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2020 Democratic Nominee


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51 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

hypocrisy aside, maybe it's time that someone on the left just did whatever it took to win.

Absolutely.   Look, I respect the hell out of Obama's desire to try to bring Ds and Rs together on policy to unite the country.    It was just a massive failure. And I absolutely loathe McConnell's completely amoral approach to winning at all costs.  But he's succeeded in obtaining many of his policy goals. 

To me, politics is about finding the right balance between doing what's right and actually accomplishing things.   I like the balance Warren is striking right now. 

Edited by Mojo Hand
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37 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

hypocrisy aside, maybe it's time that someone on the left just did whatever it took to win.


As much as I hate the influence money has in politics, 2020 isn't the time or place to put the Democrat at a disadvantage for some sort of purity test. Warren would be the least corporatist politician of my lifetime, and that's good enough for me if she can beat Trump.

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80M people donating an average of $13 would be $1B.

A political revolution is possible and not a completely insane pipe dream.

You can still take $2800 max contributions from people who want to give that much. Just get EVERYONE involved by running an actual grassroots campaign and NEVER make yourself beholden to the oligarchs.

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Basically every major candidate before Bernie and most of the major candidates now are doing big-money fundraisers with billionaires. It's normal.
Right. Just saying the primary and the general are two different sports.

All respect to Bernie if he wins the primary and stays grass roots. But I won't have any issue with the nominee taking PAC money etc in the general. You have to win to change things.
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5 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Agreed. The DNC is so fucking stupid. 



They are just dogs trying to fill the power vacuum. This is a big moment for American and the World and there are plenty usurpers grabbing for the brass ring. 

Hopefull whoever wins is smart as shit 

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I'm not opposed to a few more candidates being let in through the back door in six weeks if they manage better poll numbers. IMO winnowing down to 10 candidates by Iowa is a realistic target while hitting that number five months early is going too fast. There are a lot of white dudes who are carbon copies of each other that need to go, but there are a few other candidates who might bring something compelling to the table that are currently on the outside looking in: Steyer, Gabbard, and Inslee if he had stuck around.

At least this way gives us one debate with the anticipated Warren-Biden and Warren-Harris match-ups. I won't mind expanding to two nights in October as long as the Houston showdown tells us something new.

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I think shotguns are the point where they’d start getting pushback from actual voters.

My theory is that Beto sucks or at least has fumbled when he sees the gap open for him to squeeze through. When he’s basically got no chance, he stops giving a fuck and is awesome.

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2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

Beto 3.0 is fucking dope as hell

They can have all my ARs. 

I'd really like to keep my shotguns, though.

Same here.  I’d be willing to part with everything except my shotguns and lever action rifle, assuming everyone else gets the same deal.  

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People should be able to keep shotguns and rifles for hunting. I’m even ok with handguns for home defense that must be left at home. All the open carry, driving around with guns, and any type of AK/AR weapon needs to go. I would give people 6 months to sell their “assault weapon” then it’s 10 years in jail for possession of one and life for selling one. It’s way past time to end these mass shootings. 

Edited by Larry T. Spider
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On 8/30/2019 at 6:47 PM, RDCanecutter said:

Purity is soooo Superman. I thought Batman and Spiderman freed us from that boring plot line.

Actually, most Superman plotlines lay out our world perfectly.  Superman, while always easily offering the best outcome for everyone, always has to be perfect.  When he fucks up, a door opens for shittier alternatives that can pretend they're better.  Lex can be a complete shitbag, make empty promises, and can win based on pointing out Superman's narrow fuckups.

The GOP are 100% Lex Luthor.  They are playing a game where the only thing they care about is Lex Luthor winning.  And with straight up comic book writing at this point.  Think of an evil position on something, they take it, and spin it as "other guy is worse."  Seriously, they side with guns over dead kids in shootings.  They make arguments that immigrant infants should be locked up.  They make arguments that Latino US citizens should be locked up.  And they love that shit.  Don't buy the "But Hillary's".

We need to wake up.

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