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33 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Again, this isn't quite like a home mortgage deal.  The AG doesn't have to prove that a bank relied on the false statements, or suffered any loss.  Basically just the fact that they were repeatedly false and actually used in business transactions is sufficient.

That has nothing to do with my question.

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

Just a note.  Summary judgment occurs irrespective of a demand for jury trial.  The essence of it is that there are no facts necessary for judgment to be developed or considered at trial, either before a jury or the bench.

Do you have a cite for the notion that Habba didn't timely file a demand for jury trial?  I'm not 100% sure a jury trial is available for this kind of thing.

Legal AF has referenced Habba failing to file multiple times.  Apparently there is a paperwork deadline she missed, which resulted in an automatic bench trial.  


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18 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

Legal AF has referenced Habba failing to file multiple times.  Apparently there is a paperwork deadline she missed, which resulted in an automatic bench trial.  


the problem with that is that the summary judgment process would have occurred in either context.  these weren't issues of disputed material facts.  this happens regardless of it being a bench or jury trial.

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4 hours ago, The Dog said:

From the article:

I was wondering if "Trump Force One" was included in this. 

The issue summed up in a single tweet:

Thought - if Trump took out massive loans against all of these properties at well over their actual value then how far under water is he going to be once the fire sale starts? 

It really looks like he is ruined and no amount of MAGA donations will be able to make up for it. 

Keep in mind that the cash burn rate of his PAC is exceeding intakes due to his legal bills and he cannot get anything from the GOP until he is formally the nominee. 

arrested development fire sale GIF

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WSJ calls on Americans to remember:


The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board slammed former President Donald Trump — and the Republicans who enable him —  over the “unhinged” remarks that populate his feed on social media platform Truth Social.

In their latest op-ed, the board noted that in the last few days, Trump has pledged to have NBC and MSNBC investigated for “country-threatening treason” and suggested that General Mark Milley should be executed. The op-ed also noted that Trump “uses Truth Social to amplify unhinged posts from others, including one recently calling the 2021 Capitol riot a ‘Fedsurrection,’ involving Antifa leftists in MAGA disguise, and ‘the Deep State coordinated their actions through proxies.'”

The editorial board called “this lunacy” a “direct mind-meld with Mr. Trump’s true social and political self.”

As such, the editorial board argued, why are Republicans not taking Trump’s “campaign pledge to abridge the First Amendment” and call for the execution of U.S. generals seriously? He is, after all, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination.

“What if some crank does and decides to shoot Gen. Milley in his retirement?” the board asked, before concluding that voters will pay attention to Trump’s posts if he’s nominated for president again, and Republicans will have to deal with the political ramifications of that.

From the op-ed:

Some Republicans are feeling giddy these days because Mr. Biden is down in the polls, losing head-to-head even against Mr. Trump. But many voters may have forgotten what it was like to hear from, and live with, Mr. Trump day after day. As President, Mr. Biden gets more attention now, and Mr. Trump is ducking the GOP presidential debates.

But if Mr. Trump is nominated again, his every word will get attention. That’s the baggage Republicans will carry — and the reason Democrats think even Mr. Biden can win.

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44 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

The Wall Street Journal editorial board can fuck right off criticizing anyone else for normalizing Trump. 

Came here to post some version of this. It may as well be Fox News of Breitbart taking somone to task for propping up trump. Fucking spiderman.gif


10 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

This amazing man and his family have run an exceptional company, one that never missed a loan payment. And yet, Trump is so fond of bankruptcy lawyers that he declared bankruptcy several times…..and shut down his university….the steak business…and the casino business….and the wine business…..and the kid cancer charity….all to provide work for judges and lawyers.   A big, burly bankruptcy lawyer came up to Mr. Trump, the best bankruptcy lawyer in New York, with tears in his eyes, saying, “Thank you, Mr. Trump, for declaring bankruptcy so many times when you did not have to. My kids can go to college because of you!”

Ah, yes, everything he "built." The only man who failed at running casinos, and who'd be worth more money if he took his quarter billion dollar inheritabce, which he basically stole a lion's share from his siblings, and stuck it in a fucking saving's account. 

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1 hour ago, Satchel said:

WSJ calls on Americans to remember:


The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board slammed former President Donald Trump — and the Republicans who enable him —  over the “unhinged” remarks that populate his feed on social media platform Truth Social.

In their latest op-ed, the board noted that in the last few days, Trump has pledged to have NBC and MSNBC investigated for “country-threatening treason” and suggested that General Mark Milley should be executed. The op-ed also noted that Trump “uses Truth Social to amplify unhinged posts from others, including one recently calling the 2021 Capitol riot a ‘Fedsurrection,’ involving Antifa leftists in MAGA disguise, and ‘the Deep State coordinated their actions through proxies.'”

The editorial board called “this lunacy” a “direct mind-meld with Mr. Trump’s true social and political self.”

As such, the editorial board argued, why are Republicans not taking Trump’s “campaign pledge to abridge the First Amendment” and call for the execution of U.S. generals seriously? He is, after all, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination.

