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About what I expected for Episode 2. Everybody knew the Battle of Winterfell was going to be Episode 3. 

I'm starting to buy the Night King split his forces and is headed to King's Landing. They need material for 3 more episodes. They're not going to tie up loose ends for 3 hours. This isn't the Lord of the Rings ending. 

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, seven said:

He brought it up because that's why the red woman took him (the last time gendry and arya saw each other before winterfell). Didn't seem shoehorned to me. 

He was probably padding his resume when faced with taking a trip to royal pound town.

"I'm a true bastard blacksmith, you know. Not just some regular shithead blacksmith."

5 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

Do you not remember how she ended up with 2 dragons instead of 3?  The NK hurled the ice spear a fucking mile to kill it.

First spear caught them off guard.  Dodged the others.  As I'm also assuming the dragons will play a part during the battle at the castle, complete with ice-spear-chuckers.  Might as well try and catch them off guard and away from the castle and thin their numbers as best you can.  

6 minutes ago, bolverk said:

You did see that final image of dozens of White Walkers on horseback - each holding a javelin, correct?

Of course.  Begging the obvious question as to whether they are as strong as the king.  They've always had those hybrid-javelin swords.  Even going back to the early episodes, so they are not, I'm guessing, some purposefully designated anti-air lead element.  



Split the dragons.  Low, at treetop level, making an intersecting run to take out the lead element and then disappearing from opposite ends.  One good runs takes out the entire lead column.  


9 minutes ago, seven said:

He brought it up because that's why the red woman took him (the last time gendry and arya saw each other before winterfell). Didn't seem shoehorned to me. 

Yeah, I thought of that. Makes sense that Arya and Gendry would catch up on what they’d been up to since they last saw each other, but the point of the scene seemed to be Arya having sex for the first time, not Gendry disclosing for the first time to her his true lineage.  May turn into nothing, but I’m definitely putting money on Gendry surviving the next battle.  Hell, he may have put a baby in Arya’s belly.  House Baratheon and House Stark may finally be joined since Joffrey and Sansa never had a kid. 

9 hours ago, 6th Street said:

Given the scarce time left in the series, why dedicate all that time to Brienne getting knighted? 

Have you watched this entire show?  Or did you fast forward through any scene that wasn't a battle scene?

9 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

I binged the first seven seasons all at once last year, so this is the first time I've been able to partake in these threads in real time.  Y'all are some miserable bastards.

As soon as the episode runtimes leaked, anyone with a functioning brain should have known nothing serious was going to go down until Episode 3.  Personally, I'm okay with 25% of the season's minutes leading up to a presumably batshit 4 episode finale, especially when some of these conversations are bound to explain decisions made over these next few weeks.  I know that the poor fanbase has now had to endure THREE WHOLE EPISODES since the last major battle, but most of the people complaining right now would also have complained if they jumped right into war without touching on the human element of 95% of the shows character suddenly being in the same location, some meeting for the first time. 

Two thoughts:

1. Tormund is in the conversation for best character on TV.

2. Anyone complaining about the Brienne knighting scene is too far gone to be taken seriously.  I get the desire for bloodlust, but that scene (the motives, reactions, buildup, etc) was damn near perfect and I suspect will be looked back on as one of the classic sequences of this show.

All of this.

9 hours ago, Fozzz said:

I don't watch much tv, but surely 1 cannot be true.  Is tv really that awful these days?  As for 2, who gives a fuck if Brienne is knighted?  That come off as some lame ass white feminist bullshit.

Dude really? Brienne of Fucking Tarth was the only true Knight we actually saw on this show(Maybe Barriston Selmy), and she finally got what she deserved.  It's not some feminist bullshit...she actually earned it.

8 hours ago, cmontexas said:

Guys why would they even bother showing the completion of a major player in the show's character arc? LIBERAL AGENDA

I know right...I'm definitely against the forced PC shit going into TV Shows and movies.  Forcing more POC and LGBT peeps into roles that aren't needed.  But this show is not doing any of that.


Yes the female characters are shown to be strong, confident, and well written.  But it's not some liberal agenda like you said.

8 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

me last night

 Image result for game of thrones crying

Me too Chuckie. Me Too.

