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17 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

So are we just gonna ignore that Bernie crashed and berned at #shethepeople yesterday?

That event was hosted by the anti-gay bigot Joy Reid and was attended by an army of corncobs.  They booed him for mentioning that he marched with MLK.  These people are permanently brain damaged.

Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Js1 said:

This is true.

I'm struggling to find WHY Biden is running.

Bernie has a vision

Warren has PLANS

Harris is running on girl and POC power (which is pretty powerful in the era of Trump's white man politics)

Biden....thinks its his turn? Just hates Trump? Is afraid the Democratic Party is going too far left for his taste? I find the same issue with Beto and Booker and Castro and Klobuchar.  WHY ARE YOU FUCKING RUNNING? 

Trying to divine intentions of anyone running for public office is a fool's errand. Why is Bernie running when (supposedly) in 2016 he only ran because Warren wouldn't, when Warren is running this time? Why are people (Beto, Pete, Klobuchar) running without a clear platform or defining policy/angle? Obama had the clearest "here is why I'm running" message of my lifetime (Hope and Change) and outside of the ACA, was mostly a status quo president. If you start by assuming that they all want to be president because anyone at that level of politics is narcissistic (in the sense that they believe they can do it better than anyone) and ambitious, you're going to be right about 99% of the time. 

Outside of obviously corrupt outliers like Trump, talking yourself into someone because you believe their "why" is on the same level as voting for the person you want to have a beer with.

Joe's logo sucks. Who is Jo?

Edited by BradInATX

I think my biggest worry about creepy hands Joe is that if it comes down to him and Bernie you know Obama is going to jump into the ring and endorse (hell, probably campaign with) Joe.

1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

The media ignores them? It's all they've been talking about since Donald Trump won.

It's not clear who Nate is referring to. White centrist Dems? Non-White Centrists? I don't think he's referring to the Trump voters that now regret it. He's not an idiot. 

Name recognition. Our good friend in the world of low information voters. The primary voters in SC and Iowa know Uncle Joe. 

28 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Now that Biden is in the race, my current preference as a card carrying Bernie Bro: 

1. Bernie

2. Trump

3. Biden

4. Getting hit by a bus 

5. A woman


in the visual depiction of this list, i see joe coming up slowly behind trump like that tweet video.


I think she's the only candidate that seems sincere and compassionate and not full of wind.  She's earned a lot of respect from libertarians and anti-war voices of the left.  Hell, I'd vote for her over Trump and any other Dem if she wins the nom, but we know that ain't happening.  

Tulsi goes hard here:


  • Like 1
On 4/24/2019 at 3:26 PM, Fozzz said:

Guarantee that person watches MSNBC twenty hours a day and attended the women's march with a "If Hillary had won, we'd be at brunch now" sign.  

Yeah, I love how the Women's March chastises Tulsi (as a woman of color running for president) below.  Have they ever thought to congratulate her on her anti-empire stance?  Oh yeah, they wanted a continuation of war with their chosen one, Hillary. 



  • Like 2
39 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Tulsi is a fucking idiot and a flip flopping fraud, no wonder libertarians and Trump people love her.  

As I've said before, if she were a fraud then she wouldn't stake out positions that are clearly going to result in substantial flack from the media to the point where she's accused of being a sympathizer of our "enemies" every time she's interviewed on daytime tv.    

1 hour ago, American Swindle said:

Yeah, I love how the Women's March chastises Tulsi (as a woman of color running for president) below.  Have they ever thought to congratulate her on her anti-empire stance?  Oh yeah, they wanted a continuation of war with their chosen one, Hillary. 



I think an apt term, of which I only heard of recently, is "wokescold."  These people specialize in performative nonsense.  

Tulsi is a fucking idiot and a flip flopping fraud, no wonder libertarians and Trump people love her.  

Did you watch the video? Do you agree with the issue she brought up that Congress should not abdicate the power to declare war to the Executive Branch?

I suppose you like a guy like President Trump having all that war makin’ power huh?

I know. Cognitive dissonance.
4 minutes ago, American Swindle said:


Did you watch the video? Do you agree with the issue she brought up that Congress should not abdicate the power to declare war to the Executive Branch?

I suppose you like a guy like President Trump having all that war makin’ power huh?

I know. Cognitive dissonance.


Every candidate agrees with that position until they become president. 

I think an apt term, of which I only heard of recently, is "wokescold."  These people specialize in performative nonsense.  

