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1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

He should suspend his campaign to begin the work of getting his followers to support Joe Biden.

The general election is in 8 months. To put that into perspective in terms of timelines, New Hampshire was 4 weeks ago.

Let the primary season play out. Let Bernie fight as hard as he can for what he believes (which is what millions and millions and millions of other people believe) and then let him lose. Give him some concessions going into the convention in July. Then there's 4 months for a happy unification.

If winning isn't enough for Joe, that screams a very profound weakness.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

And people are always perfectly candid and aware of all their internal motivations?

OK BT let me explain why I am here early. When Bernie won Nevada it scared me to death that a guy I believed had 0% chance of beating Trump in the swing state suburbs could win in the Democratic nomination. So I started to read the tea leaves. Would it be Bloomberg or would it be Biden that the people like me would coalesce behind? If it was Bloomberg I would vote for Bloomberg and ask friends and relatives to vote for Bloomberg if they had not made up their mind. If it was Biden I would do the same thing for Biden. South Carolina basically said Biden so that is what I did on primary eve. Mayor Pete and I made sure 3 twenty year olds voted for Biden that otherwise would have probably stayed home in Texas that attend universities around the state. 

Now I am here to see when "I don't know when to get out Bernie" actually leaves the race. It is entertainment at this point. My vote counted and spoke to what I believed needed to happen as did others that probably felt the same way as I did. Political beliefs? I am independent that voted for Bill Clinton, George Bush, McCain, Obama and almost puked when I had to vote for Hillary. I hated her after her health care screw up. Since like you when I was young I dreamed of a fair nation that provided health care.

Edited by DanTheHorn
Just now, DanTheHorn said:

OK BT let me explain why I am here early. When Bernie won Nevada it scared me to death that a guy I believed had 0% chance of beating Trump in the swing state suburbs could win in the Democratic nomination.


So despite Bernie winning head-to-heads against Trump, polling very high, having huge favorables among independents, you were convinced that he had a 0% chance? Interesting and irrational.

11 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


So despite Bernie winning head-to-heads against Trump, polling very high, having huge favorables among independents, you were convinced that he had a 0% chance? Interesting and irrational.

If it makes you feel better. I am insane and irrational. Fight on someday it may payoff. It is good to be passionate but at some point gears have to be switched.


I would be surprised Sanders didn't drop out this week simply for the sake of his own dignity. He is embarrassing himself by staying in the race and getting repeatedly pummeled by Joe. 

41 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

The general election is in 8 months. To put that into perspective in terms of timelines, New Hampshire was 4 weeks ago.

Let the primary season play out. Let Bernie fight as hard as he can for what he believes (which is what millions and millions and millions of other people believe) and then let him lose. Give him some concessions going into the convention in July. Then there's 4 months for a happy unification.

If winning isn't enough for Joe, that screams a very profound weakness.

He can do that while supporting Joe Biden's candidacy. He should drop out of the race. It's a waste of time and money.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

No seriously guys I just care about his reputation and the money of his supporters I am not a concern troll at all.

I voted for him. His campaign past tonight is a vanity project.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

You think Bernie is running because he is substantively indistinguishable from Biden and just wants to make himself famous?

You don't believe that. You should operate in good faith.

He can distinguish himself without running for president. He has no path to the nomination. There is no reason for him to remain in the race. He can do much more good by dropping out and throwing all of his support behind Joe Biden.

1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

He can distinguish himself without running for president. He has no path to the nomination. There is no reason for him to remain in the race.

Mathematically false.

It's a very slim chance, but it's there.


He can do much more good by dropping out and throwing all of his support behind Joe Biden.

Really? How?

By endorsing Biden right now and just spending the next 8 months saying Joe's weak and inadequate policies are great?

I would love an answer to this.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

Mathematically false.

It's a very slim chance, but it's there

Really? How?

By endorsing Biden right now and just spending the next 8 months saying Joe's weak and inadequate policies are great?

I would love an answer to this.

