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8 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

What do you see that would indicate an economic crash? Or do you mean stock market crash?

Stock market crash.  But not Great Depression bad, just a cyclical correction exacerbated by shitty Trump economic policy.


Klobuchar was on Maddow tonight.  I haven't done a ton of research on her positions and her past, and maybe I'm just like... someone in a physically abusive relationship being treated with kindness by a charming person of the opposite sex, but I could get behind her.  Or like I'm driving around in a 1994 Dodge Neon and then I get into a new Honda Accord and it may as well be a fucking Maybach.  I'm still a fan of the Klobuchar/Beto ticket.  Energy, optimism, midwest, southwest, people who have read books, etc.  Very white but oh well.

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I think Polk did.

He did, but then he started to reconsider towards the end of his term and had to be strongly persuaded to stick to his word. His second term wouldn't have last long, anyway. He died of cholera three months after leaving the White House. 

9 hours ago, babysdaddy said:

What do you see that would indicate an economic crash? Or do you mean stock market crash?

The bond markets are screaming recession right now.


Beto would definitely lose Texas.  If there is one thing stupidity knows, it's doubling down.  Everyone that just voted against him would be sure to vote against him again.


I also think he gives Trump a good chance of winning.  I feel like he'd look like a skinny kid up there on the stage with Trump.  It wouldn't be a good image.  It might be fixable if he works very hard on his speaking between now and then and learns to adopt of more paced, gravitas-filled delivery like JFK instead of his over-exited version now.  

  • Fuck You 1

Beto is a good man and quick study.  He knows he has to be better if he wants the nomination.   Watch this man goto work.  It is way early but a prepared Beto will mop the floor with a flabby, old person.

20 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

Beto’s only strengths are:

1. Handsome.

2. Tall

3. Seems nice enough.

4.  Ran against Ted Cruz, whom is hated by pretty much everyone and especially national Democrats.


Honestly, we are ridiculously shallow enough now that 1-3 above probably make him a legitimate contender, but ... whatever.   I do wonder whether his fundraising is going to be so robust when he’s running against other Democrats and not against Ted Cruz in the midterm race national Democrats most wanted to win.

women love that he "listens". He'll stand there for hours absorbing citizens comments and thank each of them no matter how ridiculous. He's also under 70 so that sets him apart from every other Democrat. 

15 minutes ago, NowThis said:

women love that he "listens". He'll stand there for hours absorbing citizens comments and thank each of them no matter how ridiculous. He's also under 70 so that sets him apart from every other Democrat. 

And women were smart enough to not be taken in by the conman in chief.  He won with support from men, apparently stupid and gullible men.

4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


Not the white women.

Agreed.  I was posting in reaction to NowThis contending that women voters were somehow more gullible and dimmer than male voters.

Not the white women.

Not this white woman.

And fuck anyone spouting the “All women need to see is a pretty face and a candidate that acts like he cares and they’ll be conned into voting for them”.

Trump conned a bunch of uneducated white people into thinking a “rich” New York City real estate investor who’s biggest claims to fame are filing bankruptcy, firing people on reality TV, and marrying multiple Eastern European models is some kind of salt of the earth man of the people.

But it’s women who vote with their emotions. Yeah, okay.

When men vote emotionally it’s coated in bullshittery like “economic anxiety”. Nah, they voted for the orange moron who made them FEEL justified in their fear over a changing society and who appealed to their manufactured rage and grievances.

After experiencing Trumpism, I don’t want to ever hear about it’s women who vote with their emotions. Trumpism is completely rooted in inflaming a certain type of voters’ emotions.

God, nothing pisses me off more than when men dismiss women as nothing but a bag of hormones and feelings. Fuck off with that tired garbage.
  • Like 7
18 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:


Not this white woman.

And fuck anyone spouting the “All women need to see is a pretty face and a candidate that acts like he cares and they’ll be conned into voting for them”.

Trump conned a bunch of uneducated white people into thinking a “rich” New York City real estate investor who’s biggest claims to fame are filing bankruptcy, firing people on reality TV, and marrying multiple Eastern European models is some kind of salt of the earth man of the people.

But it’s women who vote with their emotions. Yeah, okay.

When men vote emotionally it’s coated in bullshittery like “economic anxiety”. Nah, they voted for the orange moron who made them FEEL justified in their fear over a changing society and who appealed to their manufactured rage and grievances.

After experiencing Trumpism, I don’t want to ever hear about it’s women who vote with their emotions. Trumpism is completely rooted in inflaming a certain type of voters’ emotions.

