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Game of Thrones Season 8 (NO BOOKSPOILERS) thread


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6 minutes ago, elguapo said:

Who needs ravens when you can just teleport all over Westeros between scenes.

The jump cuts through time aren’t that different from earlier seasons, but now they are particularly jarring when there is only one storyline instead of a few good ones interspersed with 30 mins of Sam and Gilly in horn hill, Arya mopping floors in bravos, or Jamie and Bronn in Dorne. 

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Just now, heso said:

The jump cuts through time aren’t that different from earlier seasons, but now they are particularly jarring when there is only one storyline instead of a few good ones interspersed with 30 mins of Sam and Gilly in horn hill, Arya mopping floors in bravos, or Jamie and Bronn in Dorne. 

You are wrong, they did a much better job in earlier seasons giving the viewer the feeling that a period of time had passed. I don't know why it's so hard for some to admit that this show just isn't that great anymore.

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It was a hack episode... those giant metal crossbows on the fleet can't point straight up.  Why not fly up and over with Puff#2 and torch the bad guys while they are firing on your fleet?  Why not hover high over the wall with Puff#2 when the failed surrender negotiations are going on and just point up when the negotiations seem to be going south?

I think the only people I can stand to remotely root for now are Arya and the Hound.  I liked Big Red the wildling too, but seems he's retired now.  


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It would have made more sense if Euron had concealed a scorpion on board a fishing or trade vessel, which subsequently would have been torched by Drogon. A suicide bomber-style sneak attack would have been more shocking and driven home the point that Dany's dragons aren't safe anywhere in the skies of Westeros.



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I didn't hate the episode like some of you seem to, but it certainly had its wtf moments:

As many have said already, I'm not a fan of the Euron plot device with Dany somehow getting ambushed. He can see her and shoot at her but she didn't see him? These crossbows can destroy an entire fleet of ships? Why were they on ships in the first place? Euron's fleet is worthless as long as they stick to the land.

Ghost is puzzling. He charged into the night against an army of the dead who killed most of the Dothraki, somehow engaged in fighting based on his visible wounds, somehow left the fighting and returned to Winterfell in once piece. All of this was basically off screen so we have no idea what he was doing except that he fought and survived.

Didn't like having the reveal to Sansa and Arya be off screen. We deserve to see stuff like that.

The Bronn scene was awkward and out of place. They should've cut that out and let us see the reveal to Sansa and Arya instead.

Why on earth did Cersei not open fire on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Worm, etc? They were sitting ducks for her crossbows and she let them walk. I find that very hard to believe.

Edited by wild_turkey
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to add...

i said to myself during that scene Tyrion is going to die. Logically he should have.  Why not do it? Two episodes left. People are not going to tune in to the last two episodes because the dwarf died? would have been good Television.

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12 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

Why on earth did Cersei not open fire on Dany, Tyrion, Grey Worm, etc? They were sitting ducks for her crossbows and she let them walk. I find that very hard to believe.

easily the biggest issue i had with the episode.  no way cersei would have let them go.

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The biggest thing on this show is who Jon really is.  Not being able to watch the Starks' reactions is completel fucking bullshit.  It should have been one of the biggest moments in the series.  But it happens off screen?  And then we don't even see Arya and Sansa discuss it?  She gets on a horse to KL and the other immediately spills it.  LOL.


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15 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

I dont understand why season 7 wasnt focused on the NK attack on the North and season 8 didnt build towards the battle of KL.

Because the show runners know they don't know what they are doing and couldn't pull it off with sufficient filler, so they just rushed everything to get it over with.  

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I thought it was fine but I'm definitely not on here saying "OMG I rank this one number 1 which ties it with all episodes which are number 1 too because everything I watch is awesome and if you didn't like it as much as I did then u r a TOTAL HATER" like certain people will be. I thought it moved the story forward and set the last couple episodes up well.

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3 minutes ago, BigOrange1 said:

easily the biggest issue i had with the episode.  no way cersei would have let them go.

I'm no historian, but there was a measure of ceremony here.  The initial offering of peace before the battle.  All that nonsense.  

This was one of the small measures of semi-intelligent writing here.  Cersei & the castle are vulnerable.  She knows she is vulnerable.  She's bringing in people as human shields.  But she has to feed them.  House them.  Keep them from revolting.  A long, drawn out siege is exactly what she can't manage - so she is drawing them in.  Playing to their emotions to force an assault on her terms.  Pulling them off sides.

