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What is the worst job you've ever had in your life?

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Posted (edited)

Worked one summer for a roofer humping bundles of shingles up ladders. Never again.

One summer cutting up thousands of board/feet of lumber in sawmill.

Another summer as the shop “slave” for a bus company (did all the dirty odd jobs no one else wanted to do).

One week clerking at 7-11 which was mostly spent cleaning the place and swamping out the bathroom. 
(not as bad as the other three because the store was air conditioned)

Edited by Armybrat
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On 12/15/2023 at 11:17 PM, Knoxtnhorn said:

Dirt poor.  Second year at UT.  I come across an ad in the Daily Texan for environmental activism or somesuch.  Pays up to $300 a night.  I like green things like trees and money so, let's do it.

I show up at 4PM.  The job was essentially raising money from door-to-door.  About 8 of us get picked up in a van.  They drive us to some semi-rich burb south of Austin.  I'm to follow another person around for 2 hours, then go it alone.  I watch this guy occasionally bag $20 here and there.  The rest of the time he's getting door slammed in his face.  IIRC, there was some catch where you could earn $300, but that was if you raised $700.  7PM arrives and I'm off on my own.  First door gets slammed in my face and I'm all, "F this".  I find a small community college library and hang out there for a couple of hours.  Van ride back sucked.

Could have been worse.  I picked this ad over a salmon fishery in Alaska.  

Goddamn Clean Water Action. 

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31 minutes ago, Rudiger said:

Goddamn Clean Water Action. 

Was that it?  That sounds incredibly correct as I do recall it had something to do with water.

I think the town they dropped us off in was possibly Seguin.  I know it had a decent sized college - hence the time spent in the library.  I also recall we traveled south on 35 for a bit.

  • Hook 'Em 1
Posted (edited)

Also wanted to add my worst and shortest job to the thread.

I was working at the Blockbuster on Riverside during the school year.  I went home for the summer and worked at the local (Garland) Blockbuster.  In not having to be at work til 10AM, I decided to apply for a prep job at McDonald's, which was located in the same shopping center.  Show up at 6AM, cut some vegies, head over the Blockbuster at 10.  The more I work now, the less I have to do when I get back to Austin in August.  So, yeah.  I lasted an hour.  

Bitchass, 300 lb shift manager started bitching at me for leaning on a counter while I was cleaning.  I had had ACL surgery about 4 months prior, so I was still a little wobbly.  I told her to go fuck herself and threw the cleaning rag at her.  As I was walking out, I was all, "That was kind of cool."  Little victories before becoming responsible.

Edited by Knoxtnhorn
  • Hook 'Em 3
45 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

Also wanted to add my worst and shortest job to the thread.

I was working at the Blockbuster on Riverside during the school year.  I went home for the summer and worked at the local (Garland) Blockbuster.  In not having to be at work til 10AM, I decided to apply for a prep job at McDonald's, which was located in the same shopping center.  Show up at 6AM, cut some vegies, head over the Blockbuster at 10.  The more I work now, the less I have to do when I get back to Austin in August.  So, yeah.  I lasted an hour.  

Bitchass, 300 lb shift manager started bitching at me for leaning on a counter while I was cleaning.  I had had ACL surgery about 4 months prior, so I was still a little wobbly.  I told her to go fuck herself and threw the cleaning rag at her.  As I was walking out, I was all, "That was kind of cool."  Little victories before becoming responsible.

Worked at Baby A's on Riverside. Threw salsa at some teachers who were dicks to the bus boy. Sucked, it was a good job, but don't fuck with me team. Yeah, I got fired.

  • Hook 'Em 4

A good one was the summer after high school at Kasper Wire Works.  They made newspaper machines, metal parts  and casters (wheels for shopping carts, ect) back then.  I got assigned to the engineering depart and evidently one had just quit that was in charge of testing all the casters.  They decided they weren’t going to replace him until after the summer so I basically was his temporary replacement.  Watch wheels go around over bumps in the ac and did reports and other tasks in my office.  A lot of guys my age would car pool from a town away and would go eat lunch together.  They would be covered in filth and sweaty while I was in dress clothes. 

In Shiner, right? My mom’s boyfriend’s college roommate (Aggy class of ‘49) owned that place. Their other roommate owned the LL Sams and son’s church furniture factory in Waco.

