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Cairn Horn88

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2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I’m in the “fuck him to hell” phase. Been there for 20 years.

I think his "Denial Phase" consisted of a genuine belief that a mob of MAGAts would rescue him J6-style.

Sorry asshole the cavalry's not coming.

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39 minutes ago, The Dog said:


I wonder if it's occurred to him that none of his followers, both the MAGA peasants and the Rs in Congress, are actually doing anything to try and help him - nobody is trying to take out Jack Smith, nobody is storming the courthouse or the National Archives.  Gym Jordan and the others in Congress are pretending to, going through a few motions, but they all know it won't work.

Those idiot seditionists on January 6th, that was it.  MAGA blew their load, and outside of a few deaths, ended up with a lot of felonies and jail sentences.

Which tells you on some level that MAGA isn't quite 100% all-in on Trump.  They are all-in on how he makes them feel, but at the end of the day, the very vast majority are simply not willing to risk their lives or livelihoods for him.  Unfortunately for Rod DeSandus, he doesn't have the charisma to make them feel like Trump does.

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16 minutes ago, mr.goodkat said:

what the holy fuck does the clintons fucking cat have to do with anything ???? serious question  am i missing something ????

The Clintons fucked a cat?

Edit: Oh for fuck's sake, Clinton stored some audio tapes of an interview he gave to a historian in his sock drawer (the tapes were in a sock drawer, not the historian) and this is what Trump thinks exonerates him?

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2 hours ago, The Dog said:





Answer, very little.

It's the result of Trump taking his legal advice from non-lawyer and lunatic Tom Fitton and not his actual lawdogs.

Also, I have been a lawyer for 32 years now and, the portion of the case that Trump and Fitton like to cite is the biggest case of non-binding obiter dicta I think I may have ever read.  Obiter dicta is language unnecessary to the decision and is regarded usually as a judicial nothing.

Jackson ultimately decided that the PRA did not empower the courts to force NARA to do anything.  And the passage he likes is completely unnecessary to that decision.

Beyond that even, there are another half dozen reasons the "socks case" doesn't control Trump's indictment that about any halfway sentient first-year law student could come up with.

And, he loves to squawk that the grand jury was not "told" about the socks case.  That article reports that Smith gave Fitton four hours to bloviate his insane theories to the grand jury.

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1 hour ago, mr.goodkat said:

what the holy fuck does the clintons fucking cat have to do with anything ???? serious question  am i missing something ????


I don't think that's what it's about (I was making a joke earlier).  But as  you might imagine, there was manufactured outrage about the cat's answering fan mail on the government's dime back in the day apparently.

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4 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

I used to hang out with this bartender in Boise who was on the Boise State dance team and when that song would come on she would make a point to sing along and dance to it, taking a break to reassure me that she had NO IDEA why she liked it so much. 
Later when she was a Broncos cheerleader she became briefly famous because they put a close up of her crotch on Monday Night Football. 
Nice kid. Good dancer. 



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5 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

lol, what is "butt rock"?

That's funny, I literally just heard that term last week on a podcast. Apparently it somehow refers to hairbands from the 70's and 80's. They played on radio stations that billed themselves as "Rock, Nothing But Rock," or something like that, I didn't really follow. Just commenting because its odd that I saw this term for the first time last week and it pops up a few days later. 

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Well, now I need a citation of when butt rock was first used.

The earliest unambiguous reference to butt rock in a Google Books search comes from Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron in 1994 in the context of a 1991 tour: “Butt-rock is just the stupidest, basic, three-chord rock that you can possibly play, and it works with big crowds like this who don’t know you as a band.” This problematizes the notion of “butt rock” as a post-grunge phenomenon; 1991 was the dawn of grunge itself, to say nothing of post-grunge.




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2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Which tells you on some level that MAGA isn't quite 100% all-in on Trump.  They are all-in on how he makes them feel, but at the end of the day, the very vast majority are simply not willing to risk their lives or livelihoods for him.  Unfortunately for Rod DeSandus, he doesn't have the charisma to make them feel like Trump does.

One day the Magatroids will figure out they can reenact being supporters of George Wallace's 1963 schoolhouse door stand, and they'll never need Trump again.

