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Cairn Horn88

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And loads of them testified under oath that they were participating in the Jan 6 fuckery at the direction of Donald Trump. Hell of a long game if it was a false flag; antifa must pay really well for these losers to hold the line on the framing of Dotard all the way through their own sentencing hearings.

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On 7/24/2023 at 7:54 PM, Gatorubet said:

I just emailed a MAGA acquaintance. I told him, “the reason I’m voting for Biden is that he knows how to get things done. When Trump was in charge of the DOJ, neither Hillary or all those other liberals ever got locked up or indicted. Handsome old Joe Biden has gotten Trump indicted several times - and is about to get him indicted some more. That tells me that Joe is better at presidenting. “


negged to achieve rep medley

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12 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:



It's my understanding that Trump had already been got. Why would you run a false flag operation to undo his exit from office? I don't think Joe, smart as he looks, has really thought this all the way through.

Right, the election took care of Trump.  So why would the false flaggers try to stop the certification of that election? 


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5 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

Who's the Jeb of the 2020 Race? - The New York Times

I’d take a second Clinton over a third Bush every single fucking day of the week. Just the fact that we had to suffer through 8 years of a second Bush, the idiot son of a mediocre president, should’ve warmed everyone to Hillary.

And here’s a handy rule of thumb — whoever Vladimir Putin doesn’t want to be president, that’s who you should vote for. 

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1 hour ago, miguelito said:

Right, the election took care of Trump.  So why would the false flaggers try to stop the certification of that election? 


He's saying the people who stormed the capital were maga but he thinks it's possible the IC put false actors inside the crowd to help direct the mob into the capital. 

Still really stupid as Gaffigan points out if Trump didn't want it then he wouldn't have sat on his ass and do nothing while it's happening. 

Rogan is really into conspiracy bullshit so whatever happens he believes the CIA and FBI have a hand in it. 

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7 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

The message needs to be that whole swaths of our population will have their rights taken away under a Trump regime.  You also show the things Biden has done, like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPS Act.  He has been really effective given the thin majority he had.

This right here. It's not about getting the base fired up positively. Those days are over. It's negative campaigning now. 

Bitecofer nails it.

Political scientist and strategist Rachel Bitecofer came to prominence after predicting to the seat the size of the Democrats' rare Blue Wave in the 2018 midterms. At the heart of her prediction lay a powerful concept—negative partisanship, or the idea that voters, even most so-called independents, don’t vote for their candidate so much as they vote against their candidate’s opponent. Seen through this lens, Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts 

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19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

The weird thing about that is, by paying Trustpoint, Trump made it easier/more likely that Rude Boy would have to "talk."

yeah. Give me the money so I have the ability to give the documents that will fuck you.  That’s why Maga is the brain trust that it is.

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I just had a high thought before bed: since everything is a confession with this guy, the whole "stollen" narrative has been ringing in my head like a bad earworm. It occurs to me that perhaps some of the evidence he absconded with was actually how HE stole the first election. that would be some shit. lol, anyway, good night.

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Besides the fact that we all saw it happen (Dotard getting his cult followers all riled up and sending them to the Capitol to "fight like hell" etc) we know now that was exactly the plan. They got what they wanted to happen. 

When people devise a plan, and what unfolds is basically what they designed.... I don't understand a need to create a conspiracy theory out of nothing. 

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Yeah, conspiracy theories used to be fun because they attempted to explain the inexplicable.  How exactly Kennedy's head moved like it did in Dallas.  How the pyramids were built in an era of such limited technology.  Shit that still doesn't make much sense.  

But now the conspiracy theories are just mean.  Thousands of Trump supporters plot for weeks online ahead of January 6th to attack the Capitol.  Trump tells them to go to the Capitol and fight.  Those thousands go to the Capitol to pick fights.  Many are arrested.  Not really in need of a conspiracy theory, just rewind the tapes.  

Apparently tens of thousands of election workers, some volunteer, some paid government officials, worked for months in concert with one another to rig the 2020 election against Trump despite varying voting systems and hardware from state to state and county to county.  And miraculously nobody talked or leaked or posted online/social media what their plans were.  The greatest kept secret in human history.  Or did Joe Biden just get a few million more votes than one of the worst people in human history?

Are liberal elites stealing babies to drain their blood underneath a pizzeria, to drink and stay young eternally?  Or do those same people continue to die off in a manner consistent with their actuarial stats and access to better health care than most?  

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17 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Are liberal elites stealing babies to drain their blood underneath a pizzeria, to drink and stay young eternally?  Or do those same people continue to die off in a manner consistent with their actuarial stats and access to better health care than most?  

I’m 183 next month, and I don’t appreciate the insinuation. 

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4 minutes ago, The Dog said:

One of the issues for the GOP is that Trump has soaked up hundreds of millions of dollars in small dollar donations on the lie that the 2020 election was stollen, leaving very little for the actual party. Now that the GOP is going broke in every swing state, if Jack Smith charges Trump's PAC with fraud and seizes all that money, the party is finished in 2024. Finished.


