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Some of the criticisms are valid, but all in all hell of an episode. I’ve been suspecting Arya for some time now.
As someone said before, I still don’t get the whole point of the night king and his mission. And Bran. I don’t get Bran at all.
Bran is the memory of men, which the NK wanted to erase.
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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:
11 minutes ago, tbone_ said:
Some of the criticisms are valid, but all in all hell of an episode. I’ve been suspecting Arya for some time now.
As someone said before, I still don’t get the whole point of the night king and his mission. And Bran. I don’t get Bran at all.

Read more  

Bran is the memory of men, which the NK wanted to erase.

The citadel also claims that title. 


Also, am I the last one to know that brienne is phasma?

Edited by Pato del Muerto
3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I was pulling for the night king only because most of the humans were assholes with some bullshit agenda.  We never got to know the real night king, which is unfortunate. 

No CR bro. 

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1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

Plenty. Like 7-8 characters with multiple season arcs are gone. Sorry Dany or Jon didn’t go down, but that gives you and others time to fantasize about her heel turn or him becoming the next Night King or whatever stupid shit you want to posit now. Nitpicking what I posted in the midst of this ridiculous wave of absurd theories is about what I’d expect, I guess. 

heel turn obsession noted. it’s time to move on from what a few bored people said during their long, boring work weeks. 

and no, no major characters died (top 10 types) there’s a short list of 5-6 maybe and 2 of them i had to look up because i didn’t even know their names. a couple were popular, but they weren’t “main” by any stretch. 

realistically it was too dark and frantic to have a “major” death and pay them any kind of legit closure moment.  theon and the red witch served their purpose well.  ditto jorah and the mormont gal. 

i feel like the major characters in this show don’t die in battles anyway. 


To everyone bitching about not knowing the Night King's motivation: he's DEATH.  His motivation is to kill.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  They explained earlier in the show that the Children of the Forest created him as a weapon to kill men...he's the Terminator and he's doing his thing.

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Posted (edited)

The lighting was a bit too dark. Pretty much my only criticism. I fucking love Arya deals the kill shot to the Night King. 

Thank the gods-old and new- the Red Woman lit that trench or we may have missed the whole episode to darkness. 

Edited by Constant
  • Like 1
Some of the criticisms are valid, but all in all hell of an episode. I’ve been suspecting Arya for some time now.


As someone said before, I still don’t get the whole point of the night king and his mission. And Bran. I don’t get Bran at all.


[bran]What is it... about me.... that you would like to know more about?[/bran]




7 hours ago, housious said:

I enjoyed today’s episode. But it feels like the entire zombie storyline could have been cut from the entire series at this point. It added close to nothing from a storyline standpoint, but it did make for some cool battle scenes.

I hate the zombie thing too.  Fuck the Walking Dead, fuck all of that stupid horseshit.  It's a very weakass fear factor, not to mention physiologically impossible.


The psychological damage done by the NK reviving the dead was immense, when the good guys thought they had possibly survived and made some headway against their enemy.  That's the only contribution I see from the "undead" storeline.

5 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

So where is jaime’s allegiance now?  He fought the undead like he said he would. Does dani lock him up and use him against Cersei?  Does he slip away and head back to Kong’s landing?  Does he stay with them but turn in a key moment?

He kills Cersie. Duh. 

She showed her true colors, he knows she’s not fit to rule. He’s already done it once (killed an unfit ruler, that is). 

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What was the point of the whole white walker/night king storyline in the show? Just some zombies that wanted to kill more people?

There’s a point but they were betting on the books being done well before we got to this point. The show runners aren’t top tier storytellers and it shows with their inability to flesh out details on their own.

My fear now is that they give us a happy ending instead of the ending the show deserves.
8 hours ago, Horny04 said:

What sucks for Arya is that she killed the Night King but nobody was there to witness it except Bran, and he ain't saying shit.

"Oh sure, you flew through the air and stabbed him, did you?" emoji849.png

well the NK didn't commit suicide...soooo   I'm just glad it wasn't the fat book worm, I'd have turned it off right then.


