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  On 8/3/2023 at 5:41 PM, SubliminalHorn said:

My only worry is a major recession leading into the election. I fear that would be enough to sway enough independents over for a slim victory. 



  On 8/3/2023 at 5:46 PM, Js1 said:

Well the experts do not seem to see this happening, and keep downgrading the chance. It’s only happening in the mind of republicans 

Also record inflation couldn’t even help the GOP that much last year. Roe is not forgotten 


This next election will be a referendum on SCOTUS. The youth have not forgotten their rights that were taken away with the flick of a pen. They see what is at stake. They don't give two damns who runs as R. They know one party is actively trying to take their rights away. They are going to vote that way. I don't think 2024 will be close. And we need to start speaking that shit into existence. Fuck all this doomed bullshit. Time to flip the fucking script.

  • Hook 'Em 6
  On 8/3/2023 at 3:20 PM, Beau Vine said:

Thank you.  This "he'd be out on appeal anyways, so we'd be in the same place" rebuttal just blows my mind.


So, you think "half the nation" could completely ignore the 1/6 Committee and then would somehow be swayed by a conviction that remains on appeal, ostensibly to be fixed by Sammy the Bull and Uncle Ruckus?

  • Haha 1
  On 8/3/2023 at 6:14 PM, TwiceHorn said:

So, you think "half the nation" could completely ignore the 1/6 Committee and then would somehow be swayed by a conviction that remains on appeal, ostensibly to be fixed by Sammy the Bull and Uncle Ruckus?


All of them won't, but he's either going to testify in one of these trials and it's going to be a disaster or he's going to look incredibly weak by refusing to take the stand.  And the latter might be more likely to cost him support than the former.

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  On 8/3/2023 at 5:17 PM, ohchaucer said:

Y’all remember in 2016 when most sane people believed a solid (albeit deeply flawed) candidate “couldn’t lose” to a fat orange criminal buffoon?

I ‘member.



I remember a lot of people not being aware that Trump was about to narrowly defeat an incredibly shitty candidate.

As soon as she got the nomination, Trump was going to be president.

Michael Moore and I both knew it. And for the same reasons.

  • Rage+1 2
  On 8/3/2023 at 5:42 PM, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:





That's great, but Trump's attorneys aren't wrong: Proving to a jury Trump knew he'd lost the election is gonna be ... not easy.


  On 8/3/2023 at 5:26 PM, Brisketexan said:

This.  This.  This.

1,000,000,00,000,000,000,000,000 times THIS.

There's only one approach to dealing with the threat to the Republic that is Trump.  Bring.  Fucking.  EVERYTHING.  Attack on all fronts.  Be relentless.  Overkill is fucking underkill here.

Nuke him.  Then nuke him again.




See, Brisket, you're getting awful close to crossing that line again.

You and I concur, but you're not seeing the big picture.

You think he won't go to jail. Which is just silly.

The problem is that putting him in jail doesn't end the threat to democracy he represents. See also: Beer Hall Putsch linked above.


Please tell me someone got a screen grab of that treasonous POS walking down the stairs from his plane a few minutes ago where the wind peeled his comb over back like the rind of a rotten orange.

  • Haha 3
  On 8/3/2023 at 6:13 PM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:


This next election will be a referendum on SCOTUS. The youth have not forgotten their rights that were taken away with the flick of a pen. They see what is at stake. They don't give two damns who runs as R. They know one party is actively trying to take their rights away. They are going to vote that way. I don't think 2024 will be close. And we need to start speaking that shit into existence. Fuck all this doomed bullshit. Time to flip the fucking script.


Don't undersell a rise in stochastic and actual violence. The grifters will keep stirring shit up to ensure the spice flows (they're basically televangelists at this point), but the rank-and-file? They won't need the dogwhistles if it looks like everything is going to shit.  

It's hyperbolic to refer to every election as "mOsT iMpOrTaNt eLeCtIoN eVaH" but fuck does it feel like it these days.

  • Hook 'Em 1

It's like Trump thinks the only people who should be able to enter his orbit, and their family, are people who voted for him. Them and them only. No one can prosecute him or judge him unless they are also one of his supporters. 

  • Rage+1 1
Posted (edited)

I keep hearing posters discussing if Trump can win election.   My question is will it matter?   

I know in Florida we have spanky new voter/election security laws, a dedicated state police force to enforce them, a military force under the sole purview of the Governor, GOP controlled state house and senate (cough gerrymandering cough cough), and a super dee duper Supreme Court that just loves states rights! 