My family owned a Gibsons’ store, with a garden center. I unloaded many a tractor trailer full of shrubs, pallets of fertilizer, roses, etc. Eventually, I made it to sporting goods and became a fishing tackle and gun salesman.

But when I was 12 I was a helper in the family home building business, loading trash and cuttings into an old red Ford 600 panel sided dump truck and hauling it to the dump. In High school and college I framed houses, which was fun as long as I wasn’t accidentally shooting myself in the knuckles with paslode nail guns.

I wish I had appreciated the value of manual labor back then, instead of just resenting it.

I was 14 and the county agent had recruited several teens to plant trees for a Christmas tree farm.  It was top pay at $5 an hour which sounded like a big deal to my dumb ass when minimum wage was $3.35.  I was the youngest in the group.

We get there and the job seems easy.  Each sapling was only about 9 inches, and you poked a hole in the ground with your finger, moved 3 feet and repeat.

After 8 hours of that, my back was killing me and my knees hurt from crawling in my jeans were soaked at the knees from the mud, but I knew my parents wouldn't let me quit. 

I showed up the the next week, the group working was half and the following week it was just me.  The job was only on Saturdays and after about 6 weeks, I finally convinced my parents to let me quit.  That job was lonely and I have no idea what the real purpose planting those saplings served.  It must have been a front for something, but I have no idea what it was.  Forty years later, only a few of those trees grew up and the place never became a Christmas tree farm between then and now.

The main thing I learned from that job was that manual labor was not for me and to be careful about what kind of work you agree to get into.  It's probably a lot harder than it sounds.


Shit one of the best jobs I had was planting an orchard. me, dogs, some weed, no one to fuck with me. Loved it until I ran into a momma cottonhead. Called my mentor and took a job in Afghanistan 

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9 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

Was that it?  That sounds incredibly correct as I do recall it had something to do with water.

I think the town they dropped us off in was possibly Seguin.  I know it had a decent sized college - hence the time spent in the library.  I also recall we traveled south on 35 for a bit.

That's the only one I remember, and the scenario sounds about right. Except they dropped us off at crappy apartment complexes in north Austin. Our manager was a guy who went by Cyprus but whose real name was Jerry or something similarly pedestrian. 

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6 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

Shit one of the best jobs I had was planting an orchard. me, dogs, some weed, no one to fuck with me. Loved it until I ran into a momma cottonhead. Called my mentor and took a job in Afghanistan 


  • Haha 1

Most difficult: I had an internship one summer selling tickets for the Austin Ice Bats. Selling Ice Hockey tickets in Texas during the summer. I made a metric fuck ton of cold calls and sold one package of tickets to a buddy of mine who felt sorry for me - I think the package he bought was $135 or so.

Hardest/most physical: I worked a summer in a furniture plant making library furniture for schools back in my hometown after my Freshman year at UT. Most of the equipment was in these old tin buildings that had no insulation and no A/C. The thermometer hung up in the rafters would regularly show 115+. I started off pushing a broom and picking up scraps until the supervisor realized I was considerably smarter than the older dudes working there. After that I'd get moved around every time someone quit or didn't show up for a few days. I ran the edge bander, moved over to the laminating machine, and finished the summer with one of the most "cushy" jobs in the shop - running one of the CNC machines. Work started at 6 am and went until 4 with 45 minutes for lunch. I think I lost about 15 lbs from all the sweat and physical labor. It did make me realize pretty quick that I needed to make better grades and get my shit together and graduate if I didn't want to be working a shit ass job the rest of my life.

I had other shit jobs in high school too. Worked as a grease monkey, built split rail fence, cleared brush, hauled hay, and had a lawn mowing business with a buddy that was great money and not too hard. That damn furniture plant inferno was a whole 'nother level of suck. 

On 12/17/2023 at 2:16 PM, 52-80 said:

So all you guys who had shit jobs, have your kids done shit jobs, and/or would you want them to?

I don’t know how to tread the spoiled vs tough love line when mine turns of age. 

This is a great question.  The short answer is no, I haven't had my kids do the crappy jobs.  I have had them working from their mid-teens, but not at the kinds of grinder jobs I had.  Maybe I should have.  All three of them have done retail, or lifeguarding, or fast food.  I did have my son go work on my cousin's real, working cattle ranch for a few weeks to get the feel of it (it's not a romantic cowboy life), and he's better for the experience.  

