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Cairn Horn88

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2 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

You're projecting.

At this point, all available verifiable evidence suggests Trump and the GOP are in for a big whooping ass kicking in November.

I'm not sure why you and others need to believe in your doom-n-gloom sex fantasies so desperately.

All Trump needs to do is flip Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. Let's look at those states in 2020:

Wisconsin: Biden + 20,682 (0.6%)

Georgia: Biden + 11,779 (0.3%)

Arizona: Biden + 10,457 (0.4%)

Those are tiny margins and any of a thousand things could happen between now and November that could increase Trump's chances of flipping those states. 


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7 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

All Trump needs to do is flip Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. Let's look at those states in 2020:

Wisconsin: Biden + 20,682 (0.6%)

Georgia: Biden + 11,779 (0.3%)

Arizona: Biden + 10,457 (0.4%)

Those are tiny margins and any of a thousand things could happen between now and November that could increase Trump's chances of flipping those states. 


Sure. And Dems won the governorship and flipped a Supreme Court race in WI, re-elected a black Dem senator in Georgia and won the Governor race, AG race, LG Race, SOS race and Senate seat in AZ since 2020

Edited by Js1
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My dude. Trump is actively torpedoing legislation that affects foreign and domestic policy. He is continuing to jeopardize Ukraine's national sovereignty and ability to defend herself, and throwing sand into the gears of our legislature for the sole sake of a potential campaign advantage. 
He is able to do all of this because our justice system has taken the rope a dope and appeasement approach towards this fucking fascist. History shows us time and time again that failure to promptly punish a fascist coup attempt only guarantees another one after a period of destroying the government from within. 

If you believe that the system needs to be changed in order to prevent all of this shit, please propose some rules that we can adopt going forward. Also make sure to state whether these rules are to be universal or only applicable when a defendant is coming up (within some specific timeframe) on an election for public office, etc. I’m all for fixing problems, but I’m not sure how you fix the timetable fuckery that you take issue with.
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1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

Rimbo needs to believe that Trump is guaranteed to lose like Q-Anon believers need to believe the Storm is coming. You're not going to shake him from that any more than you could shake any Q believers from their belief that all of this is happening according to some grand plan that Trump has.


1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

He is arguing in good faith, he just gets overly committed to certain positions and overly invested in certain beliefs. He doesn't want to consider another Trump term as possible (understandably) and he sees some evidence supporting an argument that a Trump loss is likely, and he takes that too far. 

We've all got our coping mechanisms for grappling with the inherent chaos and uncertainty of the world. I'm not sure mine (booze and anxiety, mostly) is any healthier than his. 

I'll provide a real world example. Rimbo needs to believe Trump is going lose the way Rimbo needed to believe that Greg Davis was a good offensive coordinator becuase STATS! and that Charlie Strong was a great coach at Texas...right until he fucking wasn't. He then he came to see the inherent dangers and patterns everyone had been telling him about for years. This is how he behaves. I've grown to like the guy as a poster from someone I used to get into it with on what felt like a daily basis, but some of those blind spots continue to exist, as they do in all of us, becuase we're human and actual change is pretty fucking hard. 

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53 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

You're projecting.

At this point, all available verifiable evidence suggests Trump and the GOP are in for a big whooping ass kicking in November.

I'm not sure why you and others need to believe in your doom-n-gloom sex fantasies so desperately.

Because nothing needs to be taken for granted.  Doom and gloom until he's beaten.  If people let up thinking this is won with or without me, then the orange fuck gets elected. 

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34 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Sure. And Dems won the governorship and flipped a Supreme Court race in WI, re-elected a black Dem senator in Georgia and won the Governor race, AG race, LG Race, SOS race and Senate seat in AZ since 2020

Sure. There’s plenty of reasons to be optimistic too and if I had to bet today, I’d bet on Biden beating Trump. But nothing is certain and plenty of shit will happen between now and the election that we can’t even anticipate. The only thing I’m sure about is that it will come down to what are relatively very small margins in 5 or 6 states, as it always does in modern American presidential elections.