"OK Jason cue up Buddy Holly's 'Brown Eyed Handsome Man' before we saunter up to the liberal priest."

"Dammit, I told you there were no Jasons in the 60s, call me Bobby."

"Bobby? I'm Bobby, you're Jimmy."

"Aw fuck it."

"Nobody said 'fuck' in 1963 Jimmy."

"The fuck the didn't."

"They didn't on TV. And we're fixin to be on TV."

[fade out to rhythmic chanted slurs]

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3 hours ago, chainsaw said:

I know others have said there's not much chance of superseding indictment but maybe for example the Bedminster was a site of some other possible crimes of disclosure and there was a fear and hesitancy to bring charges outside of south florida due to that possibility of an overturned conviction on that technicality. If I'm not misunderstanding the supreme court decision it sounds like that wouldn't count as double jeopardy. I wouldn't weep much about him being tried twice as long as he's convicted each time.

Correct.  Not guilty in wrong venue is DJ game over

Guilty or hung jury in wrong venue gets a do-over.  

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4 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

Correct.  Not guilty in wrong venue is DJ game over

Guilty or hung jury in wrong venue gets a do-over.  

And, I'm not sure this would have changed Smith's calculus.

I think he wants to play this as "straight" as possible with as few "games" and "tactical" decisions as possible.

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10 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

It doesn't help that Trump continually lies, and FOX News just parrots those lies.  Take the Presidential Records Act -- I've seen a half dozen interviews and analyses by archives lawyers who are quite clear that, come January 20, 2021 all government records immediately transfered ownership to the National Archives.  Full stop.  Trump continues to push the false narrative that he had the right to take and "declassify" what he wanted, and the base believes him.  FOX probably doesn't even seek out the truth.  It's maddening.

Lol, Fox learned that 878 million dollar lesson as “if we didn’t know it was a lie we would have gotten away with it “

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13 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

And, I'm not sure this would have changed Smith's calculus.

I think he wants to play this as "straight" as possible with as few "games" and "tactical" decisions as possible.

And I have to say, the lying to counsel and the national archives people ( and the hiding of boxes) was clearly the Florida venue.  Given the simplicity of the charges and the clear evidence of guilt, there was no reason to overthink it and get cute. 

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6 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

It's because your GI Joes were tiny and you didn't even know better. You ran around in your parentless houses all afternoon playing with your tiny, tiny GI Joes.

Wait... So is there a sub-X? I had the Kung Fu grip and Weebles. 

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13 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

Had to look that one up.  Still a bit confused though.



a large trunk or suitcase, typically made of stiff leather and opening into two equal parts.

sounds like south austin's mom's snatch

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There’s quite a bit of fallout that we’ve yet to consider. From Haaretz:

Top brass in the Israeli defense establishment, particularly in the IDF Intelligence Corps and the Mossad espionage agency, are concerned that secret documents seized from former U.S. President Donald Trump include material whose exposure has damaged Israel’s security. Among hundreds of documents removed from the White House were most probably references to Iran and Israel



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During President Donald J. Trump’s years in the White House, his aides began to refer to the boxes full of papers and odds and ends he carted around with him almost everywhere as the “beautiful mind” material.

It was a reference to the title of a book and movie depicting the life of John F. Nash Jr., the mathematician with schizophrenia played in the film by Russell Crowe, who covered his office with newspaper clippings, believing they held a Russian code he needed to crack.



The phrase had a specific connotation. The aides employed it to capture a type of organized chaos that Mr. Trump insisted on, the collection and transportation of a blizzard of newspapers and official documents that he kept close and that seemed to give him a sense of security.

One former White House official, who was granted anonymity to describe the situation, said that while the materials were disorganized, Mr. Trump would notice if somebody had riffled through them or they were not arranged in a particular way. It was, the person said, how “his mind worked.”



The contents of those boxes — and Mr. Trump’s insistence on hanging onto them — are now at the heart of a 38-count indictmentagainst the former president and his personal aide, Walt Nauta. Prosecutors have accused Mr. Trump of obstructing their investigation into his possession of classified material after leaving office and putting national security secrets at risk.

