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3 minutes ago, utee94 said:

I think she's going after Dany.  Whether you liked watching her stumble around the ruins of King's Landing for a half an hour or not, it was pretty obvious that she was touched by the plight of the innocent townspeople and became more enraged with the needless destruction every moment.  And she knows that exactly one person is responsible for all of that needless destruction.

Dany, you just made the list.

good points.

7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Arya is the biggest wildcard.  She could be riding to Storm’s End to make sweet love to Gendry.  Or she could be going to Winterfell.  Or she could be going after Dany. 

She's riding on Bran (most likely).  She said she didn't think she'd be going back to Winterfell so my guess would be she'll be off to deal with Dany.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, 4thgenhorn said:

I think Danys flipping was really driven by the loss of her Dragon right before. She thinks of them as her children after all. They could have done more to build pressure on the turn, but then maybe not a surprise?


I enjoyed the episode overall. Sure they could have done more,  it they are really wrapping it up quick now. 


Only one episode left for Sansa to show her Tatas. Fingers crossed. 

Sure, but it would have made more sense if it happened during the attack on King's Landing, not while joyriding across the ocean and 12 ships happen to be around the corner. Those dragons fly pretty fast too, so hitting one with a single shot at that distance and a perpendicular angle made no sense at all, the ballistas aren't flak cannons. It would have been awesome if the bells start ringing, Dany slows down and perches Drogon on the wall, then the other dragon gets shot, and she loses her shit. There are a lot better ways they could have made this story align with the character motivations we already knew and understood, and they still end with her going Mad Queen. I have no problem with her becoming the Mad Queen, and I expected something like it since about season 4 when she went crowd surfing, it was just too happy for a GRRM story. It's not a problem if the outcome can be predicted, but it feels cheap when the events and dialogue leading up to it don't align with the characters we watched for 7 years. 

  • Like 3
3 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

instead, we spend 8 years with cersei as the enemy.  that's the buildup.  then, after a shitty death (basically an offscreen death, similar to syrio's).  we get one episode left where i guess we're supposed to hate dany and root for jon?  i guess that's the big twist, that dany was the real bad guy, and cersei was a red herring?

I don't really think of it as a twist. There doesn't have to be just one bad guy. It's also possible for good people to do bad things and vice versa, which we've seen throughout the series.


Pretty good episode, mostly because (1) we've been conditioned to how shitty this season is and (2) closed the books on many stories (for better or worse).

I liked the middle bit about parallel Hound + Arya.  The Blessed Arya at the end was kinda stupid, but whatever.  If they really wanted to be that way.

Cleganebowl was as good as it can be.  Fine with everyone elses death.


But yo what the fuck is with the dragons that got blinde sided one day.  And then shooting goddamn nuclear bomb fire the next?


Looks pretty clear to me Jon's indecision and uselessness is a setup for him to finally take decision and lop off Daenerys' head. 

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

Pretty good episode, mostly because (1) we've been conditioned to how shitty this season is and (2) closed the books on many stories (for better or worse).

I liked the middle bit about parallel Hound + Arya.  The Blessed Arya at the end was kinda stupid, but whatever.  If they really wanted to be that way.

Cleganebowl was as good as it can be.  Fine with everyone elses death.


But yo what the fuck is with the dragons that got blinde sided one day.  And then shooting goddamn nuclear bomb fire the next?


Looks pretty clear to me Jon's indecision and uselessness is a setup for him to finally take decision and lop off Daenerys' head. 

one the dragon, i thought they mishandled this. i've got no problem with them starting her turn with missendei's death, and i have no problem with them killing the second dragon. however, i'm of the mind that she should have lost that dragon lighting up the fleet in the bay. i don't have a problem with euron ambushing the fleet, and capturing missendei. 

but when dany comes in with the sun at her back on the bay, i think that's the time for euron to have his dragon killing moment. dany's dragons are lighting up the fleet, and euron is there, waiting with a hidden ballista to take out the dragon unfortunate enough to fly in the path. bang, he gets off a lucky shot, dany breaks a bit more in that moment, finishes off the fleet, starting with euron's ship, and goes berserk on the city. then it makes more sense.

edit: or maybe euron sending up the white flags, and surrendering, then when dany chills out her dragons, he fires the shot that kills the second dragon. that means to her, surrender is no longer on the table, and it is take no quarter time.

all this makes more sense to me.