God, nothing pisses me off more than when men dismiss women as nothing but a bag of hormones and

feelings. Fuck off with that tired garbage.



Yes, a calm and reasoned post.........  nothing ......... emotional at all in that .......

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Beto would definitely lose Texas.  If there is one thing stupidity knows, it's doubling down.  Everyone that just voted against him would be sure to vote against him again.


I also think he gives Trump a good chance of winning.  I feel like he'd look like a skinny kid up there on the stage with Trump.  It wouldn't be a good image.  It might be fixable if he works very hard on his speaking between now and then and learns to adopt of more paced, gravitas-filled delivery like JFK instead of his over-exited version now.  

There will be over 2 million people who vote in Texas in 2020 who did not vote in 2018. How do you know how they will vote? Perhaps a million of them may be under 30 and they alone could make up the 216,000 Beto lost by. Beto looks healthy and level-headed next to Trump.


Woman gets pissed when told women just need a candidate to be a hot daddy figure to earn her vote = “See, women aren’t reasonable.”

The president and his minions spend every moment of every day in a frothing from their mouths vulgarian rage about everyone and everything that doesn’t agree with them = “They’re just telling it like it is and let’s examine the underlying philosophical issues for their passion and economic anxiety.”

Sounds about right.

Now let’s discuss why it would be scary to have a female CiC because she might be on her period when she has to make tough decisions.

All the while we currently have a president who is in a perpetual state of ego driven rage fueled by a subpar IQ.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Yes, a calm and reasoned post.........  nothing ......... emotional at all in that .......

B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but the d-d-d-d-d-d-discourse

Shut up you whiny pussy

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

Beto’s only strengths are:

1. Handsome.

2. Tall

3. Seems nice enough.

4.  Ran against Ted Cruz, whom is hated by pretty much everyone and especially national Democrats.


Honestly, we are ridiculously shallow enough now that 1-3 above probably make him a legitimate contender, but ... whatever.   I do wonder whether his fundraising is going to be so robust when he’s running against other Democrats and not against Ted Cruz in the midterm race national Democrats most wanted to win.

Are you sure those are his only strengths?  You sure????



We may be able to survive a president on her period, but for the love of god, no pregnant presidents. Having endured my wife’s wrath during her pregnancies, I’m fairly confident we’d be at war in the first 100 days. 

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

Beto’s only strengths are:

1. Handsome.

2. Tall

3. Seems nice enough.

4.  Ran against Ted Cruz, whom is hated by pretty much everyone and especially national Democrats.


Honestly, we are ridiculously shallow enough now that 1-3 above probably make him a legitimate contender, but ... whatever.   I do wonder whether his fundraising is going to be so robust when he’s running against other Democrats and not against Ted Cruz in the midterm race national Democrats most wanted to win.

You're forgetting that Beto didn't really become a nationwide name until his NFL kneeling speech went viral.  His ability to appear genuine and speak from the heart is an important skill, especially in this toxic era.  We can argue how important that REALLY is the long run, but he would be able to connect with voters on a personal level that Hillary never could.  Against someone like Trump, I think that's important.

And whoever positions themselves as the frontrunner in 2020 will make record-breaking amounts of money.  Beto's stock sure appears to be rising at a time that a number of the supposed favorites seem to be taking a bit of a hit.

Edited by Chuckie Finster
1 hour ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

What is particularly nasty about this? You mean to say the author is being mean-spirited or ugly in a break of journalism standards?

Doubling down on being an Indian was politically stupid and it makes her look like a jack ass. People are and will respond in kind, whether or not other people want to acknowledge they will or think they ought not to

"Nasty" in the sense that it is a very negative article.

7 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


Not this white woman.

And fuck anyone spouting the “All women need to see is a pretty face and a candidate that acts like he cares and they’ll be conned into voting for them”.

Trump conned a bunch of uneducated white people into thinking a “rich” New York City real estate investor who’s biggest claims to fame are filing bankruptcy, firing people on reality TV, and marrying multiple Eastern European models is some kind of salt of the earth man of the people.

But it’s women who vote with their emotions. Yeah, okay.

When men vote emotionally it’s coated in bullshittery like “economic anxiety”. Nah, they voted for the orange moron who made them FEEL justified in their fear over a changing society and who appealed to their manufactured rage and grievances.

After experiencing Trumpism, I don’t want to ever hear about it’s women who vote with their emotions. Trumpism is completely rooted in inflaming a certain type of voters’ emotions.

