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Anyone got an agriculture real estate person or developer in the Valley?

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I'm the executor of my mom's estate and have to sell to able be to distribute the estate evenly with my siblings. 260 acres in the Harlingen area.  Thought the tenant farmer was going to buy it at appraised value but they're now telling me they couldn't produce enough to make the mortgage for appraised value. Frontage on 1846(Williams Rd) and extends to the Arroyo. My grandfather cleared the land in 1919.

Edited by ShaggyBevo RIP
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If you're willing to carve out a section for CRE development, I know the exact person you should speak with in Harlingen area.  but he'd only need a small portion of the acreage.  But nothing in RGV real estate happens now without him.  Particularly in the medical space. 

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