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I've given some money to Beto O'Rourke ($75 total in donations and yard signs) and Tom Niermann (Congressional candidate in Kansas - $50), and written one pro-Beto article for my blog.

Not nearly good enough.

What have you done, and what are you planning to do other than voting?  And other than bitching on this or other forums.



Engaging pro-Trump family members and friends about issues they can’t really defend.  The family separation stuff has made a lot of people step back and ask WTF is going on. 

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7 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Engaging pro-Trump family members and friends about issues they can’t really defend.  The family separation stuff has made a lot of people step back and ask WTF is going on. 

This.  I will also be donating a bunch of cash to Beto and to my House candidate.

I’m encouraging anyone who I think will be receptive to the idea to vote straight Dem in 2018.  I’m engaging the reasonable middle, and ignoring Trump supporters.  It’s a waste of time to try converting cultists, and we don’t need them.  

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I am not engaging at all with Trumpers in my family/social circles about politics. I keep things vague and steer all conversations away from politics. For non-Trumpers, I encourage voting and have started a group text I'll use near voting times to pester them to get to the booth.

Trump fans are beyond saving. There is no point in trying.


I voted for the least Trumpy Rs in the primaries and will vote straight D for the first time in November. I'm seeking to engage people as rationally, reasonably, and charitably as I can manage to combat the cultural rot that's becoming more pervasive.


I support the aclu, and have talked several non-voters or rare voters to register for midterms. 

I'm also going to vote straight ticket Democrat the next two elections. I usually vote for the challenger down ballot regardless of party. 

Posted (edited)

Several things actually.

1. Work to help keep people better informed through reliable sourcing.

2. Call out Kremlin bullshit

3. Try to listen to the Trump supporters in my community and challenge them a little at a time.

4.  Read, Read, Read.

5. Pay attention to right and left wing media.

6. Negate efforts by bad actors through increasing awareness 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Several things actually.

1. Work to help keep people better informed through reliable sourcing.

2. Call out Kremlin bullshit

3. Try to listen to the Trump supporters in my community and challenge them a little at a time.

4.  Read, Read, Read.

5. Pay attention to right and left wing media.

6. Subvert Russian efforts by increasing awareness 

God damn you’re impressive.  Clinically.

Edited by Incredulity

it isn't about being a trump fan or pro-trump. it is about the issues. a hell of a lot of good people out there want to control immigration, fight terrorism, have jobs, a growing economy, have a better health care system, support the police over the criminals, etc. of course you can argue about whether any of those are being done, but at least there is the impression that these are the things that are important to the administration. the other side seems to make a big deal out of things like gay marriage and transexuals in bathrooms and criminals being killed while being criminals. things that so much of the country can't relate to.

people can overlook a President being obnoxious and unpresidential when they see at least he seems to be trying to act on the things they care about.

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It's painfully obvious, but for the first time in what seems like forever this opportunity that presents itself with Beto seems real.  I know he's a long shot, because too many voting Texans are morons who don't even know they're about to get fucked by Cheesus, but at least Beto has a (small) chance.  I thought the same about Obama, and look what happened.

If Texas can flip one seat in the Senate, that is huge.  It's where I'm putting all my effort and my meager donations.

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25 minutes ago, Mole said:

I voted for the least Trumpy Rs in the primaries and will vote straight D for the first time in November. I'm seeking to engage people as rationally, reasonably, and charitably as I can manage to combat the cultural rot that's becoming more pervasive.

Basically this, but if nobody looks good ill just not vote again.


In spite of my social anxiety, I participated in the women's March and the March for our lives protest here in fort worth. I also joined the Humans against Ted Cruz campaign (which is a group that exposes him for the piece of shit that he is), I've donated a few hundred dollars to Beto and actively engage the shitbag supporters of trump who refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing he's done or been party to. I also encourage everyone to vote and remind them that had the 47% of the voting population that didn't cast a vote in the last election done so, we wouldn't be in this mess to illustrate why voting is so vital.

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Will vote straight D.  Coming to terms wit the fact that my father is a lost soul.  Will donate some money to D candidates in the next few months.  Will march on D.C. if Mueller is removed.

18 minutes ago, Mole said:

If things stay the same, I'm willing to vote for a traditionally corrupt D in 2020.

I can't in good conscious vote for shitty people. If both are shit why even try?