Learn something new everyday. They sure is a lot of wokescolding going on all over the CR for sho

i'm not a biden fan, but he makes things more compelling if you like that sort of thing.



Wall Street critics and 2020 Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders take aim at Joe Biden’s corporate ties


Kevin Breuninger@KEVINWILLIAMB


Two major Democratic senators running to challenge President Donald Trump for the White House appeared to take shots at Biden on Thursday.

Both of them — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who is running in 2020 as a Democrat, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts — have established reputations as critics and watchdogs of corporate interests and big banks.

Biden, on the other hand, has been singled out in the past for his corporate ties during his years in the Senate.

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden delivers remarks during the National Minority Quality Forum on April 9, 2019 in Washington, DC.

Alex Edelman | Getty Images

Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., both appeared to take shots at former Vice President Joe Biden in his first official day on the campaign trail.

Their remarks offered some of the first intraparty criticism to emerge from the pool of at least 20 Democrats running to defeat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. When Biden joined the race Thursday, he was widely viewed as an instant frontrunner.

On Thursday, Sanders’ campaign sent a shot across the bow at Biden in response to a reported fundraiser in Philadelphia on Thursday evening at the home of Comcast Senior Executive Vice President David Cohen. Comcast owns CNBC parent NBCUniversal.

In an email to supporters sent Thursday under the subject line “Joe Biden,” the self-described democratic socialist’s campaign wrote: “It’s a big day in the Democratic primary and we’re hoping to end it strong. Not with a fundraiser in the home of a corporate lobbyist, but with an overwhelming number of individual donations. ”

Warren, meanwhile, dredged up her past criticisms of Biden’s record on financial issues during his three decades in the Senate.

“Joe Biden was on the side of credit card companies,” Warren said Thursday at an event in Iowa when asked about Biden’s relationship to Wall Street, according to The New York Times.

Her disagreement with Biden over bankruptcy legislation “is a matter of public record,” she said.

Thomas Kaplan✔@thomaskaplan

WARREN, asked by a reporter about Biden and Wall Street, says their disagreement over bankruptcy legislation “is a matter of public record.”

She puts it bluntly: “Joe Biden was on the side of credit card companies.”


6:17 PM - Apr 25, 2019

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Indeed, Warren targeted Biden in her 2014 autobiography for his sponsorship of a bill supported by the financial services industry that tightened rules on consumers seeking bankruptcy protections.

“The Senate was evenly split between the two parties, but one of the bill’s lead sponsors was Democratic powerhouse Joe Biden, and right behind him were plenty of other Democrats offering to help,” Warren wrote, the Times reported. “Never mind that the country was sunk in an ugly recession and millions of families were struggling — the banking industry pressed forward and Congress obliged.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks as Senator Bernie Sanders looks on last September.

Andrew Harrer | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Neither Sanders’ campaign nor Warren’s responded to CNBC’s inquiries about their remarks. Biden’s campaign declined to comment on the remarks.

In less than one full day as a 2020 presidential candidate, Biden had already received more criticism from his fellow Democrats’ campaigns than any other candidate in his party.

“There’s a saying in politics: ‘You try to tackle the one with the ball,’” said Philadelphia-based Democratic strategist Aren Platt. “Until Biden emerged, I don’t think there was a clear ball runner.”

Both Warren and Sanders, who is running for president as a Democrat, have established reputations as critics and watchdogs of corporate interests and big banks.

Biden, on the other hand, was singled out for his corporate ties during his years in the Senate. With the money primary well underway, Biden’s early fundraising efforts have already drawn scrutiny from Democrats who have championed small-dollar donations.

“Because Biden been in this position for so long, the people who he was friends with, his contemporaries, have risen to the highest levels,” Platt said. “That’s Joe Biden’s social circle ... the challenge for him and his campaign will be bridging that gap.”

Among the Democrats running in 2020, Warren, a former Harvard law professor, has been among the most vocal about policy. She has shared her plans for breaking up tech giants including Amazon and Apple, as well as raising revenue by slapping a new tax on corporate profits over $100 million.

Sanders proffered legislation last October to break up the big banks.

Predictably, Trump and Republicans have not held back in taking early swings at Biden.

“I’m a young, vibrant man!” Trump, 72, told reporters outside the White House on Friday. “I look at Joe, I don’t know about him. I don’t know.” Biden is 76.

Republican officials have laid out their own strategy on Biden: compare Trump’s economic record with Biden’s during President Barack Obama’s two-term presidency.

