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Posted (edited)

Pretty obvious that this race has taken a backseat to everything else going on in the minds of most voters.  It's interesting to think of the potential repercussions had this virus hit our country even a month earlier.

Edited by Chuckie Finster
3 hours ago, Dnaguy said:

If Bernie really cares about this race, the future of America, and of beating Trump.... he needs to drop out.

Bernie dropping out now wouldn't empty the polling places on Tuesday. Old people like to go out and be seen voting. It's an occasion for them. Millions are going to go vote regardless, just like 11+M Republicans have gone out to vote for no practical reason. Don't be dishonest in your pursuit of owning Bernie and his bros.

Bernie and his campaign aren't even telling people to go vote. Biden and his campaign are lying outright about the science behind the virus and downplaying its severity to drive turnout. Bernie was asked if it made sense to have the Tuesday primaries and he said it didn't, and Biden's campaign pushed back against that. They are either ignorant of the science and the CDC's recommendations or they just don't care.

It's all well and good to troll me right now in this board's collective anti-Bernie/Bernie Bro frenzy, but the dishonesty about this deadly virus is MAGA-level from you guys right now. Don't become the thing you claim to hate.


What happens if over the summer coronavirus is still killing folks? How do we justify having large gatherings? Are we sure that we can’t get it again?

If the virus is still killing well into the summer then we need to move the entire nation to a different voting method because we've got a general election coming that actually matters a lot.

Postpone them now and start ramping up for mail-in ballots in case the virus keeps killing people. 

Do we really need to kill old people to spike the football in Bernie's face right now instead of a couple of months from now?


45 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Pretty obvious that this race has taken a backseat to everything else going on in the minds of most voters.

I wish.

Primary voters are even older than general election voters, who are already older than average. Old people love cable news, and most of those watch FOX. So the primary participation is going to skew even older than it normally does.

Which, is bad.

2 minutes ago, Pancho said:

It definitely needs to be a woman of color.


From Jim Clyburn -

"In February Clyburn also told NPR that he believed “we’ve reached a point in this country where African American women need to be rewarded for the loyalty that they’ve given to this party.”



Considering how important that endorsement was to Biden - I don't think theres any doubt that Clyburn put some conditions on it.

8 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Illinois, Arizona, and Florida still planning on gathering people into Coronaparties tomorrow

The DNC should step in and declare a winner. Riots are going to happen anyway. Might as well get it over with.

16 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

The DNC should step in and declare a winner. Riots are going to happen anyway. Might as well get it over with.

Or just postpone until (1) the virus threat is gone or (2) states get alternative voting situations worked out (like mail voting) and everyone can participate in the vote.

Anyone who stays home tomorrow because they don't feel safe is being disenfranchised. It's undemocratic for states to hold their own citizens hostage like this against the advice of the scientists.

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41 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Or just postpone until (1) the virus threat is gone or (2) states get alternative voting situations worked out (like mail voting) and everyone can participate in the vote.

Anyone who stays home tomorrow because they don't feel safe is being disenfranchised. It's undemocratic for states to hold their own citizens hostage like this against the advice of the scientists.

This is correct.  Point to b_t.

42 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Or just postpone until (1) the virus threat is gone or (2) states get alternative voting situations worked out (like mail voting) and everyone can participate in the vote.

Anyone who stays home tomorrow because they don't feel safe is being disenfranchised. It's undemocratic for states to hold their own citizens hostage like this against the advice of the scientists.

The threat probably won't be manageable until the summer (Late May/Early June) and there's expected to be a resurgence in the Autumn again...



If turnout in these Tuesday primaries lags behind the trend up to now then that will be pretty clear evidence that corona is depressing the vote which means that people who intended to vote were disenfranchised due to horrific decision-making on the part of state and party officials.

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Jesus Christ

This is what many of you are defending. Congratulations.

who's defending this?

do i have a bunch of people on ignore that i don't know about?


Hey great job DNC you've now created a perfectly valid reason to declare the results of the Democratic Primary invalid due to obvious voter suppression.

Fucking stellar, kickass party you're running!!



I wonder why many of you even bother checking the thread. You're done thinking about all of this, right?

That's not true of everyone. Many of us actually care about this stuff and the future of progressive politics as represented by this primary.

For instance, look at how garbage the current Democratic leadership is. They're scaling back the already-insufficient bill they put forward.

Biden will only strengthen these vultures.

47 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

These fucking idiots are LESS generous in their vision of the world than Mitt Romney and Tom Cotton



Yep - the "moderates" went so far hard to the right to beat Sanders, they left their left flank open to TRUMP and the REPUBLICANS. 

Stand for nothing; win nothing. 

We live in an idiocracy. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

So what does the DNC do if none of the olds turn out today out of fear of imminent death and Bernie somehow wins the states voting today?  With turnout so incredibly low, it wouldn't be that far fetched of an outcome.  The polls are almost meaningless in this context.  

Edited by Fozzz
  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

So what does the DNC do if none of the olds turn out today out of fear of imminent death and Bernie somehow wins the states voting today?  With turnout so incredibly low, it wouldn't be that far fetched of an outcome.  The polls are almost meaningless in this context.  

They are not going to let Sanders take the nomination. Full stop. 

If Sanders were to win today (note: Sanders has stopped his get out the vote effort because of the dangers of the Coronovirus), the company line will be "this result is inaccurate because of the Coronavirus." They have already laid the groundwork for this narrative. 