“What if some crank does and decides to shoot Gen. Milley in his retirement?” the board asked, before concluding that voters will pay attention to Trump’s posts if he’s nominated for president again, and Republicans will have to deal with the political ramifications of that.

From the op-ed:

Some Republicans are feeling giddy these days because Mr. Biden is down in the polls, losing head-to-head even against Mr. Trump. But many voters may have forgotten what it was like to hear from, and live with, Mr. Trump day after day. As President, Mr. Biden gets more attention now, and Mr. Trump is ducking the GOP presidential debates.

But if Mr. Trump is nominated again, his every word will get attention. That’s the baggage Republicans will carry — and the reason Democrats think even Mr. Biden can win.


55 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

The Wall Street Journal editorial board can fuck right off criticizing anyone else for normalizing Trump. 


Oh, NOW y'all suddenly have a problem with it?

I mean, better late than never.

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7 hours ago, The Dog said:

Just a reminder that the reason this partial summary judgment occurred without a jury is because Alina Habba didn't file the paperwork in time for a jury trial. 

She's likely the one feeding him this bullshit I'd guess.

Also note that ALL of his lawyers in this case got sanctioned including Chris Kise.

Habba habba.

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How much would your house be worth if the Trump Organization owned it?


Shared as a gift link, so no paywall.  A nifty tool so you can calculate what your own home would be worth with Trump values added:




A year offering no shortage of bad news for Donald Trump outdid itself Tuesday afternoon, with New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruling that the former president’s namesake business, the Trump Organization, had repeatedly and fraudulently inflated the value of its real estate properties.

The ruling held no shortage of condemnations for the company and for its lawyers, whose reliance on already-rejected arguments spurred Engoron to issue sanctions against them. But the ruling was also remarkable for its delineation of the scale of that inflation.





It was by no means a secret that Trump had a habit of overstating his net worth. This is well-documented, including in interviews where Trump announced that his net worth depended on his mood.

But there’s a difference between Trump, salesman-turned-politician overstating things to close the deal, and the Trump Organization presenting inflated data to potential lenders. In one case, Trump is trying to extract your vote in a marketplace bounded almost solely by the constraints of personal honesty and free speech. In the latter, there are legal ramifications for misleading potential investors — ramifications that the judge said should apply to the Trump Organization.



The ruling walked through the scale of the inflation undertaken by the Trump Organization over the past 10 to 15 years. For example, consider the gap in valuation given to Trump’s Seven Springs property in Westchester County, N.Y. The judge compared its appraised value with what was presented in Statements of Financial Condition (SFCs) presented to potential investors.

“Not withstanding receiving market values from professional appraisals in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2014 valuing Seven Springs at or below $30 million, Donald Trump’s 2011 SFC reported the value to be $261 million, and his 2012, 2013 and 2014 SFCs reported the value to be $291 million.”







There is undeniably some subjectivity here, with appraised values varying over time and by appraiser. What the judge delineated, though, was a wide divergence between what the Trump Organization had been told by objective reviewers a property was worth and how the property was valued in financial documents.

At times, the valuations were explicitly based on false data, the judge noted, as in the case of Trump’s apartment in Manhattan’s Trump Tower: It was presented as extending over 30,000 square feet when, in reality, the space was only about a third of that size. Applying a price-per-square-foot to that exaggerated size meant a huge, inaccurate increase in presented value.

“A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades,” the judge wrote, “can only be considered fraud.”


The most contentious valuation was that applied to Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s home in Florida. It was presented as being worth as much as $612 million in Trump’s financial documents, despite restrictions on how the property could be used. An outside appraisal put the value closer to $28 million.

Trump’s son Eric was incensed, taking to social media Tuesday to claim that the judge was biased against his father and that, actually, Mar-a-Lago was “speculated to be worth well over a billion dollars.” And here, again, we see the gap between what you can say for political or engagement purposes and what you can drop in front of a potential business partner.


The New York Post, appearing eager to side with the longtime star of its gossip pages, scoffed at the objective appraisal included in the judge’s ruling, insisting that other assessments put the value of Mar-a-Lago at somewhere around $300 million. Those well-versed in mathematics will notice that this would still mean the $612 million Trump valuation was twice the actual worth of the property.

But here is a different approach. Instead of defending the Trump Organization’s inflation efforts, you can put them to work for you. The tool below allows you to choose a property value between $100,000 and $1 billion (for especially lucky readers) and see how those values might have been presented to investors had the Trump Organization’s inflationary metrics been applied. All of the calculations here are taken from the judge’s ruling, in which the presented value and assessed values are offered explicitly — as in the Seven Springs example above.

The tool is set at $400,000 to start, about the median sales price for U.S. homes this year.


What property value would you like to inflate? $1,000,000,000

Here are your Trump-inflated values.

If we were to inflate the value to the extent that the value of Trump Tower was inflated, your $1,000,000,000 swells to $2,728,264,824, an increase of $1,728,264,824.

