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Cairn Horn88

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Has it ever been mentioned in this forum that DJT is criminally insane?


In a statement issued hours after Trump un-endorsed Brooks in a Senate race, Brooks claimed Trump has asked him to “rescind” his election loss, return him to the White House and “hold a new special election for the presidency”—an unprecedented set of proposals that Congress has no legal or constitutional authority to follow through on.


The congressman says he told Trump this request was unconstitutional since any recourse to reverse the results of the 2020 election disappeared after Congress certified the Electoral College results on January 6, 2021, which angered the former president.

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3 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Has it ever been mentioned in this forum that DJT is criminally insane?


In a statement issued hours after Trump un-endorsed Brooks in a Senate race, Brooks claimed Trump has asked him to “rescind” his election loss, return him to the White House and “hold a new special election for the presidency”—an unprecedented set of proposals that Congress has no legal or constitutional authority to follow through on.


The congressman says he told Trump this request was unconstitutional since any recourse to reverse the results of the 2020 election disappeared after Congress certified the Electoral College results on January 6, 2021, which angered the former president.

Angry Snow Monkey Mo Brooks eventually chose to live in reality...


Gotta be some other reason.

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5 minutes ago, Red Five said:

Our next president is quoting Hitler and was openly talking about remaining in power after he lost. Sucks that Biden is three years older, though. Can't have that. So, goodbye America, I guess.

There was huge front page NYT article about how he plans to deport millions after sticking them in concentration camps and it didn't even get its own thread.

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2 hours ago, mdmost said:

He is openly telling people what he will do if he gets back in office and yet he's still as popular as ever with just under half of the country. I'm so tired of the left whining over Biden and some claiming they will stay home because of things like Gaza. Okay, well then you deserve the utter hellscape that awaits you if you think sitting home is better than pulling the lever for evil Uncle Joe. 

Welcome to The Ledge.  Head over to the veranda for a cocktail and Brisket will give you the starter packet, which includes a map of the facility, a pamphlet on living in an authoritarian state, and a bottle of quaaludes. 

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Seriously, if some of y'all's party breaks for Stein, Cornell West, RFK Jr., Manchin, or stays home over Gaza...I really look forward to the lectures on, "Oh yeah!  Well this is your fault some of you Texans who once voted R for POTUS 20 years ago!"  

Voter deterrent of the middle third of Trump's base is the key to this whole thing.  His psychotic extremist 25mm is coming out for him even if they have to donate a kidney to get there.  His "meh, whatever" chamber of commerce 25mm will just pull the straight R-ticket no matter what happens with him because milk prices and down-ballot shit that actually affects their area.  You gotta keep a significant chunk of that middle (not American middle, but MAGA middle) from getting out of to vote.  At least 10mm of them need to feel like "You know what?  Enough with this shit.  I hate Biden, he's old.  But just enough with this fucking Trump guy already.  I'm sitting this one out like I used to before Obama and Trump and Hillary came along..."  But yes, it would also help if you could keep a few million dipshits from opening their mouth about voting 3rd party over Palestinians.  

Walk through the Capitol tomorrow or UT's campus.  Hundreds and hundreds of educated people who claim, and rightfully so..."Russia interferes in our elections to drive a wedge in the American electorate!"  And you just shrug and think, "could that same dictator possibly fund Hamas via Iran and other indirect channels to drive a wedge in the Democratic party before an already not-terribly popular D-president is up for re-election in what may be the most mission-critical election in the U.S. in the last 150+ years?  Nah!  That's just outside the boundaries of possible."  

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1 hour ago, The Dog said:

Fucking this:


fuckin THIS

Stop calling him our next president. Just saying so helps make it reality. This is how he works: He knows the more people repeat the lies, no matter how ridiculous, then the more they believe; the more people believe, the more it becomes the truth.

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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

So is the criticism here that if R voters hear this they are more likely to show up and vote for him?  Because I kind of think they’d be outnumbered. 

No, the criticism is that (1) D voters WON'T show up, believing their vote to be pointless, and (2) they'll roll over and let Trump take power regardless of the results, believing it's inevitable.

