, and every edgelord cynic like @Anastasis or dumbass conspiracy loon or deluded partisan is their witting or unwitting accomplice in that nasty and dehumanizing work, and it saddens and angers us. But as long as decency matters, the Deep State lives. 

I would toss in that if The Deep State existed in the way that Republicans think it does, and acts in the way that they pretend it does, it would not have let Trump win in 2016, and we'd be talking about who was going to succeed Hillary after her second term.

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1 hour ago, BamaATL said:

Well imagine that, country bumpkin idiot hires an attorney who is also an idiot.  I guess he gets credit for owning it?  

1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

Someone explaint to my puny, non-lawyer brain the consequences of this? Is this the defense saying the jury pool will be tainted, becuase they tainted it?

It could be an attempt by Misty Hampton's attorney to say "Hey, Trump and his lawyers knew the election was lost, but he continued to mislead people, including my client.  My client believed that President Trump, his campaign staff, and his lawyers would not knowingly deceive her and others, but clearly they did.  Here is video  testimony that President Trump's lawyers and President Trump knew the election was not stolen, but they continued to deceive myself and other county officials."

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11 minutes ago, skeeter said:

My son works for the water utilities department for the city of Arlington … you just give me another reason to be proud of him.


My son in law is a bean counter for Austin Energy.  I’m proud and embarrassed at the same time.  Seriously though thank goodness for people who give us decent drinking water, take care of our shit and keep the lights on.  

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Fulton County prosecutors asked a judge Wednesday to jail Harrison Floyd, who is charged in the 2020 election subversion case in Georgia, because of his alleged “effort to intimidate codefendants and witnesses,” according to court filings.

This is the first time Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the case.

Prosecutors highlighted Floyd’s recent social media posts about Georgia election officials who are likely to be called as witnesses in the case, as well as his recent comments on a conservative podcast about Jenna Ellis, who pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate.

“The Defendant’s actions demonstrate that he poses a significant threat of intimidating witnesses and otherwise obstructing the administration of justice in the future, making him ineligible for bond,” prosecutors wrote in the court filing.


Floyd, the leader of Black Voices for Trump, pleaded not guilty to three state felonies, largely tied to his role in an intimidation campaign targeting two Atlanta election workers in late 2020. Former President Donald Trump and his allies falsely accused the workers of massive voter fraud.

Floyd is the only defendant who spent time in jail in connection with the case. He was incarcerated at the Fulton County Jail for one week in August before reaching a bond deal with prosecutors.

Prosecutors point to more than a dozen public statements by Floyd they say violate the terms of his bond agreement, including ones directly targeting Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman, who is a witness in the case.

“Since his release from custody, the Defendant has engaged in numerous intentional and flagrant violations of the conditions of release ordered by the Court,” they wrote in their filing.

In a Tuesday post on Floyd’s account on X, formerly known as Twitter, he questions why his team was accused of leaking videos of conversations between another defendant and prosecutors, invoking Freeman.

“Why would my team leak Jenna Ellis & proffer videos when there is better stuff? For instance, Ruby Freeman’s job was the reconciliation of ballots,” he wrote. “She wasn’t even supposed to be on a scanner !!!!!!”


George Costanza Seinfeld GIF

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So the lawyer for Misty Hampton, the guy that released the proffer interviews to ABC, doesn't sound great.  He is of the belief that there is a shadow conspiracy to suppress voter irregularities brought forth by whistle blowers, like his client.  He has pointed to YouTube videos in her defense.  

He got his law degree from a for profit school, Florida Coastal School of Law, which has since been shuttered due to accreditation issues.  His small town private practice does wills, divorce law, and criminal defense.  Probably not what anyone would picture as being a guy involved in the legal wrangling of a Rico case involving a former President.  


Not sure if it will paywall, so I summarized.  

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On 11/15/2023 at 4:08 PM, atomheartbevo said:

I would toss in that if The Deep State existed in the way that Republicans think it does, and acts in the way that they pretend it does, it would not have let Trump win in 2016, and we'd be talking about who was going to succeed Hillary after her second term.

These are people who say the 2020 election was riddled with fraud, except in races where their people won. It's a complete joke, these are not serious people. 

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On 11/15/2023 at 4:33 PM, Scheiss Meister said:

If "The Deep State" existed and operated the way Republicans think it does, the country would be littered with the corpses of Trump and Republican acolytes who dared defy "The Deep State".  Endless instances of cut brake lines, mysterious blowouts on dangerous curves, and falls from tall buildings, all only happening to right-wingers.  Think of their fantasies of what the Clintons supposedly did, writ large.  It is what they tell themselves to justify what they want to do if they gain control.