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3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

I thought it was weird.  Were we supposed to think Daenerys was out of range, but they filmed it terribly? 

She was clearly in range.  I think that was the intention with the dragon who was waiting well back.  Regardless of the range of the crossbows/archers it was basically a small unit with the queen right in front of your gates.  Why wouldn't you just attack?  I'm sure parlay or whatever it's called has plenty of historic merit, but I imagine it's been violated numerous times throughout history by plenty of ruthless cunts.  It was just a setup to get her to see Missandre's death, which nobody even cares about as a character unless she is naked.

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Because I don't binge and just watch the episodes every week, it's hard for me to even remember why/how Missandai is important. She's been such a non-player and has been just assumed to be an important piece to the story because she became Grayworm's love and she has Dany's back, but I don't think most people care whether she lives or dies. Maybe people of color on twitter who were complaining that all the brown people (Dothraki, unsullied, etc.) die first are about her death, but I think most people were "meh".

Edited by Rougarou
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1 hour ago, deech said:

I don't think bran gives a shit to help either side.  He knows the consequences of Jon telling Sansa and says it's up to you when it could mean he's fucked the minute he told her and Bran knows it. 

He should have warged into the dragon when Jon fell off.  That was a missed opportunity.  Him helping now doesn't make any sense. 

The big plot writing so far has been sub par.  I feel confident that if a lot of people in this thread and a lot of fans of the show were to sit down and write key plot points over these last episodes that they would have made this ending much more interesting.  I mean Dany jumps in boats after getting her ass handed to her last season.  


Bran is all about fate.  If he cared about anyone he would've told Theon to run when NK showed up.

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28 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

I'm no historian, but there was a measure of ceremony here.  The initial offering of peace before the battle.  All that nonsense.  

This was one of the small measures of semi-intelligent writing here.  Cersei & the castle are vulnerable.  She knows she is vulnerable.  She's bringing in people as human shields.  But she has to feed them.  House them.  Keep them from revolting.  A long, drawn out siege is exactly what she can't manage - so she is drawing them in.  Playing to their emotions to force an assault on her terms.  Pulling them off sides.

All true.

Yet you have Dany spouting wisdom like "the more time I give my enemies the more powerful they get." It's like she didn't hear a single thing Tyrion said.

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I like the episode, save a couple of thoughts that have been mentioned often.

I don't get the dragon ambush and super crossbows.  Stoopid.  At this point, Drogon is borderline worthless.   Maybe they can use him on a cloudy day or something but, JFC, the dragons are more fragile than Sean Lee. 

I also didn't like Bronn just popping in on Tyrion and Jamie like he'd been next door for two weeks and just needed a cup of sugar and to threaten them, then leave.  Stoopid. 

Oh and, like many others, I have no idea what the purpose of Bran is.  The most worthless arch of the series. 


Edited by DigglerontheHoof
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1 minute ago, ajax said:

All true.

Yet you have Dany spouting wisdom like "the more time I give my enemies the more powerful they get." It's like she didn't hear a single thing Tyrion said.

It sounded like she was talking about Jon when she said that (if I recall it was a response to why they need to leave the North so soon, because of all the hype men loving Jon and the knowledge of his true heir about to drop).

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3 minutes ago, ajax said:

All true.

Yet you have Dany spouting wisdom like "the more time I give my enemies the more powerful they get." It's like she didn't hear a single thing Tyrion said.

Dany is a power hungry, immature dumb ass.  She wanted out of Winterfell ASAP because of Jon and his sisters.

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1 hour ago, VinyVango said:

It was a hack episode... those giant metal crossbows on the fleet can't point straight up.  Why not fly up and over with Puff#2 and torch the bad guys while they are firing on your fleet?  Why not hover high over the wall with Puff#2 when the failed surrender negotiations are going on and just point up when the negotiations seem to be going south?

I think the only people I can stand to remotely root for now are Arya and the Hound.  I liked Big Red the wildling too, but seems he's retired now.  


Yes. Those bolts don’t have 360 ability to rotate or shoot up. Also apparently are semi automatic? There was no reloading time. Really dumb the dragon couldn’t fly up and attack from behind. That whole thing was dumb

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3 minutes ago, Barry_McCokiner said:

Dany is a power hungry, immature dumb ass.  She wanted out of Winterfell ASAP because of Jon and his sisters.

