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Joe Biden 2024 thread - Dark Brandon Where Art Thou?


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24 minutes ago, immamac said:

Being a moron isn't trolling. Being a moron and being shown you are being a moron and continuing to be a moron is trolling. 

Pretty sure that's also just called "being a moron." 

You met a lot of morons that get their idiocy exposed and suddenly have a Eureka lightbulb moment? Because I never have. 

Edited by SydneyCarton
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30 minutes ago, 'stache said:

JFC, lol. Embellished war stories about an ancestor's demise is one of the deepest rooted American traditions. 

Second only to claiming Native American heritage. 

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38 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

When I see nonsense like what sheeeeit posted it just makes me wonder how people can be so gullible and dumb.

He's an amateur operative out to help the party. He got the message that this was the way to go after Biden, so he's doing it. Unpaid liar. It's cynical but neither gullible nor dumb.

It's also despicable. 

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1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

I simply refuse this as an excuse anymore

I can only speak for myself but I do not have the attention span to post long winded diatribes on surly when I’m high. 

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1 hour ago, immamac said:

Being a moron isn't trolling. Being a moron and being shown you are being a moron and continuing to be a moron is trolling. 

But it's ok, because he was high.


Edited by dieucla98
Ah fuck, beat to it. Nvm.
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A hunter just came to me with tears in his eyes and said it’s so unfair what they do to me in my Joe Biden is God thread.

“Every time you post great economic news or talk about state lege changes or shifting policy in areas of importance, some stupid dickhead like sheeeeeit or fatty or Boss Hogg intentionally, obtusely, and miraculously miss the most obvious fucking point and low level trolling wins the day.

In my head I didn’t worry cause I knew there’d be more great economic news to post, there always is, and I said “Don't worry Q1 GDP is coming up, probably 3%.”

The camouflage wearing man looked at me, wiped away his tears and said “Goddamn it Beau Biden got brain cancer from his time in the fire pits while serving overseas like a good American patriot! Dying in a hospital in America from a battle with brain cancer is the obvious end result. It’s not a lie that he died in Iraq”

I comforted him and whispered “it’s ok, it’s gonna be 3%, and they’ll post a Project Veritas video


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10 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

A hunter just came to me with tears in his eyes and said it’s so unfair what they do to me in my Joe Biden is God thread.

“Every time you post great economic news or talk about state lege changes or shifting policy in areas of importance, some stupid dickhead like sheeeeeit or fatty or Boss Hogg intentionally, obtusely, and miraculously miss the most obvious fucking point and low level trolling wins the day.

In my head I didn’t worry cause I knew there’d be more great economic news to post, there always is, and I said “Don't worry Q1 GDP is coming up, probably 3%.”

The camouflage wearing man looked at me, wiped away his tears and said “Goddamn it Beau Biden got brain cancer from his time in the fire pits while serving overseas like a good American patriot! Dying in a hospital in America from a battle with brain cancer is the obvious end result. It’s not a lie that he died in Iraq”

I comforted him and whispered “it’s ok, it’s gonna be 3%, and they’ll post a Project Veritas video


Please, we don’t need any more examples of slight misses and gaffes.  

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2 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

I keep my hair short.  He has no business with me. 

Trump likes to pull hair? Surprised he can with those tiny hands. Glad you've found a way to work around that though. 

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8 hours ago, sheeeit said:

Still laughing.  The attempted spin from you and Roma  is impressive though.  Lets pretend FF did have the exact same family story.  Then FF got into politics.  Then FF was runninmg for relection for POTUS and everyone thought he had mental issues.  So one of the biggest issues his campain is trying to deal with is to not let him seem like a dementia patient.  If FF still told the story and used the word cannibal it would absolutely be a sign that he was mentally infirm.  Especially considering that there is undeniable information that is easily found by a 10 year old that the story waqs untrue.

His entire staff is engaged in trying to not let him look like a senile old man.  I am sure they told him he could use the story about his uncle dying in the war and how it would be used to show how bad Trump is.  But they told him, under no ciscumstance can you utter the word cannibal.  But he did. 

Have you seen this?  Just wondering. 


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36 minutes ago, Captainant said:

It's funny that fatty only shows up when he's got sheeeeit around to fling poo and give him cover. What a silly fascist preferring coward

Not going to lie.  When I saw the green avatar, a silly news take, and TikTok, I wondered to myself if you were branching out from financials.  Slight surprise to see it was a completely different poster.  