We used to universally laugh at this sort of thing.  Naturally, the Simpsons sort of predicted it.



And by universally, I mean the people who liked the Simpsons, which I now recall did not include a lot of people in the, somehow quaint by modern standards, republican party of the time.

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1 hour ago, BamaATL said:

So the lawyer for Misty Hampton, the guy that released the proffer interviews to ABC, doesn't sound great.  He is of the belief that there is a shadow conspiracy to suppress voter irregularities brought forth by whistle blowers, like his client.  He has pointed to YouTube videos in her defense.  

He got his law degree from a for profit school, Florida Coastal School of Law, which has since been shuttered due to accreditation issues.  His small town private practice does wills, divorce law, and criminal defense.  Probably not what anyone would picture as being a guy involved in the legal wrangling of a Rico case involving a former President.  


Not sure if it will paywall, so I summarized.  

To be fair, "Florida Inland School of Law" doesn't sound as legit.  However, the reboot of "Better Call Saul" sounds lit as fuck even if it's just a small-town estate planning practice.  

26 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:




This is an interesting development.  One day you're day drinking boxed wine with Rudy Guiliani, the next day you're calling out your main client and his son's sex life on twitter.  I've said this from day one, she's fucking insane...but dammit...she's got some fight in her.  This gonna get wild.  Where's the Bota?  

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1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

To be fair, "Florida Inland School of Law" doesn't sound as legit.  However, the reboot of "Better Call Saul" sounds lit as fuck even if it's just a small-town estate planning practice.  

This is an interesting development.  One day you're day drinking boxed wine with Rudy Guiliani, the next day you're calling out your main client and his son's sex life on twitter.  I've said this from day one, she's fucking insane...but dammit...she's got some fight in her.  This gonna get wild.  Where's the Bota?  

For the record, there is nothing wrong with small private practices doing normal small practice stuff.  It just shows what a bunch of clowns these people are, that here we sit, likely one of the biggest court cases in our lifetime is upon us, and somehow this guy is going to be at the very minimum a footnote of it.  The fact that he doesn't remotely seem to think that he is out of his depth is right on brand with all these idiots.  

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1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:


30 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

This is an interesting development.  One day you're day drinking boxed wine with Rudy Guiliani, the next day you're calling out your main client and his son's sex life on twitter.  I've said this from day one, she's fucking insane...but dammit...she's got some fight in her.  This gonna get wild.  Where's the Bota?  

Her whole statement…sounds intelligent with self-awareness…she even rocks the chess joke that so many of Trump’s critics have used.  She is not the Jenna Ellis I thought she was.


Don Jr’s pick for press secretary is claiming I am a “disloyal harlot” and “going to hell.” No mention though of Jr’s divorce, his girlfriend’s divorce from Gavin Newsom, or The Best Christian Ever screwing a porn star while his third wife was pregnant.

Apparently true Christianity is not based on belief in Christ as Lord, but rather belief in Donald Trump as Savior, King, and next President! Repent and trust the 27-D chess, guys… personnel picks WILL be better this time!


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Here's the fun part.  Zoom in on a couple of the busses DOT numbers.  You can FOIA the manifest and/or logistics routes.  They were nowhere near the Capitol on January 6th or the days before/after.  Or so the Germans would have you believe.  And the architect of all of this?  You guessed it.  Frank Stallone.  

Seriously though, this is like investigation 101.  Why bother faking DOT numbers when you could just send unlabeled ones with your "FBI Informants"...you know that group of people that not even Hollywood has ever bothered to pretend to invent.  

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also, did his Colorado counsel actually use the term "Vs." as in "versus" or did he mean to say "vis-a-vis" which would be infinitely more appropriate when talking about a love interest.  But then, Donald is usually vehemently juxtaposed to the women in his life as Hinkley and Christmas were, so I could see it going either way.  Speaking of either way, is the damn simulation even trying anymore?  Did the fucking SAG/WGA strike just turn into some kinda half-ass AI/Botcott or what the fuck?  

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On 11/15/2023 at 9:09 PM, Judge Roybeanbag said:

Government isn’t the enemy of the people unless the people wish it that way. 

I stopped telling people I worked for the gubment a while back due to fucktards who fail to understand what it takes to run a functioning society. 

I know a dumbass who works for the county that will rant and rave about socialism. 

I stopped arguing with donkeys a long time ago.

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