They're setting her up as the "mad queen".  Remember the stock she comes from.  

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2 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

Yes. Those bolts don’t have 360 ability to rotate or shoot up. Also apparently are semi automatic? There was no reloading time. Really dumb the dragon couldn’t fly up and attack from behind. That whole thing was dumb

Or giant metal bolts that can make 90 degree pivots in the air and catch an outstretched dragon neck from the side.....

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It's interesting that Dany has spent the entire series claiming that she deserves the Iron Throne because she is the rightful heir based on Targaryen bloodlines, yet now when the truth about Jon comes out, rightful heirs no longer matter to her and she wants to bury that truth. What a hypocrite.

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6 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

It's interesting that Dany has spent the entire series claiming that she deserves the Iron Throne because she is the rightful heir based on Targaryen bloodlines, yet now when the truth about Jon comes out, rightful heirs no longer matter to her and she wants to bury that truth. What a hypocrite.

It’s really the theme of the whole story...how power and the lust for power corrupts.  

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speaking of Theon, his story of redemption is another total "WTF"' from D+D. everyone has to have a redemptive/happy ending with these guys. Theon should have died an awful, lonely death a very long time ago considering the path his life has taken since season one, and yet he somehow went from Reek to "the guy we're choosing to be the personal body guard and last line of defense for the most important person who ever lived" in like a matter months. Okie dokie then!

And of course he gets a heroes death and a weeping Sansa crying over his heroic, lifeless body. I'm sorry, but of all of the insanely unbelievable things in this show, from the warlocks of Qarth, to Dany walking out of a fire with three dragons, to Brandon Stark turning into the 3ER, Theon going from Reek to Stark family war hero is a leap way too far for me to just accept. It's contrived Disney shit, and if they think that they're making fans happy by making sure every "good guy" gets their happy ending they are sadly mistaken. 

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11 hours ago, JOSEYWALES66 said:

Probably true about the armor.  

It didn’t look like the weapon could point straight up.  Maybe they dive bomb them. 😀

And where is Yara? 

If you really want to harp on the weapons notice the first shots are hit a moving target and the follow up shots miss?  Where did they gain the expertise in shooting long range moving targets from a moving platform?

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9 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

so what exactly was the point of Danny angrily charging the scorpion bows but not breathing fire once she got close? 

I thought the dragon bailed on the suicide run.  They sometimes go on instinct and self preservation (how he ditched her when getting swarmed during the long night)

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2 minutes ago, Nivek said:

If you really want to harp on the weapons notice the first shots are hit a moving target and the follow up shots miss?  Where did they gain the expertise in shooting long range moving targets from a moving platform?

Giant crossbows.  Fired from a bobbing ship.  They aren't using an accelerant like gunpowder.  The force required to hurl a giant metal bolt (mass) thousands of feet into the air (acceleration) also creates enough force that would rip the things off the deck (cause it to spring forward).  

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Giant crossbows.  Fired from a bobbing ship.  They aren't using an accelerant like gunpowder.  The force required to hurl a giant metal bolt (mass) thousands of feet into the air (acceleration) also creates enough force that would rip the things off the deck (cause it to spring forward).  

Fuck. Let’s hope some nerds dont do the math. Like how long the runway would have to be for the Fast & Furious airplane battle scene to take place.
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1 hour ago, wild_turkey said:

I didn't hate the episode like some of you seem to, but it certainly had its wtf moments:

As many have said already, I'm not a fan of the Euron plot device with Dany somehow getting ambushed. He can see her and shoot at her but she didn't see him? These crossbows can destroy an entire fleet of ships?

Maybe Angie Jolie was a consultant and taught them how to shoot around cliffs/mountains by bending the trajectory.     I personally like how the bolts are immune to gravity.

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1 minute ago, Eskimohorn said:


Fuck. Let’s hope some nerds dont do the math. Like how long the runway would have to be for the Fast & Furious airplane battle scene to take place.


Yikes. I know this show has fallen, but for it to have gotten to F&F levels of is kind of concerning. Wasn't it goo or someone who was making fun of everyone for predicting Dany turning heel? Isn't that the general consensus now that she's definitely going to be adversarial against the "goods" of the starks/jon while not being a "big bad" of cersai and euron, etc.?

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