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I have no idea if I already posted this on this thread or a previous year. but the bomb pot hand that got me to stop playing them entirely was just the most insane set up.  

I know that after the flop there were at least 5 folks still playing and Ive completely forgotten how the betting went on the turn, but it ended up being a 3 way all in with the two absolutely loosest/stupidest players against me.

I had more than $700 behind both players had me covered.  and this was back when table max buy was $300...

my hand was 77xx  with me having the only over card flush draw that could be on 1 board.

The 2 boards flop were

T, 7, 3

8, 7, 2

turn was 2 up top, 3 on the bottom.

I remember I was the last to announce pot/ allin... and both guys took forever to decide to call off something like $500 more. I potted because both of these idiots call stupid loose in omaha bomb pots.

While the dealer was trying to figure out the main and side pots these 2 morons both table their hand....

and I say hand because thats literally what it was.  


T, 8, 3, 2. both guys had the same... fucking... hand.   FOUR PAIR and like I said, the only flush draw out there I believe I had covered.   They see my hand and both groan


River T up top 8 on bottom....

literal perfect 1 out, 1 out bink to dice me up and chop me out.    and i just sat there stunned.... and walked out for the night...

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The Lodge bad beat got hit on Tuesday in Austin in PLO. Guy flopped the steel wheel and they other guy had the higher straight flush with a 67. The whole room got $200. I missed it by an hour. Deeeep sigh. I don't think they're going to do another another bad beat any time soon. Was in the high $200k area.

Edited by MagicSoccerSpray
Posted (edited)

yes this is TLDR

had a crazy roller coaster session that in the span of about 15 hands  I was low and high.

original buyin was $300, about 10 hands of me folding  and  then Sam the used car dealer shows up... and to say hes action is a massive understatement.... 
hes the type that either drops 3k on the table or cleans everyone out. 
i top off to 500, and another full rotation goes by where I have nothing and he keeps opening for 15/25/50 and then firing at every flop. hes up/down until finally I am the button with j9cc.  hes made it 15 from EP, 2 callers and I decide I want to play heads up with him.  I make it $75. clears everyone but him out. 
flop is J-2-5 he leads out for $50, and I know he likes to call with any draw, so I pop it to $110 to keep him along. he calls, 
turn is a 3 giving a non-club draw as well. 
He checks and I bet $140... and he calls  river is kind of aggravating, its a non flush 6. 
he checks again... and that board is so in his 2 pair, straight wheelhouse, I check back and win as he insta mucks. Im sitting aroud 830
the very next hand I get KK.  several limps until Sam (who added on $100)  makes it $50....next, crotchety old fuck, who overplays his hands a lot, makes it $125.  
I call bcause  I know sam is gonna jamf ro 275 ish. - he always does in this spot.  except this time one of the other aggressive guys who has me covered. jams first.  sam snap calls , so does old fuck. and with this group no fucking way am I folding KK.
we run it once. the jammer had 66. Sam has A8hh, old fuck who had another $400 behind doesnt show... and I table the KK.    3 side pots.  Sam in for 270, Old F in for 537, me in for $835. 
AQ742 board.   I win the top side pot. for 596.  OF shows AQ to scoop the rest. 
Sam reboys for 500, wins 120ish on his next hand.. and I then play the next hand with him where he makes it $35 to go from SB..
3 callers including me with J2dd as last to act.   - I want to play hands with him. 
flop is Kd Qd Th.  Sam bets out $50, folds to me, I jam, he calls so fast I have to be dead....nope    Hes got 9-7dd. 
turn K, river.... J... he scoops.   fuck. 
I rebuy for 500, and he loses ~800 on his next hand...  hes down to $300 and I  promptly lose ~$300 to him when I jam with AK off and he snap calls with A3o.. hits his 3..... sigh. 
I addon to 500, win a decent hand immediately  to get up to $700. 
very next hand I am BB and 2 limpers,  Sam makes it $20 in LP,  SB calls, I have JTss.. 
I just call, 1 other caller. 
flop is JcTc3s,
checks to him, He bets $50,  folds to me... 
I make it $125.  folds to him, he calls.  turn is a 3d.   
I bet out $190 he calls.  river is a 2x  
I shove, he snap calls... and mucks when I show top 2. 
i win a few more small ones but Sam gets felted 1 more time and leaves before I can play another with him.   I leave with $1397.....  exactly 97 positive. 
it could have been worse... but dammit poker gods, it should have been so much better. 
TL;DR, in for 1300 out for 1397. after losing 3 huge hands where I was a 70% or better fav to not lose. 
Edited by AUS-97HORN

so the poker gods have rewarded me after I made a really big laydown.