Ronna McDaniel✔@GOPChairwoman

Joe Biden literally can’t hide from the economic successes of @realDonaldTrump’s administration.

Biden chose Pennsylvania to launch his campaign – a state where the unemployment rate just dropped to the lowest level *ever recorded.*


4:41 AM - Apr 25, 2019

it pasted weird.  the link is better, obviously.



ok, can someone with better smart than me explain why my end comment above "it pasted weird" ended up in the quoted portion?  i always do it manually, insert brackets and quote and /quote at the end, and i feel like it used to work fine.  but now most of the time, stuff after the / ends up embedded in my quote.

On 4/25/2019 at 10:23 AM, Hank Scorpio said:

Now that Biden is in the race, my current preference as a card carrying Bernie Bro: 

1. Bernie

2. Trump

3. Biden

4. Getting hit by a bus 

5. A woman


Wait.....you'd vote Trump over other Democrats if Bernie doesn't win?


1 hour ago, American Swindle said:

Wait.....you'd vote Trump over other Democrats if Bernie doesn't win?


Yes, he's easily the most serious poster on this board. If I need a rock solid take without a hint of sarcasm, I tag my friend @Hank Scorpio.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

Just use the quote button in the quick reply at the bottom of the page and paste what you want in there.

yeah, i don't have an issue quoting what somebody else writes.  it's more about quoting an article or cutting and pasting somebody else's long replies if i'm being lazy and don't want to go back to their post 5 times and shave off text.

just wondering why my words somehow show up in the quoted portion instead of after.  i've just been doing it this way for 20 years and never had a problem until recently.


Hah, I shared this with Fozz through PM. Rumor has it she deleted it to appease the DNC, but it’s been Retweeted quite a bit.

I just don’t understand how any Democrat who watches this thinks she’s insincere or not genuine in her passion for peace.

Her heart’s in this shit for all the right reasons.
  • Like 1
On 4/25/2019 at 10:23 AM, Hank Scorpio said:

Now that Biden is in the race, my current preference as a card carrying Bernie Bro: 

1. Bernie

2. Trump

3. Biden

4. Getting hit by a bus 

5. A woman


After seeing this picture, Joe is now my clear #1 candidate. We need someone who can reach across the aisle. 



  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Hank Scorpio said:

After seeing this picture, Joe is now my clear #1 candidate. We need someone who can reach across the aisle. 



When Joe went to creep on her, she squawked a vocal-fried warning.


Gonna be a 3-way race in 2020 y'all: Joe Biden as a Rockefeller Republican leading the Democrats vs. Orange Mayhem leading the Republicans vs. The Revealed Communist Insurgency Party led by whoever didn't get picked as Joe's veep.

Puerto Rico will become a state, and vote to rejoin Spain.

17 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

Gonna be a 3-way race in 2020 y'all: Joe Biden as a Rockefeller Republican leading the Democrats vs. Orange Mayhem leading the Republicans vs. The Revealed Communist Insurgency Party led by whoever didn't get picked as Joe's veep.

Puerto Rico will become a state, and vote to rejoin Spain.

its going to essentially be a two way race - biden vs trump.  battle of the olds, both nearing 80.  there could be an extremist leftist candidate, and an extremist rightwing candidate but they will both be inconsequential.

I suppose so, but care to comment on her policies or the video?  Or just troll and make comments with jack shit for substance.  

I appreciate her sincerity and passion and her desire to “end all war”, as she puts it.

I think it’s a bit naive but I believe she’s honest in her beliefs.

But for her to say there’s no difference in Trump and the other democratic candidates just because they don’t meet her purity test on this issue is utter hogwash.

That, along with her past association with Assad and her sketchy association with anti-gay groups makes her the only democratic candidate I cannot support.

She has no shot at the nomination, so I’ll never be faced with the Trump or Gabbard Sophie’s Choice.

Nothing disqualifying about it to me.

Responsible gun ownership is fine and dandy.  She doesn't own a cache of assault rifles while posting on 8-chan and wearing a MAGA hat. 


Nothing wrong with owning a gun. It’s legal. What you do with it is what matters. And yes I’m in favor of more stringent gun control laws.

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The guy who wrote that also wrote a piece opining that all the democrats should go ahead and pair up into tickets now.

Because it would be cool and exciting.

Excuse me if I don’t take the opinions of a guy who inherited his gig running “Candid Camera” seriously.

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