God, nothing pisses me off more than when men dismiss women as nothing but a bag of hormones and feelings. Fuck off with that tired garbage.


Can't really call people out for playing the identity politics game and then play the game can you?  

I agree with a lot of this, but I guess I don’t see Beto as being particularly inspirational or coming off so genuine and from the heart.   Bill Clinton and Obama were both more smooth and charismatic than him.  To me, Beto just seems nice and decent, but not dynamic or particularly natural at politics.  That’s better than Hillary, but he doesn’t have the good fortune to run against her.
Being nice sets him apart from Trump and quite a few of the Democrat contenders in a good way, in fairness.  The fact that everyone else is so nasty makes him look a lot better by comparison.  I just think it’s sad that the bar has sunk so low that not being a raging asshole all the time is enough to make someone unique and a Presidential contender even if he lost his Senate race.
Maybe I don’t give him enough credit.  But I wonder if this is the moment for him, for a lot of reasons.  I think plenty of Democrat voters are going to be out for blood, and not necessarily looking for a nice guy in the Democrat primary.  Unless Trump miraculously gets removed from office before then in a way no one except Q Anon crazies can possibly argue with, 2020 is going to be a miserable race full of angry voters on both sides venting their rage.

I think fighting anger with anger is a losing strategy in 2020. Every candidate in 2016 who tried to beat Trump at his own game ended up looking foolish. Coming across as the stable, dare I say “presidential” choice will be critical for whoever runs for the Ds, and so far Beto is up at the top of that list.

I don’t disagree, BTW, that it’s depressing that these are the issues that matter. But the Dems can nominate Elizabeth Warren (who I personally think would make a great President) and act surprised when she doesn’t connect with the general population, or they can play the game and realize that a young, tall, calm, well-spoken candidate will be a nice contrast to Tariff Man.

No matter what happens, the media will constantly ask the question, “Are the democrats screwing this up?” 

We will never hear a unanimous consensus that yes the democrats are getting this right! 

It’s pretty much built in the system

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Beto would definitely lose Texas.  If there is one thing stupidity knows, it's doubling down.  Everyone that just voted against him would be sure to vote against him again.


I also think he gives Trump a good chance of winning.  I feel like he'd look like a skinny kid up there on the stage with Trump.  It wouldn't be a good image.  It might be fixable if he works very hard on his speaking between now and then and learns to adopt of more paced, gravitas-filled delivery like JFK instead of his over-exited version now.  

He speaks like a normal person. I think its a welcome change from overly polished speakers like Obama or overly asinine speakers like Trump.  I also think he will naturally get better at it and less nervous as he gets used to it. 

He does need to eat more and hit the gym though. Dude was rail thin by the end of his campaign.  You could probably make 6 suits for Beto out of 1 Trump suit. 

And yeah, he will lose Texas. I think Cruz lags behind Trump's popularity in Texas and even he beat Beto. 

Edited by FondrenRoad

The last couple weeks have been interesting as it seems that Obama supporters are gravitating to Beto and more broadly centrists are as well as they move away from Biden. Mainstream media is using a lot more Beto photos to headline articles about the race instead of Biden. The Democratic machine looks like it is trying to cut off a crazy 20 person primary race by determining the favorites early.

The far left progressives that I listen to are ramping up their attacks on Beto, saying he is not progressive enough. They are still focused on Bernie or maybe Warren, but the Indian thing has cost Warren a lot. The progressive media seems to think that the centrists will put their support behind Beto and make him the favored candidate of the party machine.

Assuming Beto announces in early January it will be interesting to see how rapidly supporters come out for him.

3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

The Warren Indian thing was the most cringe worthy thing I’ve seen from a respected voice in a long long time.  I’m honestly trying to think of another and can’t off the top of my head.  

Non qualifying entrants because speaker was a dope anyway: anything Trump does, Guam flipping over, Quayle getting nuked by Bentsen, Corrine Brown’s Go Gata speech.  

Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I also think he gives Trump a good chance of winning.

The Dems flipped Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan last month, and in some of those states, the GOP is engaging in dirty tricks that are going to drive up Dem turnout in 2020.

They also gave the GOP serious fits in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, states Trump won by 200,000 or less.  And that was after trying to seriously suppress votes, both legally and illegally.

Assuming Trump wins all the other states he won in 2016 (big assumption), he has to win at least 5 of the above 7 to win the electoral vote.  

Which 5 is he going to win?

edit: if he loses Florida, he has to win the other 6 of the 7 mentioned above.  

