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maga vs the swifties (taylor's version)


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I'm guessing Swift could mobilize a lot of young female voters. (Capt. Obvious)  Hell she could do a social media piece on registering to vote and a few selfies and that would crush the registrations offices of almost every state.

Oh I hope they try to muzzle her.

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11 minutes ago, locodos said:

I'm guessing Swift could mobilize a lot of young female voters. (Capt. Obvious)  Hell she could do a social media piece on registering to vote and a few selfies and that would crush the registrations offices of almost every state.

Oh I hope they try to muzzle her.


She did 

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3 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

remember when Trump pissed off the kpop kids?

something is happening here

Don’t piss off cultist fan bases who are predisposed to not liking you. More so younger ones bc they know how to use the internet properly 

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I saw a documentary about coming of age rituals in various groups. One tribe down in SA had a log ladder up to a big old wasp nest and the young man had to climb up and punch it. Then after you hung onto the ladder and had been stung enough times to suit the elders they would let you build a hut and get a wife.

Maybe Charlie saw the same thing. He does have the permanent bee sting face so he's already marked. I'll even help him with his hut but he's going to have to find someone willing to put up with him on his own.


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2 hours ago, South Austin said:

The first woman president or the first gay president.


“I am now ‘solitary and alone,’ having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone; and should not be astonished to find myself married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick, provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection.”


President James Buchanan shared a home with William Rufus King, an Alabama Senator and Vice President under Buchanan’s predecessor, Franklin Pierce. Their relationship was reportedly so close that Andrew Jackson and other contemporaries referred to them as “Miss Nancy” and “Aunt Fancy”.    POTUS wrote the letter above when Rufus left for France to be Ambassador. 

When he died, all of his correspondence was destroyed. 


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We have Marsha Blackburn to thank for getting Taylor Swift off the sidelines. For years, Taylor played it safe because her team was worried about her hurting the brand so she didn't go against the grain. That all changed in 2018. The beauty of morons like Kirk going after her or her fans in any way is these kids are smarter than us olds. They will find a unique ways to make you pay.

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how old is the swiftie fan base really? I mean, I'm sure whatever this is won't amount to shit but also, where typically mobilizing a young fanbase doesn't mean shit politically because they don't vote maybe...swifties could actually move the needle? You Belong With Me dropped 15 years ago. I think that teenage girls are still on the swift wagon but I know that 30 somethings are.

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5 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

how old is the swiftie fan base really? I mean, I'm sure whatever this is won't amount to shit but also, where typically mobilizing a young fanbase doesn't mean shit politically because they don't vote maybe...swifties could actually move the needle? You Belong With Me dropped 15 years ago. I think that teenage girls are still on the swift wagon but I know that 30 somethings are.

Yes, she is pretty unique in that she was a teen phenom whose fanbase grew up with her and remained largely loyal.  30-something women loves them some Taylor.

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7 minutes ago, mdmost said:

We have Marsha Blackburn to thank for getting Taylor Swift off the sidelines. For years, Taylor played it safe because her team was worried about her hurting the brand so she didn't go against the grain. That all changed in 2018.

It’s almost like after your first couple billion in the bank, people can’t really hurt you. 

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Just now, Gatorubet said:

It’s almost like after your first couple billion in the bank, people can’t really hurt you. 

Her dad was more worried that she might get killed by a MAGA for speaking out. He upgraded all her cars to being bulletproof.

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Just now, Gatorubet said:

It’s almost like after your first couple billion in the bank, people can’t really hurt you. 

Watch the Jason Isbell interview with Ari Melber on MSNBC.  Jason implies exactly that.  When asked about his activism, outspoken opinions, etc. he basically said "it's not like I'm getting paid a lot for streams, and I'm plenty set, ignore me if I bother you".

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14 minutes ago, mdmost said:

We have Marsha Blackburn to thank for getting Taylor Swift off the sidelines. For years, Taylor played it safe because her team was worried about her hurting the brand so she didn't go against the grain. That all changed in 2018. The beauty of morons like Kirk going after her or her fans in any way is these kids are smarter than us olds. They will find a unique ways to make you pay.

For so long, conservatives actually thought Taylor might have secretly been one of them. Pretty blonde white girl from Pennsylvania who started off in country music but was “apolitical” to not turn off her young demographic with her supposed conservative views  


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