I'm not sure that if the state does go blue, that won't be deemed a fraudlent result, and the state steps in to investigate and appoint electors as Jesus intended.

Pretty sure Florida is NOT alone in that, but as is our way, we have just taken it up to eleven under Comandante Dedo de Pudín.

PS I forgot the laws on "rioting" which would be enforced if the natives get restless whilst this is going down.  Good times!


Also pretty sure he's staying in the race hoping for a Trump criminal implosion and be the best of the rest...

Edited by locodos
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  On 8/3/2023 at 6:27 PM, Beau Vine said:

All of them won't, but he's either going to testify in one of these trials and it's going to be a disaster or he's going to look incredibly weak by refusing to take the stand.  And the latter might be more likely to cost him support than the former.


He's not taking the stand.

He shouldn't even have to! /MAGA

  On 8/3/2023 at 6:13 PM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:
Fuck all this doomed bullshit. Time to flip the fucking script.

I agree completely (about your whole post, but this part in particular). My only point has been that indictments or even convictions aren’t going to solely do the job of flipping the script. That focus still has to be on the election. And of course Trump faces new and much more consequential headwinds this time ‘round, but given the magnitude of the threat, it’s not doomsday to simply say “leaving fucking NOTHING to chance.” Shift his chances of victory from the realm of “possible” to “get fucked, fatso” and do so with extreme prejudice. No mercy. And no assumptions that anything changes the script materially except for more votes (or states, more accurately) for Biden than for Trump next November.
  On 8/3/2023 at 7:05 PM, Stilicho said:

Don't undersell a rise in stochastic and actual violence. The grifters will keep stirring shit up to ensure the spice flows (they're basically televangelists at this point), but the rank-and-file? They won't need the dogwhistles if it looks like everything is going to shit.  

It's hyperbolic to refer to every election as "mOsT iMpOrTaNt eLeCtIoN eVaH" but fuck does it feel like it these days.


true. I am not naïve to think some bullshit isn't going to happen between now and two Novembers from now, but all the trends speak decisively of the gop's chances in any national or large race. they still win the shitty little land commissioner spots and such, but their shine on the national stage is way past the point of losing its luster. it's dull as shit. remember, the last time a person with an R next to their name won the popular vote was nearly 20 years ago. attitudes for the R brand have not changed for the better since then. again, this is not wishcasting. I'm only regurgitating what are easily verifiable facts and trends. I think a lot of people are itching to have their voice heard. if trump isn't on the ballot that side will be in total disarray. it doesn't matter who it is, they will get slaughtered in the general election. even still, trump doesn't stand a fucking chance.

  • Hook 'Em 3
  On 8/3/2023 at 7:19 PM, ohchaucer said:


I agree completely (about your whole post, but this part in particular). My only point has been that indictments or even convictions aren’t going to solely do the job of flipping the script. That focus still has to be on the election. And of course Trump faces new and much more consequential headwinds this time ‘round, but given the magnitude of the threat, it’s not doomsday to simply say “leaving fucking NOTHING to chance.” Shift his chances of victory from the realm of “possible” to “get fucked, fatso” and do so with extreme prejudice. No mercy. And no assumptions that anything changes the script materially except for more votes (or states, more accurately) for Biden than for Trump next November.



totally agree. it's still going to take a historic gotv effort, but I think that's what we're going to see. as mentioned previously, yet again we're facing the most important election in our lifetimes. no hyperbole whatsoever

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  On 8/3/2023 at 8:03 PM, henrygandorf said:

do not fall for the republican talking points.  this is not a free speech case.  this is not a "what did he actually believe" case.  it's not about what he thought or said, it's about what he did.  go read the indictment.  it seems like they were very careful about that.

trump's lawyers and supporters are spinning their own bullshit to try and win in the court of public opinion.  pay them no mind.


This. "You can't prove that Red Five didn't know that all the money in the bank wasn't his when he robbed it." 

Nope doesn't matter. 

  On 8/3/2023 at 8:03 PM, henrygandorf said:

do not fall for the republican talking points.  this is not a free speech case.  this is not a "what did he actually believe" case.  it's not about what he thought or said, it's about what he did.  go read the indictment.  it seems like they were very careful about that.

trump's lawyers and supporters are spinning their own bullshit to try and win in the court of public opinion.  pay them no mind.



He has a right to say it.

He does not have any rights to then direct attempts to subvert electoral counts, the certification of votes, etc. 