played on sat night, lost 300 on my first hand, rebought for 400, about 1 rotation later the guy who I had lost the 300 to has been opening way too often and way too light, I make it 15 from EP with AKhh.   2 callers, he then makes it 75. and folds to me, i jam, everyone folds, he calls 

the runout was rainbow low cards  i show the AK, he mucks,   

I win another all in a few mins later on the button with J9hh having 3 bet to 55 against an action player, we both started with similar chip stacks, so 600 ish.

he called and  flop came Qh Th 3x, he checked, i bet out $50, he insta raised to $125, and I then 3 bet all in, he called with QTo.    we run it once, Ah turn, brick river. 

then the hand of the night. Ive lost a bit down to $1100 ish,  villian is an older guy who is both a calling station, a drawing station and any 2 cards he likes, he plays. 

Im UTG and look down at KK. min click to $5 because I expect some action behind.  Old guy who also has ~$1100 is behind. makes it $15, 3 callers and it comes around to me, I insta raise to $75....

and the old guy just grabs a stack of green. it was 9 or 10 of them. doesnt count it, doesnt think twice and doesnt even pull back the 15,  folds to me.... and ive been playing with this guy for 2 years, he has NEVER 4 bet pre. and ive only seen him do it one other time when he had the absolute nuts on the river. 

I announced  I am going to do something ive never done and I fold the KK faceup... whole table full of regulars is giving me absolute total shit... until Charles flips over AA as hes throwing it into the muck.... HOT DAMN that felt good, i should have been felted that hand.   left after losing another 100 in a pot, in for 700 out for 920. 

played today, and won a 4 way all in early on where 1 person had $45 left and the others all had what I had, 300ish.  i was up against JJ, Kjo and 3rd hand never showed, with QQ.  take it down.  a while later i snap call a large river 2x pot bluff with 3rd pair against a kid who i found out later is a very accomplished tournament player, supposedly with more than 2.5m in winnings (no idea who he is). 

and finally I limp 3 bet with AJo from LP for $60, 1 caller,  not the initial better, the SB who is very active, young, and spewy.  flop is Ah Ks Qs, he checks I bet $50, he snap raises to $200 with another $250 behind.   I just decide hes bluffing his ass off... and I shove... he snap calls beating me into the pot.   uh oh.....

we run it once, turn 3d, river 5x  and he flips over A6ss.     I was only supposed to win that hand 1 in 3 times and this was the time I won. 

in for 300 out for 1680 after 2.5 hours. 


Nice! Two questions: why do you think you’re only winning the AJ hand 1 time in 3? And why if you thought his 200 on the flop was a bluff would you jam instead of call and let him bluff the rest in on the turn?


A6ss on a  A Ks Qs board wins 43% of the time, and ties 23% against AJo...  meaning AJo wins outright only 34% and yes i looked it up. 


when I asked him how much he had behind there was a.... hesitation at answering...  and I had to ask him to lift his arms up so I could get an idea of how much he had behind.  i took that to mean he wasnt super happy with his hand. 

also hes highly capable of having TsXs there and once hes bet that much, he cant fold. 

but in hindsight, despite technically being ahead, was a hell of a lot more behind that I thought I was.

I purposely chose to run it once because he snap called so fast I thought I was up against JT- and he never actually showed until the board ran out. 

and I was thinking I was dead to 3 outs so I could only win 1 time.   instead i was ahead and dodging 12 kill outs and 9 chop outs

not the best answer.


I see on the 1/3, I just think of chops as splitting the equity. Fair!

On the other, if we think he has bluffs, we are just making him fold those by jamming, so I still don’t quite get the “I thought he was bluffing so I jammed” haha. And obv our equity doesn’t change no matter how many times we run it, so I never care what hand they have for that.

  • Hook 'Em 1

To expound - if our opponent is polarized to strong hands and bluffs, raising is a huge error (unless we think he is over bluffing and we can’t beat a lot of his bluffs).

Imagine a game where there are 3 cards, ace, king, queen. Opp bets. We have king. Whether we should call or fold depends on his strategy with ace and queen. But we should never raise bc he will simply call (or reraise if allowed) with ace and fold with queen.

A bet should always be able to fold out better or get called by worse. I suppose we got called by “worse” but as you note Axss isn’t behind in equity and is the only worse hand that calls.

  • Hook 'Em 2

I cant remember if I have seen a discussion on this site or not regarding that Supreme Court lawyer's indictment for tax fraud regarding millions of poker winnings. Story is wild, and this article from airmail.news recapping the story is fucking great. With a good screen play and the right director, you could make a fantastic movie. What a degen


His response to the lawyer suing Dan Bilzerian for throwing that chick off the roof is classic:


“I am genuinely sorry that your client was hurt,” Goldstein began. “No one wants to see anyone injured. But the suggestion that Mr. Bilzerian is responsible for the injury is embarrassing. I’m sorry she made you suggest it in writing.