7 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

This episode was better than the opener, but Derka has a point - we've spent 120 minutes on setup in a finale season with only 4 episodes left.  Much of this either needed to skipped, condensed, or pushed into the prior (shortened) season.  It was D&D that bizarrely decided to condense the final two seasons down to a total of 13 episodes, when they really should have been 10 each.  With 20 episodes, all this setup is fine for building tension and completing story arcs.  But with precious few episodes left, we're devoting a ton of screen time to, honestly, some pretty cheesy and cliched writing.  Hate the fat man all you went, but there's no way he writes most of these scenes (dragon riding to the cave, we all meet by the fire and reminisce, etc.).  

Frankly, I think D&D are doing the best they can, which is limited without the fat man.  They were given the rough outline, but they really don't know how to fill in the blanks.  

Still thinking the writing sucks after this episode with some of the best writing since season 4...wow.

7 hours ago, Mr. Drummond said:

That episode was great, and probably the best non-action episode since Oberyn told Tyrion that he would be his champion vs the mountain in the dungeons of Kings landing in season 4.

Agreed.  It was a fitting episode that ended a lot of character arcs for those who are about to die.

49 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

  JFC this.  I was up ranting and raving last night about using these two dragons to dog the advancing army like fighters attacking a carrier battle fleet.    

And they burn, correct?  Oil.  Peat.  Trenches.  More oil.  

You do realize they did something similar oh, 3 or 4 episodes ago right?

42 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

Do you not remember how she ended up with 2 dragons instead of 3?  The NK hurled the ice spear a fucking mile to kill it.

This shit here.

  • Like 2

Anyone pointed out yet that Ice was back at Winterfell in the forms of Oathkeeper and Widows Wail? If I was Jaime that's how I would've gotten Stark support but it was an afterthought in the show.

Posted (edited)

Sorry, that knighting ritual was fraudulent as hell.  The books explain how women can't be real knights.


Edited by bob in houston
book shit. user has been banned for this post
  • Fuck You 1

Another thing I havent seen mentioned anywhere is when Tyrion and Jaime were talking up top on that wall and they went over how they always imagined dying. Jaime finished Tyrions "in my bed with a belly full of wine and a girls cock around my neck" and before they finished the thought Jaime's attention turned to the sounds of Brienne training in the yard. Of course Jaime's dying wish is famously "in the arms of the woman I love" which many took to mean Cersei, but according to this scene perhaps not...

8 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

Another thing I havent seen mentioned anywhere is when Tyrion and Jaime were talking up top on that wall and they went over how they always imagined dying. Jaime finished Tyrions "in my bed with a belly full of wine and a girls cock around my neck" and before they finished the thought Jaime's attention turned to the sounds of Brienne training in the yard. Of course Jaime's dying wish is famously "in the arms of the woman I love" which many took to mean Cersei, but according to this scene perhaps not...

girl's cock around my neck? WTF?



  • Like 4
  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, Drew said:

Dude really? Brienne of Fucking Tarth was the only true Knight we actually saw on this show(Maybe Barriston Selmy), and she finally got what she deserved.  It's not some feminist bullshit...she actually earned it.

maybe barriston selmy huh?  he could cut brienne into pieces with one hand tied behind his back.  fuck off drew.


And so could Jaimie before he lost his hand.  Doesn't make him a true knight.

I said Barriston because we didn't get to see much of him, but I did add him.  Why don't you fuck off.

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54 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Why can't Bran warg the ice dragon and turn it against the NK's army?

why can’t bran warg into the NK and hang himself while masturbating? 

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Just now, Drew said:

And so could Jaimie before he lost his hand.  Doesn't make him a true knight.

I said Barriston because we didn't get to see much of him, but I did add him.  Why don't you fuck off.

barriston was a true knight.  brienne is a knight by decree of title IX.  you’re a bitch. 

13 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

Another thing I havent seen mentioned anywhere is when Tyrion and Jaime were talking up top on that wall and they went over how they always imagined dying. Jaime finished Tyrions "in my bed with a belly full of wine and a girls cock around my neck" and before they finished the thought Jaime's attention turned to the sounds of Brienne training in the yard. Of course Jaime's dying wish is famously "in the arms of the woman I love" which many took to mean Cersei, but according to this scene perhaps not...