WE are the targets of this weapon. And if you listen to us, you can see that it's WORKING.

Every time one of you dimwits says "oh he'll never serve time" or "he's our next president, woe is we" you're HELPING HIM.

Edited by Rimbo
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7 hours ago, CTC2 said:

I think in a few decades it will appear that none of us really recognized how serious all this shit really was. But, I guess history is irrelevant without a future. 

No, there was a very loud group screaming from the rooftops how dangerous trump is. They got labeled with tRuMp DeRaNgEmEnT sYnDroMe and laughed at as hysterical. Turns out pretty much all of the worst shit was worse than we thought. 


Hell, we even have proof that rudy was straight up pumping russian propaganda into our political dialogue. The entire hunter biden thing has been a fucking russian misinfo op. 

And you'll still get a timeout from Blacklab for pointing that out outside of the CR if it comes up

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9 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

Welcome to The Ledge.  Head over to the veranda for a cocktail and Brisket will give you the starter packet, which includes a map of the facility, a pamphlet on living in an authoritarian state, and a bottle of quaaludes. 

Wait! What? There are ludes? I never got any ludes and I had to bring my own bourbon. 

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7 hours ago, Rimbo said:

fuckin THIS

Stop calling him our next president. Just saying so helps make it reality. This is how he works: He knows the more people repeat the lies, no matter how ridiculous, then the more they believe; the more people believe, the more it becomes the truth.


7 hours ago, Rimbo said:

No, the criticism is that (1) D voters WON'T show up, believing their vote to be pointless, and (2) they'll roll over and let Trump take power regardless of the results, believing it's inevitable.

WE are the targets of this weapon. And if you listen to us, you can see that it's WORKING.

Every time one of you dimwits says "oh he'll never serve time" or "he's our next president, woe is we" you're HELPING HIM.

My takeaway was to quit screeching about how he's going to install loyalists if he's reelected.

Um, he's blatantly said that.  And to pretend he doesn't have a chance of being reelected is fucking dangerous as hell.  I don't think that acknowledging that half of our voters are abject morons who don't believe in reality is something that should be avoided.

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10 minutes ago, Pancho said:


and nothing will happen 


It's not like he's out talking to reporters saying he hopes people act on his rhetoric and take violent action against whomever he arbitrarily labels enemy of the state

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14 hours ago, Satchel said:

Has it ever been mentioned in this forum that DJT is criminally insane?


In a statement issued hours after Trump un-endorsed Brooks in a Senate race, Brooks claimed Trump has asked him to “rescind” his election loss, return him to the White House and “hold a new special election for the presidency”—an unprecedented set of proposals that Congress has no legal or constitutional authority to follow through on.


The congressman says he told Trump this request was unconstitutional since any recourse to reverse the results of the 2020 election disappeared after Congress certified the Electoral College results on January 6, 2021, which angered the former president.

Mo Brooks disgraced himself for Donald Trump for a long time and probably deals with a lot of shame. @TahoeHorn knows him a little I think. I wonder if he talks about it…

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The founders were correct in recognizing how fragile this whole experiment is. I was slow on the uptake. 

A tyrant with massive popular support is announcing his plans for tyranny and calling for extra-legal consequences to be brought against lawfully acting opponents.

Far more than half the people can't be bothered to have a clue it's happening let alone do anything about it.

In a sane world, Trump would need brown shirts all around him to protect him from an enraged public. For such a violent populace, Americans have growm remarkably tame.

Trump is an ambulatory moron, but he has a keen sense for how things work with the hoi polloi. I can't believe that I'm watching this and growing number by the day. All as we hurtle toward climate cataclysm where our greatest fear seems to be we won't be able to have hamburgers anymore or cook them on gas stoves.


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11 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

What is it with these Trumpy women and their fancy scarves?

Dr Deborah Birx: voice of scientific reason or apologist for Trump? |  Coronavirus | The Guardian

any woman over 55 sits in a room with trump sans scarf one time before understanding the need to cover their neck. you can see in the photo here that trump has transitioned from looking at her scarf to thinking about her neck and is now thinking that this is the year that the turkey does not get pardoned

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35 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

In a sane world, Trump would need brown shirts all around him to protect him from an enraged public. For such a violent populace, Americans have growm remarkably tame.