Shortly before the election, I volunteered a little bit for "Drive 2 Vote", which boiled down to about 2-4 hours of phone banking, and then 4-6 hours on election day theoretically driving people to the polls. In reality, I was only involved in one ride, with the rest of the time was phone banking or holding up signs to vote.  It was the first time I had every volunteered politically. I had recognized what Trump was, and figured I needed to do something to oppose him, even if I thought he had little chance.  Since there seemed something icky about volunteering for a Party organization, I went with the non-partisan push to get people out to vote.  It wasn't enough.  No, I don't believe more effort would have made the difference, but my effort was not proportionate to the horror of the situation.  I can't control the results, but I can control my effort.

We started going to county Democrat meetings, the first month after the election.  Fuck the nonpartisan thing.  This last weekend, I went to my first state convention of the state Dem party.  I was elected to represent my legislative district (well, alternate actually) and will be going to quarterly state meetings throughout the state.  Yeah, the Dems are fucked. They bicker about stupid shit and get caught up in Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedures and all that necessary nonsense.  But they are a bunch of "well meaning amateurs" to quote Hitchcock.  There is no reason I should expect them to have it all figured out.  Their dysfunction is an opportunity to help.  And it gives me a chance to meet candidates and figure out who I should donate/volunteer for.  Beyond any expectations of a "blue wave" in the next Congressional elections, the people who are running for low-level offices right now give me hope.  This political resurgence is bringing in a wave of recruits who will compete for higher office for decades to come.  The Dems had basically conceded the deep red states like Nebraska.  That's changed.

But party work isn't enough.  While I believe the party is the best organization to try to get good people into office, they aren't nimble or risky enough to deal with major causes and issues as they arise.  The grassroots organizations do a better job of that, although they are certainly a mixed bag.  My wife is much more active in these than I am, but I help where I can. When the opportunity for the Women's March came up, she wanted to go.  I didn't want her to go alone.  I was a little concerned about a busload of women riding through Trump country and what might go down at the protests themselves.  But I wasn't exactly thrilled about going.  It was roughly 20 hours out on a bus, ride the metro in, protest, ride the metro back, 20 hours back on the bus.  No showers.  No bed.  Charter bus seats are surprisingly uncomfortable.  But I was wrong. It was outfuckingstanding and inspiring. 

Shortly after the March, I volunteered for a mayoral candidate.  He lost.  I learned stuff. My wife got involved in a couple of different "Indivisible" organizations, the first one demonstrating the dysfunction when a crazy person starts it.  We did some protests - muslim ban, daca, charlottesville vigil, gun control. Towards the end of last year, it became evident that the Women's March organization which did last year;s march was not planning on one this year.  My wife, and others, stepped in to organize one.  So I helped set up and gopher shit on that protest of about 8000 people.  She has signed up to help organize the 2019 march.  She's fucking awesome. No pics.

This weekend she's working a commitment her organization made for a table at Pride.  I'm going to the Keep Families Together protest, and will possibly be registering people to vote with the Swing Left organization. 

Next on the list is to get more involved in the Kara Eastman for Congress and the Jane Raybould for Senate campaigns.

I don't expect people to do they same kind of shit I am doing.  My daughter went off to college a couple of years ago, so I have some time.  But I do hope people are translating their rage to some sort of action.  You don't have to believe it is effective.  Don't pretend you know enough about what's going to happen to gauge that ahead of time.  You control your effort; that's the only thing worth focusing on.  Or don't.  I'm okay with the level of effort I have going now.  I could be doing more, but I have to pace myself.  It's going to take a while.






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18 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I can't in good conscious vote for shitty people. If both are shit why even try?

there's shit like "eat this bowl of skyline chili", and there's shit like "hey here's a steaming bowl of e coli bon appetit".  not choosing doesn't mean you don't eat either one.

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24 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I can't in good conscious vote for shitty people. If both are shit why even try?

The two are not even close to the same. A vote for a mediocre Dem puts subpoena power for the House Intelligence Committee into Adam Schiff's hands. A vote for a mediocre GOP leaves this power in Devin Nunes' hands to continue to obstruct the investigation and tear down the public confidence in the FBI, rather than letting the FBI do their jobs and get to the bottom of Russian interference and how to stop it.

This is a national security election. Voters need to vote for rule of law and vote straight ticket Dem, unless some GOP steps up really fast to take on Trump, which we all know isn't happening. 