When my oldest was in HS, one of her classmates was required by her dad to go to 4-5 adults that she admired and ask "what were you doing at my age?"  Without fail, all of them said they had at least a part-time job.  A valuable lesson for a teenager.  

Maybe I should have had my kids take the real grinder jobs.  It probably would have been good for them.  However, they've all turned out to be decent, responsible adults, so I don't think I messed them up too badly.  

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On 12/17/2023 at 2:16 PM, 52-80 said:

So all you guys who had shit jobs, have your kids done shit jobs, and/or would you want them to?

I don’t know how to tread the spoiled vs tough love line when mine turns of age. 

One of my concerns with raising our boys in the burbs was how to teach them work ethic.  My mom had it easy on that front because we lived on a dairy.  I didn't know how I was going to implement those values  by having the boys cut grass and fold laundry.

Turns out, assigning responsibilities in the house/ yard is pretty damned universal.  Driving home the premise that everyone who lives in that house has certain jobs to cover in order for the household to function was a very effective way for them to understand that there are no free rides.  When they got old enough the older one worked in a yogurt shop and volunteered at church.  The younger one went to work when his time came at an HEB, where he discovered if he did cart crew, he got a premium on his hourly pay.  He also did volunteer work at church.  They both did 2 significant EC's at school that also taught them commitment and time management.

I'd say the oldest learned the most from a very inconsistent mom & pop manager at the yogurt shop.  There are valuable lessons in what NOT to do at work, and he got them by the cupful( LOL.)  HEB was an outstanding employer and younger son LOVED working there. He worked hard, but there were lots of perks.  They kind of set the bar on what he expected going forward.

Then they both joined the military and went to college, and those are separate threads in and of themselves.  In the end, no, my kids never did the shit jobs that I did in high school/ college.  I think they learned those lessons in different ways.  Yes, I was glad they never had to do what I did...but I have the luxury of knowing how they turned out.  You don't get that payoff until it's really too late.  LOL.  They are hard ass workers in their respective fields, and they most likely learned it from their mom anyway.


Got another one.  While putting my wife through her undergrad, then Master's before returning to school myself, I worked at a Mexican restaurant in Knoxville.  Manager fired me one night.  He was being a bitch, so I threw my apron at him.  I didn't expect 15 pens and 40 coins to turn into restaurant, break room shrapnel.  

The next day, I quickly obtained a temp-to-perm job at Whirlpool.  I was to train for a month, then fill in for those on vacation.  Something that should have been easy was incredibly difficult.  Contractors building housing developments would call to order appliances.  I had to be able to determine which appliances, with certain outlets, and certain product numbers, go where.  It was FAR more confusing than it should have been.  I show up on Day 2 and their all, "Congrats!  You're on the floor!".  I barely knew how to answer the phone at this point.  Cool.  I'll just do my best and wing it.  First call.  8:01AM.  "I need 34 units of the T34 model with outlet codes xyz."  I mean, I'm typing b.s., but it's nowhere close to how confusing this was.  I put the guy on hold and just leave.  Later that day, I talked my manager into giving me my restaurant job back.

  • Haha 2
On 12/17/2023 at 2:16 PM, 52-80 said:

So all you guys who had shit jobs, have your kids done shit jobs, and/or would you want them to?

I don’t know how to tread the spoiled vs tough love line when mine turns of age. 

100%. A good buddy owns mechanic shops for high end cars.  Little man is absolutely sweeping those floors starting around 13.  

On 12/17/2023 at 2:16 PM, 52-80 said:

So all you guys who had shit jobs, have your kids done shit jobs, and/or would you want them to?

I don’t know how to tread the spoiled vs tough love line when mine turns of age. 


I've thought about this with my 13 yr old daughter. 

I live in a small town, and everybody kind of knows everybody, and everybody "just loves" my daughter. 

She volunteers two saturday mornings a month at the local food pantry, unless she has something going on for school (band, sports, whatever) that day. She also of course has chores around the house, which imo aren't very difficult.


Anyway, two friends of the wife and I have already told us she has a job when she's old enough: 

one is at a bookstore.

one is at a wine bar. 