There were 2 pieces of foreshadowing potentially in that scene. The one you mention and also Tyrion exclaiming how after he's dead he'll March down to KL and rip Cersei apart. I think every person sitting by the fire dies in the battle.

24 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

Sorry, that knighting ritual was fraudulent as hell.  The books explain how women can't be real knights.

Fuck Tradition

  • Like 2
13 minutes ago, futureman said:

barriston was a true knight.  brienne is a knight by decree of title IX.  you’re a bitch. 

Lulz calling me a bitch when you're the one taking offense to something that wasn't even close to controversial. 

I mean I know most of Surly is afraid of women despite all rants otherwise...but there was nothing Title IX, Feminist, Liberal Agenda shit in that scene.  She earned it, and the only reason you can't see that is because you're lashing out since the woman in your house made YOU her bitch.,

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Drew said:

Lulz calling me a bitch when you're the one taking offense to something that wasn't even close to controversial. 

I mean I know most of Surly is afraid of women despite all rants otherwise...but there was nothing Title IX, Feminist, Liberal Agenda shit in that scene.  She earned it, and the only reason you can't see that is because you're lashing out since the woman in your house made YOU her bitch.,

taking offense?  drew, baby, it’s like you don’t even know me.

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i'm taking the over on the 4 main characters that die bet.  I think we could lose as many as half, seeing as how half of the final season is over next week.  Brienne for sure, Theon is my second highest confidence bet.  lots of people don't contribute much so wouldn't be much of a loss - davos, greyworm, jorah.  kind of think jorah might stick around seeing as how he has sam's sword but not sure. Jamie's story is pretty much over, so he might be toast.  Tormund could go since Jamie and Brienne are going.  podrick.

here's who I think makes it to episode 4: arya, sansa, dany, jon, sam, both dragons, Tyrion, varys, bran, gendry.  the hound has a 50:50 shot.

bronn makes it to winterfell right before the battle and fights like a boss, and lives.   nymeria also somehow makes and appearance and fights valiantly and wins.  Melisandre is a mystery to me.  they could use some divine intervention right about now, but she has said she and varys will die at kings landing.  the lord of light could help but I don't think she shows up next week. 

I had a theory that benjen was the NK, but then I realized the NK has been wreaking havoc since before benjen died, so scratch that theory. 

44 minutes ago, Drew said:

And so could Jaimie before he lost his hand.  Doesn't make him a true knight.

I said Barriston because we didn't get to see much of him, but I did add him.  Why don't you fuck off.

Ole Brienne is triggering some macho rednecks

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So, made it through 60 episodes these last 8 days. Now my family returns and life goes back to normal, but I should get caught up in time to see the last 3 in real time. 

What  hoping for is s7 to be danaerys taking Westeros from circe, and s8 being the war against the dead. 

It was obvious that little finger didn’t like that jon snow got the allegiance of the northern houses again, since it was his group that saved that battle, and he was spurned by Sana’a again. So he needs to deal with that to take power in the north before he can go after the iron throne.  Does he use the Lannisters to help him?

what about verys over in dorne, along with their new alliance with the tyrells?

i know Jorah will show up at some point. 

Things finally started coming together I’m s6 after fracturing previously. There needs to be more coalescence, hopefully at the continued expense of the lannisters, before they can all handle the night king. 

The revelation that snow is both a stark and a Targaryen, and only us and Bran know it, is great. 

Best recent thing:  death of Ramsey. 

Worst recent thing:  death is stannis’ daughter. 


Can there really be a final victory by the living or dead over the other?  I think the living/dead, summer/winter yin & yang has to be preserved somehow.  In a story who’s authors pay particular attention to inter and intra human conflict, I don’t think it likely that there is some ultimate victory of good vs evil, light vs darkness and humanity’s higher ethics vs basest desires.

I would not be surprised to see Dany somehow wind up assuming the Night King’s crown and retreating north of the wall with what is left of the dead to preserve the balance between those forces in opposition.  Perhaps due to her lust for power being short circuited by Jon’s lineage.  Perhaps by invoking some Westerosian Santa Clause upon killing the Night King.