If we apply the level of inflation used for Mar-a-Lago, we get a range from $15,453,971,522 to $34,006,138,667. Even if we use the New York Post's generous assessment, the value was still inflated, lifting your $1,000,000,000 to $2,040,368,320.

If we use the level of inflation applied to the property at Seven Springs, your $1,000,000,000 becomes $9,700,000,000. Using the inflation applied to the property at 40 Wall Street, we get an inflated value ranging from $2,623,500,000 in 2011 to $1,361,851,852 in 2015.

Then there are the golf clubs. Inflating your $1,000,000,000 to the same degree as the inflation applied to the club at Briarcliff, your investment jumps to $4,450,316,182. The inflation used for the club in Los Angeles raises your $1,000,000,000 to $3,538,493,438.

Congratulations on your sudden surge in net worth. And good luck in court.



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4 hours ago, Satchel said:

The op-ed also noted that Trump “uses Truth Social to amplify unhinged posts from others, including one recently calling the 2021 Capitol riot a ‘Fedsurrection,’ involving Antifa leftists in MAGA disguise, and ‘the Deep State coordinated their actions through proxies.'”

Why does Trump want to pardon the Jan 6 insurrectionists if they are antifa leftists from The Deep State?

GIF by Giphy QA

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Watching a rerun of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson that originally aired on Sept. 14, 1990. One of the monologue jokes went something like this: Who was it that said: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time?”

The choices were:
- A transvestite at a lumber camp
- Most women on their wedding night
- Donald Trump’s accountant

We’ve all known for decades that he’s a fraud.

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8 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

“Motion to recuse unhinged judge, the one my lawyer calls that “black bitch”, who is very biased towards me, from hearing the case.”

Shockingly, the motion was denied. 

Everyone knows that trump can only get a fair trial in West Virginia or Cannon’s court !

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No one in the history of evar has filed a notice with the court that they are not removing a case. 

It somewhat made sense to notify the court that he might remove to deter setting an early trial date.   I suppose once you file that, you have to file something saying you're not, kind of like a reach-around.

This don't make no sense. 

As to why he's not removing?  I'm going to guess that they think this will create yet another bad precedent for his immunity claim (a finding that he was acting within the outer perimeter of presidential authority will be a key there), and he'd rather be writing on a blanker slate in DC,

Secondarily, I think this one has the least chance of reaching a conviction before the election of any of them.

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Would you look at that:





Former President Donald Trump has sought to discredit a New York judge’s blockbuster ruling threatening his business empire by arguing that Mar-a-Lago alone is worth more than a billion dollars.

But less than three years ago, his tax representative told Palm Beach County officials that Trump “agrees” his private club in South Florida is worth just $26.6 million, according to records obtained by The Messenger.

“The petitioner agrees with the determination of the property appraiser or tax collector,” Michael Corbiciero, the CEO of the tax consulting firm Marvin F. Poer & Co., attested in a letter dated Nov. 16, 2020.




If Mar-a-Lago were a private residence, Palm Beach County real estate insiders broadly agree that it would fetch far higher than its government valuations. But Trump forfeited certain uses under the terms of deeds that he signed in 1995 and later. The former president argues that it effectively is a private residence because he now lives there, but he has benefited from the tax incentives of keeping it as a social club.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron cited the wide gulf between Palm Beach County Appraiser’s valuations of Mar-a-Lago and the valuations assigned to them on Trump’s statements of financial condition in part to find the former president liable for fraud. The judge ordered the dissolution of the key New York companies behind Trump’s financial empire.



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20 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

The judge cited the "private club only" restriction, as well as some historical preservation restrictions for why the outrageous valuation was outrageous.

Somewhat hilariously, Trump offered the affidavit of some realtor who babbled about "elite" buyers possibly paying in the billions for it and said he was certain he could produce a ready, willing and able buyer, but neglected to say for how much.  All conclusory bullshit from a guy you just know wants a show on Bravo.

That was essentially the problem with all of Trump's evidence. Yes, property values are subjective and subject to variation, but appraisals have to be tethered to reality in some way or other and his just were not.  The OAG produced tons of evidence of appraisals that were nowhere near the claimed values and they couldn't produce anything other than masturbatory fantasy to justify the valuations.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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29 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

The judge cited the "private club only" restriction, as well as some historical preservation restrictions for why the outrageous valuation was outrageous.

Somewhat hilariously, Trump offered the affidavit of some realtor who babbled about "elite" buyers possibly paying in the billions for it and said he was certain he could produce a ready, willing and able buyer, but neglected to say for how much.  All conclusory bullshit from a guy you just know wants a show on Bravo.

I'm not convinced he couldn't get some Russian oligarch to buy MAL for $1B tomorrow.  That doesn't mean it's a proper valuation, and it certainly doesn't negate any possible legal pursuit.

I remember when I owned a house in Travis Heights, and it was nominally valued at $200/sf.  Some house around the corner sold for nearly twice that value and blew up the market.  Several realtors told me there were legal inquiries into that sale, because it wasn't based in market realities.

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