Either one would be a good job to work part time during high school, I think. She'll probably take one of them. She's also said she wants to be a camp counsellor at her summer camp when she's old enough. 


None of those I would consider a shit job but I think she'll be ok. 



When my kid was a freshman in college she got a job at a financial advisor’s office. She lasted a week filing and answering the phone before quitting. Her mom was devastated.

A week later, she’s waiting tables in a campus adjacent dive bar. I was over the moon, and told her “finally, a valuable job. Now you’re going to learn the good, the bad, the ugly, who is solid, who is full of shit, what a problem drinker looks like, etc.” All that came true. I told her the education in human nature would probably equal her degree in life value.

6 months later, she’s at an upscale place, bartending for adults.

Next, she achieved a restaurant/bar turnaround.

Graduated MCL while saving enough in 4 years to get a nice place in Chicago after graduation, where she is a 23 year old director at a global firm handling a $1B annual spend. Very high social IQ.

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I worked at a car wash during high school and in a structural iron fab shop the summer after my senior year. The fab shop job wasn't that bad - learned a lot of cool shit.  It was hard though.  Convinced me of the value of a college education, that's for sure.

The worst jobs I ever heard of personally were a turkey masturbator and a guy who was on a moving crew who worked as general labor. We were moving offices and I was there helping and directing traffic.  We struck up a conversation and I asked him what was the worst assignment he ever got. He said the worst assignment ever was to excavate a broken sewer line that was coming out of a hospital. The city crews wouldn't do it. The turkey masturbator story was probably the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. It was on a turkey farm and they had to get sperm to inseminate the female turkeys.

17 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

Got another one.  While putting my wife through her undergrad, then Master's before returning to school myself, I worked at a Mexican restaurant in Knoxville.  Manager fired me one night.  He was being a bitch, so I threw my apron at him.  I didn't expect 15 pens and 40 coins to turn into restaurant, break room shrapnel.  

The next day, I quickly obtained a temp-to-perm job at Whirlpool.  I was to train for a month, then fill in for those on vacation.  Something that should have been easy was incredibly difficult.  Contractors building housing developments would call to order appliances.  I had to be able to determine which appliances, with certain outlets, and certain product numbers, go where.  It was FAR more confusing than it should have been.  I show up on Day 2 and their all, "Congrats!  You're on the floor!".  I barely knew how to answer the phone at this point.  Cool.  I'll just do my best and wing it.  First call.  8:01AM.  "I need 34 units of the T34 model with outlet codes xyz."  I mean, I'm typing b.s., but it's nowhere close to how confusing this was.  I put the guy on hold and just leave.  Later that day, I talked my manager into giving me my restaurant job back.

I'm still waiting on hold.  Where the hell are my T34's?

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Posted (edited)

I was a Worker's Comp Administrator for a hospital system in the Houston medical center. This was early 90s when AIDS epidemic was at its height, and AIDS research and treatment were still in it's infancy. I would get Incident Reports and Claims from system doctors who had needle pricks and were filing claims for AIDS drugs and treatment.

We were self insured so I would have to deny many of the claims and drug expenses. To be clear, the initial decisions were done way above me but I would have to carry the message. I had many doctors calling me and bitching me out or crying that I denied their treatments. I felt God awful. They offered me a promotion in the department. Instead of taking it, I quit. Fuck that job.

Edited by crash_davis


“I raised the subject of turkey masturbation. "They're making a fuss about that?" Paul said, incredulously. "It's been happening for 80 years." I was complaining about the impossibility of a journalist getting to see the process, when I heard a rustle of feathers beside me. The turkey was already upside down in Paul's hands. He swiftly uncovered a hole amidst the feathers, gave it a couple of tweaks, and there was the turkey semen, looking like a bit of crumbly old toothpaste. "We take this," said Paul, "and suck it into a rubber tube. It's then blown into the vagina." He picked up a nearby turkey hen, and revealed the vagina. When he put the bird down, she fluttered her feathers and walked off. "What she's doing with her feathers - that's called rattling. It proves she likes being handled."

He said that when the AI gangs make their regular visits to the Kellys' breeding sheds (the birds around us were for killing; they would never breed), the males strut and the females squat in happy anticipation.