Trump is an ambulatory moron, but he has a keen sense for how things work with the hoi polloi. I can't believe that I'm watching this and growing number by the day. All as we hurtle toward climate cataclysm where our greatest fear seems to be we won't be able to have hamburgers anymore or cook them on gas stoves.

You've got recency bias going on.  The man is not doing anything to actually win WI/MI/PA/GA/AZ/NV - his recent rallies have been mostly in "safe" areas that were going to go for him no matter what (South Carolina, Iowa, Florida, Texas), and it's clear from who he is targeting with said rallies, that he's just grifting to pay his legal expenses.  And his rallies, they're just him whining about how everything is unfair. He's not doing anything to inspire the masses in the states he needs to win back (and his profile is so much lower than it was in 2020, probably thanks to social media bans).

Speaking of legal expenses, and his legal issues, he's got four different trials going on, and yet the MAGA masses are not trying to shut them down in any way.  There aren't hundreds of them showing up to cheer him on.

It's like somebody saying they are going to win the lottery, but they aren't actually playing the lottery - Trump is losing ground steadily in WI/MI/PA alone (thanks abortion and batshit would-be school board officials!) and the GOP is losing power in those and other states. Hell, candidates that he's endorse are even losing races that one would think they should easily win.


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5 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

When I was young and naïve, in 2016, I used to think that the military would honor their vows to the constitution and prevent any major shenanigans. I am no longer so delusional. 

They honored their vows in 2020, and the guy who replaced General Mark Milley is definitely not going to side with Trump.  The rank-and-file in 2023 is the same as the rank-and-file I was around in 1993 - they wanna get paid and get laid, and they want to do just enough to keep the NCOs and officers out of their hair.

And the senior officers are getting shit on by Tubberville and the other Republicans (who won't deal with Tubberville), and it's trickling down to the officers below them.

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9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

And the senior officers are getting shit on by Tubberville and the other Republicans (who won't deal with Tubberville), and it's trickling down to the officers below them.

and once tubbs fills all those vacancies with sycophants?

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13 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

You've got recency bias going on.  The man is not doing anything to actually win WI/MI/PA/GA/AZ/NV - his recent rallies have been mostly in "safe" areas that were going to go for him no matter what (South Carolina, Iowa, Florida, Texas), and it's clear from who he is targeting with said rallies, that he's just grifting to pay his legal expenses.  And his rallies, they're just him whining about how everything is unfair. He's not doing anything to inspire the masses in the states he needs to win back (and his profile is so much lower than it was in 2020, probably thanks to social media bans).

Speaking of legal expenses, and his legal issues, he's got four different trials going on, and yet the MAGA masses are not trying to shut them down in any way.  There aren't hundreds of them showing up to cheer him on.

It's like somebody saying they are going to win the lottery, but they aren't actually playing the lottery - Trump is losing ground steadily in WI/MI/PA alone (thanks abortion and batshit would-be school board officials!) and the GOP is losing power in those and other states. Hell, candidates that he's endorse are even losing races that one would think they should easily win.



8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

They honored their vows in 2020, and the guy who replaced General Mark Milley is definitely not going to side with Trump.  The rank-and-file in 2023 is the same as the rank-and-file I was around in 1993 - they wanna get paid and get laid, and they want to do just enough to keep the NCOs and officers out of their hair.

And the senior officers are getting shit on by Tubberville and the other Republicans (who won't deal with Tubberville), and it's trickling down to the officers below them.

I appreciate your optimism, but dude. The entire strategy of trumpism is to do things so outrageous that nobody would ever think they would dare try. They are hoping people will think once again like in 2016, "there's no way that will happen", and dismiss the growing fascist threat. 

It may not be from trump, but the fascists are fucking coming for you and for me and for our democracy 

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2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

And to pretend he doesn't have a chance of being reelected is fucking dangerous as hell. 