He's done. 

He should get behind Joe Biden and talk up his policies. Fall in line.


what would be a possible cabinet position promise that would be celebrated by Bernie supporters if he dropped out.


The Dem Party needs to put pressure on remaining states to implement absentee voting capability and delay voting dates where needed. In this time of pandemic, that needs to be a leading message. the ability to safely vote is the ONLY thing the us citizenship has to represent them really. Those in charge of that process should take it very seriously and take urgent drastic measures to protect and enable that voting ability. I have zero faith that they will, hopefully i'm surprised.

Bernie, without a clear realistic path, does have a hard decision to make. Suspending his campaign would benefit the overall health landscape. Should he be expected to do so for that reason alone when he can't win cause numbers?

If the party can put together good faith that absentee voting can be done going forward, maybe stay in the race, continue trying the popularize his key issues and move Biden further left? He and Warren have made a big impact. I want to see that impact continue. The question is what is the best way to do that, responsibly.



55 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


So despite Bernie winning head-to-heads against Trump, polling very high, having huge favorables among independents, you were convinced that he had a 0% chance? Interesting and irrational.

So you think Honeymooning in the Soviet Union is going to go over well in the fly over states? I see.   If you can't get black women out then you are not going to be competitive.   We can win without Bernie Bros, but not without the women.

1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

What is Bernie spoiling if he stays in?

Joe's unopposed coronation?

It's HIS Turn!

It’s not his turn in the sense he’s entitled to run unopposed, it’s that he’s beating the shit out of the other guy 

  • Like 1

Bernie has no path to the nomination, and every day he stays in the race is waste of resources that could be spent directed against Trump. Bernie is a good person, but he and his ideas do not appeal to most rational voters 

  • Like 6

Unless he thinks Biden is gonna get the Coronavirus at this point Bernie staying in is pointless. I previously thought he should stay in but I didn’t realize how badly the trump curse would fuck things up so times have changed. Its time for Bernie to drop out and figure out the best path to remove president shitstain.

15 minutes ago, cam4mav said:

what would be a possible cabinet position promise that would be celebrated by Bernie supporters if he dropped out.

I don't think Bernie cares about that kind of thing and neither do his supporters. It's about policies.

Bernie could drop out tomorrow and say, "Actually nevermind single-payer is dumb we should only cover 97% of Americans and student/medical debt build character and fuck the stupid whining environment and immigration activists!" and his supporters wouldn't just say, "Gosh, OK!" and follow him en masse.

I know that most primary voters place their own mistaken view of what is electable ahead of every other value or belief, but not everyone is like that.


If the party can put together good faith that absentee voting can be done going forward, maybe stay in the race, continue trying the popularize his key issues and move Biden further left? He and Warren have made a big impact. I want to see that impact continue. The question is what is the best way to do that, responsibly.

Bernie hasn't been doing GOTV for weeks now and told his voters to only go out and vote if it complied with CDC recommendations. He's not pushing people to the polls as it is.

I would like for him to stay in the race and continue not doing GOTV at all.

Bernie is going to lose, take heart. Those of you who have good faith intentions would do well to notice the gloating, bad-faith trolls among you who are actually working counter to your desires (see the post I'm about to quote...).

11 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


Solidarity is not the same thing as "fall in line". You're going to have to pick a persona, David, either you're dunking on people you hate or you're pushing for unity. You can't have both.

I'm happy with either. :)

14 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

So you think Honeymooning in the Soviet Union is going to go over well in the fly over states?

A weakness among some populations, sure. Biden has many of his own, which is why he had virtually zero support here for a year.


We can win without Bernie Bros...

OK :)

8 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Bernie has no path to the nomination, and every day he stays in the race is waste of resources that could be spent directed against Trump. 

This is just false.

The people donating time and money to Bernie now aren't just going to turn en masse to phonebank and donate to Joe. I will not give Joe a dime in money or a minute in time, and despite what many here think I'm not even close to a Bernie or Bust guy. (I know it suits many of your self-conceptions to think I am, but I've never been that type of guy.)


