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Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2023!


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1 hour ago, Leeroy Jenkins said:

Is it just me or is the hate online this year much stronger than in the past several years?

Well, Republicans have recently been using LGBTQ as a wedge issue by pushing all kinds of shitty legislation and intentionally conflating it with pedophilia. It's easier to remove the civil rights of a minority group by painting them as undesirable monsters. The noticeable increase in anger is all the chuds buying into the propaganda.



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gotta give the assholes credit.  They saw all the stupids and basically asked them, "Do you know any out of the closet gays or lesbians."

And in this day and age even most MAGATS said, "Well yeah, my cousin/coworker/nephew/neighbor/high school buddy.  I don't like it but I know it's a fact of life."

And then they asked, "Do you know any pedophiles?"   And MAGATS replied, "I sure as shit hope not.  I'd shoot that motherfucker myself if I ever got wind of it."

And the GOP simply tied the two together, "What if I told you, the LGBTQ+ people you know are also pedophiles and groomers."  

And here we all are.  Centuries of proven, in your face child molestation by priests, preachers, coaches, and uncles.  But they managed to get the stupids to believe that cross dressers and Bug Light were behind the whole thing all along.  

May as well be the forum motto, "Once again, my prize mistake...an utter lack of imagination."  

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19 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

I've already seen family members claiming they'll boycott NASCAR and they've never watched a whole race in their fucking lives. And none of them gave a shit when NASCAR did the same thing last year.

These fucking snowflakes have to be outraged about something all the time.


Good for them. Tell them they can do it. I have boycotted watching NASCAR for my entire life. I mean, if it comes to rednecks driving crazy, I sorta lived it, Dotty.

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On 6/1/2023 at 6:21 AM, troph said:

Gay men drink vodka all night long, lesbians drink craft beer but only 1-2 of them then we fall asleep before the clock hits 9pm. Ain’t no one got room for BL.

I still drink bud light, but I buy it at Target now instead of Costco.

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20 hours ago, TexLonghorn said:

OK, Day 3.  Almost all conservatives should be unable to read this since Apple and MIcrosoft should both be boycotted, which severely limits getting online.  You can't shop at HEB, Target, or Walmart, so if you're still here, you should really be trying to find some source of food.  But let's say you're still going through your doomsday kits for that and are looking to pass some of your new free time gaming.  Hope you don't have PlayStation, XBox, or Nintendo - gotta boycott them, too.


Happy Saturday!


Nah man they’re eating good!!



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3 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

Good for them. Tell them they can do it. I have boycotted watching NASCAR for my entire life. I mean, if it comes to rednecks driving crazy, I sorta lived it, Dotty.

Yeah, but you are missing out on a bunch of rednecks who have spent decades worshiping guys going left.

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On 6/3/2023 at 1:42 PM, Pancho said:



I'm very happy that they feel they have the free speech rights to do that and I support them in their quest to hang whatever flag they want in their yard.  I very much doubt that my support of their 1st amendment rights goes both ways.

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Hey conservatives!  You probably missed it, but the Texas Longhorns won their Regional in the NCAA baseball tournament on Sunday!  I mean, you're boycotting ESPN, right?  Owned by Disney and all.  Oh, and you're boycotting the Longhorns anyway, I guess.  You can always root for Aggy.  They lost.  But a lot of the candidates you root for lose too, so it should be a comfortable place.

Yay baseball!  Happy Pride Month!


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Be ever more vigilant and ready to defend yourselves, my friends. The large plurality of degenerates openly campaign against and deplore diversity, equality, and tolerance. They've convinced themselves more thoroughly than ever that you are a constant threat to their children and an abomination to whatever they think God is.

They are argument-proof and totally deaf to irony or cutesy appeals like the below.



You cannot shame them; they are shameless. You cannot appeal to some deeper-seated moral code because there isn't one there; there's only dogma from the hate pulpits.

That woman boycotting the Chick-fil-A and describing just how a big a sacrifice that is to her is not the anomaly. She's white, entitled, and sure that she has Jesus' backing. 

We're looking at something really bad here. The LGBTQ populace already feel it. Blacks never stopped feeling it. I don't know how we turn this back. I really don't.

Good luck and good fortune to you, my friends.

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Once you nail these morons down past their talking points, you see they have nothing and this is all the same play being run over and over. My Pride Month activity as an ally was to get on Twitter and start firing back at all these morons calling for boycotts to places like Disneyland for having a male with a moustache in a dress working at the princess makeover boutique there and Six Flags for having a drag show. The script seemed to be that these places were "grooming children".

So I asked these morons if they are so worried about protecting children from ACTUAL GROOMING, perhaps they should call for investigations into multiple Republican Party organizations in states where members have been arrested for molesting children as this seems to be a huge problem. Or look into all the religious organizations that have this same problem. I was then challenged by one person to provide proof and they would denounce it. That same person accused me of using it to deflect. So I said okay and sent them 10 stories just in the last month of actual grooming that happened. I then asked them to stop labeling any of this shit where parents have the option of just not attending shows or going into the boutique at Disneyland as grooming because actual grooming seems to be something they don't give one shit about. And of course, they each blocked me. Because again, they don't care about actual grooming. They just hate LGBTQ+ people and look for any bullshit excuse to do so. 

Edited by mdmost
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Don't forget to boycott the NFL, conservatives.  I mean, they did this a couple years ago:

And while you're at it, I'm not sayin' nothin', but maybe aggy needs to be boycotted, too?  I give you the video of the day - Happy Pride!


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The White House's largest Pride Month celebration ever has been moved from today to Saturday due to the smoke conditions from Canada, but President Joe Biden announced today several measures meant to help LGBTQ+ who have been under assault lately by the republicans.  No response from the Pat Robertson camp on their thoughts about the event... just dead silence.


Happy Pride Month!


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Well I have no fucking idea what "rainbow bunting" means.  But I know that many people don't like it when politics and LGBTQ+ advocacy spill over into entertainment and sports and military, despite those being the literal 3 venues where effective change has always begun for our society.  I have seen so many wonderful messages of inclusion and advocacy from our Armed Forces, our professional and amateur sports leagues, and of course from bands like my beloved Grateful Dead.  With one simple message, you don't gotta do any gay or trans shit.  But sports, service, music/the arts, and just life in general is just more fun if you just let the person next to you be themselves.  It's really not that hard.  Just let them be them.  You be you.  Thanks for sharing the Garcia message. 

Love is real, not fade away... 

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48 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Yeah, I know what the colors are.  But why the term "bunting"?  

The shape of it the decoration - the hanging swoops of flag-like things.  I think most people would think of 4th of July bunting: image.jpeg.09904a455c4c480eba3eca34d6f18e11.jpeg but it's also the hanging strings of decorations.  And now that you know that, you're gay.  Congrats!  Happy Pride Month!

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Knowing word definitions is every bit as important as the good butt sex.  For example, it could be the difference in you being hooked up with a hairy otter image.png.1c2e25a428d26599dc09e7028fb35bc5.png or with a furry otter image.png.96153599be60ec488e41cb508aa46ef3.png and that could really change the experience of your night.

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Holy shit, Cracker Barrel?  The official sponsor of old bigotry?  We are living in a simulation, this seals it.  How the hell am I supposed to turn myself over to a higher power that's being run by a 3TB laptop?  

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Just now, NameAlreadyInUse said:

It so happens I saw rainbow bunting for the first time today, at the aforementioned United Club where I was hoping to take a quiet dump before my flight but that wound up serving me celebratory beers because of the day’s events. 


Cheers for "Quiet Dump", "Bunting", and private club humblebrag in one post good sir.  

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