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America has a Moscow Mitch problem

Hugo Stiglitz

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  On 9/17/2019 at 1:25 AM, Bama Chick said:



She's getting a check from the Brisket clan.

It's really a campaign theme that writes itself.  Vote for someone who has actually fought for American, not someone who's fought against it.  Vote for someone who has worn the flag on a uniform, not wiped their ass with it.  Vote for someone who took an oath to defend this country and backed it up with her life, not someone who took an oath and backed it up with lies.

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  On 9/17/2019 at 4:04 PM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

you still write checks to political candidates?


Well, metaphorically.  I wish we did.  That would be much slower and more deliberate.  Instead, we just click the "donate" button on a site, suck the money out of our Paypal account, and call it done.  It may get to be an expensive habit.

But they'll all still take a check, too....

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  On 9/17/2019 at 4:13 PM, Brisketexan said:

Well, metaphorically.  I wish we did.  That would be much slower and more deliberate.  Instead, we just click the "donate" button on a site, suck the money out of our Paypal account, and call it done.  It may get to be an expensive habit.

But they'll all still take a check, too....


I'm really looking forward to casting my 1st vote in a Kentucky election for McGrath...actually I guess it will be my second...I plan on voting for the Dem candidate for Governor in November.

Edited by DixonHur
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  On 9/17/2019 at 3:55 PM, Brisketexan said:


It's really a campaign theme that writes itself.  Vote for someone who has actually fought for American, not someone who's fought against it.  Vote for someone who has worn the flag on a uniform, not wiped their ass with it.  Vote for someone who took an oath to defend this country and backed it up with her life, not someone who took an oath and backed it up with lies.


And sadly, one that will not resonate with the majority of that state.  Because R.

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  On 9/18/2019 at 3:40 PM, Jack Straw said:

unfortunately, so will Trump.


I am concerned that he will. But even if he doesn't/didn't, he isn't leaving. Look at how Lewandowski behaved yesterday. That contempt and brazeness doesn't just disappear, it gets embedded. People who admired that behavior get stronger in their support as an outlet for their woes. Yecchh.

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  On 10/16/2019 at 6:39 PM, Message Board User said:



Note: I still think most Republicans, Moscow Mitch included, have Trumps' back for now, but if one were a Republican Senator, and one was tired of Trump's shenanigans, and you wanted to gin up support for impeachment, it might not be a bad thing to hit back at Trump with the Kurds.  Just grind away at that unpopularity rating.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 11:14 AM, Mrs Whiggins said:

They are all in, for sure.

They are going to fight this, vote for Trump and then cheat like heck during the election, if the numbers don't support them.


They will fight against this, but whether they vote for Trump depends, in large part, on the polling data.

And, more importantly, whether Pence is implicated.  If Pence is skating clear of this, don't think they won't ditch Trump, prop up Pence, and then tell the Trumpkins "support the reelection of President Pence, or else you will get President Warren who will take your healthcare away and raise your taxes" and probably toss in comments that Warren would be listening to AOC/Bernie/etc.

I suspect many Senate Republicans would love to have Pence as President right about now - he would give them everything they want, and he wouldn't be fucking up their deals and making them defend his dumbass actions.

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I agree, even if caused problems down the line with the current supporters of Trump, I think they would take those odds. The only thing that would possibly gum up the works would be a massive recession prior to 2020. Even then, I don't believe there are enough Senate seats that will flip and if that (recession) happened, whomever is in office will come off looking horrible (regardless of their ability) since a lot of folks vote based off of appearance(s) over substance (and reality). That might cause the Democrats to lose more seats because people will be hearing all those 'tax' buzzwords over the media.

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History -- presuming there's literacy in the future -- will be most unkind to him.  He is evil and craven on a level not seen in any recent memory.  He is selling out our country and our political system for transitory, ephemeral power.  

He is fucking scum, and I would drive 1,000 miles out of my way for the pleasure of shitting on his grave.  Seriously, they're going to have to bury him in a secure location, with cameras, full-time security, the whole deal. 


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  On 12/13/2019 at 8:54 PM, Brisketexan said:

History -- presuming there's literacy in the future -- will be most unkind to him.  He is evil and craven on a level not seen in any recent memory.  He is selling out our country and our political system for transitory, ephemeral power.  

He is fucking scum, and I would drive 1,000 miles out of my way for the pleasure of shitting on his grave.  Seriously, they're going to have to bury him in a secure location, with cameras, full-time security, the whole deal. 




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