Edited by hayden_horn
  • Like 1
42 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

Sure, but it would have made more sense if it happened during the attack on King's Landing, not while joyriding across the ocean and 12 ships happen to be around the corner. Those dragons fly pretty fast too, so hitting one with a single shot at that distance and a perpendicular angle made no sense at all, the ballistas aren't flak cannons. It would have been awesome if the bells start ringing, Dany slows down and perches Drogon on the wall, then the other dragon gets shot, and she loses her shit. There are a lot better ways they could have made this story align with the character motivations we already knew and understood, and they still end with her going Mad Queen. I have no problem with her becoming the Mad Queen, and I expected something like it since about season 4 when she went crowd surfing, it was just too happy for a GRRM story. It's not a problem if the outcome can be predicted, but it feels cheap when the events and dialogue leading up to it don't align with the characters we watched for 7 years. 

This is exactly how a group of Deadspin writers thought was a better way to kill off one of her dragons.


Will the ones bitching just admit y'all wouldn't have been happy with this season no matter how it turned out? Good god y'all will whine about anything. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Upgrayedd said:

This is going to end with Ned waking up in his bed and realizing it was all a dream.

A good troll would to write a little flashback involving Ned just as an excuse to have Sean bean in the opening credits. 

1 minute ago, Eskimohorn said:


Were they going to last long outside the walls?


Dothraki and unsullied faced an army of the dead outside the walls of winterfell and survived in sufficient numbers to attack kings landing. 

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need one?  i guess not.  but does it help the show be more entertaining?  i think it does.  especially considering every big baddie has had one, and nobody enjoyed doing her evil like cersei.  jaime had one of the great arcs of this show, and a fascinating character study for 8 seasons.  now they get a "poetic" death?
also this is a two-part letdown (depending obviously on how they handle next week).
my prediction was that euron would die this week, and cersei next week.  if she's truly dead, then we get one episode to hash out jon vs dany, which is a brand new rivalry (yeah, sansa never trusted her, blah blah whatever).  it's new, and i don't really care about it like i did "who would kill cersei."
also, i mentioned it earlier, but is the iron throne still even intact?  if this show really doesn't end with someone sitting on it, then what was the point?

Needed a satisfying death? Not necessarily. Confrontation and conflict? A better one, yes. Arya getting herself captured, having Cersei snear at her. Arya vowing revenge.
Arya timing her assassination during the invasion, only to have to choose between saving herself or killing Cersei. Cersei escapes, finds Jamie, same ending, same Arya white horse ending. How hard was that?
21 minutes ago, BERT said:

Will the ones bitching just admit y'all wouldn't have been happy with this season no matter how it turned out? Good god y'all will whine about anything. 

no independent or abstract thought at all!

  • Like 3
1 minute ago, Eskimohorn said:


Needed a satisfying death? Not necessarily. Confrontation and conflict? A better one, yes. Arya getting herself captured, having Cersei snear at her. Arya vowing revenge.
Arya timing her assassination during the invasion, only to have to choose between saving herself or killing Cersei. Cersei escapes, finds Jamie, same ending, same Arya white horse ending. How hard was that?


in 3 minutes you just came up with about the 10th example on this thread alone of a better version than what we saw last night.

Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, BERT said:

Will the ones bitching just admit y'all wouldn't have been happy with this season no matter how it turned out? Good god y'all will whine about anything. 

^^^^ the worst. that's what these posts are. the absolute worst. you add nothing to the thread *and* you're literally whining and bitching about whining and bitching. if the writing has fallen off and the characters are no longer behaving they way they've behaved the entire series then people are entitled to complain. this is not a safe space for people who can't handle anyone criticizing a TV show that they like. Go start a NO COMPLAINING AT ALL GoT thread if you need to, but the incessant whinging because others are critical of the show is just. the. worst. 

Edited by Goo Punch
  • Like 4
  • Fuck You 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Dutchrudder said:

Sure, but it would have made more sense if it happened during the attack on King's Landing, not while joyriding across the ocean and 12 ships happen to be around the corner. Those dragons fly pretty fast too, so hitting one with a single shot at that distance and a perpendicular angle made no sense at all, the ballistas aren't flak cannons. It would have been awesome if the bells start ringing, Dany slows down and perches Drogon on the wall, then the other dragon gets shot, and she loses her shit. There are a lot better ways they could have made this story align with the character motivations we already knew and understood, and they still end with her going Mad Queen. I have no problem with her becoming the Mad Queen, and I expected something like it since about season 4 when she went crowd surfing, it was just too happy for a GRRM story. It's not a problem if the outcome can be predicted, but it feels cheap when the events and dialogue leading up to it don't align with the characters we watched for 7 years. 

That would have solved so many issues.   A realistic, smart idea to kill the dragons.    Cersei having a devious trick up her sleeve.  A justification for Dany wiping everything out, because the surrender was just a trick on her that resulted in the death of her dragon. 