Edited by atomheartbevo
15 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

I agree with a lot of this, but I guess I don’t see Beto as being particularly inspirational or coming off so genuine and from the heart.   Bill Clinton and Obama were both more smooth and charismatic than him.  To me, Beto just seems nice and decent, but not dynamic or particularly natural at politics.  That’s better than Hillary, but he doesn’t have the good fortune to run against her.

Being nice sets him apart from Trump and quite a few of the Democrat contenders in a good way, in fairness.  The fact that everyone else is so nasty makes him look a lot better by comparison.  I just think it’s sad that the bar has sunk so low that not being a raging asshole all the time is enough to make someone unique and a Presidential contender even if he lost his Senate race.

Maybe I don’t give him enough credit.  But I wonder if this is the moment for him, for a lot of reasons.  I think plenty of Democrat voters are going to be out for blood, and not necessarily looking for a nice guy in the Democrat primary.  Unless Trump miraculously gets removed from office before then in a way no one except Q Anon crazies can possibly argue with, 2020 is going to be a miserable race full of angry voters on both sides venting their rage.

Have you seen Beto speak in person? In his setting, he's as good as Bill or Obama.


11 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

What? He rambles and talks too much. He needs a speech coach to help him hit salient points and keep ideas/sentences reigned in, as he isn't writing purple prose on a message board. Towards the end of the campaigning, hearing him was a beating for me. It was like that guy in your office who can't get to the point of what he's trying to say in every meeting and takes 8 minutes to say what could be said in 2 minutes.

Image result for tell me more gif

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RayDog said:

The far left progressives that I listen to are ramping up their attacks on Beto, saying he is not progressive enough.

Is that an "attack"? I haven't seen any "attacks" on Beto from people on the left.

I've seen substantive critiques of his centrism and wishy-washy stance on things like universal healthcare, but if substantive critique of a candidate's policy vagueness is an "attack" then we're in a new arena of intra-party sensitivity. It's almost like the centrist neoliberal Dem machine realizes that their politics are unpopular and they have to try and paint the left progressives, who actually represent popular policy ideas among the working class, as hysterical crazies.

This will only ramp up as the Dem machine consensus coalesces around Beto...

Bringing up Bernie in response to someone who isn't Bernie and wasn't even talking about Bernie: The calling card of a Bad Dem.


Centrists, please listen. The left is the only thing keeping you degenerate people from turning Beto into America's Macron.

Edited by bad_teammate
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

What? He rambles and talks too much. He needs a speech coach to help him hit salient points and keep ideas/sentences reigned in, as he isn't writing purple prose on a message board. Towards the end of the campaigning, hearing him was a beating for me. It was like that guy in your office who can't get to the point of what he's trying to say in every meeting and takes 8 minutes to say what could be said in 2 minutes.

Agreed, I could never reconcile the confident ads on TV with the bundle of nerves exhibited during the live debates. 

29 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Don't get me wrong, I think he is thoughtful and genuine and kind and handsome and charismatic. I'm not sure if his boyish nervousness was a calculated charm offensive (like going on The Ellen show and purposefully looking overwhelmed/star-struck) or if it's just something that he will shake the more he is in the limelight and is used to the bright lights of publicity and fame of the whole dog and pony show.

I think some of the nervous mannerisms, along with the unusual sweating, will become more subtle as he gets more experience. He doesn’t have the innate charisma of a Clinton (Bill obviously) or Obama, but he would make a formidable opponent in 2020 and I hope the GOP doesn’t take him lightly. 

2 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

What? He rambles and talks too much. He needs a speech coach to help him hit salient points and keep ideas/sentences reigned in, as he isn't writing purple prose on a message board. Towards the end of the campaigning, hearing him was a beating for me. It was like that guy in your office who can't get to the point of what he's trying to say in every meeting and takes 8 minutes to say what could be said in 2 minutes.

Is this the part where you pretend you might vote for a Democrat?

  • Like 3
A centrist big-brained Democrat like Bill clinton would get my vote. I voted for Obama in 2008. I won’t vote for any looney DSA player, kill me for it why dontcha!

But you voted for Beto remember? After not knowing who he was, mischaracterizing countless things about him, “just asking questions”, etc.

Had you forgotten your prior trolling, troll?
23 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

Just can't abide by abortion, my dude.

So why did you vote for Cruz? He's accomplished nothing when it comes to curtailing abortions. Hell, he didn't even vote on the last measure before the Senate related to funding for abortions.



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