I hate that Tryion (sp?) went full bitch and hid with the women and children.  That seemed really out of step with his character. imho

Spear missed from what I could tell.  Still had a billion wights climb on though.
I thought he was a goner once the wights jumped on him, I was preparing myself for another Atreyu's horse situation so I'm really happy he survived

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If you didn't like this episode, I don't know why you're watching the series.  Bad ass all the way around.

My only question is wtf Bran's purpose really is.  Will he become more than bait in the battle against Cersei?  I really thought he would've been a much bigger factor w/ his warging and stuff. 

  • Like 1
To everyone bitching about not knowing the Night King's motivation: he's DEATH.  His motivation is to kill.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  They explained earlier in the show that the Children of the Forest created him as a weapon to kill men...he's the Terminator and he's doing his thing.

I’m not complaining about not knowing. I’m complaining about the answer being a profoundly uninteresting waste of time and energy over seven seasons.
  • Like 1
8 hours ago, tokamak said:

Wait so Drogon took a spear from the NK, and had about a billion wights climb on and stab the shit out of him, but seems to be OK? I'm real confused about which dragon was which.

Both dragons survived. They were in the preview for next week. 

8 hours ago, Grippe said:

So this was earlier, how the hell did Arya get the dagger back from Sansa?

Arya killed the NK with the Valerian (sp?) steel dagger she's had forever.  The dagger she gave to Sansa was a dragon glass dagger.

6 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

Loved the episode overall and it exceeded my expectations. The entire episode had my heart racing like watching the 4th quarter in a close Horns game. Probably the most tense episode of TV I’ve ever watched.

What I liked:
-Arya fighting on the roof and later getting the final kill. She’s been my favorite character since she said “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home.” So glad it wasn’t John killing the Night King.
-Jorah defending Dany to the end. If he was going to die, this was his perfect end.
-Lyanna Mormont killing the giant like a boss. One of the most fearless people in the show.
-Melisandre lighting the Dothraki swords on fire only to see them extinguished in the dark.
-Pretty much all of Melisandre’s scenes for that matter - lighting the trenches on fire, telling Davis she would die before dawn, giving Arya a critical pep talk, and walking off to her own death.
-Theon protecting Bran. I’m anti-Theon but he definitely completed his redemption story in my book.
-Dragon vs. dragon fighting was pretty cool.
-The music, or in some cases the silence, was great.

What I didn’t like:
-No shocking deaths. Jorah, Lyanna, Theon, Berick, and Eddison. They all seemed predictable and expendable. Didn’t really feel like GoT to have all top characters survive the battle of all battles, especially given that many of them seemed completely overwhelmed in combat.
-Dany was sort of meh. She burned some stuff with Drogon but spent far more time being lost and out of place.
-Bran still seems worthless. He was bait and that’s it. If the Night King had killed him, so what? Seems like the world would go on just fine without his smug 3ER nonsense.
-I wish Tyrion would’ve had a stronger role. Kept thinking his wits would provide a crucial turning point but he did nothing. I guess he’ll finally get his moment against Cersei?
-The dead coming alive in the crypt was kinda stupid given the fact that a wight couldn’t punch through a wooden crate in season 7. The episode would’ve been just fine if that hadn’t occurred.
-What dumbass decided that Ghost should charge into the night? Hoping Ghost survived somehow but that was a poor use of a direwolf and continues the trend of underutilizing then throughout the series.
-No one ever fought one of the WW generals or whatever they’re called. Would’ve liked to see Brienne or Jaime go head to head with one.
-Tormund was MIA most of the episode unless I just missed it.

Maybe that seems like a lot of gripes but overall the high points far outweigh the shortcomings and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope the final 3 episodes can come close to this.

Good summary, and I agree with most of it.

The raised dead in the crypts was the biggest disappointment for me.  We all knew it was coming, but I hate inconsistencies like this, especially when they aren't necessary.  The Starks may want to consider upgrading their coffins from papier-mâché to something a little more durable. 

I actually like the Bran character, but he seems wasted for the most part, and his importance to Westeros and/or humankind has not been well developed or explained.  Thus, the Night King's motive was never convincing.  There needed to be a better reason why Bran would be targeted. 

I completely understand why they made everything so dark, but it absolutely lessened the enjoyment, particularly regarding the dragon scenes.