“So like your client,” he continued, “the facts of the claim won’t, quite, fly. The tape shows the two carefully practicing this flight of fancy under Hustler’s direction, and your client expressly agreeing to go ahead. In legal lingo, she assumed the risk.”

Goldstein went on to dispute that Griffith had lost any earnings at all, citing her Twitter feed: “Just trust me that her recent missives with the hashtags ‘#deepthroat,’ ‘#fatpussies’ and ‘#NSFW’ … suggest that her career is gangbusters.” He concluded that “if she sues, the complaint will be sanctionably frivolous” before going on to say that Bilzerian would sue her back for “every last bit of property” and would then “probably blow it up with a mortar in the desert.” He signed off, “I enjoyed our brief correspondence.”



Just read that story the other day. Holy fuck, he may be the biggest degen of all time. 

What’s funny/sad about the whole thing is he lost way more than he won but if you win $10 million one year and lose $20 million the next year you still owe tax on that $10 million. And if you win $10 million and lose $10 million in one year and you don’t technically owe any taxes you’re in a world of shit if you don’t file properly like this guy. 


Finally watched the full vid. I never go on the run on her shoes bc I lose 100.0% of the time to the dullard who flats a huge raise out of position with T2o then check jams no pair no draw over a bet into four players and picks up the gutter on the turn. That river is a 3 for me always.


Had a pretty good night at TCH.

Played in the big o tournament. Only about 20 people played, but with rebuys the prize pool ended up at $3500. I jumped out with a bunch of dumb luck and was chipleader at the beginning. I went card dead for a bit and most the players that remained caught up. We got to the final table and I finally got some cards. 

Got AdQhJTh2d and potted preflop. Got one caller and a short stack repotted and I repotted all in. I had around $150k and short stack was around $60k. Other caller thinks for a while and folds. He shows AK532. Board goes Q9972 and I scoop with a pair of queens.

Next hand I get A3468. A bigO noob pots it preflop and I call. Flop is 982 giving me pair and nut low draw. I pot it and he calls. Turn is a 6 he checks and I pot with the nut low and two pair. He tanks and ends up calling. River is a 4, he checks and I pot again, putting me all in, he tanks for a bit and then folds. He says the 4 saved me as it counterfeited his low so he didn't call.  I show the A3 for the nut low and he then says good thing the 4 showed up as he would have called if it hadn't. He had 1 pair for his high.

A few hands later I get ATd943d. I raise preflop and get one caller. Solid older player but not really good at bigo. Flop is a bingo 8d32d giving me the nut low, a diamond draw and a wheel draw. I'm trying to figure out how much I can bet to get him to call and before I have a chance he pots it. I call. Turn is a 7 giving me an open ended strait draw. He pots, I repot and he calls. He shows AAK32, no diamonds. River is a wonderful jack of hearts and I scoop with the nut nut.

I go from a slightly below average stack of $150k to $563k in three hands. We were down to 4 and one player lives in Bastrop and wanted to get home so we go ahead and ICM chop and I get $1200. Pretty damn good for a $120 buy in and $50 add on.

Head over to the big o cash game and deck once again hits me in the face. Run up $300 to $840 in about an hour and head home at midnight up around $1600 for the day. Best day I've had in quite a while.

  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Like 1

Brad Owen made the final table in the Lodge 5k tourney yesterday, but there were only 28 runners, so that even though the final table was 6 handed only the top 4 walked with anything.  top place getting just shy of $60k



as seems to have to happen to win a tourney, the eventual winner of the tournament kept getting the card or cards he needed, with his opponent having decent enough holdings to lose it all to him.



I use the 5 second skip feature a lot when watching a replay, so you can see all the relevant hands in less than 10 mins.







On 2/28/2025 at 10:51 AM, AUS-97HORN said:

Brad Owen made the final table in the Lodge 5k tourney yesterday, but there were only 28 runners, so that even though the final table was 6 handed only the top 4 walked with anything.  top place getting just shy of $60k



as seems to have to happen to win a tourney, the eventual winner of the tournament kept getting the card or cards he needed, with his opponent having decent enough holdings to lose it all to him.



I use the 5 second skip feature a lot when watching a replay, so you can see all the relevant hands in less than 10 mins.







I've played a ton of bigo and plo with San

On 2/28/2025 at 10:51 AM, AUS-97HORN said:

as seems to have to happen to win a tourney, the eventual winner of the tournament kept getting the card or cards he needed, with his opponent having decent enough holdings to lose it all to him.

My general strategy in poker tournaments is to run good and get one or two timely suck outs. 

It seems to work. See, e.g.:


  • Hook 'Em 1

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