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"Add a Tip"

Ghost of LL

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10 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

The beer guy at the Mariners game has it down to an art form.  You out your card in and instead of you deciding what to tip.  He asks out loud.  18 24 or no tip

I mean, that's cool once.  But next time, I'm going to a different beer man even if that requires me to walk an extra section down.

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27 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

I mean, that's cool once.  But next time, I'm going to a different beer man even if that requires me to walk an extra section down.

Yeah and the wild thing is minimum wage in Seattle is 16 bucks an hour.  That 2.10 shit doesn't exist.  The tip is in addition to his 16 bucks.

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5 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

Yep.  They have one at corporate 


They do this at the Climate Pledge Arena (used to be Key Arena) here, and I've used it for a few Kraken games.

The first time or so it's cool, then it becomes just another thing.... Well, another thing that then gives your biometric and financial data to the cloud in a new and unusual way.

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On 8/11/2023 at 11:40 AM, irishtexan said:

Full disclosure, I had had a few whiskeys when I responded and what I thought was written in good-natured shit talking came off totally dickish. My bad and sorry 956.

But I don't think your analogy is comparable. The guy at McDonald is punching an order into a computer, grabbing a bag of food someone in the back put together, and handing it to the customer. 956 wrote "So today at the bagel place there was one guy working, and he took the order then sliced/smeared the bagels and wrapped them up and handed them to me." So in this case, one guy is working the entire place, takes the order, makes the food, packaged everything up, etc. He facilitated the entire transaction. Bagel guy did more work. Certainly more work than a bartender opening a bottle of beer or even making a cocktail. However, unfortunately, "tipping culture" has blurred the lines of who we tip and who we don't, as well as how much we tip. 

And to reiterate on my second point, if I can get a whole burger AND wings for $12, I'm not gonna complain about them not making change. Basically because I can always use a debit card. Who ONLY carries cash, and who pays cash when you can use a card? I save my cash for transactions that REQUIRE cash like tipping hellhops and airport shuttle drivers. And again burger PLUS WINGS. $12? Sign me the fuck up. 

Fuck all of this shit. The bagel guy is making more than a waiter, first of all. Which was originally the justification for the tip. I’m standing there watching it, slicing a bagel in the cutter and putting a scoop of cream cheese on is not equivalent to waiting a table for the evening. 

Prices are irrelevant. If you’re going to charge a fee to use a credit card because you prefer cash and then tell me you won’t make change then fuck you, you’re a gotdamn grifter. Fuck any place that wants “exact change” although at this place I would have loved to fucking do it, because usually at least part of your tip is coming out of the change you bring back. It would have been nice to hand exact change over and walk out. 

Demanding exact change in a sit down restaurant is a fucking time bomb for a server, if my bill is around 45 bucks I’m gonna had over three twenties and I’ll leave the ten you bring back for over 20 percent. Or leave 20 percent rounded up on a card without a fee. 

With this shit, I’ll run the card instead and maybe leave exactly twice the sales tax as a fuck you for the card fee and trying to bilk me instead of making change. 

Basically, the more “rules” you put into place to make it less flexible to pay you and to milk every cent out of me, the more you encourage me to malevolently follow those rules to a “t.”

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Wife and I went out recently to our favorite breakfast place. It’s tourist season, so prices are always a little higher. She orders the granola and fruit bowl (not your everyday granola), and I order the omelette special. We both have coffee. That’s it. The total before tip was $45, but what I didn’t notice was that it included a 5% Living Wage surcharge. There wasn’t even a voluntary option to contribute towards a living wage. I tipped $10 on top of that. The surcharge plus tip are probably equivalent to a 40% tip on what I would expect to pay for that breakfast. For those prices, they could pay their employees a living wage.

Odd side note is that their coffee was really good. When I mentioned it to our waiter, he said that it was something Folgers makes for restaurants that is not sold in stores. Imagine that. 

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On 7/24/2023 at 10:37 PM, Chico_SA said:

Look, I know they don't have to refill your glass or ask you if you are ok, but there is someone plating your to go food into Styrofoam and making sure it is ok. In fact, that might be their main job on any given night.  A small tip shouldn't be out of the question.  Small tip.  I worked at an old diner in SA (I-10 Diner) in college. My job was to get wine and beer for waiters, make shakes and get deserts, and plate up to-go meals.  I also took to-go orders at the bar. Waiters always tipped me out and the non-assholes who ordered to go tipped me a little. 

Three of my kids worked in restaurants, and take-out orders almost always require workers to abandon their tip-earning duties to deal with the take-out orders. They say most of the time they get stiffed, so I always leave a tip. 

On 7/24/2023 at 11:09 PM, immamac said:

Was reading today that apparently gen z just doesn't tip at all. Fuck it maybe I should join them. 

My Gen Z daughter is the only one who didn’t work in restaurants, and she’s the one who always tips 25%, regardless of the effort or quality of service. She doesn’t seem to appreciate the difference, and she chastises me when I leave less at some place that offers less service. 

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25 percent is nuts. And the right amount keeps going up, I remember as a kid 15-18 being the standard. 20 for me is the basic rate for tipping.

