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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.


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1 hour ago, C-Man said:

So my wife and I watched the STOPPING THE STEAL documentary movie on HBO this evening. Even though there was nothing really new, it is still infuriating and I want to Trump get everything bad that's coming to that orange shit-stain. No deals, no pardons!

There were some deeper conversations with several of the people who were in charge of the election in Maricopa County in 2020, mostly the Republicans. They also spoke with Rusty Stowers, the then-Speaker of the House in Arizona. I'll give them credit -- they held the line under terrible pressure from Trump and his shit-head goof squad. There were interviews with Raffensperger and another then-Trump/GOP'er who was handling the daily press briefings -- his name and title escapes me. They did their jobs too.

My wife was wondering if she can convince her parents to watch STOPPING THE STEAL and see what they say. If they would, it might make a difference in how they vote. Might. But I doubt they'd last more than 10-15 mins before turning it off. They're pretty much lost at this point.

I did too.

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7 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

God help us if any of us ran for public office and they dug around we had said on random message boards.

That being said, reading his posts, I'm like WTF?  I've never seen anything like that on here or Hornfans.

5 hours ago, 'stache said:

I was asked to consider running for a local office a few years ago and my legit first thought was “what if they find my surly handle?”

I mean, if it didn't stop Fitlump...🤷‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Chopper said:

Mark Robinson refused to withdraw. 


I'm going to laugh if this helps cost the Republicans NC's 15 electoral votes.

And this is not even the weirdest fetish concerning a Republican I've heard in the last 24 hours, although the "Black Nazi" and all of the ass-to-mouth stuff with the sister-in-law was taking it to an 10.5, not gonna lie.

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2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

If the Robinson story leak was really an attempt by some in the state GOP to get him to quit, they obviously waited too late to get the story out. Resigning  takes days if not a week. He wasn’t going to quit within hours.

They might have thought that if they gave him too much time, he'd be able to circle the wagons and/or get Trump to weigh in against the state GOP.

Drop it within 24 hours of the deadline, hope he gets no support from Trump and Co., and then he bails. Maybe promise him something in return, with the idea that he has no time to come up with any alternative.

Problem for them is that he's now finished in politics.  He'll never win another election again - he might as well roll the dice and stay in the election and see if he can pull it off.



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8 hours ago, BamaATL said:

Call political trade craft or what you will, the timing of this "discovery" by the GOP doesn't make any sense.  The thought that they'd be vetting their own candidate on the eve of it being impossible to pull him makes no sense at all.  Someone has had this info for a while, and leaked it now because it's damaging no matter which direction the NC GOP goes.  If they pull their candidate, it's pure chaos, if they stand by the black Nazi, it's political suicide.  The timing of this is beautiful for Dems, and that's no accident.  I don't doubt for a second the veracity of the damning report and allegations, this is who this guy is.  However, someone has had this ace in the hole for a while, and leaked/released it at the exactly correct time.  

the best time to drop it would have been next Monday, imo.

7 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Nuzzi is the ultimate political starfucker as a journalist, so this is not surprising. 

You say that, but she fucked rfk jr. 

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