Bernie supporters could care less about the messengers. Despite idoit never-bernie boys’ brays, it is not a cult of personality. It’s the policies. Young people are done with business as usual. 

There will be a Dem-Exit post-2020. 

In 2024, there will be an emergent Progressive Party to face the corporate Democratic-Republican Party (Democratic in name only) and the Nationalist Party (Republican and nationalist in name only).

Progressives are done with lip service.  

2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

The people donating time and money to Bernie now aren't just going to turn en masse to phonebank and donate to Joe. 

Bernie Sanders should drop out of the race and encourage them to do so.


Biden could meet the needs of progressives and avoid splintering. Going to be up to Joe and will be the first test of his leadership as to whether or not he can make himself appealing to millions of voters who should be his natural allies.

1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Biden could meet the needs of progressives and avoid splintering. Going to be up to Joe and will be the first test of his leadership as to whether or not he can make himself appealing to millions of voters who should be his natural allies.

There's nowhere for progressives to go. Biden knows that. He knows the vast majority of Sanders voters will vote for him.

Posted (edited)

Biden & Blaze, Baby!  

I hope you Bernie guys take these few weeks at home to commiserate with one another and get your fucking shit together.  80% of you need to get out there and actively support Biden (donate, phonebank, and vote).  The other 20% of you truly miserable fuckbags need to just stay home and shut the fuck up, you'll do nothing but inspire lazy Trump supporters to actually get back out and vote.  Stay home for coronavirus.  Then when you're tempted before the conventions to rear your heads and bitch about the DNC, go back home and shut the fuck up again.  And then in the Autumn on Election Day, you'll get another desire to come back out and be heard...Don't.  Most of you will do the right thing, but that 20% of you with that tingle in your ear...you're gonna get it three times (March, July, and November).  Each of those times, stay home, shut up, and quit making this about you.  The same reason you don't get laid is the same reason your parents don't love you, and they're both the same reasons Bernie isn't gonna win this thing......YOU.  

Edited by Lobo
Just now, David Dennison said:

There's nowhere for progressives to go. Biden knows that. He knows the vast majority of Sanders voters will vote for him.

Then why does it matter whether or not Sanders drops out immediately?

1 minute ago, Lobo said:

Biden & Blaze, Baby!  

I hope you Bernie guys take these few weeks at home to commiserate with one another and get your fucking shit together.  80% of you need to get out there and actively support Biden (donate, phonebank, and vote).  The other 20% of you truly miserable fuckbags need to just stay home and shut the fuck up, you'll do nothing but inspire lazy Trump supporters to actually get back out and vote.  Stay home for coronavirus.  Then when you're tempted before the conventions to rear your heads and bitch about the DNC, go back home and shut the fuck up again.  And then in the Autumn on Election Day, you'll get another desire to come back out and be heard...Don't.  Most of you will do the right thing, but that 20% of you with that tingle in your ear...you're gonna get it three times (March, July, and November).  Each of those times, stay home, shut up, and quit making this about you.  The same reason you don't get laid is the same reason your parents don't love you, and they're both the same reasons Bernie isn't gonna win this thing......YOU.  

lol ok

3 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

Bernie supporters could care less about the messengers. Despite idoit never-bernie boys’ brays, it is not a cult of personality. It’s the policies. Young people are done with business as usual.  

yep, young people are not fucking around.  except when it comes to, you know, actually voting.

  • Like 5

If they barely turn out for Bernie, just imagine them for Biden in the general election.

Not that they matter, of course, fuck Bernie and his whole worthless coalition. They don't matter. Bring on the continued dominance of corporate interests suffocating us all to death. Get rekt, progressives. :)

3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Then why does it matter whether or not Sanders drops out immediately?

lol ok

Sorry, my bad.  Totally forgot, for the first time in 60 years...turnout for voters under 35 is gonna actually rise.  Mmmkay.  You Bernie guys got this, for sure.  

