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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a genius learning lesson here but after tracking usage, I was averaging 22 hours per day a/c use.  Called an a/c guy.  He did some shit and was still running 22 hours per day.  

So after a week, called a different guy.  He added Freon and said he doubts previous guy added freon since no leak in coil.  The system has been working 11 hours per day ever since which is more normal.

I wonder where the original a/c mechanic went to drink beer with the money I gave him to “fix and add Freon”?  Did he drink dos xx or more of a liquor kind of guy?


Freon doesn’t go away. Most people are ok with adding it and worrying about the leak later. I’ve seen plenty of units need to be topped off before summer every year.

I’ve seen some that would leak out in less than a week.

A lot of people don’t want to find the leak or replace part because it gets expensive quick.

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Maybe the first guy did put Freon in it, but it leaked out in a week.  The second guy was lying when he said there was no leak because there has to be a leak unless someone is stealing his Freon.  The second guy probably just didn’t want to find the leak because he probably had 50 people screaming at him to come fix their AC and he knew if he just added Freon it would get him off his back and on to the next screaming customer.  Let us know in a week if someone else has to add Freon.


Our electric plan has free nights so we set to 70 overnight. Well, really we do that because my wife likes it cold but it has the helpful benefit of pre cooling the house and giving AC a break during the day. I’ll typically adjust the thermostat to 74 at 6-6:30 and it hasn’t been kicking on until after 10.

It can keep it 74 until heat of the day really kicks in at 2 or so. 75-76 seems to be the best it can do (thermostats is also m in the warmest part of the house next to an unventilated bathroom) when it’s 100+ outside anyway so I’ll set it at 76 around 2-3 and give the system another hour or so off. Once it kicks on again it stays on as it’s working to maintain 76 until after the sun goes down. Figure it runs most of the night to get it down to 70.

Figure it’s probably ~18 hours a day during this summer. 1,200 sf 50’s build rental house in Houston.


I suspect a refrigerant leak in our upstairs unit. I have HVAC coming on Wednesday for service. We have had the unit off and have been staying downstairs. Just went upstairs to grab something and the whole upstairs looks foggy/hazy. Turned the fan to on and noticed some coming from the vents. Is this dangerous? Is it due to difference in temperature upstairs, 84, and downstairs, 74?

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