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1 hour ago, wildcat09 said:

It's not really a theory, it's been pretty thoroughly reported. But yeah, it's also wholly consistent with typical Democrat brain behavior. It's very easy to paralyze yourself weighing every possible option and end up doing nothing and hoping things just resolve themselves on their own.

yeah, it's the basic plot of the west wing.  that administration was entertaining, but not at all productive.

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3 minutes ago, scottsins said:

If you believe that the system needs to be changed in order to prevent all of this shit, please propose some rules that we can adopt going forward. Also make sure to state whether these rules are to be universal or only applicable when a defendant is coming up (within some specific timeframe) on an election for public office, etc. I’m all for fixing problems, but I’m not sure how you fix the timetable fuckery that you take issue with.

Shit, Hillary was being publicly dragged by the DO right up to Election Day.  Meanwhile the guy having affairs with whores and huge loans from a foreign bank while not disclosing his taxes gets crickets.  It wasn't treated the same at all.  Then when he's elected, he's told he's immune from prosecution. Now that he's a civilian again, he still wants immunity from any past or future crimes.  Yeah, I'd start here.  

Publicly disclose his crimes that he's being investigated for, let his court trials continue or fast track so that America doesn't elect someone compromised by a foreign government(s), and then treat him the same way any private citizen by definition should and would be prosecuted--jail the motherfucker, freeze his assets, and start holding him accountable.  Yeah, start there.  Why is this hard?  Investigate 2 billion Kushner got shortly after he left office.  Also, maybe look into emolument clause violations.  

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So to recap:

  • Judgment against Trump in NY fraud case:  $354m
  • Judgments against Trump in Carroll case:      $83m
  • Judgment against Giuliani in Georgia case:   $148m
  • Fox settlement in Dominion case:                   $787m
  • Fox judgment in Smartmatic case:                      ?

There may be something to this whole ETTD thing.  Perhaps people will start recognizing the risks of parroting the shit that Trump throws out there?


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The Engoron ruling is in.

It’s a 92 page ruling.

At quick glance, there are multiple fines totaling $364 million


Trump banned from doing business in NY state for 3 years.

Trumpkins banned for 2 years.

Details to follow.

It’s big enough to cripple him.

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32 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Does this mean he has to sell all his properties in NY immediately?


26 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

yeah, it's the basic plot of the west wing.  that administration was entertaining, but not at all productive.

My bet is they do something like create a holding company that he owns the majority stake in but is not an officer.


12 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

I'm sure there's a Saudi bank that would be happy to loan it to him. 

Yeah, they have been filling in for Russia because, reasons.

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

You're asking for evidence when all we have are a few elections that have swung within the margin of error.  No thanks, dude.

We have so much more evidence than that. I've shared it. You just refuse to consider it for whatever reason.

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6 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

I'm sure there's a Saudi bank that would be happy to loan it to him. 

That was probably his first thought lol. The surety bond companies are going to require full payment to issue the bond anyway - because the chance of success on appeal is low. Whatever the laws pertaining to the origin of the money are...I'm sure his best and brightest are working on it. His business licenses now have an independent monitor though so that will (hopefully?) limit his opportunities to launder through foreign intermediaries, as he did before.

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2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Taylor Swift should publicly offer a $400 million loan. 

“Drop out, bitch, and I’ll just give it to you. You don’t even have to pay it back”

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5 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

We have so much more evidence than that. I've shared it. You just refuse to consider it for whatever reason.

I ascribe a strong nefarious bent to your motives.  That's why I don't give a fuck what you say.

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Just now, TheRealRonWeaver? said:

Melanie should have divorced him sooner. Now she'll have to go back to hooking.

There is a sheikh or Russian oligarch ready to be her sugar daddy just to say he fucked a former FLOTUS

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The Engoron ruling is in.
It’s a 92 page ruling.
At quick glance, there are multiple fines totaling $364 million
Trump banned from doing business in NY state for 3 years.
Trumpkins banned for 2 years.
Details to follow.
It’s big enough to cripple him.
Yeah, but when is anything going to happen? What's taking so long??????

Also, I hope he's thinking that had he just been able to take a little joke at that White House Correspondents' Dinner, he could have been a relatively rich game show host with few headaches and fewer legal issues, especially of the criminal variety.

Lesson definitely not learned though.
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