Transfixed by the bizarre nature of the operation, I asked Paul whether he had ever sucked the semen into his mouth accidentally. "I've had a few mouthfuls," he confirmed cheerfully. "It's a bit salty."


  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

When my kid was a freshman in college she got a job at a financial advisor’s office. She lasted a week filing and answering the phone before quitting. Her mom was devastated.

A week later, she’s waiting tables in a campus adjacent dive bar. I was over the moon, and told her “finally, a valuable job. Now you’re going to learn the good, the bad, the ugly, who is solid, who is full of shit, what a problem drinker looks like, etc.” All that came true. I told her the education in human nature would probably equal her degree in life value.

6 months later, she’s at an upscale place, bartending for adults.

Next, she achieved a restaurant/bar turnaround.

Graduated MCL while saving enough in 4 years to get a nice place in Chicago after graduation, where she is a 23 year old director at a global firm handling a $1B annual spend. Very high social IQ.


It could be that all the bartending led to the high social IQ, but I think its more likely the high social IQ led her to a job (bartending) that involves lots of social interaction. 


what is the bolded?


Maybe I'm off base here or thinking of someone else, but aren't you a recovering alcoholic? If not I apologize. If so, nothing weird to you about her serving alcohol?


Anyway, good job dad. 


  • Like 1
3 hours ago, BearSchlong said:


“I raised the subject of turkey masturbation. "They're making a fuss about that?" Paul said, incredulously. "It's been happening for 80 years." I was complaining about the impossibility of a journalist getting to see the process, when I heard a rustle of feathers beside me. The turkey was already upside down in Paul's hands. He swiftly uncovered a hole amidst the feathers, gave it a couple of tweaks, and there was the turkey semen, looking like a bit of crumbly old toothpaste. "We take this," said Paul, "and suck it into a rubber tube. It's then blown into the vagina." He picked up a nearby turkey hen, and revealed the vagina. When he put the bird down, she fluttered her feathers and walked off. "What she's doing with her feathers - that's called rattling. It proves she likes being handled."

He said that when the AI gangs make their regular visits to the Kellys' breeding sheds (the birds around us were for killing; they would never breed), the males strut and the females squat in happy anticipation.

Transfixed by the bizarre nature of the operation, I asked Paul whether he had ever sucked the semen into his mouth accidentally. "I've had a few mouthfuls," he confirmed cheerfully. "It's a bit salty."


What a lot of people don't realize is most of the time they order "Rocky Mountain oysters", they're actually turkey fries. Prep and breading them was one of my jobs in a resort kitchen in HS.

2 hours ago, RPM said:

What a lot of people don't realize is most of the time they order "Rocky Mountain oysters", they're actually turkey fries. Prep and breading them was one of my jobs in a resort kitchen in HS.

We’ve made them after a branding on the ranch. They weren’t turkey fries. 

It could be that all the bartending led to the high social IQ, but I think its more likely the high social IQ led her to a job (bartending) that involves lots of social interaction. 
what is the bolded?
Maybe I'm off base here or thinking of someone else, but aren't you a recovering alcoholic? If not I apologize. If so, nothing weird to you about her serving alcohol?
Anyway, good job dad. 

You might be right about the causality.

I am a recovered alcoholic, part of why I wanted her to bartend was to figure out early if she had the same proclivities.

Alcoholics eventually realize that alcohol is symptom, not the problem. I love bars. They serve club soda and Diet Coke. In 13 years I haven’t had even a hint of temptation to order anything stronger.
  • Hook 'Em 3
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McLennan County Jail in Waco. Had piss, shit and skeet thrown at me.  Constant threat of violence. Saw some horrible drug withdrawals. Men losing their jobs and marriages.  Was offered sex by some female inmates, however, but declined due to risk of being thrown in jail myself. 

30 minutes ago, Ravishing Rick said:

Was offered sex by some female inmates, however, but declined due to risk of being thrown in jail myself. 



Appreciate all the construction jobs. I did residential A/C work with my dad for most of my adolescence and high school, those attics were not fun in the summer, but I still don't think it holds a candle to construction and other general dirty jobs on here. 