I’m honestly ready for every state just to say “fuck it, all staff make minimum wage at least” and get tipping back down in the more reasonable range. Tipping as core income is bullshit when you think about it. Restaurant operators attract assholes who don’t tip at all with the low prices, there’s gotta be a standard percentage who tip nothing or minimum. And the rest subsidize that shit. 

The fees as described above make me ragey. I just want to sit down and know what the price is going to be when I see a menu. I fully support a living wage, and if that means upping each menu item by five percent then do that.  It just feel sleazy and shitty to have to search fine print (or just get surprised) and then do the math to know what you’re going to pay. And of course it’s all by design, putting real prices encourages people to think about a budget.

Going out to eat shouldn’t feel like buying a car. Just say what the gotdamn price is on the menu. 

Edited by 956 Worldwide
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Anyway, what I’m banging on about here is that non-transparent pricing is a classic way to fuck over consumers and having been overseas for years, its noticeable how pervasive and acceptable it’s become here. 

Don’t even get me started on sales tax. Every taxing entity in America should order retailers to give an “all in” price on every sticker or price list. It’s no different than VAT and it’s super fucked up that you don’t just know what stuff costs. 

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My wife, because she doesn't pay attention, tipped on top of her tip-included bill at Alamo Drafthouse last night.  That dude got damn near 50% to serve shitty food and overpriced drinks in the dark.  Party of 5, too, dammit.  I was the asshole who stayed home because I didn't want to see TMNT and it probably ended up costing me money to do so.

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26 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

My wife, because she doesn't pay attention, tipped on top of her tip-included bill at Alamo Drafthouse last night.  That dude got damn near 50% to serve shitty food and overpriced drinks in the dark.  Party of 5, too, dammit.  I was the asshole who stayed home because I didn't want to see TMNT and it probably ended up costing me money to do so.

"Here's your check. Don't you dare turn your phone screen on so you can actually read it and notice that we're fucking you over."

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My wife, because she doesn't pay attention, tipped on top of her tip-included bill at Alamo Drafthouse last night.  That dude got damn near 50% to serve shitty food and overpriced drinks in the dark.  Party of 5, too, dammit.  I was the asshole who stayed home because I didn't want to see TMNT and it probably ended up costing me money to do so.

Why was tip included?

Also I got the tip screen when paying for golf at another course today. Had never seen this until two weeks ago now two of last 3 places have it.
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I went to my local bakery this morning, as I do usually once a week, and got a croissant and a kolache.  They just got it out of the display case and put it in a bag.  Whole transaction took 15 seconds.  I tipped $3.00 on a $7 bill because I like them and it's three fucking dollars.  

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20 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

No idea.  It feels like I don't usually see that below a party of 8 or so, but maybe at the movie theater it's different.

Alamo recently instilled a policy of adding 18% to your bill as an automatic gratuity. They announce it during the previews right around the part where they tell you if you are using your cellphone during the movie, then they will take you out back and put a bullet in your head. What they don't announce is that if you grab a drink at the bar before the movie, then they ding you 18% on that as well. Normally I would tip at least 20% there, but if you're making me do it? Sorry, you're getting the 18% and that's it. Just the tip as it were.

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13 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

Alamo recently instilled a policy of adding 18% to your bill as an automatic gratuity. They announce it during the previews right around the part where they tell you if you are using your cellphone during the movie, then they will take you out back and put a bullet in your head. What they don't announce is that if you grab a drink at the bar before the movie, then they ding you 18% on that as well. Normally I would tip at least 20% there, but if you're making me do it? Sorry, you're getting the 18% and that's it. Just the tip as it were.

Man, I'm getting really close to signing my tab as "would have done 25% if you hadn't have forced the issue".

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2 hours ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

Alamo recently instilled a policy of adding 18% to your bill as an automatic gratuity. They announce it during the previews right around the part where they tell you if you are using your cellphone during the movie, then they will take you out back and put a bullet in your head. What they don't announce is that if you grab a drink at the bar before the movie, then they ding you 18% on that as well. Normally I would tip at least 20% there, but if you're making me do it? Sorry, you're getting the 18% and that's it. Just the tip as it were.

This must be really recent.  I didn't see it (or perhaps didn't notice) when I saw Oppenheimer a couple of weeks ago.  Do they also have a line for additional tip?  I assume yes, which is kind of a bitch move.

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4 hours ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

Alamo recently instilled a policy of adding 18% to your bill as an automatic gratuity. They announce it during the previews right around the part where they tell you if you are using your cellphone during the movie, then they will take you out back and put a bullet in your head. What they don't announce is that if you grab a drink at the bar before the movie, then they ding you 18% on that as well. Normally I would tip at least 20% there, but if you're making me do it? Sorry, you're getting the 18% and that's it. Just the tip as it were.

And it's kinda risky for the employer to do that.  I have some recollection that the DOL issued some guidance a few years ago that an "auto-grat" could be considered to be a service charge, and not a "tip."  And in that case, a lot of "tipped employees" turn into employees who are essentially paid on a commission.  And those employees need to be paid minimum wage, not the $2.13/hour tipped-employee rate.