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56 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Not going to lie.  When I saw the green avatar, a silly news take, and TikTok, I wondered to myself if you were branching out from financials.  Slight surprise to see it was a completely different poster.  

Notably not denying the fascist preference. And again repeating your lie of my ever posting a TikTok as a source. From a dude with a green avatar lol. 

Keep on telling yourself lies and enjoy your fabricated worldview. It certainly makes voting for trump again easier

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8 minutes ago, Hmbre97 said:

Owning the libs makes fatty's little peepee so hard

I used to truly not understand it, but I had never been around liberals en masse.  Wouldn’t say it makes my little peepee hard, but watching the mental decline of some posters here was absolutely fascinating. 

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9 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

You just giddily piggy-backed a thread started by something called sheeit who tried to hide behind being high as his excuse for being incredibly stupid, and you're questioning others' mental decline?

You used to be a pretty decent poster, even though I disagreed with you about almost everything. Now you're just trite, unintellectual, low effort trolling.

I didn’t troll in that thread.  I just thought it was lol that one mans liar and brainworm is another’s gaffe and slight miss. Go team 

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40 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

I used to truly not understand it, but I had never been around liberals en masse.  Wouldn’t say it makes my little peepee hard, but watching the mental decline of some posters here was absolutely fascinating. 

That's how they trick you.  You don't ever get surrounded 'en masse', then they sneak up and drink your adrenochrome.  ;)  

I really don't think anybody have slipped mentally on here.  I think most of the CR posters are where they've always been on the spectrum.  What your guy would do well to recognize is there are millions and millions of not necessarily pro-Biden supporters, but former RINO's, Libertarians, and politically active independents who turn out but never align one way or the other.  They are the ones who tipped the last election.  And a great slice of life of them is on this very forum.  Educated suburbanites who merely looked at the landscape and thought, "I say and do dumb shit, but celebrating stupidity is a different animal altogether."  This time around, the strategy will be slightly different.  He gets his 50mm (25mm batshit MAGA and 25mm straight-ticket no matter what) and Biden gets the 'Turn out the Vote/Youth/Rock the Vote/Etc." bullshit.  This time, it all comes down to shaming the middle 25mm Trump voters that know better but held their nose the last 2 times.  It's a tightwire act, you get in their face and most of them will vote for him not because they like him anymore but to spite their friends/family/coworkers/neighbors they feel disrespect them.  But a few million with a soul will actually sit it out because they just can't reconcile his bullshit with their values, hard as that is for many lefty CR's to accept. 

I get your point, maybe the far left will take this as a mandate to go further left.  Who knows?  But a few million Americans who still have a shred of decency will sit this one out instead of pulling for Trump.  And it's game over.  And he dies.  And then the next battle begins, particularly with that lower 25mm of his base that was previously non/rare voting blocs.  In poor taste, I used to say we should put them on trains to re-education or labor camps.  That they should be excluded from society.  But we need their menial skill set, people would decry.  We can't function without stupids.  They have a place and we must sustain their existence.  And alas, Babylon.  Artificial Intelligence comes along just as we need to eradicate 25mm Americans from the economy and society.  It'll make for a wonderful screenplay and an even better reality.  25mm Maga acolytes go up in smoke...if ever there were that many...

Edited by YGIFS
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3 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

That's how they trick you.  You don't ever get surrounded 'en masse', then they sneak up and drink your adrenochrome.  ;)  

I really don't think anybody have slipped mentally on here.  I think most of the CR posters are where they've always been on the spectrum.  What your guy would do well to recognize is there are millions and millions of not necessarily pro-Biden supporters, but former RINO's, Libertarians, and politically active independents who turn out but never align one way or the other.  They are the ones who tipped the last election.  And a great slice of life of them is on this very forum.  Educated suburbanites who merely looked at the landscape and thought, "I say and do dumb shit, but celebrating stupidity is a different animal altogether."  This time around, the strategy will be slightly different.  He gets his 50mm (25mm batshit MAGA and 25mm straight-ticket no matter what) and Biden gets the 'Turn out the Vote/Youth/Rock the Vote/Etc." bullshit.  This time, it all comes down to shaming the middle 25mm Trump voters that know better but held their nose the last 2 times.  It's a tightwire act, you get in their face and most of them will vote for him not because they like him anymore but to spite their friends/family/coworkers/neighbors they feel disrespect them.  But a few million with a soul will actually sit it out because they just can't reconcile his bullshit with their values, hard as that is for many lefty CR's to accept. 