Even better:  if the bell-ringing wasn't a standard town surrender procedure, but rather an idea that came from Tyrion in the same way we saw last night.  But in this version, Jaime made it through to Cersei a day before the attack and told her of Tyrion's plan for their escape together.  Cersei lies to Jaime that she will run off with him, but then uses the info to plan the fake surrender in order to ambush the dragons.   Jaime flips out at the doublecross and kills Cersei.  Then they somehow stage it where Jaime tries vainly to surrender to Dany, while Jon etc. look on but it's too late and she incinerates him. 

Edited by Mojo Hand
  • Like 2
15 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

^^^^ the worst. that's what these posts are. the absolute worst. you add nothing to the thread *and* you're literally whining and bitching about whining and bitching. if the writing has fallen off and the characters are no longer behaving they way they've behaved the entire series then people are entitled to complain. this is not a safe space for people who can't handle anyone criticizing a TV show that they like. Go start a NO COMPLAINING AT ALL GoT thread if you need to, but the incessant whinging because others are critical of the show is just. the. worst. 

i literally can't even.


What the fuck is up with all the damn repetition these past two seasons?  Tyrion and his fucking bells.  Jon saying over and over that he doesn't want the throne.  Like, what, a dozen war counsels clarifying that the objective is to take King's Landing without massive collateral damage?  Queen of the ashes yadda, yadda, yadda.  Tyrion trying to talk himself into having ANY affect on Dany or Cersei's mindset time and time again.  

Is it lazy writing to fill up the script, subtle-as-a-hammer foreshadowing, or do they think nothing or the intelligence of their audience?

And yeah, Varys was just fucking embarrassing.  "I've served many ruthless tyrants and done horrible things to keep their allegiance while deviously working to overthrow them right under their noses completely undetected...but now I serve a queen that I think is going to break bad, and I'm sending out 'Do you want to treason? Yes, no, or maybe.' notes across the Realm."

  • Like 1

One thing I guess kind of worth noting on Daenerys' heel turn.  After Rhaegal went down, she looked pissed riding around on Drogon.  She also looked pissed after Missandei got her bean lopped.

I joked about pissy Dany upthread, but for all the brutality she has committed in the past, justified or not, she never looked pissy like on those two occasions, at least that I can recall.  She has remained mostly calm and "regal" through the prior scenes.

Personally, I think she looked like a petulant little girl from Willie Wonka or something, but that might have been intended by Dolt & Dunce to presage the heel turn.

34 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

^^^^ the worst. that's what these posts are. the absolute worst. you add nothing to the thread *and* you're literally whining and bitching about whining and bitching. if the writing has fallen off and the characters are no longer behaving they way they've behaved the entire series then people are entitled to complain. this is not a safe space for people who can't handle anyone criticizing a TV show that they like. Go start a NO COMPLAINING AT ALL GoT thread if you need to, but the incessant whinging because others are critical of the show is just. the. worst. 

Cue the standard Derka "you don't add anything to the discussion response. Like you fucking ever do sans a lot of empty words. You have a fucking meltdown anytime someone else's opinion doesn't agree with yours.

  • Like 2
  • Fuck You 1
1 hour ago, Eskimohorn said:


Were they going to last long outside the walls?



like the battle against the white walkers, i don't understand being outside the wall 

3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

One thing I guess kind of worth noting on Daenerys' heel turn.  After Rhaegal went down, she looked pissed riding around on Drogon.  She also looked pissed after Missandei got her bean lopped.

I joked about pissy Dany upthread, but for all the brutality she has committed in the past, justified or not, she never looked pissy like on those two occasions, at least that I can recall.  She has remained mostly calm and "regal" through the prior scenes.

Personally, I think she looked like a petulant little girl from Willie Wonka or something, but that might have been intended by Dolt & Dunce to presage the heel turn.

Daenerys was molded by her life experience to be cruel and ruthless.  She was told from birth that she was destined to be great and sit on the Iron Throne.  Yet, she was sold off and raped by horse lords only to give birth to dragons which only reconfirmed her sense of self righteousness as she went about acquiring power by burning everything that got in her way across the world.

The polar opposite is Jon Snow who was born a bastard and told he knew nothing his entire life.  Yet when faced with putting his own self interest above those of others, he always chose putting the interests of the weak and defenseless first.  He does this time and time again by taking the black and protecting Sam.  He united the Crows with the wildings to protect the realms of men from the dead and he was murdered for it by his own men only to be magically resurrected to become the King of the North which he never wanted.  He was never told he was special in any way until he was told he was Aegon Targaryan and it didn’t change a god damn thing about him. 