Democratic, Inc. has become the party of the Ultra-Wealthy and Corporations. We see these shifts once every 50-60 years. It was due. We now have a uniparty - a new Democratic-Republican Party (a name revived from the pre-Civil War days) and unaffiliated populists. 

Progressives need a new political party to fill the roll of the Opposition Party. Not that it will matter. This corporatist Democratic-Republican Party will not end until its economic policies cause it and the nation to implode. 

Future generations will study why American voters were so unaware. Today's Generation Z will tell future generations the voters were simply ignorant. 

We live in interesting times. 


so i admit i haven't followed the back-and-forth about these states, other than the bt propaganda, which is more info-tainment than actual news.  i saw ohio postponed, which is obviously the right move.  leaving illinois, arizona, and florida.

from a strictly procedural standpoint, what is the dnc's role in all this?  if the decision is made at the state level, is this the governor having to make the call?  2/3 of these are republicans, so i can't see them being much help (and i never would expect florida to lead with any type of smart decision-making).

if the primaries go as scheduled, which it seems like they are, then the votes are the votes, and that's just the way it goes.  since people are being turned away, i would assume lawsuits could be filed.  otherwise, i'm not sure if this will end up any differently than the effects of some sort of violent storm passing through the area.  the implication that they'll wait for the results and then turn things against bernie if at all possible seems a little conspiracy-ey.  even for you guys.  everyone is encouraged to stay home, and i would assume the stupidity will run pretty evenly among the age groups.

all that said, i would think a depressed turnout would actually help bernie today.  guess we'll see.

Posted (edited)

I do not care how it impacts vote totals or the nomination; I accepted Bernie's loss on the evening of Super Tuesday.

This is showing us that the Biden campaign and DNC have shown themselves unfit to trust with the leadership of this nation. There's not a snowball's chance in hell I encourage anyone to vote for these people. Absolute scum who are responsible for deaths today.


Edited by bad_teammate
12 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I do not care how it impacts vote totals or the nomination; I accepted Bernie's loss on the evening of Super Tuesday.

This is showing us that the Biden campaign and DNC have shown themselves unfit to trust with the leadership of this nation. There's not a snowball's chance in hell I encourage anyone to vote for these people. Absolute scum who are responsible for deaths today.


to my point, isn't this on the governors of these 3 states?  i know symone sanders tweeted a couple days ago about getting out the vote, but how is today biden/dnc's fault?  wouldn't it be the state party people needing to urge the governor to push these back?  i get that perez could lean on them, but nobody should ever be counted on that goofball.

i may have it wrong, so somebody, please feel free to correct me.


Responsibility is shared. The governors state governments are primarily/90% at fault, but both the DNC and Biden campaign have influences of their own, if not on process then at least on voters.

Symone Sanders straight-up lied on national television about the CDC clearing the primaries and never attempted to walk it back. Joe himself said that asymptomatic people should go ahead and go vote. Them saying otherwise wouldn't have stopped the primaries, but they chose to actively get their own potential voters out and into harm's way. It's poor leadership, either due to scientific ignorance and lack of internal organization/messaging or it's purposefully harmful.

Biden's the nominee and, presumably, the next president. Our job now isn't to try and shield him from criticism and pretend he's doing a great job. Our job is to beat the shit out of him to get him to do the right thing.

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Responsibility is shared. The governors state governments are primarily/90% at fault, but both the DNC and Biden campaign have influences of their own, if not on process then at least on voters.

Symone Sanders straight-up lied on national television about the CDC clearing the primaries and never attempted to walk it back. Joe himself said that asymptomatic people should go ahead and go vote. Them saying otherwise wouldn't have stopped the primaries, but they chose to actively get their own potential voters out and into harm's way. It's poor leadership, either due to scientific ignorance and lack of internal organization/messaging or it's purposefully harmful.

Biden's the nominee and, presumably, the next president. Our job now isn't to try and shield him from criticism and pretend he's doing a great job. Our job is to beat the shit out of him to get him to do the right thing.


14 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Responsibility is shared. The governors state governments are primarily/90% at fault, but both the DNC and Biden campaign have influences of their own, if not on process then at least on voters.

Symone Sanders straight-up lied on national television about the CDC clearing the primaries and never attempted to walk it back. Joe himself said that asymptomatic people should go ahead and go vote. Them saying otherwise wouldn't have stopped the primaries, but they chose to actively get their own potential voters out and into harm's way. It's poor leadership, either due to scientific ignorance and lack of internal organization/messaging or it's purposefully harmful.

Biden's the nominee and, presumably, the next president. Our job now isn't to try and shield him from criticism and pretend he's doing a great job. Our job is to beat the shit out of him to get him to do the right thing.

first, biden's people and the dnc are scum responsible for deaths, but now the state is 90% at fault.  and you're not encouraging anyone to vote for these people, so you want trump to win?  because he's just been aces the past couple months on this one.

biden is unemployed.  are congressmen (and women) associated with these states doing anything?  has bernie urged these states to postpone?  i realize that's a little slippery.  biden has encouraged voting by mail, but not sure about the timing of that, since his people were encouraging voting in person a few days ago.

i'm not a biden apologist, but dumping a bunch of shit on him which amounts to finger-pointing during a global pandemic is counter-productive.  i understand that's what your programming is telling you to do, but it's not making him better.  lean into the healthcare argument.  that one works.

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