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Supreme Court Justice Kennedy to Retire at the end of July

Hugo Stiglitz

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At this point, let's stop pretending.

5 justices need to be identified at all times by (R) next to their name. No swing vote left.

Hey protest voters, you fucking idiots, you did this. Great job!

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The GOP has had insane SCOTUS luck over the last 50 years.

In 32 years in the White House (by the end of Trump's first term), they will have appointed at least 14 justices.

In 20 years in the White House over that same time, Democratic Presidents have made four.

Since 1963, the Bush family alone has appointed as many SCOTUS justices as Democratic Presidents.

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2 minutes ago, DanRydell said:

The GOP has had insane SCOTUS luck over the last 50 years.

In 32 years in the White House (by the end of Trump's first term), they will have appointed at least 14 justices.

In 20 years in the White House over that same time, Democratic Presidents have made four.

Since 1963, the Bush family alone has appointed as many SCOTUS justices as Democratic Presidents.

The GOP has also had bad luck. Stevens and Souter turned out to be as liberal as Ruth Vader

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4 minutes ago, DanRydell said:

The GOP has had insane SCOTUS luck over the last 50 years.

In 32 years in the White House (by the end of Trump's first term), they will have appointed at least 14 justices.

In 20 years in the White House over that same time, Democratic Presidents have made four.

Since 1963, the Bush family alone has appointed as many SCOTUS justices as Democratic Presidents.

The oldest conservative on the court right now is 70 (Thomas).

RBG is 85 and Breyer is 79.

If the GOP keeps the Senate this year, there's a very small but believable chance he appoints 3 or 4 before 2020.

But remember, BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE iT mAtTeRs NoThInG, gO vOtE fOr StEiN oR jOhNsOn

Edited by Js1
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3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

The news comes out the day after his immigration vote.  Reading His concurrence made me surprised he didn’t dissent.  And that is what he chooses as a swan song. 

Kennedy has been a flake since the beginning. Honestly, I'm glad he's leaving.

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3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

The GOP has also had bad luck. Stevens and Souter turned out to be as liberal as Ruth Vader

Bullshit.  They are conservative in the traditional sense...it's not their fault the GOP has gone full on big government Nazi.

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4 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

Kennedy has been a flake since the beginning. Honestly, I'm glad he's leaving.

"Flake" except he cast many important votes, so no.

But Johnny Sack gets to ride his giant 401K to the firing squad, so there's that.

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If I see any Stein or Johnson voters who "just couldn't stomach voting for Hillary," or Bernie Bros. who sat out like pissy little babies, I'm going to kick them all in the crotch.

Edited by Js1
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I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.

Thanks a lot, straight white guys, for putting the rest of us at risk.

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11 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

Time for Flake to back up his words with action

Why would Flake go against a Republican nomination? He may dislike Trump but putting another Gorsuch on the court would be completely aligned with his political background.


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4 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

which is why all law is bullshit made up by politicians and biased people. How can anyone respect the law? 

Anyone that wants to have a chance at success, that's who.  Teach your kids to respect the law and stay married, for the sake of society at large.  It is known.

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3 minutes ago, F250 said:

Why would Flake go against a Republican nomination? He may dislike Trump but putting another Gorsuch on the court would be completely aligned with his political background.


It's the women who matter. This nominee is going to be forced to answer how he or she will vote on Roe. No more bullshit mealy mouthed non-responses.

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