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20 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

This isn't even gotcha, it is lower than that. Gotcha journalism is about the target saying or doing something and then misrepresenting it.

There are no quotes or actions from Bernie here at all to even try to misrepresent.

Even your hero Ben Shapiro is calling out Warren for this obvious attack.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Bernie has been vetted plenty

Oh okay, well then it must be true.  Imagine if Biden had a heart attack four months ago and then refused to release his medical records after saying he would.  Bernie has done this and no one cares.  Bernie hasn’t had to answer for a lot shit but that’s probably going to change.  

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz

Yes, the oppo attacks will pick up for Bernie. That doesn't mean he's never been properly vetted in the past.


In other news, I can't believe that many people on the left take Kulinski seriously. The guy is a clown. 



Hugo trying the income taxes thing again and it's going to be just as successful this time around.

The reason no one cares anymore about the heart attack is because Bernie came back from it looking either just as vigorous as ever or even more vigorous than before. It's not difficult to understand for someone whose political brain isn't just a series of wet fart noises.

  • Like 2
Just now, bad_teammate said:

The reason no one cares anymore about the heart attack is because Bernie came back from it looking either just as vigorous as ever or even more vigorous than before. It's not difficult to understand for someone whose political brain isn't just a series of wet fart noises.

That is partly the reason, the other being people assumed it would hurt his polling and were not feeling particular threatened about his chances at the time. 

If Bernie's heart attack happened today, it'd be a different story. 


Posted (edited)

I'm already annoyed at hearing Tom Steyer interject himself at the debate and the debate hasn't even happened yet.

Edited by BradInATX
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Media is so idiotic in its attacks on Sanders that even Jonathan fucking Chait is calling it out. lol Christ

So yeah, today's fresh attempt by dishonest news outlets/"journalists" is NBC trying to make it seem like Bernie was war-mongering in 1998 when Clinton bombed an aspirin factory to distract from the blowjob impeachment.

The quote is Sanders expressing support for the Iraq Liberation Act, which had nothing to do with military intervention and was an announcement of support for democratic movements within Iraq.

This isn't vetting, this is just (more) lies. And I know many of you are happy about that, of course, so congratulations.

[edit] fucked up the timeline on a link

Edited by bad_teammate
  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Media is so idiotic in its attacks on Sanders that even Jonathan fucking Chait is calling it out. lol Christ

So yeah, today's fresh attempt by dishonest news outlets/"journalists" is NBC trying to make it seem like Bernie was war-mongering in 1998 when Clinton bombed an aspirin factory to distract from the blowjob impeachment.

The quote is Sanders expressing support for the Iraq Liberation Act, which had nothing to do with military intervention and was an announcement of support for democratic movements within Iraq.

This isn't vetting, this is just (more) lies. And I know many of you are happy about that, of course, so congratulations.

[edit] fucked up the timeline on a link

Didn't you say Pete sucked for calling for their own people to overthrow the South American dictator (maduro?) recently? I vaguely remember that. So if Bernie says it, cool, but Pete?nah fam, imma go on and get outta here.

9 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

Didn't you say Pete sucked for calling for their own people to overthrow the South American dictator (maduro?) recently? I vaguely remember that. So if Bernie says it, cool, but Pete?nah fam, imma go on and get outta here.

You're comparing Nicolas Maduro to Saddam Hussein.

lol what planet are you from?

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

You're comparing Nicolas Maduro to Saddam Hussein.

lol what planet are you from?

I am on the planet where I think it is completely reasonable and good if Venezuelans rose up and overthrew Maduro so they could like eat and do other things besides weave baskets out of their currency because it is so worthless.

Also would have been cool for the Iraqi folks to have handled Saddam. Are those opinions mutually exclusive? Maybe I am on the wrong planet, then. Where is Frog-eyes and his rapper girlfriend Grimey and their SpaceXship. I need outta here.

9 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

I am on the planet where I think it is completely reasonable and good if Venezuelans rose up and overthrew Maduro so they could like eat and do other things besides weave baskets out of their currency because it is so worthless.

I also support democratic revolutions. That's not what Guiado was. Guiado was a Western coup attempt that failed. The people at large didn't want him. He walked freely within Venezuela's borders trying to start a revolution but the people weren't with him.

Guiado's camp literally called DC and got the green light from Mike Pence before saying, "HEY I'M THE PRESIDENT NOW"!

Maduro is nothing like Hussein. Just an idiotic comparison.

Hussein pursued genocide against at least two different groups within Iraq (the Kurds and the marsh Arabs). Maduro just sucks and is dumb.

I fully support democratic revolutions and would be happy to see a genuine mass uprising against Maduro's shitty government.

  • Like 2

Great sign.

If Warren and Bernie squash this shit tonight at the debate in front of millions of eyeballs I'll be fucking ecstatic. I'm more than eager to forgive and forget. As I said a few pages ago, I'm going to naively cling to the hope of reunification.