I get your point, maybe the far left will take this as a mandate to go further left.  Who knows?  But a few million Americans who still have a shred of decency will sit this one out instead of pulling for Trump.  And it's game over.  And he dies.  And then the next battle begins, particularly with that lower 25mm of his base that was previously non/rare voting blocs.  In poor taste, I used to say we should put them on trains to re-education or labor camps.  That they should be excluded from society.  But we need their menial skill set, people would decry.  We can't function without stupids.  They have a place and we must sustain their existence.  And alas, Babylon.  Artificial Intelligence comes along just as we need to eradicate 25mm Americans from the economy and society.  It'll make for a wonderful screenplay and an even better reality.  25mm Maga acolytes go up in smoke...if ever there were that many...

Biden will win the next election, I have no doubt about that.   Another 4 years of gritting teeth and waiting for the (hopeful) very hard swing the other way that could follow.  

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If Biden does win, obviously a Democrat would be an odds-on favorite.  But what almost no American realizes is that no Democrat has ever taken office from a living Democrat in office in 172 years.  Obviously there've been Democrats who've taken over for fellow Democrats after a death in office.  But it could be up to 172 years whenever XYZ runs after Biden leaves office in 2029.  That's crazy to me.  Obviously, past performance is no guarantee of future results.  But it does call into question---as we've discussed at length...once Trump loses this election and/or dies........and assuming he quite bitching like an 7th grade girl........where does the GOP go from there.  Because the Democratic party is still vulnerable, even after Biden's age gives out.  They are merely a tool for defeating evil for many of us. 

Do they regroup and kinda, sorta try to maintain the MAGA movement while tilting back to some semblance of normalcy, do they pretend like the whole last 10 years never happened ("Dinner with Donald Trump?  Nah, never heard of him).  Do they actually have a legit splinter and form two parties?  It's happened before in our country but it's been a long damn while.  We weren't always this fractioned.  Do they go all in again for MAGA nation as the only path forward?  Do they try to work with Democrats to actually achieve something positive as we head into our next global war?  There's no path forward for the current GOP regime if Trump loses/dies and the 2030 census and subsequent redraw play out as expected.  They are starting to show rumblings internally of self-doubt but they can't show all their cards while DJT is running actively for 2024.  But just as the myriad prosecutors of Trump's trials are running out of time, so too is the GOP leadership.   We all know what trump will do...he'll deflect, whine, and claim 'stolen'.   That's a known quantity.  What remains to be seen is what precisely the GOP will do in November/December/January.  There is literally no plan other than to follow him, but he dies soon enough.  And I can tell you for a fact, they can't make a contingency plan yet.......they have one.........but they're afraid it'll get leaked to him.  Rats in corners.  That's how this all plays out.    

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43 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Biden will win the next election, I have no doubt about that.   Another 4 years of gritting teeth and waiting for the (hopeful) very hard swing the other way that could follow.  

Can't wait to get back to the good ol days of nazis marching in the streets, eh?


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Just now, Captainant said:

Can't wait to get back to the good ol days of nazis marching in the streets, eh?


LOL  EvErYoNe I dIsAgReE wItH iS a FaScHiSt!!!!1!1

Cant wait to stop paying for the college of fucking lol deadbeats.  Bonus to replace a long tooth justice or two with some younger blood.

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1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

LOL  EvErYoNe I dIsAgReE wItH iS a FaScHiSt!!!!1!1

Cant wait to stop paying for the college of fucking lol deadbeats.  Bonus to replace a long tooth justice or two with some younger blood.

You literally just said you want things to"swing hard" the other way from Biden. You let me know the predominant theme among the hard right. I hear they're very fine people. 

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1 minute ago, StassneyHorn said:

How are you paying for other people’s college? You mean your kids?

Taxes.  Goes to the govt.  To relieve deadbeats of their debts.   Pretty simple.  

But yeah, I've got my kids covered, too, which is fine. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Taxes.  Goes to the govt.  To relieve deadbeats of their debts.   Pretty simple.  

But yeah, I've got my kids covered, too, which is fine. 

So both public and private banks get your tax dollars when a loan is forgiven? Or does the interest that is 3x the principal amount cover some losses for both public and private? How much did you give in FY 2023?

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