My worst was definitely a seasonal 2-day stint for a restaurant pulling gizzard bags or whatever they are out of turkey necks in preparation for their Thanksgiving pre-orders. We sat in the freezer since the turkeys were to stay frozen, hands were damn near frozen solid after just touching straight ice all morning. Was only a pair o 5 hour shifts, but just me and 2 others that did not speak any English. Definitely brought my ego back in line since it was a job months after finishing up with Grad school and I was checking Craigslist ads for any type of quick buck. The drain was more mental.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Ravishing Rick said:

McLennan County Jail in Waco. Had piss, shit and skeet thrown at me.  Constant threat of violence. Saw some horrible drug withdrawals. Men losing their jobs and marriages.  Was offered sex by some female inmates, however, but declined due to risk of being thrown in jail myself. 

this guy wins

altho..if you get thrown in jail, wouldnt that just result in even more sex?

Edited by 52-80

In 1989 I was 12 and Nike released the Jordan 4 Bred. I begged my dad to buy me and pair and he very quickly told me to fuck off. I asked him what could I do to earn money, he told me when he was 12 he had a paper route. Brilliant idea pops. I got a paper route the next day and rode my bike up and down the street throwing papers. Not bad huh? We lived in Bartlesville Oklahoma which is around 12 miles from Kansas. I froze my dick off every morning throwing papers on my bike in the winter. Summers weren’t too bad. They would drop them off at my street then I would have to fold them and off I would go. I could never spend the night at people houses because I had my stupid paper route. Glad the old man taught me a lesson and didn’t buy me the shoes. Made me value money and taught me to work hard.

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Parking lots, lots and lots of parking lots.  Asphalt paving crew, crack fill, striping, installing car stops in asphalt and concrete - in concrete being the worst due to having to drill holes in the concrete for the pins to fit down into, sealcoating (damn the chemical burns on exposed skin), busting out old concrete with jackhammers to clean out for a new slab, and many other parking lot related adventures.  High school and college summers in Houston where it was always nice and cool. 

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On 12/15/2023 at 10:20 AM, deadshank said:

Reading the posts about construction jobs, the low pay and physical exertion toll always brings a smile to my face when considering the lily-white, soft and out of touch know-it-alls on this board and out in the wild that complain about construction guys getting paid to much for their work, saying it can't be that hard and they're entitled to low, low prices but deserve the finest workmanship in these United States.


Every human with a sack, hanging or not, should work construction for at least one hot summer or cold winter.  Working with your hands and back is a good gauge for the rest of your life.  


This man knows of what he speaks, so you younguns need to listen up. Just don't wind up doing it for 42 summers and winters like I did, lol.

On 12/19/2023 at 8:16 PM, Ravishing Rick said:

McLennan County Jail in Waco. Had piss, shit and skeet thrown at me.  Constant threat of violence. Saw some horrible drug withdrawals. Men losing their jobs and marriages.  Was offered sex by some female inmates, however, but declined due to risk of being thrown in jail myself. 

gonna admit that due to me sheltered life, I had to look up the slang for Skeet.  Fucking gross.  You win.

On 12/19/2023 at 8:16 PM, Ravishing Rick said:

McLennan County Jail in Waco. Had piss, shit and skeet thrown at me.  Constant threat of violence. Saw some horrible drug withdrawals. Men losing their jobs and marriages.  Was offered sex by some female inmates, however, but declined due to risk of being thrown in jail myself. 

I worked at the notorious Oklahoma County Jail for 2 years in the late 90s. Had some good coworkers but the unsanitary conditions were too much. What a dump.

Fast forward 20 years and I'm at my local county jail to get my fingerprints done for my CCL. As I waited for the officer to get the cards ready, I smelled that familiar jailhouse smell. Like sweaty ass and shit and dirty clothes that have been laying around for a couple of weeks. Talk about a blast from the past. I almost said something to her but then I realized I'd probably sound like an asshole. "Hey this disgusting smell you work in every day reminds me of when I worked in a similar shithole!". 

On 12/21/2023 at 6:50 AM, slorch said:

gonna admit that due to me sheltered life, I had to look up the slang for Skeet.  Fucking gross.  You win.


chappelle skeet.gif

  • Hook 'Em 2
On 12/21/2023 at 4:50 AM, slorch said:

gonna admit that due to me sheltered life, I had to look up the slang for Skeet.  Fucking gross.  You win.

Certainly makes an afternoon of skeet shooting a lot more interesting 

  • Haha 2

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