I was disappointed that after a few minutes of silence when the last flaming sword was extinguished, there wasn't a charge of Dothraki wights on Winterfell. 


7 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
9 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:
Basic strategy should have to hold with unsullied spears and flank around with Dothraki Calvary. At least, that’s what I do in all Total War games.
Did anyone else think the lighting was too dark? It was hard to tell what was happening sometimes.

My tv was bugging with the dark...I needed an oled tv

I have the LG65C8.  The dark scenes were glorious on it.

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Great episode.  Super tense.  I’d heard it was all battle beforehand and that actually made me worried.  Too much can actually get boring.  But they did a good job of making it feel like a story instead of just hacking each other.  

 Thought that they’d have one Tier 1 character die though.  Risks becoming “just another show” in retrospect if every protagonist happens to survive impossible odds. 

5 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

i feel like the major characters in this show don’t die in battles anyway.

Fair point with perhaps the exception of Stannis, but that wasn’t quite the heat of battle. I thought Brienne, Pod and Jamie were all going to die together. 


Shocking that none of Podrick, Tormund, Grey Worm, Varys, Davos, Sam, Gilly, Missandei or Gendry died.  They all could have died and taken little away from the story going forward.  Brienne and The Hound are also secondary characters, but they have obvious arcs left to complete and their deaths would have been surprising.

The main characters at Winterfell were Tyrion, Jaime, Dany, Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran (Starks, Lannisters and Targs) and they all survived.  Typical for the post-Martin era of the show though.


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I did not think the darkness subtracted from the enjoyment.  I thought it added to the sense of foreboding and tenseness.  Also, it made for some pretty cool visuals whenever lights were present onscreen (flaming arakhs, dragonfire, glow from the castle at the end of the battle, etc.).  


One other thing about the coming battle with Cersei...

Unless she hired Patty Mahomes III and bought some ice spears down at the local WalMarts, how de fuck she gonna fend off two dragons?


Then again, the alliance sucks at utilizing said dragons, so there’s that too...

14 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I did not think the darkness subtracted from the enjoyment.  I thought it added to the sense of foreboding and tenseness.  Also, it made for some pretty cool visuals whenever lights were present onscreen (flaming arakhs, dragonfire, glow from the castle at the end of the battle, etc.).  

Totally agree with this. Had no issues with the darkness. Thought the use of lighting was excellent. 

I think some of yinz need to buy new TVs or stop watching nighttime battle scenes with 150 watt flood lights at max brightness. 

  • Like 2

Sorry if this has been addressed, but how did Arya get out of impending death in the room with the red woman and the hound?  Did she bail out the window?  How did the latter two hold off the wights that were busting down the door?

15 minutes ago, slorch said:

One other thing about the coming battle with Cersei...

Unless she hired Patty Mahomes III and bought some ice spears down at the local WalMarts, how de fuck she gonna fend off two dragons?


Then again, the alliance sucks at utilizing said dragons, so there’s that too...

Bron brought Drogon down w/ the Scorpion crossbow at the Loottrain battle.  It didn't kill him but brought him down.  

I'm guessing only one dragon survives the final battle.

6 minutes ago, heso said:

Totally agree with this. Had no issues with the darkness. Thought the use of lighting was excellent. 

I think some of yinz need to buy new TVs or stop watching nighttime battle scenes with 150 watt flood lights at max brightness. 

That or the settings are just too dark. I know my last TV I had it too dark, when I got a new one last year I used the picture settings suggested from some nerd website and it's much brighter. I had no problem seeing anything this episode or last. 

15 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

Not sure if important, but pretty convincing case for the Lord of Light religion. 

IMO the real case was made for the Many-Faced God.   It was Lord of Light + Arya Faceless Men shit + Old God magic that did in the NK. 

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Bron brought Drogon down w/ the Scorpion crossbow at the Loottrain battle.  It didn't kill him but brought him down.  

I'm guessing only one dragon survives the final battle.

Unless they have multiple scorpions spread around, I would think the dragons could quickly torch Euron's fleet. Seems like those ships will be rather useless for a battle fought at King's Landing. Although maybe the fighting somehow makes its way back to the Iron Islands.

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