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Cairn Horn88

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23 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

My contributions to this board have been of a comic and light hearted nature with seldom a substantive or or deep diving donation to the collective.

I am, in fact a serious person. So much so that In everyday life I need to almost disguise my seriousness in a vail of comic relief and buffoonery so as  to not be too intense.

I am not an intellectual, although I wish I could be and have often been labeled as such by those who dont understand the meaning of the term. I speak 2 languages, play 2 very different musical instruments, have my own business and a masters degree from UT as well as a CPA license. I pay my taxes and support my community in a very modest way.

I was raised Catholic and followed the teachings of the church up until the second pedophile scandali.

I supported Reagan and Bush until the later lied about the WMD.

I have been a registered Democrat since 2018.

With any luck you've found the grail already....


Kidding...good shit man.

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2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Trump’s having record fundraising off of this.
When will yall get that there are no good outcomes when it comes to Trump?
It only gets worse.
There is no bottom.

Well, first, those record fund raising totals are from Trump and his people, so I'm just absolutely convinced that those are accurate.  I mean, if you can't trust a guy just yesterday convicted of cooking books, who can you trust in this world?  Second, if these dupes are stupid enough to keep giving him money, by all means, it won't change anything, because, third, he will just be pocketing as much as he possibly can (whatever isn't going to his ongoing legal disasters).  

So sure, plenty to doom cast over, it's all changed in the last 4 hours.  

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2 hours ago, scottsins said:

It doesn’t matter, because:

Once Dotard is sentenced, his team will immediately give notice of intent to file appeal and then they will file an appeal bond.

Just to be clear (at least how it would be in Texas), the conviction is not final as long as there is an appeal pending. It would be highly unusual to not permit him to “be free” on an appeal bond as well.

From what I've seen, NY has some pretty weird nuances in their procedures versus what I'm used to in Texas.  The whole "no instructions go back with the jury unless Defendant consents" was a new one, as we the judge-only sentencing.  I'm not taking anything I know for granted about how shit works in NY at this point.

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1 hour ago, DixonHur said:

Had a guy at the gym tell me that democrats support abortion up to the moment of delivery... literally said it was in the democrat political platfrom.  

I told him I'd give him $10k if he could show me that part of the platform.  Crickets.

ask him when life starts, per the Bible 

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Baseless Republican accusations and decades of character assassination didn’t make Hillary a flawed candidate. 
The DNC using Superdelegates to give her the nomination, and her ignoring battleground states is what made her a flawed candidate.
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No just a list of all his staff and associates that have gone to jail or face bankruptcy.

I beat this drum a lot, but it's insane that non-Maga conservatives have no concern about how shitty Trump is at vetting and hiring, particularly for general bureaucratic necessary roles. COS, lawyers, cabinet- really everything. And he's older, even dumber and more distracted and running out of backs to stab.

Just let Joe win and have a low key Reagan second term.
There are no more non MAGA conservatives.
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17 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:
4 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:
Baseless Republican accusations and decades of character assassination didn’t make Hillary a flawed candidate. 

The DNC using Superdelegates to give her the nomination, and her ignoring battleground states is what made her a flawed candidate.

The republicans and Fox News went after her when she was First Lady and never stopped.  She was always the candidate they wanted to run against.  They poisoned that well years before that election.  I sure as hell voted for her.

Edited by dcbc
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The right and Fox News went after her when she was First Lady and never stopped.  She was always the candidate they wanted to run against.  They poisoned that well years before that election.  I sure as hell voted for her.
She was a bad candidate. She was the only candidate Trump could have beaten. Maybe the DNC should have listened to their primary voters instead of telling them who the candidate would be.
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4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

The dumbest fucking people ……


Why are these reporters afraid to just say "hey, shut up like an adult and let me talk." You're already talking over them, you want a juicy sound bite? you'll get one if they storm off. Just call them the children they are or mute their mics or something.

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