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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.


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My dad and his friends refuse to call turnip by his name. They only call him “45” lol

Same. My friends all call him “tfg”.

To outsiders we say it’s short for “the former guy.”

But we all know it’s “that fucking guy.”
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Just remember that Elon was an illegal immigrant himself. He overstayed his visa for an unknown amount of time because he refuses to address it. And the govt have privacy policies so they won’t comment on his past immigration problems.
 But he sees himself differently. And I agree that Elon has been tremendously successful, still an understatement, and shows that we want hard working immigrants in this country.

Class position of the privileged. The rules should apply to others, not me. The modern gqp foundation.
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5 minutes ago, Tuco said:

The one poll that shows Trump leading in PA, AtlasIntel, has Trump with a slight lead with men and leading with women by 6-7.  

That polling firm has only polled 1 presidential race and they do opt-in polling via social media. They have Trump getting 45% of the black vote in PA lol

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15 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

I think Florida flips....I had it as a meme about 2-3 weeks ago but I think it could legit happen.

I will say this, both campaigns are buying media here.  So they must think it's in play to a certain degree.   Trump enthusiasm is down for sure, but I still think those supporters still vote, they just don't want to wear the team colors.

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I know this full interview was posted earlier, but some comments about this clip. 

Mark Cuban is great here. He's not "triggered" or angry, he is patient and friendly with Vonn, and succinctly states his issues with Donald Trump without coming off as arrogant or mean. 

But just watch Theo fucking Vonn. 


Cuban: "Trump has ripped off a lot of people I know."

Vonn: "There have been a lot  alleged issues with contractors."

Cuban "No, people I know have been ripped off." Tells story of co-worker having to sue Trump for not paying her $4 million. 

Vonn:  "But how does someone benefit from behaving like that?"

Cuban says this is who Trump is and all he knows. He was born rich. 

Vonn: "He always had good hair. Rich people always have good hair."  Cuban laughs off a bad joke and total deflection. 

Cuban lists off Trump businesses that have ripped off hardworking Americans. He incredulously laughs at Trump's commemorative coin bullshit. 

Vonn: "That's gangster, bro."


What a fucking joke. Cuban comes on the show in good faith, and Vonn returns the favor by having absolutely no desire to genuinely discuss any of his factual points. Vonn's instincts are to defend Trump, doubt any criticism, and call him a "gangster" with "great hair." 

Vonn's listeners will not take Cuban seriously if Vonn himself doesn't. Which makes these type of interviews pointless IMO.

Idiocracy on full display. I now get why Kamala or Walz shouldn't entertain going on Rogan, Vonn, or any other podcast from these clowns. The fix is already in with these piece of shit Trump apologists. 


Edited by Hank Kingsley
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13 minutes ago, locodos said:

I will say this, both campaigns are buying media here.  So they must think it's in play to a certain degree.   Trump enthusiasm is down for sure, but I still think those supporters still vote, they just don't want to wear the team colors.

Harris needs massive margins from registered NPA voters and Republican defections to win. The available data from Florida is pointing to this playing out.

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30 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

I think Florida flips....I had it as a meme about 2-3 weeks ago but I think it could legit happen.

Seems like we are in spitting distance of picking off the Senate seat.  That would be a great outcome considering what the state has become since the 2018 election.

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27 minutes ago, Js1 said:

NYT endorses Harris. Kinda surprised, considering their coverage of her 

Come on now. I'm a daily Times reader and while they are incredibly frustrating in trying to "well, both sides" arguments from time to time, there was no doubt they were going to endorse Harris over Trump. 

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7 minutes ago, Zonahorn said:

Harris needs massive margins from registered NPA voters and Republican defections to win. The available data from Florida is pointing to this playing out.

we need a fingers crossed emoji

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18 minutes ago, Zonahorn said:

Harris needs massive margins from registered NPA voters and Republican defections to win. The available data from Florida is pointing to this playing out.

Reminds me of the one FL mayor race (don't recall which city) - the voting data looked awful and like the GOP was going to win going away, but the Dem won on the strength of NPA and Republican defections.

Persuasion is just as important as turnout. 

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20 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Come on now. I'm a daily Times reader and while they are incredibly frustrating in trying to "well, both sides" arguments from time to time, there was no doubt they were going to endorse Harris over Trump. 

"No doubt?"

They've been negative coverage of Harris non-stop - from their vendetta against Biden not doing an interview with them to determine if he was mentally capable of being POTUS for another 4 years, to even her spurning them for non-traditional media sit-downs and CNN/MSNBC instead. 

I half figured a no endorsement over Trump.  The NYT has acted like a jilted ex spouse when it comes to Biden/Harris.