Oh, and by the way, you don't want to fuck with the Wage and Hour Division.

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It should be illegal for businesses to ask for or assess a tip and to pay below minimum wage for "tipped" employees.  Prices should be raised across the board to compensate and waiters should just get the market wage per hour; if they suck, you complain and they will eventually get fired just like every other business.  You want to tip your hairdresser or escort or whatever - fine.  That's between you and them.  We are the only fucking culture that does this and it's asinine.   

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I just got a haircut today and every station had a cute little picture with statement "Cash Tips Preferred".

I always tip well for haircuts because, well, idk, but they're making me look less ugly so I figure they deserve it.

So, I did the cash tip instead of the tip on the CC payment.  Figure they get to keep more of it AND they don't have to pay as much in taxes because taxation is theft!!!!!

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On 8/20/2023 at 10:10 AM, 956 Worldwide said:

25 percent is nuts. And the right amount keeps going up, I remember as a kid 15-18 being the standard. 20 for me is the basic rate for tipping.



You work your way up from there. Basic service gets a basic tip.

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31 minutes ago, Ag with kids said:

So, I did the cash tip instead of the tip on the CC payment.  Figure they get to keep more of it AND they don't have to pay as much in taxes because taxation is theft!!!!!

I stopped carrying cash for a long time because debit cards and gas cards became so ubiquitous.  I've reversed course.  I don't carry enough that I'd care if I lost it but it turns out a couple of hundred bucks in $10/$20 increments comes in handy.

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8 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

This must be really recent.  I didn't see it (or perhaps didn't notice) when I saw Oppenheimer a couple of weeks ago.  Do they also have a line for additional tip?  I assume yes, which is kind of a bitch move.

The auto-gratuity was there when I saw Oppenheimer. FYI don’t ever get those “sofa seats” at South Lamar. They suck ass because they don’t fucking recline.

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On 8/20/2023 at 12:14 PM, jimmyjazz said:

My wife, because she doesn't pay attention, tipped on top of her tip-included bill at Alamo Drafthouse last night.  That dude got damn near 50% to serve shitty food and overpriced drinks in the dark.  Party of 5, too, dammit.  I was the asshole who stayed home because I didn't want to see TMNT and it probably ended up costing me money to do so.

Here's one I've seen.  Tip is included, but they bake it into the total, and the tip line is still open.  I call the waitress out on it and she said "oh it's the system, you don't have to tip more."  I also have known of waiters that will write the total in pen or pencil and then add more on the tip.  95% of waiters are great people but there are definitely asshole fucks.

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On 8/20/2023 at 5:24 PM, Biff Tannen said:

I went to my local bakery this morning, as I do usually once a week, and got a croissant and a kolache.  They just got it out of the display case and put it in a bag.  Whole transaction took 15 seconds.  I tipped $3.00 on a $7 bill because I like them and it's three fucking dollars.  


Want a cookie?

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two tangents to this are:

1. Hotel, restaurant or club who adds a "service fee" and then points out that it is NOT a tip or gratuity.  WTF is it then?  Who gets that $$

2. Pizza places that add a "delivery fee" but make sure to say that it does not go to the driver, etc.  OK... same questions as above!!


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21 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

This must be really recent.  I didn't see it (or perhaps didn't notice) when I saw Oppenheimer a couple of weeks ago.  Do they also have a line for additional tip?  I assume yes, which is kind of a bitch move.

I've been to Alamo Slaughter Lane twice in the last month or so, and this was not on the check.  I have heard it is at South Lamar, though.  Maybe the hipsters that go to the "SoLa" location are not as likely to tip as the middle-aged folks in Circle C.

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1 hour ago, Native Horn said:

I've been to Alamo Slaughter Lane twice in the last month or so, and this was not on the check.  I have heard it is at South Lamar, though.  Maybe the hipsters that go to the "SoLa" location are not as likely to tip as the middle-aged folks in Circle C.

Huh.  My Alamo is Mueller, so I'll check next time I'm there.

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48 minutes ago, orange dream said:

two tangents to this are:

1. Hotel, restaurant or club who adds a "service fee" and then points out that it is NOT a tip or gratuity.  WTF is it then?  Who gets that $$

2. Pizza places that add a "delivery fee" but make sure to say that it does not go to the driver, etc.  OK... same questions as above!!


I noticed one place I ordered pizza from during the pandemic was charging a $1.50 packaging fee for the box the pizza came in if you ordered delivery, but not if you ordered it to be picked up. Um...don't you still have to put it in a box?

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11 minutes ago, Deej said:

I noticed one place I ordered pizza from during the pandemic was charging a $1.50 packaging fee for the box the pizza came in if you ordered delivery, but not if you ordered it to be picked up. Um...don't you still have to put it in a box?

Probably short on drivers but still wanted to sell as many pizzas as possible.  Encouraging the pickup during peak Covid makes a little sense.  They all get somewhat of a pass from me for whatever they did during that timeframe.  They continuation of said practices makes a lot less sense  to me today.

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