Posted (edited)

i'm guessing some known character will be melted by the ice dragon while doing something valiant to save someone else, probably along the winterfell walls. also think that even though a lot of people die in the next one, there will still be some deaths/cliffhangers left for ep 4 so there will definitely be major carnage there as well.

Edited by achooloco

I think the NK taking the Dead Dragon to Kings Landing makes the most sense. The Good Guys aren’t going to barely beat the Dead Army and then limp down to Kings Landing and face off against Euron and 20K Gold Company in 3 episodes. The NK wiping out Euron and the Gold Cloaks makes sense timing wise. Cersei and the Mountain somehow survive the attack. Which leads to them facing the Hound and whoever kills Cersei. 

What did the witch say about her death? She would die childless and by the hands of her little brother around her throat?

I also think the I saw in the preview say “the Dead are already here”, but I think it refers to the many buried underneath Winterfell. I think they raise the Dead under Winterfell and everyone inside kind of has to escape. 

As for who dies? Brienne kind of has her arch done and probably will die. Tormund might also die to help her. Jorah or Lyanna Mormont will die. Jorah might be able to finally return to Bear Island after what he does, alive or dead. 

I think Bran might take down the Dragon eventually, but who knows if it’s this episode. 



Don’t think I hit submit on a post earlier with this question, but has anyone noticed some of the foreshadowing on the show intro animations, at least over the last season or two?

For the last few episodes last season, they added an animation focused on Eastwatch that showed the wall “buckling” a bit right where the WW’s ultimately came through. They never focused on this section of the wall as I recall in earlier episodes....though maybe they did.

This season, the animations have both ended with a dragon killer arrow shooter thing pointing right towards a dragon skull, then sequencing into Kings Landing.

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I don't watch much tv, but surely 1 cannot be true.  Is tv really that awful these days?  As for 2, who gives a fuck if Brienne is knighted?  That come off as some lame ass white feminist bullshit.

Do us all a big favor and keep your idiocy in the cloak room Venezuela threads.



  • Like 2
Prior season intros always showed the wall with some detail.

They did, but I thought only a couple of times at Eastwatch when that was part of the episode and certainly not with the animation of the wall blocks moving.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This season, the animations have both ended with a dragon killer arrow shooter thing pointing right towards a dragon skull, then sequencing into Kings Landing.

Not foreshadowing. That’s below the Red Keep where Qyburn and Cersei tested the scorpion on a dragon skull. Then during the Battle of Gold Road Bronn fired the scorpion and hit Drogon in the shoulder and Drogon burned the scorpion and knocked over the cart.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Goredho said:

Can there really be a final victory by the living or dead over the other?  I think the living/dead, summer/winter yin & yang has to be preserved somehow.  In a story who’s authors pay particular attention to inter and intra human conflict, I don’t think it likely that there is some ultimate victory of good vs evil, light vs darkness and humanity’s higher ethics vs basest desires.

I would not be surprised to see Dany somehow wind up assuming the Night King’s crown and retreating north of the wall with what is left of the dead to preserve the balance between those forces in opposition.  Perhaps due to her lust for power being short circuited by Jon’s lineage.  Perhaps by invoking some Westerosian Santa Clause upon killing the Night King.

Dude, holy fuck. 

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Drew said:

Dude really? Brienne of Fucking Tarth was the only true Knight we actually saw on this show(Maybe Barriston Selmy), and she finally got what she deserved.  It's not some feminist bullshit...she actually earned it.


Yes the female characters are shown to be strong, confident, and well written.  But it's not some liberal agenda like you said.


Brienne isn't going to die. She probably hooks up with Jaime at the end of the show.

I think at least half the top characters will survive. Jorah is an exiled knight (hence the Ser) I think he survives and gets re-knighted. He's been incredibly noble the entire series.

Re Strong Women: If there was one blaring shortcoming, it's the writing they are doing for Gendry. He should be coming into his own. He shouldn't have been such a pussy when Arya was circling. He should have been pursuing and plotting his own game to take his prize. Make him pro-active. It will give us the possibility of an interesting twist that could see him and Arya taking the Iron Throne.


Re women knights - this isn't Camelot. Who said there can't be women knights? According to GOT Fandom, " martial endeavors are considered "unladylike". There is no formal bar against women becoming knights, but it is considered absurd and impossible ... "



Edited by bob in houston

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