His intense desire to keep the materials comes through in a text message cited in the indictment about the possibility of the boxes being moved after they were shipped to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida residence and private club.




When one employee asked the other if some could be moved to storage, the second employee, identified by multiple people as Mr. Trump’s former assistant Molly Michael, replied, “Woah!! Ok so potus specifically asked Walt for those boxes to be in the business center because they are his ‘papers.’”

At another point, she used the phrase “the beautiful mind paper boxes” in a text message, the indictment says.

Mr. Trump’s attachment to the contents of the boxes has now left him in serious legal peril, but it appears to be in keeping with a long pattern of behavior.

Mr. Trump has always hung onto news clippings, documents and other mementos, according to more than a half-dozen people who have worked for him over the years, including before his presidency.

His office at Trump Tower in New York, a corner space on the 26th floor, had a desk that was often piled high with papers. He kept keepsakes for decades, including a series of letters written to him by famous people more than 30 years ago, which he later published as a book that he sells for nearly $100 a copy.

Starting in the early months of his administration, Mr. Trump began using a cardboard box to bring papers and documents from the West Wing up to the residence at the end of the day.

In the White House, according to two people familiar with the practice, Mr. Trump was generally able to identify what was in the boxes most immediately around him. One of those people said he was “meticulous” in putting things in specific boxes — notwithstanding a picture released by the Justice Department showing classified documents spilled on the floor of a storage room at Mar-a-Lago.

Shortly after John F. Kelly took over as Mr. Trump’s chief of staff in July 2017, Mr. Kelly and other aides grew concerned that some documents were likely presidential records and might go missing if they were kept in the residence. They impressed upon Mr. Trump that the papers had to be tracked, but he was not especially interested, the people said.

Aides started examining the boxes to check for presidential records, but Mr. Trump still found ways to bring items to the residence. And the boxes began to multiply.

He could point to specific boxes that he wanted to take with him on Air Force One when he was traveling, and decline to take others, appearing aware of the contents inside the boxes he chose, both officials said.

The same was true when Mr. Trump left the White House, according to one person briefed on how he behaved. He knew the contents of the boxes around him. Some aides would periodically encourage him to condense the number he had in his immediate vicinity. Another person familiar with Mr. Trump’s habits said that when one box filled up, aides over the past two years would take it away and store it, bringing him a new one.

The charging document includes photos detailing just how many dozens of those cardboard boxes Mr. Trump had amassed. They are piled on a stage at Mar-a-Lago, stuffed into a storage room, even stacked in a bathroom, with some behind a shower curtain.

At his club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday night, hours after he was arraigned in a Miami courtroom, Mr. Trump insisted to several hundred supporters that the boxes included “newspapers, press clippings” and “thousands and thousands of White House pictures,” as well as “clothing, memorabilia and much, much more.”

“I hadn’t had a chance to go through all the boxes,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s a long, tedious job, takes a long time. Which I was prepared to do, but I have a very busy life.”

That claim — that the boxes mostly contained personal items like clothing and that Mr. Trump was not aware of exactly what they held — is one he had made to his own advisers toward the second half of 2021.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers included a similar argument in a letter sent to Congress in April, claiming that Mr. Trump had little to do with how the documents were packed and shipped to Florida after he left office. In the letter, the lawyers claimed that “institutional processes, rather than intentional decision by Mr. Trump,” resulted in classified material leaving the White House.

“The White House staff simply swept all documents from the president’s desk and other areas into boxes, where they have resided ever since,” the letter said.

According to prosecutors, the notion that Mr. Trump was simply too busy to know all that he had is undercut by the facts.

As early as January 2021, as Mr. Trump was preparing to leave office after efforts to thwart the transfer of power to Joseph R. Biden Jr., he and his White House staff members, including Mr. Nauta, packed materials into boxes, the indictment says. “Trump was personally involved in this process,” it says.

On two occasions after he left office — once in late 2021 as he was reluctantly responding to demands from the National Archives to return the material he had taken from the White House and then later after a grand jury subpoena demanding the return of any classified documents still in his possession — Mr. Trump was brought a number of boxes to review, indicating that he was aware of their contents. Mr. Trump repeatedly told advisers the boxes of documents were “mine,” according to several people familiar with his remarks.