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36 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

 I now get why Kamala or Walz shouldn't entertain going on Rogan, Vonn, or any other podcast from these clowns. The fix is already in with these piece of shit Trump apologists. 


If you watch that episode, Vonn says that Kamala's people have reached out and he is interested in having her on. So I wouldn't be surprised if she comes on.

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2 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

If you watch that episode, Vonn says that Kamala's people have reached out and he is interested in having her on. So I wouldn't be surprised if she comes on.

Well, good for her and I appreciate the effort. 

But highly unlikely Von acts in good faith, and I doubt the interview would be impactful in any way. In the end this about making money for him and he knows where his bread is buttered. 


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18 minutes ago, Js1 said:

"No doubt?"

They've been negative coverage of Harris non-stop - from their vendetta against Biden not doing an interview with them to determine if he was mentally capable of being POTUS for another 4 years, to even her spurning them for non-traditional media sit-downs and CNN/MSNBC instead. 

I half figured a no endorsement over Trump.  The NYT has acted like a jilted ex spouse when it comes to Biden/Harris.

Yeah, they are annoying about Biden/Harris more often than they should be (and NYT pitchbot is hilarious) but the overwhelming majority of coverage is anti-Trump and calling him out for his bullshit. Maybe I'm old school, but the newspaper of record should be questioning things like Biden's mental faculties after the first debate. Hell, we're his biggest fans on here and we were questioning it.

Edited by SimonBolivar
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3 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Yeah, they are annoying about Biden/Harris more often than they should be (an NYT pitchbot is hilarious) but the overwhelming majority of coverage is anti-Trump and calling him out for his bullshit. Maybe I'm old school, but the newspaper of record should be questioning things like Biden's mental faculties after the first debate. Hell, we're his biggest fans on here and we were questioning it.

Yup... it does seem like he's aging quickly and I think Biden has been great.  By the way, if you didn't see Dana Carvey do Biden this weekend, do yourself a favor.  It was really good.  

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The GOP has been working the media refs since Ronald Reagan became President. 

MSM has expectations of Democrats, and absolutely none for Republicans.  Only one party is supposed to play by the rules. It's as simple as that. The game is rigged. 



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The start of the NYT OpEd Board piece on endorsing Harris pretty much sums it all up:



It is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than Donald Trump. He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks its occupant to put the good of the nation above self-interest. He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities — wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline — that he most lacks.

Those disqualifying characteristics are compounded by everything else that limits his ability to fulfill the duties of the president: his many criminal charges, his advancing age, his fundamental lack of interest in policy and his increasingly bizarre cast of associates.

This unequivocal, dispiriting truth — Donald Trump is not fit to be president — should be enough for any voter who cares about the health of our country and the stability of our democracy to deny him re-election.

For this reason, regardless of any political disagreements voters might have with her, Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice for president.


Edited by SimonBolivar
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1 hour ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

My impossible-to-verify prediction: the North Carolina destruction changes more voting behavior (either preventing people from reaching polls, spurring people to get to polls, or changing minds) than the winner's margin in that state. 

Unfortunately,  I think Helene is going to drive NC voters to vote for Trump.  Nevermind that he wouldn't have done a damn thing to help or fix the problems Helene caused

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26 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:


This is good. Go further. Talk more about legalizing marijuana. 




the odds of getting stoners to …

1. register

2. go back and try to register again after not having the proper paper work 

3. show up and actually vote 



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Just now, Macanudo said:

Unfortunately,  I think Helene is going to drive NC voters to vote for Trump.  Nevermind that he wouldn't have done a damn thing to help or fix the problems Helene caused


the storm washed out the hillbillies, not the cities and university towns 

the people hit the hardest were already voting for trump and don’t forget ….


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7 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

Unfortunately,  I think Helene is going to drive NC voters to vote for Trump.  Nevermind that he wouldn't have done a damn thing to help or fix the problems Helene caused

Is there anything behind your hunch, or just the generail malaise of fear? Even anecdotal evidecne?

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1 hour ago, Js1 said:

"No doubt?"

They've been negative coverage of Harris non-stop - from their vendetta against Biden not doing an interview with them to determine if he was mentally capable of being POTUS for another 4 years, to even her spurning them for non-traditional media sit-downs and CNN/MSNBC instead. 

I half figured a no endorsement over Trump.  The NYT has acted like a jilted ex spouse when it comes to Biden/Harris.

why u no lik trump calls me daily?


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11 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

the storm washed out the hillbillies, not the cities and university towns 

Shit, Asheville got demolished homie

2 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

Here's the map of flooding

Severe flooding from Helene hits western NC; App State/Liberty game  canceled | WAVY.com


here's the map of voting.  obviously, western NC is blue Asheville and red elsewhere.

North Carolina Election Results 2020: Maps show how state voted for  president


Damn you watching Wavy 10

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