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America has a Moscow Mitch problem

Hugo Stiglitz

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Tomorrow morning, one of the injured El Paso victims is gonna make it into work on Monday and tweet, "Continue to work and heal up from home MoscowMitch, I'll be at my desk if you need anything."  

Edited by Lobo
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Supposedly the "meme wars" have really taken off with this MoscowMitch thing, but this fucking millennial generation with the turtle pics and all that.  C'mon guys, do some fucking research.  The true goldmine of MoscowMitch humor is just sitting there, waiting undercover to be activated, just a mere 300 miles from the Kentucky border.  

Yakov Smirnoff is in Branson, Missouri...just 300 miles from Kentucky.  Waiting to help, "In Soviet Moscow, they break shoulder for you."  It's the comedic gold that McConnell voters love.  

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On NPR last week there was a story about how McConnell overcame a 40 point deficit to overtake and defeat the incumbent Kentucky senator. He hired Roger Ailes who thought up a campaign attacking the incumbent because of the votes he missed in the Senate.

The ad had bloodhounds searching in vain for the opponent. The opponent became a laughing stock and was unseated.

It would be so sweet if that's coming around for Moscow Mitch. He is offered up as the epitome of what is bad about the GOP much like they used Tip O'Neill back in the 80's.

DNC, use this tool! (Double entendre intended.)


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20 hours ago, mdmost said:

The Democrats need to be hammering his ass on TV every day about the bills he's refused to bring to the floor. Every fucking day. 

You mean like Republicans did to Harry Reid?  Go ahead. Doesn’t make a shit. 

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Maybe he'll go out like Rasputin.


When the body was retrieved two days later from the river, it appeared as if Rasputin had tried to claw is way out from the ice. He died from drowning after being unsuccessfully poisoned, shot three times and beaten. He was buried in secret to avoid desecration. Thus ended Grigory Yefrimovich Rasputin.

Moscow Mitch would likely require secret burial for the same reason.

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