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17 minutes ago, Satchel said:

There’s quite a bit of fallout that we’ve yet to consider. From Haaretz:

Top brass in the Israeli defense establishment, particularly in the IDF Intelligence Corps and the Mossad espionage agency, are concerned that secret documents seized from former U.S. President Donald Trump include material whose exposure has damaged Israel’s security. Among hundreds of documents removed from the White House were most probably references to Iran and Israel



Bullshit. I’m been praying Mossad fixes the orange glitch from jump street 

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4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


The Clintons fucked a cat?

Edit: Oh for fuck's sake, Clinton stored some audio tapes of an interview he gave to a historian in his sock drawer (the tapes were in a sock drawer, not the historian) and this is what Trump thinks exonerates him?

I don't think he believes or even remotely understands any of the shit he's said about the law. He just regurgitates what he hears from the loons in his orbit, OANN, etc. He thinks he'll get away with it simply because he's repeatedly bullshitted his way to zero consequences throughout his life.

Part of me thinks that maybe he did all this just to prove to himself once and for all that he really is invincible/a god. Kinda like in Groundhog Day when he starts killing himself in a variety of ways before waking up again no worse for the wear. 

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I wonder if it's occurred to him that none of his followers, both the MAGA peasants and the Rs in Congress, are actually doing anything to try and help him - nobody is trying to take out Jack Smith, nobody is storming the courthouse or the National Archives.  Gym Jordan and the others in Congress are pretending to, going through a few motions, but they all know it won't work.
Those idiot seditionists on January 6th, that was it.  MAGA blew their load, and outside of a few deaths, ended up with a lot of felonies and jail sentences.
Which tells you on some level that MAGA isn't quite 100% all-in on Trump.  They are all-in on how he makes them feel, but at the end of the day, the very vast majority are simply not willing to risk their lives or livelihoods for him.  Unfortunately for Rod DeSandus, he doesn't have the charisma to make them feel like Trump does.

We need to fix that. We need the MAGATs to take up arms, and defend their king. They shouldn’t all band together, and talk about their plans on social media, because it doesn’t matter, Trump will protect them once he is restored to his rightful throne. Those people need to launch an armed assault against the deep state. Like, attack FBI HQ and such. Do it, pussies. I thought you loved America? So do it.
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10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

We need to fix that. We need the MAGATs to take up arms, and defend their king. They shouldn’t all band together, and talk about their plans on social media, because it doesn’t matter, Trump will protect them once he is restored to his rightful throne. Those people need to launch an armed assault against the deep state. Like, attack FBI HQ and such. Do it, pussies. I thought you loved America? So do it.

You're asking some of them to potentially give up low six-figure jobs selling real-estate in North Texas.

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25 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

You're asking some of them to potentially give up low six-figure jobs selling real-estate in North Texas.

Interest rates have gone up and volume's slowed way down. By the time they get out, maybe the market will be hot again. 

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2 hours ago, Hookah Horns said:

Part of me thinks that maybe he did all this just to prove to himself once and for all that he really is invincible/a god. Kinda like in Groundhog Day when he starts killing himself in a variety of ways before waking up again no worse for the wear. 


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13 hours ago, dcbc said:

I don't think that's what it's about (I was making a joke earlier).  But as  you might imagine, there was manufactured outrage about the cat's answering fan mail on the government's dime back in the day apparently.

ok that makes sense .  stupid gop shit . but makes sense 

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10 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

We need to fix that. We need the MAGATs to take up arms, and defend their king. They shouldn’t all band together, and talk about their plans on social media, because it doesn’t matter, Trump will protect them once he is restored to his rightful throne. Those people need to launch an armed assault against the deep state. Like, attack FBI HQ and such. Do it, pussies. I thought you loved America? So do it.

I disagree. I think they should all band together and discuss their plans on social media before launching their assault. You know, just to make sure they all know the plan. It’s important that everyone knows the plan. 

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20 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I disagree. I think they should all band together and discuss their plans on social media before launching their assault. You know, just to make sure they all know the plan. It’s important that everyone knows the plan. 




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