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What I’m doing to counter Trump in particular is nothing.  Trump will be gone in either 2 or 6 years and the nation will still be here chugging along.  My concern is the more general problem of the increasing influence & effectiveness of PR teams with their tools of proliferation via powerful modern communication networks. I think this is the problem and Trump is a mere symptom.  There is a reason why a Trump type candidate got elected in this era and not in a previous one.  And there is no reason to think that the possibility of more Trump like imbeciles from both sides of the spectrum will be eliminated if nothing is done about the base problem.

So what I’m doing is highlighting this fact in face to face and online conversations.  As best I can tell this approach has had virtually no effect on anyone and I’m under no delusion that this will change any time soon. 

1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

It's painfully obvious, but for the first time in what seems like forever this opportunity that presents itself with Beto seems real.  I know he's a long shot, because too many voting Texans are morons who don't even know they're about to get fucked by Cheesus, but at least Beto has a (small) chance.  I thought the same about Obama, and look what happened.

If Texas can flip one seat in the Senate, that is huge.  It's where I'm putting all my effort and my meager donations.

Not sure. My neighborhood has to be the most red hood in Texas. I counted 10 Beto signs to 1 Cruz sign Sunday. I was shocked. 

57 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

there's shit like "eat this bowl of skyline chili", and there's shit like "hey here's a steaming bowl of e coli bon appetit".  not choosing doesn't mean you don't eat either one.

I guess I'd write in Jade's chili, cause fuck Ohio. Just put someone that I could trust to not fuck me the most, and ill vote for that person.

7 hours ago, workswithseed said:

I can't in good conscious vote for shitty people. If both are shit why even try?

Shittiness is not binary.  There are degrees.  Trump is maximum shitty.  Any candidate who is less shitty than Trump would improve our nation’s prospects.  

Don’t avoid voting just because your vote can’t make the world perfect.  If your vote can help America, even if only by a little bit, it is worth the effort.

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Praying. That the Democrats get their act together and find decent candidates with a reasonable policy platform, so that us stick in the middle can vote for them.

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8 hours ago, po elvis said:

it isn't about being a trump fan or pro-trump. it is about the issues. a hell of a lot of good people out there want to control immigration, fight terrorism, have jobs, a growing economy, have a better health care system, support the police over the criminals, etc. of course you can argue about whether any of those are being done, but at least there is the impression that these are the things that are important to the administration. the other side seems to make a big deal out of things like gay marriage and transexuals in bathrooms and criminals being killed while being criminals. things that so much of the country can't relate to.

people can overlook a President being obnoxious and unpresidential when they see at least he seems to be trying to act on the things they care about.

You are an idiot.

9 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

I am not engaging at all with Trumpers in my family/social circles about politics. I keep things vague and steer all conversations away from politics. For non-Trumpers, I encourage voting and have started a group text I'll use near voting times to pester them to get to the booth.

Trump fans are beyond saving. There is no point in trying.

If I need saved I will call a pastor, a lifeguard or Mariano Rivera thank you very much.

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27 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

Praying. That the Democrats get their act together and find decent candidates with a reasonable policy platform, so that us stick in the middle can vote for them.

I get that perspective in normal times.  These are not normal times.  The only policy that matters in 2018 is opposing Trump.  You can count on Dems to do that, and you can count on GOP congressmen to be sycophant pussies.

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I’m in volunteer leadership for HRC, we do phone banking, canvassing, and fundraising. I’m trying to organize a Beto fundraiser and have and will give money to candidates. I will obviously vote. I’ve given money and time to causes and candidates in various local, state and out of state races.

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If I need saved I will call a pastor, a lifeguard or Mariano Rivera thank you very much.

I’m partial to the college game and Huston’s nasty slider myself.
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Posted (edited)

I’m sending thoughts and prayers on Facebook and all other social media outlets since it is the in thing to do now.

Casting a vote for Bredesen and pushing as many people that way as I can.

Edited by Brew
9 hours ago, po elvis said:

it isn't about being a trump fan or pro-trump....

people can overlook a President being obnoxious and unpresidential when they see at least he seems to be trying to act on the things they care about. 

To me, that reads as if it is exactly about Trumpism.  If Trump presented as someone who was trying to be a good President  it would all be dialed down a good deal. 


This man gets it. Replace Winchester with Crown and Anchor though.

Horse shit. Real damage is being done. And done because good people say “meh”.
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I’m actively going out and finding anyone who disagrees with my view point and attacking them.  Because it enrages me so much when people have different viewpoints than I.  I mean they act like this is a free country. Stupid massoginistic racist bigot trumpkin trumpers who like brown babies in cages.   Amidoinng it right guise    I can’t beleive an adult made this thread 

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