  On 8/3/2023 at 8:07 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Objectively there is no reason Trump should be allowed to walk around freely.  I mean, stealing national secrets and conspiring to lead a violent overthrow of the federal government should land you in jail immediately right?!?  Like, he’s clearly insanely dangerous to all of us.  I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! 


counterpoint - putting him in jail doesn't necessarily make him less dangerous.  and then he's a fucking martyr, jailed before found guilty, nah.

the more i think about it, the more i want his delay tactics to work.  i think he needs to still be mid-trial when the election happens.  if he's found guilty, it may move some people to his side.  if he's found not guilty (or hung jury whatever) he will absolutely spin it as a win and we cannot have that happen. 

i really want no verdict by next november.  try him after he loses.  with everybody on strike we'll need some new content.

  • Hook 'Em 1
  On 8/3/2023 at 6:56 PM, Rimbo said:


That's great, but Trump's attorneys aren't wrong: Proving to a jury Trump knew he'd lost the election is gonna be ... not easy.



See, Brisket, you're getting awful close to crossing that line again.

You and I concur, but you're not seeing the big picture.

You think he won't go to jail. Which is just silly.

The problem is that putting him in jail doesn't end the threat to democracy he represents. See also: Beer Hall Putsch linked above.


i think a lot of people forget that a grand jury already saw enough to go, "yup, the former president clearly broke some laws." my guess is Smith gift-wrapped the evidence in such a way even a sycophant would have a hard time defending it. the dude is fucked. and he only continues to get fuckeder. yeah, I'm making that a word

  • Hook 'Em 2
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  On 8/3/2023 at 8:16 PM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

i think a lot of people forget that a grand jury already saw enough to go, "yup, the former president clearly broke some laws." my guess is Smith gift-wrapped the evidence in such a way even a sycophant would have a hard time defending it. the dude is fucked. and he only continues to get fuckeder. yeah, I'm making that a word


Don't you know a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich? /Tahoehorn

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  On 8/3/2023 at 8:09 PM, Horndog said:

My fellow golfers, this is how you humble brag.


Depends on your 8 iron.  

  On 8/3/2023 at 8:04 PM, Hagbard Celine said:

what do i have to pay to get rid of ads in the cloakroom?


the cookie infestation is causing my machine to get pounded a 1000 times a minute


now i have to log out and cclean my machine


It's a trap!

  On 8/3/2023 at 5:17 PM, ohchaucer said:

Y’all remember in 2016 when most sane people believed a solid (albeit deeply flawed) candidate “couldn’t lose” to a fat orange criminal buffoon?

I ‘member.


Maybe I’m crazy but I predicted he’d be close and might win. I don’t think anyone who wasn’t a dyed in the wool HRC backer was confident down the stretch. Pundits on NPR were questioning her decision not to go in person to Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, and Des Moines in real time, and were highly critical of her decision to listen to Mook (lol) over Bill and Obama  

This is nothing like that. I’m not counting chickens, but I’m not sweating this. 

  On 8/3/2023 at 8:48 PM, Js1 said:

Devon Archer, who said nothing of value that implicated anyone but Gym Jordan's lack of a brain


She apparently missed the morning's updated talking points, because she's the only person I've seen mention Archer today.

  • Hook 'Em 1
  On 8/3/2023 at 8:47 PM, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

HuffPost had a pretty tidy list of Republicans who told Trump there was no valid evidence that the election was stolen. There was no legitimate reason for Trump to believe that it was.



This is so dumb (not you Al). Of course it was made up and he didn't actually think that. He said for a year prior to the election that if he loses, it will be because it's rigged. 

He was President, and two and a half years later still hasn't produced one piece of evidence. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
  On 8/3/2023 at 7:06 PM, Red Five said:

It's like Trump thinks the only people who should be able to enter his orbit, and their family, are people who voted for him. Them and them only. No one can prosecute him or judge him unless they are also one of his supporters. 



  On 8/3/2023 at 7:46 PM, Js1 said:

I mean, since Trump left office and SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade:

  • 4 House special elections swung 12, 11, 6 and 9 points to the left
  • Dems WON the Alaska House race special election and held it in the midterms
  • Dems overperformed the 2022 midterms, narrowly losing the House when they should have lost 20+ seats, picked up a seat in the Senate and picked up 2 governor's seats, including winning yet another run-off in Georgia for the Senate seat.  Oh yeah and flipped 5 chambers from the GOP, including in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota
  • Crushed anti-abortion ballot measures in Kansas, Kentucky and Montana
  • Flipped the Wisconsin Supreme Court 

Keep an eye on Ohio’s special election on Tuesday. 

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