12 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Biden & Blaze, Baby!  

I hope you Bernie guys take these few weeks at home to commiserate with one another and get your fucking shit together.  80% of you need to get out there and actively support Biden (donate, phonebank, and vote).  The other 20% of you truly miserable fuckbags need to just stay home and shut the fuck up, you'll do nothing but inspire lazy Trump supporters to actually get back out and vote.  Stay home for coronavirus.  Then when you're tempted before the conventions to rear your heads and bitch about the DNC, go back home and shut the fuck up again.  And then in the Autumn on Election Day, you'll get another desire to come back out and be heard...Don't.  Most of you will do the right thing, but that 20% of you with that tingle in your ear...you're gonna get it three times (March, July, and November).  Each of those times, stay home, shut up, and quit making this about you.  The same reason you don't get laid is the same reason your parents don't love you, and they're both the same reasons Bernie isn't gonna win this thing......YOU.  

Hilarious!  Well done. 

8 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

yep, young people are not fucking around.  except when it comes to, you know, actually voting.

Young vote is up this year. 

you need to stop leading with the big lie. Establish credibility first. 


Let the primary just play out. Joe will win.

In the meantime, he'll be tested from the left and have to develop ideas, plans, and responses, which will sharpen him for the general. He'll get some more sparring sessions in with Bernie that he'll do fine in without any real risk of losing.

When Bernie is mathematically eliminated, which will happen before the final primaries, Bernie and Joe can sit down and hash out an endorsement plan, which will involve concessions on Joe's part. Joe can make the determination as to how much he needs from Bernie and they can work out the deal.

Every progressive gets a chance to vote for Bernie and Joe gets a chance to deal with Bernie's arguments in a way that perhaps appeals to Bernie's followers over time.

Seems pretty reasonable to me.

22 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

I don't think Bernie cares about that kind of thing and neither do his supporters. It's about policies.


20 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

It’s the policies

Poll after poll shows that primary voters don’t care about policies as much as they do voting for someone they think can beat Dotard. Policies are secondary. 

5 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

It’s amazing how consistently young voters who support radical politicians like Bernie Sanders, Ralph Nader or Ron Paul continue to support those same politicians as they get older.   It’s just like how all the young boomers are famous for continuing to vote McGovern-Jesse Jackson-Nader-Dennis Kucinich-Bernie for the last 50 years.  

FDR policies are not radical.

keep it up never Bernie bro’s. 

1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:


Poll after poll shows that primary voters don’t care about policies as much as they do voting for someone they think can beat Dotard. Policies are secondary. 

Another lie. 

Number 1 is healthcare. 

5 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

Young vote is up this year. 

you need to stop leading with the big lie. Establish credibility first. 

The older some people get, the more they resent the young.

It's sad, really.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Oh Bernie has lost, I get that. I was just laughing at your post where you try to sound like a ranting tough guy but actually just sound like an idiot.

Ranting tough guy?  We need all of us to rally around Biden and defeat Trump.  Meanwhile you guys are spending your time and resources giving out CompuServe cd-roms with pre-loaded Bernie speeches to 19 year olds from the trunk of your Bonnevilles in the hopes you're gonna turn the tide for what...we have no fucking idea.  

Edited by Lobo
31 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

Bernie supporters could care less about the messengers. Despite idoit never-bernie boys’ brays, it is not a cult of personality. It’s the policies. Young people are done with business as usual. 

There will be a Dem-Exit post-2020. 

In 2024, there will be an emergent Progressive Party to face the corporate Democratic-Republican Party (Democratic in name only) and the Nationalist Party (Republican and nationalist in name only).

Progressives are done with lip service.  

If you are too dim to know the difference between the GOP and Democratic Parties, please do not vote.   You fucktards gave us 8 years of Bush.   Modern day Nader voters by another name.  

"If I can't have my vision of Heaven, I have no problem sending everyone else to Hell."

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