  • Like 4
2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Daenerys was molded by her life experience to be cruel and ruthless.  She was told from birth that she was destined to be great and sit on the Iron Throne.  Yet, she was sold off and raped by horse lords only to give birth to dragons which only reconfirmed her sense of self righteousness as she went about acquiring power by burning everything that got in her way across the world.

The polar opposite is Jon Snow who was born a bastard and told he knew nothing his entire life.  Yet when faced with putting his own self interest above those of others, he always chose putting the interests of the weak and defenseless first.  He does this time and time again by taking the black and protecting Sam.  He united the Crows with the wildings to protect the realms of men from the dead and he was murdered for it by his own men only to be magically resurrected to become the King of the North which he never wanted.  He was never told he was special in any way until he was told he was Aegon Targaryan and it didn’t change a god damn thing about him. 

He changed a little. He did stop fucking his aunt 

  • Like 1

Jon Snow comes across as a weak-minded little bitch in this entire season. He is supposedly the leader of Dany's army, yet Grey Worm just decided to chuck a spear without command against a surrendered enemy. Pandemonium ensues and Jon has zero fucking control.   

37 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


like the battle against the white walkers, i don't understand being outside the wall 

Mounted calvary is pretty useless in a castle siege but I agree. Surely there is some strategy better than “hey, get outside and get slaughtered.”

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, Barry_McCokiner said:

  She's a 22 year old, irrational child with the world's most powerful weapon.

Sansa has one too.  

1 hour ago, BERT said:

Will the ones bitching just admit y'all wouldn't have been happy with this season no matter how it turned out? Good god y'all will whine about anything. 

Yea it’s crazy for people who have infested 70+ hours of their lives into a show to expect it to continue operating at the same quality level.

2 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

Yea it’s crazy for people who have infested 70+ hours of their lives into a show to expect it to continue operating at the same quality level.

it's actually our fault for not lowering our standards.

1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

That would have solved so many issues.   A realistic, smart idea to kill the dragons.    Cersei having a devious trick up her sleeve.  A justification for Dany wiping everything out, because the surrender was just a trick on her that resulted in the death of her dragon. 

Even better:  if the bell-ringing wasn't a standard town surrender procedure, but rather an idea that came from Tyrion in the same way we saw last night.  But in this version, Jaime made it through to Cersei a day before the attack and told her of Tyrion's plan for their escape together.  Cersei lies to Jaime that she will run off with him, but then uses the info to plan the fake surrender in order to ambush the dragons.   Jaime flips out at the doublecross and kills Cersei.  Then they somehow stage it where Jaime tries vainly to surrender to Dany, while Jon etc. look on but it's too late and she incinerates him. 

That would have been exceptional and true to the characters and their motivations.

3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The arc of Jaime really comes into focus after this episode.  Jaime wasn’t corrupted when he killed the Mad King.  He could have easily taken the throne for himself at that moment in time, the same with Ned Stark who turned it down when he walked in on Jaime sitting there with the dead king.  

However, the rise of Cersei was allowed to happen because Jaime was compromised by her.  He couldn’t turn on her no matter all the evil and horrible shit she did.  All the bad deeds of Jaime can be traced back to his love and loyalty to Cersei and it destroyed him in the end.  

A cautionary tale for other good men that put the pussy on the pedestal to their own demise (cough Jon Snow/Tyrion/Greyworm/Davos).

Jaime was addicted to her so it informs all of his behaviors on the show.  He behaves like an addict all the way up to the end.


1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Unpopular opinion but I thought this was one of the best episodes in the entire series and my favorite episode is the first one. 

I would have to agree and I never fucking agree with you

Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

Jon Snow comes across as a weak-minded little bitch in this entire season. He is supposedly the leader of Dany's army, yet Grey Worm just decided to chuck a spear without command against a surrendered enemy. Pandemonium ensues and Jon has zero fucking control.   

So you're saying Grey Worm is a spear chucker?


Edited by TwiceHorn
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

One thing I guess kind of worth noting on Daenerys' heel turn.  After Rhaegal went down, she looked pissed riding around on Drogon.  She also looked pissed after Missandei got her bean lopped.

I joked about pissy Dany upthread, but for all the brutality she has committed in the past, justified or not, she never looked pissy like on those two occasions, at least that I can recall.  She has remained mostly calm and "regal" through the prior scenes.

Personally, I think she looked like a petulant little girl from Willie Wonka or something, but that might have been intended by Dolt & Dunce to presage the heel turn.



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