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Cairn Horn88

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43 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Pretty clear federal felony crimes that relate directly to Trump's childish use of power. 

I'm just waiting for you next post that tells that since technically he visited Puerto Rico on a Tuesday when a disaster was declared that what he did in Florida wasn't against the law.

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2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


Witness coercion anyone?

Anti-slapp laws broken anyone?


Couple more felonies to throw on the fire? Anyone?




Just a fair warning, 99.9% of the time, filing a shitty lawsuit is not a crime.

For better or worse, this American man, we have the right to file shitty lawsuits.

If they're really shitty we get sanctioned and lawyer maybe disciplined.  This is yet another poor slob drawn into Trump's orbit.

Fairly certain this will be dismissed without prejudice for lack of personal jurisdiction.  It's in the Miami division, away from both Cannon and nemesis Middlebrook.

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14 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

But if it's not dismissed with plaintiff paying attorney's costs, I could make a pretty good case that Trump's goal is to intimidate Cohen into silence where Cohen could be a witness against tfg.  Could this not be used as evidence that he's trying to intimidate Cohen as a witness?

Evidence, perhaps, yes.

But exercising a right, even in the shittiest, most corrupt way possible is rarely going to constitute a crime.

I read the complaint, it's not a $500M case, not even close.  It's also another press release.  It also might plausibly state some claims.

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2 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

To begin the case is bullshit harassment, but even if it weren’t, civil judgments are dischargeable in bankruptcy. 

Some civil judgments are dischargeable in bankruptcy, notably not those based on fraud or "defalcation," which often includes breach of fiduciary duty.

I'm not sure the fiduciary duty claims survive, though.  Most of what they're talking about arises from a confidentiality agreement or breach of the ethical rules, which I think makes it all contract and attorney malpractice claims, if NY law is anything like Texas.

I doubt Cohen is so poor that filing bankruptcy in NY state, which has negligible exemptions, is something he's going to want to do.

Defending the pile of shit might get pretty expensive in its own right, though.

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2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

If they're really shitty we get sanctioned and lawyer maybe disciplined.  This is yet another poor slob drawn into Trump's orbit.

Fairly certain this will be dismissed without prejudice for lack of personal jurisdiction.

IANAL, but this thing doesn't really read like a lawsuit filing:





IronyMeter, busted all to hell:





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2 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

IANAL, but this thing doesn't really read like a lawsuit filing:





IronyMeter, busted all to hell:





Like I said, like most of them, it's a press release. 

But, as far as alleging potentially plausible causes of action, it's a good bit better than the shit we've seen from Trumpco recently.

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1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

This might help Jack


More interesting, that was one of a series of interviews taped by Abby Grossberg, the Money Cunny producer that is suing Fox.  They all demonstrate that the Money Cunny knew there was no truth to the stuff she was pumping.

Amazingly, those tapes were not produced to Dominion.

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7 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

this dickhead has been so terrible for so long and I don't care to look it up, but anyone else remember when we were rushing to get our spies and other undercover operatives back to safe space after it was learned that tfg had mishandled classified docs and in some cases accidentally revealed their identities or locations? I can't even remember if that was when he was in office or after. anyway, imagine the damage he has likely done since. what weapons tech has he given away? how compromised is our population along with our allies across the globe? this man has made all of us fundamentally less safe. remains to be seen how serious it is. my guess: as serious as it gets. this truly is THE test of our time. I'm not loving our chances of passing.

Could it be this?


Trump entertained Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ambassador Kislyak in the Oval Office back in 2017. He revealed classified secrets with them, compromising an Israeli intelligence source spying on Russian ally Iran, and prompting the U.S. to extract one of its own assets from within the Russian government.


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12 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Just a fair warning, 99.9% of the time, filing a shitty lawsuit is not a crime.

For better or worse, this American man, we have the right to file shitty lawsuits.

If they're really shitty we get sanctioned and lawyer maybe disciplined.  This is yet another poor slob drawn into Trump's orbit.

Fairly certain this will be dismissed without prejudice for lack of personal jurisdiction.  It's in the Miami division, away from both Cannon and nemesis Middlebrook.

Alright, Surly lawyers.  Get a pen and $9.95 ready…


Given the time you spend here, you may in fact be a shitty lawyer.  If you are, don’t despair.  Stop trying to build a legitimate practice and go represent Donald Trump in a lawsuit.  When your client’s shenanigans and your own shitty lawyering inevitably summon the dildo of consequences, you walk out of the courthouse, find the nearest microphone and vehemently blame it all on the George Soros backed Mexican ANTIFA judge and weaponized judicial system.  Never mind that the judge was white, appointed by a Republican and you were the one feebly attempting to weaponize the courts.  Even if Trump stiffs you with the bill — and he will — you will forever be AMERICA’S LAWYER, by God, because you fought for Trump against the evil forces of Satanic liberalism.

Then you just get an American flag on your business card and throw up ads that say, “Are you being persecuted by the democrat-controlled legal system for your conservative Christian beliefs?  I helped the greatest President ever, Donald J Trump, fight against those liberal pricks, and I will fight for you, too!”  Never mind that you lost bigly and that it was at least partially because you are a shitty lawyer.  You’ll have more business and make more money than you ever dreamed of because the Venn diagram of people who worship Trump and the people most likely to need costly legal representation is a mother fucking circle.

Don't forget those of us who helped you along the way.

Edited by Goredho
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He's back in NYC in a deposition.



Donald Trump will be deposed Thursday as part of a high-stakes civil case brought by New York state against the former president, some of his children and his sprawling business empire.

The lawsuit, brought last September by New York Attorney General Letitia James, alleges that Trump, his children Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, and the Trump Organization were involved in an expansive scheme lasting over a decade by providing false financial statements to lenders and others that the former president used to enrich himself.


The elder Trump’s deposition is part of the discovery process of the case. Though he will likely be peppered with hundreds of questions on Thursday, it’s unclear whether he’ll provide any answers or cite his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as he did last August when he sat for a deposition before James’ office a month before the suit was filed.

In a civil case, if a defendant asserts the Fifth Amendment, the jury can make what’s known as an “adverse inference” and place weight against Trump for refusing to answer questions.

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Just now, Pato del Muerto said:

Is this not espionage?  Irrespective of how the knowledge was obtained?

I honestly don't know.  To me there is a veil of secrecy in espionage.  This fucker did it in the Oval Office (perhaps also other locations), when the media was present.

I'm not suggesting what he did wasn't as bad as espionage, I'm just suggesting that's not the right term.  Then again, I'm no lawyer.

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only this dumb ass could fuck up being born with one hell of a silver spoon in his mouth, he's the dumbest mother fucker alive. the perfect cult leader for the group of american's, that can easily be labled - the dumbest mother fuckers breathing ....


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13 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

"Espionage" seems to be an odd way to describe what Trump did.  He wasn't acting as a spy.  He was acting as POTUS and disclosing state secrets to foreign adversaries for his own personal benefit.  

The added bit there matters, I think. 

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

"Espionage" seems to be an odd way to describe what Trump did.  He wasn't acting as a spy.  He was acting as POTUS and disclosing state secrets to foreign adversaries. 

That, and, as POTUS and commander in chief, absent a declaration of war from Congress I don't know that you could even say he was disclosing secrets  (since he can declassify just about anything) to an adversary (since POTUS can conduct foreign policy). /twicehorn.

Edited by DDD Dad
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