America needs these two. These two are vital to getting real shit done.

Let's fucking go.

  • Like 2

My prediction is that Warren apologizes and talks about how much she respects Bernie at the debate and then they cut to Bernie and he’s in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette and he just calls her a dumb cunt as the crowd erupts in cheers. 

  • Like 2
  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)

Bernie will have a satisfactory answer to any moderator question about this ridiculous controversy. The only way it lingers is if Warren makes more out of it on stage, which would be a stupid move on her part. 

They kiss and make up, but the bickering/hard feelings won't go away online. 


Edited by Hank Kingsley
8 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Great sign.

If Warren and Bernie squash this shit tonight at the debate in front of millions of eyeballs I'll be fucking ecstatic. I'm more than eager to forgive and forget. As I said a few pages ago, I'm going to naively cling to the hope of reunification.

America needs these two. These two are vital to getting real shit done.

Let's fucking go.

I kind of expect this.  Sort of a "enough about your damned emails" moment.



19 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Great sign.

If Warren and Bernie squash this shit tonight at the debate in front of millions of eyeballs I'll be fucking ecstatic. I'm more than eager to forgive and forget. As I said a few pages ago, I'm going to naively cling to the hope of reunification.

America needs these two. These two are vital to getting real shit done.

Let's fucking go.

Excerpt from that article . What a fucking joke




The next morning, hours before Warren and Sanders were expected to address the conflict in Des Moines at Tuesday’s Democratic debate, the campaign official followed up to caution supporters against accusing Sanders of sexism, saying that the line of questioning would be “really bad news for us.”

“I would be careful with the ‘sexism’ angle when it comes to the Bernie/Warren exchange individually — that’s not what this is about and I think it’ll be really bad news for us if that becomes what this is about (i.e. press asking her if she thinks Bernie is sexist),” the staffer told the group. “Is that what this is about broadly? Absolutely. But no one here is actually claiming Bernie himself is sexist (regardless of your own personal beliefs on that topic).”



  • Haha 1

So the Warren campaign is acting like they leaked this shit not as an attack on Bernie, but as a way for Liz to garner sympathy and maybe galvanize more women to support her.

Moronic strategic move that they wanted to abort almost as quickly as they started it.  Just so fucking stupid. 



Yeah I'm going to be honest I didn't actually read the article because I just want to believe good things. It's got some funny shit.


At one point in a lengthy DM to the Twitter group on Tuesday morning, the Warren staffer’s description of the controversy hewed closer to Sanders’s description than Warren’s. “Claiming you’re worried a woman can’t win/flagging that she’ll receive sexist attacks is something many, many people feel,” the campaign official wrote.

Hoo boy that's some Hillary '16 Campaign level lack of message discipline.


At the canvassing event in Clive, some of Warren’s most dedicated supporters also said they had no desire to see a conflict between the two candidates. “It’s not something that we want to talk about,” said Taylor Larich, a 21-year-old Warren volunteer from nearby Waukee.

Some doubted the exchange had taken place exactly as described.

“I have trouble believing that — that he would say that,” said Devon McClurken, a church faith director in West Des Moines who said Warren was her “number one choice” in the election. “I do appreciate [Sanders’] policies. I appreciate all he’s done through his entire career.”

“That’s such a distraction,” said Heidi Baker, a Warren supporter from Clive. “While those two are fighting, you’re going to have people like Biden, who’s already ahead in the polls — those two need to knock it off and focus on their campaign.”

“That’s ludicrous. I almost don’t want to believe it,” Baker said.

If you're showing up for a canvassing event you're either a loyal follower or someone being dragged along by a loyal follower. You're standing there in the freezing-ass cold and you don't even believe your own candidate.

God what a shitshow.

Grandma, I know your most rabid follower here hates me, but please fire everyone in your staff who worked for Hillary. Stop talking to anyone in any Clintonite circle. They are toxic clouds of poison garbage and you're too good for them. They're tanking you like they tanked Hillary and Kamala.


It's just mind-numbingly stupid that she didn't get an easy victory by going on the record and saying "I don't know who leaked this, but I never stated that Bernie made a sexist remark like this, we're good friends and I have a lot of respect for him." I can buy that her side did this without her knowledge or possibly someone else, but she stepped on it when there was no need.

1 minute ago, GSU&UT said:

It's just mind-numbingly stupid that she didn't get an easy victory by going on the record and saying "I don't know who leaked this, but I never stated that Bernie made a sexist remark like this, we're good friends and I have a lot of respect for him." I can buy that her side did this without her knowledge or possibly someone else, but she stepped on it when there was no need.

Her campaign wanted the attack. Warren's statement was all the proof we needed. 