There is a vast chasm between "Trump has a chance to win" and "Trump is going to be the next president" that you're pretending isn't there.

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3 minutes ago, Captainant said:


I appreciate your optimism, but dude. The entire strategy of trumpism is to do things so outrageous that nobody would ever think they would dare try. They are hoping people will think once again like in 2016, "there's no way that will happen", and dismiss the growing fascist threat. 

It may not be from trump, but the fascists are fucking coming for you and for me and for our democracy 

atomheart is dedicated to being wrong about how fascists think more than Brisket is dedicated to drooling over Sela Ward.

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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

If he wins in 2024, this will be reality.


48 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

When I was young and naïve, in 2016, I used to think that the military would honor their vows to the constitution and prevent any major shenanigans. I am no longer so delusional. 


30 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

They honored their vows in 2020, and the guy who replaced General Mark Milley is definitely not going to side with Trump.  The rank-and-file in 2023 is the same as the rank-and-file I was around in 1993 - they wanna get paid and get laid, and they want to do just enough to keep the NCOs and officers out of their hair.

And the senior officers are getting shit on by Tubberville and the other Republicans (who won't deal with Tubberville), and it's trickling down to the officers below them.


21 minutes ago, elfenix said:

and once tubbs fills all those vacancies with sycophants?

I was talking to my wife about the future last night and I truly do not see the United States existing my entire expected lifespan. I think the country will splinter with California and some west coast friends forming a country, Texas and the old confederate states becoming a country, New England becoming a country, and everyone else either joining one of those or being independent. You just can't run a country like this for much longer.

As for military, I maintain that they won't follow illegal orders from trump even if he wins the election. Tubs is holding promotions hostage but will never get traitors appointed. He's just throwing a fit and wasting time per the gop platform. Along those same lines, I don't see the military going to war with California or Texas if and when they declare independence. It'll all just happen and be weird, especially when it comes to who can move where. I sure as fuck will flee the new confederacy when it happens. There are many other possible scenarios but I'm quite certain that the US won't exist much longer unless we can make it taboo again to openly support traitors and racists while suppressing votes and elections, it just won't stand. A full scale revolution is also possible and the US might still exist but will be under a new constitution.

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14 hours ago, Red Five said:

Our next president is quoting Hitler and was openly talking about remaining in power after he lost. Sucks that Biden is three years older, though. Can't have that. So, goodbye America, I guess.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

- DNAguy

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22 minutes ago, Captainant said:

I appreciate your optimism, but dude. The entire strategy of trumpism is to do things so outrageous that nobody would ever think they would dare try. They are hoping people will think once again like in 2016, "there's no way that will happen", and dismiss the growing fascist threat. 

It may not be from trump, but the fascists are fucking coming for you and for me and for our democracy 

18 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

atomheart is dedicated to being wrong about how fascists think more than Brisket is dedicated to drooling over Sela Ward.

He is not bothering to actually campaign at all in MI/PA/WI and those states are sliding farther to the left, and the elections last week show that.  Doing rallies in red areas of red states like Iowa, Florida, and Texas do nothing for him in MI/PA/WI. Nothing.

Show me where he's going to make up those 46 electoral votes.

High School GIF

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5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

He is not bothering to actually campaign at all in MI/PA/WI and those states are sliding farther to the left, and the elections last week show that.  Doing rallies in red areas of red states like Iowa, Florida, and Texas do nothing for him in MI/PA/WI. Nothing.

Show me where he's going to make up those 46 electoral votes.

High School GIF

did you not read my entire post? The problem isn't just trump. It's the entire orbit of sycophancy that he commands. There is a fucking movement of fascism at work in this country dude. They're on your school board. They're in your local government. They're in your state government. 

It's not just trump we need to fucking worry about. No matter how much you want to be an ostrich on the fascist threat in this country.

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1 hour ago, Celery Man said:

any woman over 55 sits in a room with trump sans scarf one time before understanding the need to cover their neck. you can see in the photo here that trump has transitioned from looking at her scarf to thinking about her neck and is now thinking that this is the year that the turkey does not get pardoned

Homer Simpson Thinking GIF

Don't overthink it.  

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