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3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

menchies. Um, what is a 'menchie?' I'm a little afraid to Google it or even ask and if it's been brought up before, sorry.

I asked a year ago (this morning) what "full medical records" means and no one can fucking answer. Just "Uh... more!" It's a little insane how detailed people want to go on the candidates records, when the President is still kinda sorta walking upright due to some sort of medical intervention in November that was never really explained other than--Phase I physical.




"Mentions" on social media. Basically it's how your notifications look when people respond to you.

So if I came here and had 20 notifications for people saying "@bad_teammate" then that would be the surly equivalent to twitter mentions.

"Menchies" is a way to make fun of someone complaining about their mentions. To make them sound like a baby with a wet diaper.


BT, can you post a link to a non-partisan, credible, thoroughly researched evaluation of Bernie’s M4All plans that supports it? I’m doing some research and that would be very helpful.

34 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

What more do you want to know?

i was asking a yes or no question, which you answered...with a question.  more would be more than that is currently publicly known.  all we know about trump is that he recently participated in some phase of a physical.  we know bloomberg had a stent installed at some point.  we know the content of bernie's doctor letters.

when i go get a physical, i get results, blood panel, a bunch of numbers that seem meaningless to me unless they're out of whack, but i assume they mean something to a medical professional.

do you think voters deserve to know more about the health of all candidates, especially the older ones (70+)?  

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

The debate is going to be a Bloomberg Gang Bang, isn't it?



Edited by F250
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24 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

do you think voters deserve to know more about the health of all candidates, especially the older ones (70+)?  

Not necessarily, no. As I explained constantly in the "TAX RETURNS!!!!" furor, I don't think running for office means that your entire life is now owed to the public. The public should know important things that will impact the candidate's ability to do the job.

They shouldn't be given information just because they are bad faith trolls, searching for attacks, or just idly curious.

2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Not necessarily, no.

so only in specific circumstances?  like age or recent medical episodes?

6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

As I explained constantly in the "TAX RETURNS!!!!" furor, I don't think running for office means that your entire life is now owed to the public.

i would argue that a candidate's financial situation is among the most important things the public should know about.

3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

They shouldn't be given information just because they are bad faith trolls, searching for attacks, or just idly curious.

so if voters want detailed medical records/history of a candidate who will be 79-83 during his first term, 6 months removed from a heart attack, then they're operating in bad faith or searching for attacks?  wasn't someone from bernie's team talking about bloomberg's stent earlier today?  do they think the health of other older candidates is important?

1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

They aren't right, Bernie is winning.

No one cares about the menchies of the Pod Save bros. No one. I bet their wives don't even care. Their wives probably want to divorce them for it. Jon even mentions how he knows he sounds like a lunatic for being mad at the Lis-Smith-Nigeria Twitter fun last weekend.

Listen again, he even angrily tries to interject "It's not about Tweets, it's about the THREATS to the culinary union" but all he fucking talks about is his god damned menchies.

Is it turning voters off? No, it's not. No one cares. Bernie is winning.

I could give a good god damn about the primary.  I'm talking about the general.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

so only in specific circumstances?  like age or recent medical episodes?

Yes, specific circumstances like those.

And Bernie provided exactly when he said he would.

Can you tell me the motivations of those still asking for more without being able to specify what they are asking for or why?


i would argue that a candidate's financial situation is among the most important things the public should know about.

Sure, within rational bounds.

Bernie already had many years of Senate disclosure forms available and we learned absolutely nothing important from his tax returns. The pounding drums demanding more more more were never concerned there was a problem, they were just trolling.


so if voters want detailed medical records/history of a candidate who will be 79-83 during his first term, 6 months removed from a heart attack, then they're operating in bad faith or searching for attacks?

If they are asking for things they have already received, yes, it's bad faith.

If they don't even know what they are asking for but are asking anyway, yes, it's bad faith.

They are searching for attacks. That's why you see literally the exact same posters doing it for this one specific candidate. I smelled your collective bullshit the first time and you think it's less obvious now?

11 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I could give a good god damn about the primary.  I'm talking about the general.

And what evidence do you have that the Bros online will impact the general?


Yep but he can still get all Salty Sailor pretty good.

Usually he aims it at reporters or someone in a crowd that asks him a tough question, tonight he’ll be aiming at Bloomberg.

They may as well subtitle tonight “Errbody Hates Mike”.

11 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

My boy Rob Flaherty (worked for Beto, now works for Biden) coming in hot and giving y’all a preview of what’s coming Bloomberg’s way tonight-



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7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Bloomberg being smart by ignoring all the attacks and just saying, "I can beat Donald Trump."

Agreed. The roast of Bloomberg without fighting back will probably help him.

1 minute ago, GSU&UT said:

Reminder that Pete literally faked black endorsements.

The current POTUS is on tape talking about grabbing women by the pussy.  

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