I generally agree with BT here. My guess is her campaign staff is panicking and pushed this dumb attack.



  • Like 1
42 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

My prediction is that Warren apologizes and talks about how much she respects Bernie at the debate and then they cut to Bernie and he’s in a leather jacket smoking a cigarette and he just calls her a dumb cunt as the crowd erupts in cheers. 

So I have to watch now??


Good for Warren. It is not the time for the two/three/four in the progressive lane to start a circular firing squad. That's what the republicans and third-way democrats want. Keep the focus on the republicans and third-way democrats running for the nomination.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

I'd love to see people from Pete's or Liz's campaign publishing anti-Biden op-eds in South Carolina newspapers, like Nina Turner just did.

I'd love to see people from Pete's or Liz's campaign researching and signal-boosting Joe's terrible policy history, like David Sirota has been for days.

(I'll stop with those two, but there are a ton.)

You've got the internal narrative you like, but it doesn't match reality. Bernie's team is by far the most on point and focused on what matters for progressives right now, which is making sure Joe Biden isn't at the top of the ticket.

The Warren team is firing broadsides at them right now and the Bernie campaign is barely distracted.

If you actually cared about advancing progressive ideas and making sure Biden wasn't at the top of the ticket, you'd actually be encouraged by that because it shows an ability to maintain message discipline in the face of drama, which is VITAL when facing Donald Trump.

Because there's a much worse alternative universe where David Sirota is up at 3AM weeping and posting Pocahontas memes on Twitter.

If progressives cared about advancing progressive ideas, they'd rally behind a single candidate like the establishment tends to do.  We are going to get Joe Biden, but Joe is only going to win about 40% of the primary vote.  Don't those combined Bernie, Warren, Yang numbers look good enough to win though?

Bernie has a great message, but he is loath to let anyone else carry it.  Perhaps he should have joined the Democratic Party before running in its primary for President.

Edited by FondrenRoad
9 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I don't know if HE is, but his followers damn sure are.

That they are.

4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


Hugo you forgot to log out of your sock account.



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On 1/12/2020 at 3:12 PM, bad_teammate said:

Of course Bernie didn't approve of anything like that.

Within the campaign apparatus, the mantra is to NEVER disparage other candidates. In all the coaching for phonebanking and canvassing, you are told to never argue and never even attempt to persuade. You talk issues in a general, positive sense. You offer information and you collect data.

This document is bullshit. Complete bullshit.

So someone posts a doc to the Slack, a person with no history or status, and the doc is immediately deleted.

- Who thought to capture that before it was deleted?
- Who not only thought to capture it, but send it to an outlet/reporter that hate Bernie?

This shit is so obviously fake.




Giving that to volunteers was a dumb move. That kind of stuff should be left to paid, trained staff.

The messages were fine and very tame, but you never should try to get volunteers to engage in even mild confrontation.

The absence of those docs on the volunteer Slack makes me think it was a trial run that came at the wrong time.


I know there are polls, but I would appreciate everyone’s guess on whether a particular democratic candidate would beat Trump. I know this could be controversial but I’m interested to know what everyone thinks.

Here’s my guesses which go against polling quit a bit. Also some of these people would probably not get the Democratic nomination to eventually go against Trump.

Biden - yes
sanders - no
Streyer- no
Warren - no
Klobuchar - no
Bloomberg - yes
Buttigeig - no

I know many won’t like this prediction.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

Biden - yes
sanders - no
Streyer- no
Warren - no
Klobuchar - no
Bloomberg - yes
Buttigeig - no

Biden - No way in hell. No money, no enthusiasm and no plan
Sanders - Yes - opposite of Biden. Easiest path to the Presidency. Can swing disaffected populist Trump voters in the key battleground states.
Streyer- Nope - Vanity.
Warren - Yes, but will require a lot of work and enthusiasm. 
Klobuchar - no
Bloomberg - No way. He is running to protect his billions.
Buttigeig - no

23 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

I know there are polls, but I would appreciate everyone’s guess on whether a particular democratic candidate would beat Trump. I know this could be controversial but I’m interested to know what everyone thinks.

Here’s my guesses which go against polling quit a bit. Also some of these people would probably not get the Democratic nomination to eventually go against Trump.

Biden - yes
sanders - no
Streyer- no
Warren - no
Klobuchar - no
Bloomberg - yes
Buttigeig - no

I know many won’t like this prediction.

I too have a head injury but still want to predict politics. Could a charismatic giraffe in a senate race in Nevada?

I too have a head injury but still want to predict politics. Could a charismatic giraffe in a senate race in Nevada?

I know it’s fun and easy to use sock accounts to drop hilarious posts periodically attacking other posts. I love your entire collection, including this post. However, it’s quite a bit more difficult to put yourself out there and put a stake in the ground about what you really think. I hope you choose to enter the discussion rather than stay on the sidelines.

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