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1 hour ago, The Dog said:

One of the issues for the GOP is that Trump has soaked up hundreds of millions of dollars in small dollar donations on the lie that the 2020 election was stollen, leaving very little for the actual party. Now that the GOP is going broke in every swing state, if Jack Smith charges Trump's PAC with fraud and seizes all that money, the party is finished in 2024. Finished.

bonus points for "stollen"

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Stollen Valor: The Donald Trump Story of Vietnam

No way Jack Smith seizes that PAC money.  That would absolutely cripple the entire party for the whole of the 2024 cycle in every important state.  IT would be perceived ten-fold more than the indictments are politically motivated interference.  Doesn't make it right, but it would be a shitshow of biblical proportions.  

What he should, and must do however, is broadcast to MAGA nation exactly how Trump lied to them about where the money was going.  The MAGA loyalists will never admit they were duped but a significant portion of them would silently stop donating once and for all.  They'll still say they are donating to friends and family, but quietly-they'd realize they can't just keep throwing money they don't have at non-existent legal battle warchests.  

For our next confidence scheme:  Surly-Trump PAC insurance.  "Have you or a loved one recently made a donation to any of Donald Trump's dozen Political Action Committees?  Super PAC's to help his legal battles, his efforts to make America Great Again, to topple the Deep State, prove the election fraud of 2020, or protect the integrity of the 2024 elections?  Then you are not entitled to damages because we all trust Trump!  However, you can guarantee your contributions go 100% towards the political topics and candidates of your choosing with no interference.  For just $99.95, you can insure your PAC donations up to $10,000 per couple.  In the event, you suspect the left has gotten ahold of the funds, they've been frozen by a corrupt FBI or weaponized DOJ, or just innocent banking errors at the PAC office...your entire contribution is protected and will be redirected back to the initial pledged cause.  Again, up to the legal maximum of $10,000, guaranteed to have your desired effect for just $99.95, less than 1% of the value of your hard-earned contributions.  Don't let your donations go astray, insure today!"   

Again, we'd make a million dollars before they found us and murdered us in front of our children.  

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Fair point.  What is it Hans says before that, "they will find you...unless they think you're already dead."  

i guess it I could simultaneously deploy all these scams at the same time, pocket a few million real fast, shut down the sites and burn the servers.  I could likely make it to a foreign country within a couple of weeks before anybody got wise.  But my family would have to sever all ties to their family and friends which is a lot to ask since they don't like Trump but they do not share my unbridled passion to watch him burn and have his supporters turn on one another and literally murder each other.  I'm slightly more unhinged than most of them.  And i can't leave them here because somebody will take out their anger for me on them.  Can't have that.  We could have it routed to some friendly banks I know in the Bahamas but again, one errant name drop by some junior banker and I'm fucked and have to live life looking over my shoulder.  I guess the real trick is what G. Gordon Liddy used to say, "What's the trick?  The trick is not minding."

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2 hours ago, The Dog said:

One of the issues for the GOP is that Trump has soaked up hundreds of millions of dollars in small dollar donations on the lie that the 2020 election was stollen, leaving very little for the actual party. Now that the GOP is going broke in every swing state, if Jack Smith charges Trump's PAC with fraud and seizes all that money, the party is finished in 2024. Finished.


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51 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

At this rate the Georgia indictment is going to come down first. I mean, either way I guess, but J6 is more satisfying to me, despite the fact that Georgia is a state crime and therefore unpardonable. 

Unpardonable by the President. But any jackass that becomes Georgia's governor can do it. 

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19 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Mussolini called himself the avenger. Trump has promised to seek revenge against his opponents if re-elected. Why won’t people see him for what he is? A dumber Mussolini.


17 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Mussolini was probably Hawkeye or something equivalent. 

i mean Mussolini was pretty damn stupid

and by the end, was basically Londo Mollari, a captive of the Reich, a figurehead leader only

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6 hours ago, Red Five said:

Besides the fact that we all saw it happen (Dotard getting his cult followers all riled up and sending them to the Capitol to "fight like hell" etc) we know now that was exactly the plan. They got what they wanted to happen. 

When people devise a plan, and what unfolds is basically what they designed.... I don't understand a need to create a conspiracy theory out of nothing. 

you see, the GOP is very good at what they do. the thing they do best is lie. when that doesn't work, the second best thing they do is gaslight. if that pesky truth rears its ugly head they simply say the truth is wrong and everyone should listen to them. it's straight out of '1984'

Edited by Longhorn_Fan68
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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

At this rate the Georgia indictment is going to come down first. I mean, either way I guess, but J6 is more satisfying to me, despite the fact that Georgia is a state crime and therefore unpardonable. 

Would he be pardonable by a maga Georgia governor?

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